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            As a person thinks in his heart so is he. Have a mindset of what you want always. Don't let what people say about you, enter you. Because no matter what, they would always talk.           Hear what they have to say about you and take corrections but don't let them determine your pace in life. Have a mindset of these four things always.   .  I AM ALIVE   .   I AM FREE   .   I AM BLESSED   .   I HAVE ALL IT TAKES TO SUCCEED          So my dear teenagers, i want you to live your life…

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Today we would be talking about our to manage our and am sure by the end of this discussion we would learn something very useful in life. 1. Have a plan (definite) for your time and also have a time management technique.This would go a long way in helping you decide what you want to do,how you want it done and when it should be done. 2. Identify time wasters in your life.It can be television, games, friends, relaxation, books and even the internet. e.t.c. Don't be a time waster yourself. 3.…

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For "Teenagers" only.He knows he will Rock You !

He knows he will Rock You ! To the teenagers and the teens at heart out there,For the teenage years can be years of confusion... This is da game plan of the cool one, the disser of sorrows, the problem solver and he sure aint no revolver. He raps daily, hear hear ! Yo Yo ! To all the people in the house ! Come to the waters dear children and learn from my place, I have seen all the tears that have run down your face. I am with you, inside you, says the Lord, I say greater love has no man than…

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