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Instant SignUp So easy to register and use, you’ll be up and socialising in a minute! Then, you can start inviting friends to join you on 9jabook right away. Be Heard Reach out to people everyday by advertising with us. It's free, effective and easy to get started! Turn your friends into potential customers.


5+ Apps Our apps include Search Forums, Blogs, Pages, Questions, Ideas, Photos, Videos, webkudi, and more. Use just a few that you need, or all of them. It’s up to you. 20K Members Strong We’ve been in this social business since 2008, and over 20000 members and about 3,000,000 vistors have trusted us and our partner sites to drive their online social business media experience.


Public or PrivateYou can let the whole world view and contribute to your contents, or limit access to your friends or registered members. Create a privacy blend that works for you. Moderation Using our moderation feature, you get to decide who joins your Group or not. This makes it easy to determine who or not is eligible to contribute to your Group.

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Developers We're not limited to just the apps we’ve already built for you. You can use our APIs to create 3rd party tools and add new apps to suit the unique needs of others

Fanatic Support If you need any help along the way, you can reach us anytime. We’re committed to your satisfaction, and we’ll spend as much time as it takes to guarantee your satisfaction.

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