na me o JB the only African WebOga (nigerian webmaster)
hope you had a good weekend ? mine was work,work and
work .I wont complain because i like work.
ok we have crossed the 700mark ! Hip Hop Hurrah.
There is more to come but let noel my lepa friend(skinny
pass victoria beckham) first tell you what is going on
with the female face of 9jabook competition.
"ok hi guys this is noel, This is the bomb we have some
hot ladies ! very very hot 9ja princesses out there.
goto the group page at
we hope to start voting by launch date 26th where we
will unveil the female face of 9jabook ! ok there is a
prize too. oops, did i say that ! !lol .ok i got to go
take care guys.JB don dey complain .ok back to Abi abi
na JB the weboga ! lol ! "
My sister thank you for your comments.
ok the mechanic workshop don dey do something
Newest additions to the site are
1.Set privacy see top right of page close to the
chat.you can set your privacy here.dis na for all those
toasters wey dey worry my fine naija sistas , we have a
dating site so make una go do una underG moves there
.www.naija2naija.com . oga babso and David take note una
know unaselves.lol !
2.There are a lot of websites that are very useful and
like 9jabook you have a share once you invite your five
unique members to join see these sites at the topleft of
the page!
3.The movie website is back, hold on, we are going to be
giving quality nigerian movies and broadcasts via our
internet TV!the site is up but we are still working on
it , you can upload movies and audio there now
4.Now you can buy stuff from ebay from Nigeria not only
ebay but a selection of websites from china too where
you can order things direct from the manufacturers ! yes
by this week we are launching www.9jabay.com .dont
forget the official launch of 9jabook is for the 26th of
July ! interested goto the group page .
5.Reminder to those that have not secured their five
unique friends which adhere to the rules we have laid
out for SHARING "MONEY" na una know o ! those shares
will go to another person,simple. dem say many are
called but few are ... .
The rules are simple:
"Each user gets equal share of 49percent of site
Profits. to activate invite 5 unique people, 5people !
You have to make them your friends .They must not be
people you met on 9jabook.and they must have a valid
photo ID on their profile.You also get one advert credit
when you join and that is not all ! U get a share of
other 9jabook sites and your own free website."
una don hear the gist o ! e dey happen here for 9jabook
.Nigerian facebook wey you get your own share inside too
. First in Nigeria,First in Africa,First in the Whole
World !
no other social network gives you part of it to own !
and for awoof too !
ok see una soon.
representing the babes
d bobos
gongo Aso
no be beans
no shaking
no fighting
no playing
trademark www.9jabook.com all parts of this website are
subject to all forms of yawa no formal represntation by
INEC EFCC , no more yahooze jamgbajitis plus all d othe
smesme .yeparipa o !