The Edo State Police Command has arrested a 55-year-old man, Osaro Ahuwa for burning down the house of his estranged wife, Uyi Tina. LIB reported that the incident occurred on New Year’s Day a day after Tina, an Italy-based businesswoman returned…
Businessman, Dilly Umenyiora, has gifted his fiancee, Anastasia Malandrenia, a 2025 Range Rover autobiography. Anastasia shared the good news on her Instagram page this night According to her, Dilly turns all her wishes into reality. Posting a video…
Peter Obi, the Labour Partys presidential candidate in the 2023 general elections, has spoken about the challenges he faces daily being an opposition figure in Nigeria, disclosing that he has made personal sacrifices as a result. Speaking during a…
The Family of a 54-year-old woman, Adiat Abiola Babatanisewu has declared her missing. According to a family member who spoke to LIB, Mrs Adiat was last seen in Aboru Lagos State on the 17th Dec 2024. If you have any information on her whereabouts,…