Google TV: Web meets TV. TV meets web.

Google TV is a new experience made for television that combines the TV you know and love with the freedom and power of the Internet. Watch an overview video below, sign up for updates.

Apple TV competition ?
When Google announced Google TV last week, the company made it clear that it would attempt to combinethe appeal of the Web with the abilities of set-top boxes such as TiVoor Apple TV. And although it didn't give all the details that consumerswill want to know before they pick up a Google TV device in the fall,the company made it clear that it views the entertainment text-decoration: none ! important; border-bottom: 0.2em dotted rgb(43,101, 176) ! important; padding-bottom: 0px ! important; color: rgb(43,101, 176) ! important; background-color: transparent ! important;background-image: none; padding-top: 0pt; padding-right: 0pt;padding-left: 0pt;" classname="iAs" class="iAs">as center to its consumer operations going forward. And it plans to doas much as it can to take over that space.

However, as Steve Jobs has said numerous times since its launch, hiscompany views the Apple TV as a hobby product. And that likely won'tchange anytime soon. Google TV isn't a hobby product. And the companyseems committed to being the dominant player in the home-entertainmentspace. Although other solutions could come out between now and the fallto hurt its chances of achieving that, the company ensured last weekthat at least one font-size: 100% ! important; text-decoration: none ! important;border-bottom: 0.2em dotted rgb(43, 101, 176) ! important;padding-bottom: 0px ! important; color: rgb(43, 101, 176) ! important;background-color: transparent ! important; background-image: none;padding-top: 0pt; padding-right: 0pt; padding-left: 0pt;" classname="iAs" class="iAs">- Apple TV - won't have a chance to compete.

Sites Will Be Optimized for It.
There is one potential problem with the Google TV that the search giant needs to address: sites won'tbe optimized for the set-top box. Luckily, Google has already thoughtabout that. According to the company, it will offer an SDK to siteoperators, so they can optimize their pages for the Google TV. Oncesites start supporting the Google TV, pages will be displayed just asthey are on typical monitor sizes. Unfortunately, Google said that theSDK will likely appear sometime after launch. That means folks who pickup a Google TV box in the fall will be out of luck for some months. Butthat shouldn't keep it from becoming a superior alternative to the AppleTV.

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