Google rules: I Googled in Now I cant Google out !

I like Google, but the contextual advertising can still step way over the line.

My wife and I had an argument a couple of years ago, and sent a fewnot-terribly-pleasant emails back-and-forth. So I'm sitting therereading an email from her, and what do you think was being displayed inthe gmail banner ad?

"Need a divorce lawyer?"

I'm sorry, but I found that pretty damn offensive.

You know they just revealed that Google can nowrun as a power company right? It won't be soon till they control yourwater mains and your trash collection.

Google will rule all. It's not a matter of if, but when.

I have to agree with the CEO of Google. If there'ssomething that you're doing that you dont want other people knowing,maybe you should quit doing it or quit being so iffy about it. 99% ofthe time I've learned people just don't freaking care when they findout.

I don't care about my privacy, I don't do anything wrong. Hell, I'd even walk around naked if it wasn't illegal.

As a moderately honest individual that likes a tightly integrated service, I have nothing to lose.

Now I log into Google and everything is there. Nohaving to log into multiple services on multiple websites and having toread multiple agreements and set multiple privacy settings.

Google will not share any more about you then you set in your privacysettings. It's just that most people don't bother going over them andthen complain later.

Even the Buzz launch. I just read the opening screen, clicked yes,logged into my privacy settings, made the changes I wanted to make andeverything was done and set.

Don't call them evil just because you didn't RTFM.

My tip: Don't leave. If you leave and join aservice that a lot of other people join, Google will see it asvaluable, buy it, and then once again own you. You. Can't. Escape.

Idon't know why everyone keeps complaining about the accelerator pedalsin Toyotas. Only an ignoramus wouldn't know that you can easily open upthe hood, cut a few wires, reprogram a couple modules, and the carworks perfectly fine. Who expects their products not to have a fewminor, fixable glitches? Clearly, all those people blithely assuming itwill just work deserve their collisions.
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