100 essential Japanese words with their meanings that a foreigner might need when visiting Japan. 🔹 Basic Greetings & Politeness こんにちは (Konnichiwa) – Hello おはようございます (Ohayou gozaimasu) – Good morning こんばんは (Konbanwa) – Good evening さようなら…
Dear Honorable Sirs, Mr. Waltz, I stood with you in Normandy this last June for the 80th anniversary of D Day. You jumped from a C-47 over Mont Saint-Michel alongside two of my parachutist daughters. Mr. Rubio, I have long respected and…
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100 essential Japanese words with their meanings that a foreigner might need when visiting…
Dear Honorable Sirs, Mr. Waltz, I stood with you in Normandy this last June for the 80th…
Invest in Premium Domains Do you know you can make 20% on every purchase on dotifi.com from…
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