Andy Dougan's done a good job at giving a great insight into the mind of one Hollywoods greatest movie directors in his book, "Martin Scorsese - The making of his movies".Martin Scorsese has been credited with directing notable hits such as Goodfellas, The Last Temptation of Christ, Casino, Raging Bull ,Taxi driver and The Departed and he certainly deserves the sort of appreciation and study in Andy's book. From excerpts and interviews, Andy Dougan draws a depth of insight into the man, mind and works of Scorsese.You'll learn about his background, his religious inclinations, his vulnerability and childhood experiences and how they affect his choice and style of filming.You can also see for yourself, how the hand of providence stirs a passion in a sickly child ,gently guiding him into his purpose. Martin Scorsese - The making of his movies is a must read for anyone who aspires to be a great film director and also for those who like to explore a classic tale of rags to riches. I give this book a 4 Star rating. - Reviewed by Dan Abia

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