Palin’s Evolution into O’Donnell Proves Darwin Was Wrong

Scientists Propose ‘Theory of Devolution’

OSLO, NORWAY (The Borowitz Report) – Two of the theory of evolution’s
most vociferous doubters, Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell, may be
living proof that Darwin was wrong, leading scientists believe.

A conference of the most prominent evolutionary scientists in the world
has concluded that the apparent evolution of Ms. Palin into Ms.
O’Donnell suggests, in the words of Dr. Hiroshi Kyosuke of the
University of Tokyo, “that Darwin got it backwards.”.

“We still believe that evolution is more than a theory and is, in fact,. a
very real thing,” said Dr. Kyosuke. “However, in the case of Palin and
O’Donnell, it seems to be moving in a reverse direction.”

Dr. Kyosuke stunned the conference when he presented his scholarly
paper, “Tea Party Politicians and the Theory of Devolution,” in which he
studied the so-called “reverse natural selection” at play in GOP
candidates for Governor of New York.

“If we chart the trend line from George Pataki to Carl Paladino, within
fifty years New York might be governed by Cro-Magnon Man,” he said.

Mr. Paladino did not offer an official response to the scientist’s
remarks, but said that he had one hundred aides typing on one hundred
typewriters simultaneously to craft a statement.

For her part, Ms. O’Donnell today released her official campaign
platform, in which she opposes the use of simple tools and the discovery
of fire.

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