Most people not know when the best time to use a condom..saying he is clean..she is clean there is no need to use a condom.I want to know from you.When is the right time/moment to use a condom?If im not a virgin do I still have to use a Condom?
My pa
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted
Sexually active individuals and individuals with multiple partners are at highest risk.
In men, chlamydia may produce symptoms of(discharge from penis or rectum, burning on urination or defecation), However, up t
Swingers! What do you think about the idea of swapping sex partners within their group,without knowing if someone has HIV/STD's.Most swingers are couples and married couples..but does it make it safe to swap sex partners and engage in this one big or
What is sex?Is it just something shared between two peoples?Is sex for pleasure or just to have babies..what is sex many people doesnt know sex. Many have different ideas and oppions of sex.To me sex can be all these things.Its is life don't feel ash
This question is asked mainly when your are beginning a serious relationship.rather you know it or not it is a very important question to ask your partner.A guy once told me he had been with over a hundred women.I had decided then I wouldnt be one mo
I read in an American magazine where a lady said Sex is healthy, arguing that sex makes her healthy, so i am asking if sex is healthy how many times do you think we should have it; daily, weekly, or monthly, then what about those who haven't had sex
I would like to begin this discussion on the affects of alcohol and drugs as to how it effect us and our safe sex practices.the first question is how can we use good judgment when we drunk or high on drugs.Next question is personal..can you make a cl
I need to ask this after getting a situational report from my friends in Finland and India...What i heard baffled me. I was told that white girls are begging black guys seriously for hot sex. They said the white girls always crave for sex everyday. T