Profile Chika Uche

Profile Chika Uche :
Chika Uche, (a.k.a. Dudu) is a Belgian based Producer, Director and Actor. He was exposed to writing from an early stage in his life being part of a creative community of singers, actors and African Traditional Performers in the Niger-Delta Region of Nigeria.
Fired by these numerous artistic influences, Chika chunned out his first script writing aged 14. He went further, guided by strong artistic heritage to produce the film "Udungwo", a work that he still cherishes till date.
Convinced that film-making was no one-night stand, Chika Uche pursued further studies in Belgium in other to realize his passion and dream for Film-Making. Meanwhile his love of script-writing took the better of him that today he has some 5 films in varying stages of film development. These are: I killed a ghost, Trapped Abroad, Add more time, The black cowboy, And The Same Day which is currently being produced.

Synopsis : “ The Same Day ”

Fred Cobalt is finally being released from prison. Fred was one of the most powerful and respected drug-dealers in the underworld.
He lost most of his friends and connections, so nobody is waiting for him .
During his ride home Fred tells a Taxi driver the story of his life full of drugs, violence and betrayal.
A Teaser
 “Trailer” from the movie The Same Day :

Click the link below to watch the trailer    :
Cinema release is expected September 2012 in Belgium and March 2013 in Nigeria.

Edward cuypersstraat 16, Oostende
+32 484 266 149 - Cudmovies Int
Website :

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