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The Bible says, “Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are” (James 5:17). Yet he was mightily used of God. This reference is talking about the time Elijah became so despondent that he asked God to kill him (1 Kin. 19:4). Elijah wasn’t perfect; yet he called fire down from heaven three times; he was the first person to raise someone from the dead; he caused the greatest revival in history up to that point; his word started and ended a three-year drought; he multiplied food miraculously; and he is one of only two men who never died—he was caught up alive into heaven. There is a lot we can learn from a man like this, both positive and negative. The Bible gives little background on Elijah. It wasn’t his pedigree or education that brought him into a position of influence and power. Elijah was nobody until he received a word from God. It was the revelation God gave him that put him into a position of leadership. Likewise, anyone who is born again, or baptized in the Holy Spirit, or has a good relationship with the Lord, has a revelation from God too. Just as Elijah’s revelation from God put him into a position of influence, anyone who has a revelation of God has the potential to influence others also. The only difference is that Elijah knew what he had and was bold enough to speak. Many of us have been intimidated by the ungodly. We aren’t boldly speaking the truth we have from the Lord. What if Elijah hadn’t spoken that prophecy to King Ahab? The drought may have occurred anyway, but Elijah wouldn’t have been able to use it to affect the nation. The people would have dismissed the drought as a natural occurrence. Elijah was bold enough to speak before there was any proof that what he was saying would come to pass. That took faith and great courage. When the drought came as promised, Elijah became the most sought after man in the nation: “As the LORD thy God liveth, there is no nation or kingdom, whither my lord hath not sent to seek thee: and when they said, He is not there; he took an oath of the kingdom and nation, that they found thee not” (1 Kin. 18:10). If we would speak forth the truths God has shown us, just like Elijah, the truths we speak would ultimately prevail. Elijah didn’t have all the answers or know what would happen next when he spoke the prophecy to King Ahab (1 Kin. 17:1). Ahab had forbidden worship of the true God, instituting Baal worship. He killed the prophets of the Lord, and Elijah was putting himself in harm’s way by obeying the Lord. It wasn’t until after Elijah delivered the word of the Lord, that God spoke to him about how He would protect and sustain him. First Kings 17:2-4 says, “And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.” One of the great lessons we can learn here is that God doesn’t reveal His complete plan immediately. He reveals His will to us one step at a time. After we obey the first step, He shows us the next. Why should the Lord show us step two or ten if we haven’t obeyed step one? That would just make us more accountable. So, don’t try to figure out the next step until you have acted on what you know to do now. That’s a powerful truth. The Lord told Elijah to go to the Brook Cherith. He had already commanded the ravens to bring Elijah bread and meat “THERE” every morning and evening. This was miraculous! What a provision during a terrible time! But notice this: The Lord didn’t send Elijah’s provision to where he was. A quarterback doesn’t throw the football to where the receiver is, but where the receiver is going. Elijah’s miracle wasn’t where he was but where the Lord was sending him. That’s awesome! Each of us has a place called “THERE,” where the blessings of the Lord are waiting. The Lord never fails to provide, but people often fail to receive because they aren’t all “THERE.” If Elijah had not gone to his place called “THERE,” his disobedience would not have stopped God’s faithfulness; however, he would not have received the provision; it was over “THERE,” by the Brook Cherith. This is exactly what is happening to many of us. The Lord has placed something on our hearts to say or do. But, if we haven’t obeyed, we aren’t in our place of “THERE.” We aren’t seeing God’s provision, because we aren’t in that place of obedience. I’ve heard many people say the Lord told them to attend Charis Bible College. But they just can’t see how it could happen. They want to see the Lord’s provision before they go “THERE.” That’s not how it works. Some of you are not seeing God’s provision because you aren’t doing what He has told you to do. This doesn’t mean the Lord is punishing you. If Elijah hadn’t gone “THERE,” he would have lost his provision. The Lord has provision for you too, but it’s “THERE.” This place called “THERE” changes. God changed the place and method of Elijah’s provision: “And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee” (1 Kin. 17:8-9). You can’t just seek the Lord once, hear His voice, step out in faith, and then stop listening. The Lord brings us into His perfect will step by step. Elijah moved when the Lord told him to move. This led Elijah to the city of Zarephath where he asked a widow to give him the last of her food. It looked like he was taking from this woman, but he was actually giving to her. Instead of this being her last meal before dying, the Lord multiplied this woman’s supplies, which kept her, her son, and Elijah alive for about three years (1 Kin. 17:15-16). What a great miracle! That wasn’t all the widow received. Her faithfulness in giving caused her son to be raised from the dead (1 Kin. 17:17-23). She had been operating in faith every day. She would use the last bit of oil and meal for Elijah and then find that there was always enough to make a cake for herself and her son. This was a great faith builder, which I’m sure figured into the miracle of her son. Elijah went on to call fire down from heaven and consume a sacrifice in the sight of all of the people of Israel (1 Kin. 18:36-38). The people who saw it cried out, “The Lord, He is the God. The Lord, He is the God.” They killed all the prophets of Baal, and the whole nation turned to the Lord. That same day, Elijah prayed and ended the drought by a great rain storm (1 Kin. 18:41-45). He was so pumped, he outran Ahab’s chariot in a twenty-mile race after Ahab had a head start. Elijah was excited! Here is a very important lesson: After great victories come great temptations. This is primarily because we lose our sense of humility and dependence upon God (1 Kin. 19:4). Elijah had successfully defied the king, his armies, his prophets, and all the people in the nation. But the next day, a note from a woman caused him to run in terror (1 Kin. 19:2-3). The Lord appeared to Elijah and asked, “What are you doing HERE, Elijah?” (1 Kin. 19:9). Elijah wasn’t “THERE” anymore. His place called “THERE” was back in Samaria. People were now worshiping the true God, but Elijah had run away in fear, leaving the people without a leader. This resulted in the Lord replacing Elijah with Elisha. Elijah’s ministry fell short of what it could have been. The Lord actually spoke to Elijah in an audible voice. He told him to do three things, one of which was to anoint Elisha to replace him (1 Kin. 19:15-16). Elijah anointed Elisha (1 Kin. 19:19), but didn’t do the other two things. That means Elijah failed in two-thirds of the things the Lord told him to do. That’s amazing. You might think this meant Elijah was washed up and was never used of God again. That’s not the case. Elijah went on to prophesy (1 Kin. 21:17-24), and he called the fire of God down two more times (2 Kin. 1:9-12). And most impressive of all, Elijah never died; he was caught up into heaven by a whirlwind (2 Kin. 2:11). This man, who failed miserably, still walked so closely with God that he never died. This speaks volumes to us. The Lord has never had anyone working for Him yet who was qualified. He uses us in spite of what we do, and not because of what we do. If we will hold on to our faith, we can still experience wonderful things from the Lord even after failing BIG TIME. What powerful truths.
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Its no news that internet giant, Yahoo! appointed a new Chief Executive Officer, Marissa Mayer, an American business executive. She’s only worked for 13-years in Google. She’s only 37 years old and that makes her the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500  company. She also oversaw the layout of Google’s search homepage. She also was Vice President of Local, Maps, and Location Services and, before that, Vice President of Search Products and User Experience all at Google. She has been a powerhouse of creativity and business acumen for one of the world’s most innovative companies, Google. Will that continue with Yahoo?

With her new mantle comes greater responsibility as she now placed at the prominence in Silicon Valley. What is more interesting now is that She’s expecting a baby boy in October, making her one of the first-ever pregnant women at the helm of a Fortune 500 company.  ”I like to stay in the rhythm of things,”…”My maternity leave will be a few weeks long, and I’ll work throughout it.” she said in an article with Europe’s Guardian Newspaper.

With all of these achievements, strides and accomplishments, one would hardly doubt her ability to save Yahoo! But does it really work that way? Will she save the ‘dying’ company?12166329682?profile=original

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The Tonto Dike Dirty Secrets movie

Something imitating an outrage is brewing about Tonto Dike, the light-skinned Nollywood actress with eminently kissable lips. Tonto–some contend her name is sexually evocative–is hardly a stranger to controversy. The imitation of the controversy brewing this time is Tonto’s role in a yet-to-be released movie, Dirty Secret. In the movie clip already uploaded on Youtube, the actress was shown in a steamy scene with Mura Obiekwe, swapping French kisses and showing fractionally little more flesh than is normally seen in Nigerian movies. The movie, produced by Sanga Entertainment, a US-based company, also featured Jibola Dabo. As at press time, it had recorded 45,201 views–hardly a viral hit. Obiekwe was also shown wearing a G-string revealing the upper part of his ass cheeks while passionately kissing another man.

The clip, with a running time of 65 seconds, has attracted varied reactions, especially on the social media. On Youtube, viewers accused it of promoting obscenity, which they allege is a product of the influence of relative explicitness of Ghanaian movies.

A viewer, who identified himself as “Devil Forbid,” wrote: “I am so ashamed, I was amongst the people critisising Ghana for their soft porn. Is this all about money, fame, or just emulating the western world? This is insane, proper Nollywood malfunction. I hope they put a ban on this movie and penalise the actors respectively. This is a sign of the end. Muna is kissing a man.” Pobosky 100, another viewer, wrote: “I hope you realise movies like this were created for controversy and creativity, and may or may not reflect the sexuality of the actors and writers of the movie. It’s not like incest and homosexuality isn’t occurring in Nigeria anyway, so this rant and pretence on display is sardonic.”

Gentlelyke85 was scathing, in less than gentle language. “Did I really just see that? Lord have mercy upon my eyes. Wow, what the f**ck are Africans doing in their movies these days. That’s so disgraceful,” he wrote.

Glenakin, who also took a dim view of the clip, wrote: “Guess they saw it worked for Ghana and trust Nigeria, they had to take this to the next level.”

Not every viewer has been sanctimonious. For example, one who called himself Amblors could not understand what the fuss is all about. “Look at Nigerians getting all holy and sh**t like they don’t have sex or do kinky things like wear thongs,” he wrote.

Tonto feels–naturally–the same way too. “Why would we enjoy seeing nudity in Hollywood? It’s a f**cking profession, peeps. Grow up. I’m all out with my job and f**ck you hard if you find it otherwise,” she wrote.

She said that change is inevitable and wonders why the society will want to remain in the past. “I hate fake damn tradition. I have got a mind and heart my profession requires,” she wrote on Twitter.

Reactions from Tonto’s colleagues are similarly varied.

Emeka Ike believes that films like Dirty Secret dent the image of the industry. “I don’t know what the movie industry is turning into now. It will be a sorry-scene if this is true,” he said. Ike, who is yet to see the film, said soft porn is not what Nollywood wants at the moment.

Stella Damasus argued that Tonto is old enough to decide what she wants to do and should not be slated for that. She, however, said she does not believe that the movie qualifies as porn. “I doubt the fact that she will star in a porn movie,” she added.

Segun Arinze, National President, Actors Guild of Nigeria, AGN, believes that measures will be taken, if it is true that Dike acted nude. “I’m yet to see the preview of the movie, but if it’s true that she acted nude measures must be taken to curb such practices,” he said.

Arinze added that the interest of the actress is paramount to the Guild and that he will have to watch the film before he makes more comments.

The equally provocative Shan George argued that there is no need to make a big story out of the movie. “I have been told that there’s no big deal about the movie. I don’t think there’s need for a fuss over this,” she said.

Actress Halima Abubakar is of the opinion that Tonto did her job to the best of her ability. “It’s time Nigerians realised the difference between reality and fiction. She’s a professional and she knows what’s good for her,” she said. “For people to be talking about it this way means she played her role very well.”

Claims that she starred in anything akin to pornography, especially when the whole movie has not been seen, are exaggerated. Beyond the scenes of wet kisses and show of G-string for a few seconds, nothing heavy is on display.

Dike, 25, came to prominence through a reality show, The Next Movie Star, from which emerged as first runner-up. Her ascent has been meteoric. But so has been the speed at which she attracted controversy.

Celebrity journals have linked her to marijuana use, alcohol abuse and bi-sexuality. All these were denied.

She was also reported to have a fondness for peeling off her dresses in public places, especially after having a drink too many. This was reported to have happened on location as well as at Lagos’ Eko Hotel, New Expo Centre, where popular hip-hop artiste, Tu Face, was performing.

Tonto, a graduate of Petroleum Engineering, grew up without her mother in a family of nine. She idolises American actresses, Julia Roberts and Sharon Stone.

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You Will Be Shocked To Find Out That You Do Not Know 99% Of These:

Do you know that?

1. The River Niger Bridge at Onitsha was constructed between 1964 and 1965 by Dumez- a French construction company and cost £5 million.
2. Patience Jonathan is one of Nigeria’s most-educated First Ladies, with an NCE, a B.Ed, and a PhD from University of Port-Harcourt.
3. The highest peak in Nigeria is located in Taraba and is called Chappal Waddi which means “The Mountain of Death”.
4. There are 196 countries in the world and at least one Igbo person from Nigeria lives in every one of them.
5. The Pidgin word ‘Sabi’ came from ‘Saber’, Portuguese and Spanish for ‘to know’. Both country’s ships traded slaves from the Bight of Benin.
6. Katsina College (now Barewa College in Zaria) has produced 5 Nigerian Presidents/Heads of State since it was founded in 1921 in Katsina.
7. Ojukwu taught Murtala Mohammed and Ben Adekunle at Regular Officers Special Training School, Ghana. Both ‘fought’ their teacher during the civil war
8. At Nigeria’s independence in 1960, there were 41 Secondary Schools in the North and 842 Secondary Schools in the South.
9. In 1983, Senator Arthur Nzeribe spent $16.5 million to win a Senatorial seat in Orlu (in Imo State).
10. In 1973, the Federal Government of Nigeria considered officially changing the name of “Lagos” to “Eko”. Regarding “Lagos” as a colonial name.
11. The geographical area now referred to as Nigeria was once referred to as ‘Soudan’ and ‘Nigiritia’.
12. Offences punishable by death sentence after the 1966 coup included embezzlement, rape and homosexuality.
13. MKO Abiola was named Kashimawo (Let us wait and see) by his parents. He was his father’s twenty-third child, but the first to survive infancy.
14. Jaja Wachucku was the first person to refer to Lagos as a “no-man’s land” in 1947, provoking a national controversy.
15. Jollof rice, chicken breast, serve of ice cream, tea, coffee or Bournvita, with full cream milk and sugar: Meal Cost = 50Kobo- Unilag in the late 1970s
16. At the point death in 1989, Sam Okwaraji was a PhD candidate and qualified lawyer with an LL.M in International Law (University of Rome)
17. When British Bank of West Africa (now First Bank) opened a branch in Kano in 1929, Alhassan Dantata (Dangote’s Grandfather) opened an account depositing 20 camel-loads of silver coins.
18. Jaja Wachuku is reputed to have owned the biggest one-man library in West Africa. Balewa sometimes referred to him as “Most Bookish Minister
19. The colonization of Nigeria took more than 40 years to achieve and the territories were integrated by the use of force.
20. Yoruba is spoken as a ritual language the Santeria cult in Carribean and South-Central America.
21. Slavery existed in the Nigerian territory before the 15th century and was abolished in the 19th century- 1807 by the British.
22. At least 55 women were killed in South-East Nigeria, in 1929 when the women forced the Umuahia warrant chiefs to submit to their rule.
23. The coinage ‘Supreme Court’ was first used in 1863 by the colonial administration through the enactment of the Supreme Court Ordinance No. II.
24. MKO Abiola died suddenly on July 7, 1998, exactly one month after General Sani Abacha died mysteriously on June 8, 1998.
25. Agbani Darego was the only one to wear a maillot as opposed to a bikini during the Miss Universe contest in 2001.
26. The ‘Ankara’ material is not indigenous to Nigeria. Our indigenous textiles include the Akwete, Ukara, Aso-Oke and Adire.
27. Aloma Mukhtar is the first female lawyer from the North and went on to become the first female Chief Justice of Nigeria.
28. The area known as Makoro town in Lagos was first a swamp, later sand-filled by the colonial government and served as the first bridge to the Island.
29. Esie Museum is Nigeria’s first museum, established in 1945. Once reputed to have the largest collection of soapstone images in the world.
30. Aminu Kano formed the Northern Teachers’ Association (NTA) in 1948, the first successful regional organization in the history of the North.
31. George Goldie, who played a major role in founding Nigeria, placed a curse on anyone who attempts to write his biography.
32. In 1996, John Ogbu, a Nigerian Anthropologist firmly advocated for the use of African-American Vernacular to teach in the U.S
33. Hause Language indigenous to Northern Nigeria is spoken in 11 African States. Germany, French, U.S., and British International radio stations broadcast in Hausa.
34. The surgeon who ‘killed’ Stella Obasanjo was sentenced to 1 year in prison, disqualified for 3 years and fined €120,000.
35. The word ‘asiri’ means ‘secret’ in Hausa, Yoruba, Nupe and Igarra. It also means ‘gossip’ in Igbo.
36. Igbo-Ora in Oyo State, Kodinji in India and Candido Godoi in Brazil are the towns that produce the highest number of twin births in the world.
37. Bishop Ajayi Crowther, a Yoruba, in 1857 produced a reading book for the Igbo Language and a full grammar and vocabulary of NUPE in 1864.
38. The first TV broadcast in Nigeria and Tropical Africa was on October 31, 1959.
39. In 1978, a 50Kobo increase (from #1.50 to #2) in the cost of University Students’ meal per day caused the ‘Ali Must Go’ protests.
40. Albert E. Kitson discovered coal in Enugu in 1909. This discovery led to the building of Port-Harcourt town in 1912.
41. Today, only Nigeria has a larger black population than Brazil. More than 3.5 million Africans were captured, enslaved and transported to Brazil.
42. Groundnut pyramids were the invention of Alhaji Alhassan Dantata to stack bags before export.
43. In 1967, old traditional ruler, Oba Akran and A. Ademiluyi were jailed for 14 years (7 each) for stealing £504,750 (#2.5b).
44. Since 1960, Nigeria has been either ruled by an ex-lecturer/ex-teacher or military man. The only exceptions are Azikiwe and Shonekan.
45. If you visited Lagos in 1975, you could spend a day at the Presidential Suite of Federal Palace Hotel for #100, single room for #19.
46. The first aircraft to land in Nigeria landed in Kano in July 1925. A British fighter jet flew from Khartoum (present day Sudan).
47. In 1895, Koko of Nembe (now in Bayelsa) took 60 white men hostage. When the British refused his demands, more than 40 of those men were eaten.
48. The ‘Naira’ was coined by Chief Obafemi Awolowo when he was serving as the Federal Commissioner of Finance.
49. Koma Hill (settlement in Adamawa where people lived and practised the killing of twins) was discovered in 1986 by a NYSC corps member.
50. The pilot (Francis Osakwe) that flew Ojukwu away from Biafra (1970) was the same pilot that flew Gowon to Uganda (last flight as Head of State).
51. In 1986, Shehu Shagari was banned from participation in politics for life. The ban has still not been lifted.
52. As the wife of the deputy Head of State (Vice President of Nigeria) in 1984, Biodun Idiagbon personally ran a small ice cream shop in Ilorin..
53. Koma Hills (Adamawa State) inhabitants when discovered were observed to engage in the practise of borrowing wives among themselves.
54. Juju, Dashiki, Yam and Okra are words in the English dictionary that originated from ethnic groups located in present day Nigeria.
55. Nigeria has more English speakers than England, and more Muslims than Saudi Arabia and Syria.

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The Nigerian Prison is not a place to wish anyone, considering the fact that they keep so many people awaiting trial for years.



Game of Thrones Veteran Actor, Peter Vaughan Is Dead!

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data tariffs

Contrary to the general perception that the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) gave network providers the directive to increase data tariffs, the executive Vice Chairman of the Commission, Professor Umar Danbatta yesterday said the commission never gave such a directive.



Three soldiers, two policemen and a prison official have been arrested for allegedly raping Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the North-East.
A N2.5billion fraud allegedly perpetrated by the Presidential Initiative on the North-East (PINE) has been uncovered by the Senate. PINE was instituted by President Muhammadu Buhari to ensure that the north-eastern part of the country destroyed by Boko Haram was reconstructed and rehabilitated.

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The Delta State Polytechnic, is set to commission its Ozoro Olympic size stadium, built by the institution through internally generated revenue with the support of Governor Author Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta State.
The Nigeria Police Force have dismissed several police officers in connection with random crime occurrences in the northeast of the country.
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In response to the cry of the teeming population of unemployed youth, Poise Graduate Finishing Academy in collaboration with Oxfam...
President Buhari today had a closed door meeting with Senate President, Bukola Saraki, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja. This would...
He shared the lovely photos with his adopted son named Goodluck. See more photos which he shared on his twitter...
Former President Jonathan took to his Facebook page to appeal to Americans to stop the Anti-Trump protests. Aggrieved Americans have...
[embedded content] Enjoy...
Izu Joseph, the former Shooting stars of Ibadan footballer that was killed in October by Military men from the JTF...
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The Unbearable Smugness Of The American Media 11 November 2016 Hits: 54
Russell Napier Interviewed: Fiscal Stimulus Comes With Dangerous Baggage – Financial Repression 11 November 2016 Hits: 51
Canadian Parliament Condemns Free Speech 11 November 2016 Hits: 42
China 'Devalues' Yuan To Weakest Since Breaking The Peg In 2010 11 November 2016 Hits: 71
Calexit - California Secession Petition Gaining Strength After Trump Win 11 November 2016 Hits: 54
Grubhub CEO Faces Backlash After Telling Trump-Supporting Employees "You Have No Place Here" 11 November 2016 Hits: 60
Trump Voter Beaten By Black Mob: "You Voted Trump. You Gonna Pay For That Sh*t" 11 November 2016 Hits: 61
More Troubling Signs For NYC Real Estate As Rent Concessions Soar
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Admissions List
For the 2017 UTME exams, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has announced plans to adopt the ‘pin vending’ process for prospective candidates, in the spirit of ‘change’.
The Lagos-Badagry highway expansion project has been targeted for completion in 2019, by Lagos State Governor, Akinwunmi Ambode who gave this assurance on Thursday, November 3, shortly after inspecting projects across the state.
boko haram
President Muhammadu Buhari’s special assistant on digital/new media, Togu Ogunlesi, has published a series of e-mails which the former leader of the deadly Boko Haram sect Abubakar Shekau allegedly wrote to Islamic State (ISIS) terror group, desperately begging for help with food and complaining that Sambisa forest is no longer condusive for the group.
fuel pump price
Fuel pump price has notably been increased by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) at its mega stations by N4, making it N145/litre as against its previous N141/litre.
romance 2
These are the perfect definitions of 

Patellofemoral pain syndrome, commonly just called “runner’s knee,” has been found to be one of the leading exercise-related injuries in...
About 2 percent of the population carries MRSA bacteria somewhere on the body, the same bacteria that causes over 90,000...

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Former Special Adviser to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan on Media, Dr. Reuben Abati The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has released a...
Manny Pacquiao Christian Petersen/AFP Manny Pacquiao announced his retirement seven months ago but after serving his first stint as a rookie...
Isiaka At 30, Zakeri Isiaka is a millionaire and a frightening one. In political circles in Kogi State, Saturday PUNCH learnt...
Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers on Saturday approved special financial intervention for development of schools handed...
Emma Emmanuel Edunjobi aka Emma Oh My God, a comedian, has over 200,000 followers on Instagram while his YouTube channel and...
Video grab image created on August 14, 2016 taken from a video released on youtube purportedly by Islamist group Boko...
The Police Command in Kaduna State on Saturday said it had arrested a suspected murderer of a National Youth Service..

NFL quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, Colin Kaepernick who has recently being in the news for kneeling during the...
INEC Chairman, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu Olusola Fabiyi, Abuja The Independent National Electoral Commission on Thursday in Abuja said that it had fixed...
Anna Okon The manufacturing industry requires the injection of about $1bn to galvanise activities in the sector and enable...
Amnesty International Wednesday, condemned a 10-year jail sentence handed down to three Cameroonians, who reportedly shared a text message that...
President Buhari, in the company of vice president Yemi Osinbajo and Chairman; Pentecostal Bishop Forum of Northern Nigeria, Arch Bishop...
According to the Facebook user, Youths in Kenya now visit a place in Westland Nairobi where they sleep in coffins...

Civil War II - Fourth Turning Is Intensifying (Part 1) 05 November 2016 Hits: 36
...And The Dominoes Fall 05 November 2016 Hits: 47
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Commander Boasts That The US In "Strong Decline" 05 November 2016 Hits: 38
Hillary And Bill Clinton: The "Bonnie & Clyde" Of American Politics 05 November 2016 Hits: 43
Commuter-In-Chief: Obama Cuts Sentences Of 72 More Drug Dealers; Total Exceeds Previous 11 Presidents Combined 05 November 2016 Hits: 44
"This Quickly Escalates Into Open Warfare" – Why The Government Is Preparing For Post-Election Chaos 05 November 2016 Hits: 43
CLiNToN PaY To PLaY…PART II 05 November 2016 Hits: 44
Julian Assange Says Trump Won't Be Allowed To Win, "Clinton And ISIS Are Funded By The Same Money" 05 November 2016 Hits: 49
Ubah’s Simple Solutions To Naira’s Exchange Rate Crisis Will Leave You Amazed 05 November 2016 Hits: 55
K&L Gates Gives $10M to Study AI and Ethics 05 November 2016 Hits: 43
Jane Don't: Ex-Apple In-House Attorney Can't Sue Company Under Pseudonym 05 November 2016 Hits: 42
For Love Your Lawyer Day, Love Yourself


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I will keep improving – Moses
Victor Moses Festus Abu In-form Chelsea attacker Victor Moses has vowed to keep improving his performances to keep his starting role...
Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo Olalekan Adetayo, Abuja Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo has said Nigerians desire good governance, hence the need for the elite to...
Gibson Achonu, Owerri THE traditional ruler of Umunneato community in Aboh Mbaise Local Government Area, Imo State, Eze Leo Nwokocha, has...
Gbenga Odogun, Lokoja The Deputy Speaker, Kogi State House of Assembly, Aliyu Akuh, has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to urgently...
Aliko Dangote Felu Akinpelu Dada The President, Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote, has said that more than 100 million out of the country’s...
[embedded content] Here comes this soothing visual piece from fast rising act "Blixxy". After the release of the audio which...
Iyanya is a year older today...and his former Made Men Music partner Ubi Franklin wished him a happy birthday, praying...
According to multiple British sites, actor Idris Elba, 44, is now dating US singer Madonna. On Friday night, after making...
The prestigious and biggest Democracy Awards in Africa is here again. The event is to Celebrate Individuals who have in...
Comedian Ominiaho has denied that he threatened City FM OAP Ogbuji Grace Amarachi after she took to her Instagram page...
The education sector in Akwa Ibom State has seen monumental strides owing to the free, compulsory and qualitative education...
Goodluck Jonathan, a former president of Nigeria, has said he is proud of his democratic credentials while in office saying.
Lekki Gardens Says It Has Now Finally Employed Services of “Experienced Professionals” To Help With Its Development  31 October 2016 Hits: 50
New IMF Report Explains The ‘New Normal’ For Crude Oil Prices 31 October 2016 Hits: 58
650,000 Emails Found On Anthony Weiner's Laptop; DOJ Blocked Foundation Probe 30 October 2016 Hits: 50
Pollsters Gone Wild: "Buckle Up, 1-In-4 Chances Don't Never Happen" 30 October 2016 Hits: 38
High Yield Bond Flows Cliff-Dive As Rate-Hike Odds Soar 30 October 2016 Hits: 39
Retired CIA Officer Explains Why "Hillary's Emails Matter"


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The Commonwealth is bringing together global experts to thrash out new ideas for not just reducing climate change but actually...
Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary spraks during a debate-watch party at The Space at Westbury on September 26, 2016 in Westbury,...
Boko Haram suicide attack Kayode Idowu Nine persons were killed in two separate suicide bomb attacks on Maiduguri, the capital of Borno...
This Johannesburg, SA-based Nigerian posted a photo of himself with his girlfriend on Facebook. He captioned it: "OYa Make ona...
At least 9 people were killed this morning in Maiduguri after a Boko Haram suicide bomber tried to enter the...
Rapper, Kanye West was seen at his office in Calabasas, where he drove off in an exquisite new Porsche. Another...
Off the recently released KalakutaStateOfMind EP comes the song “BADMAN” by Asha Gangali, a fusion of Afro pop and Dancehall,

Russia's Most Potent Weapon: Rapidly "Hoarding Gold" As Global Currency War Is Upon Us 29 October 2016 Hits: 63
"Dickileaks" - Tomorrow's New York Post Front Page 29 October 2016 Hits: 46
Hillary Holds 4 Minute Press Conference: Demands "Full And Complete Facts" From FBI 29 October 2016 Hits: 42
Watergate's Carl Bernstein: FBI Wouldn't Reopen A Probe Unless It Is "A Real Bombshell" 29 October 2016 Hits: 37
New Research Finds Minimum Wage Ballot Initiatives Could Cost 300,000 Jobs In These 4 States 29 October 2016 Hits: 54
Dramatic 2006 Recording Captures Hillary Clinton Proposing To Rig The Palestine Election 29 October 2016 Hits: 46
How To Make 2016 The Most Offensive Halloween Ever 29 October 2016 Hits: 35
Another Black Swan Hits The US Presidential Election 29 October 2016 Hits: 37
New Clinton Emails Emerged As Part Of FBI Probe Into Anthony Weiner 29 October 2016 Hits: 43
In Leaked Memo, James Comey Explains Why FBI Told Congress About Reopened Clinton Probe 29 October 2016 Hits: 53
Paul Ryan Issues Statement On FBI Reopening Of Hillary Clinton Probe 28 October 2016 Hits: 50
WTI Tumbles To $48 Handle After Iraq, Iran Refuse To Freeze Output; OPEC Admits "It's Getting Complicated" 28 October 2016 Hits: 58
"World's Most Bearish Hedge Fund" Shuts Emerging Markets Unit After 17% Loss 28 October 2016 Hits: 60
Hillary Refuses To Comment On FBI News As She Deplanes In Iowa 28 October 2016 Hits: 51
5 Helpful Tips To Take The Stress Off Moving Houses 28 October 2016 Hits: 48
Nigerian Mutual Funds Gain N3 billion in Nine Months of 2016…See Analysis 28 October 2016 Hits: 54
ALERT: GlaxoSmithKline Nigeria Plc Release 2016 Third Quarter Earnings


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On a day that was supposed to herald happiness and accomplishment, the University of Ilorin community was thrown into mourning after a postgraduate student of Arabic Studies, AbdulHafeez Adedimeji died the day he was to receive his doctorate degree at the institution’s convocation.
MTV Africa Music Awards
It was a good day for Nigerian Music at the 2016 MTV Africa Music Awards which held in Johannesburg South Africa, an event dotted with recognition for some of the continents brightest stars.
Chelsea deservedly thrashed Manchester United 4 goals to nothing at Stamford Bridge today, as the Blues ensured Jose Mourinho endured a nightmare return to his old home.
The 2016 Calabar Carnival has been flagged off by Cross River State governor, Ben Ayade.
Notice to Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (ETI) Preference Shareholders 24 October 2016 Hits: 47
ALERT: Zenith Bank Plc Release 2016 Third Quarter Earnings 24 October 2016 Hits: 35
ALERT: Unity Bank Plc Release 2016 Third Quarter Earnings 24 October 2016 Hits: 54
ALERT: NASCON Allied Industries Plc Release 2016 Third Quarter Earnings 24 October 2016 Hits: 71
Naira Settled Currency Futures Records Highest Daily Trading Volume in October 24 October 2016 Hits: 40
ALERT: NEM Insurance Plc Release 2016 Third Quarter Earnings 24 October 2016 Hits: 29
Foreign Currency Revaluation Gain Spur Zenith Bank to Growth 24 October 2016 Hits: 46
Is There Any Hope for Merrick Garland? 24 October 2016 Hits: 40
Have License, Can't Travel: Should Lawyers Be Able to Practice Across State Lines?


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A UK sex educator named Alix Fox is hosting teaching classes tagged BYOS – Bring Your Own Semen. Participants will be will be taught how to use semen as a cooking ingredient in cakes and other desserts as well as main courses.
It is genuinely funny how elected public office holders cling unto trivial issues, the ongoing face-off between former Kano State Rabiu Kwankwaso, and his successor, Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje took another twist on Friday as the Kwankwasiyya movement has issued a 48-hour ultimatum to the latter to remove his red cap.

AY Comedian Urges Buhari To Bring Change, Fight Piracy

AY Comedian Urges BuhariTo Bring Change, Fight Piracy

IPOB Calls On National Assembly To Impeach Buhari

The Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has accused President Buhari of human rights violation and breach of the constitution before and after his swearing-in as a democratically elected president, calling on the National Assembly to invoke section 143 of the constitution to effect his removal.



Time Warner, CNN To Be Acquired By AT & T For $85 Billion

American telecommunications giant, AT&T has reached a deal to buy Time Warner, CNN for $85.4 billion.

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President Muhammadu Buharihas sent the names of 46 ambassadorial nominees to the Senate. Some of the names were read out by the Senate President Bukola Saraki on the senate floor on Thursday morning.

Civil war

A lot of things went down between July 6, 1967 – January 15, 1970, the duration of the Nigerian civil war.


Barcelona striker, Luis Suarez has revealed that he plans to retire at the club.
Airline manufacturer, Airbus to set up  facility in Nigeria.


As the brunt of economic

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IMF The Accountant-General of the Federation, Alhaji Idris Ahmed, has said that the recent announcement by the International Monetary Fund that...
Hadiza Buhari-Bello Olalekan Adetayo, Abuja Hadiza Buhari-Bello, one of the daughters of President Muhammadu Buhari, has faulted a statement credited to a...
Jose Mourinho Jose Mourinho should be given a warm welcome when the Manchester United manager returns to Chelsea, on Sunday said...
Malaria claims 48 lives in Sokoto – Official