Daddy Showkey betrayed me after preventing monkeys from raping me in the jungle -Princess.pix201004103163668[1].jpg
Did you expect to be evicted from Gulder Ultimate Search, Celebrity Showdown so soon?


I didn't expect it. We didn't even know what the task was going to be like. When they said we should start breaking our pots, I was scared, because I don't know how to throw an object at something else.

Didn't you take it out on Daddy Showkey for breaking your own pots?

Yes, I did. Normally when I cooked, I always gave him extra meat. Before we left for the task that morning, I had even helped him wash his clothes. When we got there and the task required us to break pots, Weird MC said she was not going to participate. They said it was a game and we had to play it. I knew that Daddy Showkey knew how to throw things, so I begged him not to break my pot. But that was in vain. He broke all the three pots! I was so upset. I didn't really take it personal, but I was upset. I don't tell lies. I don't pretend to be friendly with somebody when I am not. I was very friendly with Daddy Showkey.

But he said he didn't do it on purpose

That was what he said. That was why I was upset with him.

Are you saying he actually targeted your pots?

He did. He even said he made a mistake by breaking Obesere's pot. He said he was targeting my pot. But he came to me and claimed it was a mistake, but I told him not to patronise me. I might be younger than him, but I am not a fool. Obesere's pots were broken by different people, but just one person broke my own pots. This was the same person that was laughing and playing with me before the task. I didn't expect him to do what he did. He should have been diplomatic. Even if he wanted to evict me, he should have allowed at least one other person to break one of my pots. He aimed at my pots and he broke all of them.

Were you friendly in the camp?

Oh yes. He used to call me Her Excellency while I called him my personal bodyguard. Monkeys would have raped me in camp. He was the one that chased them away. I was not happy with what he did.

Wasn't it just a game?

When we were going to the camp, we were not told that we were going to perform very physical exercise. When we noticed that it was going to be physical, we knew a woman was not going to win the game. They told us that it was going to be more of an intellectual game like puzzles, riddles and stuffs like that. But it didn't turn out that way. I told Daddy Showkey that he broke my pots because he knew that I would have given him a stiff competition if the game was mainly intellectual. He is very strong. He wanted to evict his intellectual opposition first, so that he would be left to deal with physical opposition. Of course, he is stronger than Dare and Emeka.

And who do you think will emerge the winner?

Weird MC is the only female left in the competition now. It has been very tedious. It wasn't what we expected. I hope she tries her best to win. It will be nice if she wins. If she doesn't win, I wish all the others luck.

Who was your close buddy in camp?

Everybody was my friend.

Including Muma Gee?

I knew Muma even before we went to camp. We had our differences. In camp, she said some unprintable things. We used to be very close, but later, due to some things, we fell apart.

Many people believed that all the ladies, except Weird MC, ganged up against Muma Gee.

That was not the case. She probably had issues with some people. Nobody went there as a group; we went there individually. Ganging up against her was not applicable at all. But there were some things she did that were not acceptable to everybody.

Like what?

There was a day she called everybody together and said she wanted to make an announcement. She said it was important and that we should leave everything we were doing. We all ran towards her and asked her what the problem was. Do you know what she said? She said somebody had used her disinfectant. Can you imagine? We were all upset. It was so rude. I thought she had something important to say to us. The fact that somebody used your disinfectant should not be enough reason to call a conference. She did funny things sometimes. I call them funny things because I had known her even before then. It might be difficult for those who didn't know her to understand her. She wears her make-up 24 hours, even at night. But because I knew her, I saw it as her nature. I know her well. She is the type that can wear six sets of clothes in one day. She says it brightens her up and gives her an aura.

Were you allowed to bring make-up into

the jungle?

No. We were told not to bring make-up because of bees. A bee stung me. It was just a simple instruction, but Muma was so used to her make-up. That is her personal style. If you are meeting her for the first time, you will not find it funny. For the sake of our collective safety, we were told not to do something, yet one person disobeyed the instruction. There is a probability that there would be friction all the time. The first task that we were given was to look for a place to settle. They asked us to sit in a boat. Some people were not used to water and boats. I was comfortable with it because I swim. But that didn't mean I should dive into the water. We were told to sit down till we found our clue. But Muma stood up in the middle of the sea and started dancing. She was rocking the boat. A lot of people got scared. Even the guy that was rowing the boat had to tell her to sit down. These were some of the instances. We all have our bad sides. But it is wrong for somebody to act as if she is holier than everyone else.

At one point, all of you were mad at her. What really happened?

She said something horrible. The things she said were edited. They only showed people's reaction and I don't think that was fair enough. What she said would have broken many homes. It would have broken someone's marriage. I don't want to talk about it. Chioma tried to correct her, but she said she didn't want that kind of correction from her. We argue. We are adults. But if I offend you, you tell me and I will apologise. God knows that what Muma Gee said that day was horrible. I was so angry. Chioma was even the one that came to me and said it was okay.

What is this thing she said?

I cannot say it. It is not printable. It is not good for kids and adults. It is a very vulgar and improper thing to say. I am sure she is sorry for what she said. She might have been trying to cast a joke, but it came out the wrong way.

Would you say Chioma was acting her quarrel with Muma?

Some of those things were mere acting. If Muma Gee said Chioma was not acting, then she is not being truthful. If we didn't go there to argue and quarrel, what would viewers be watching? Let us be factual. Viewers needed to watch us. We were in front of the camera all the time. We needed to do most of the things for the sake of the cameras, because we knew that people were watching us at home. If we were not acting, I am sure some people would have left the first day. The arguments kept the show going. It is just that some parts that led to some incidents were edited. We were friends in camp. We had quarrels and we settled them. If Muma and Chioma did not argue, they would have been pretending.

Is it true that Muma Gee said you ladies were envious of her?

That is a joke. I am not sure she said that. Why? Why should I be envious of Muma Gee? Is it because I am big, bold and beautiful? Anyway, I am sure she was not referring to me, if she actually said it. Since you asked this question, I have tried to call her and her phone is switched off. I am not sure Muma said that. No way! Of course, she couldn't have been referring to Funke who didn't even know who she was until we got to the camp. Maybe she was referring to the guys. Personally, I am not sure she was referring to me. I am sure she did not say that. She wouldn't dare. I am vouching for her.

I read in a recent publication that Muma called Chioma a demon. Do you also perceive Chioma as a demon?

I feel so sad about that article. Muma said Chioma acted like an animal towards her. That is uncalled for. It is not good. If we say we are good people, how can you call somebody a demon? When you are fighting someone, leave a space for reconciliation with that person. I learnt Muma said that even if she eventually bears children tomorrow, God will not let them be friends with Chioma's kids. That is very bad. Why do you have to turn it into a generational squabble? Has it turned to the kind of fight between Osama Bin Laden and America? No squabble should go on forever. I am not happy with Muma for calling Chioma a demon. Chioma is selfless. Muma is a very liberal person. I know that people are trying to capitalise on the squabble they had in camp. We should not call ourselves names so that when we make up, we can make up very well.

Let us leave Gulder Ultimate Search aside. Is it true that you caused a man to be deported from England because he had an issue with his wife?

If you read the article well, the writer said she hadn't spoken to me or the person involved. I think the writer said some people said something about the matter. That is just a personal issue. But it is a fact that I am in the United Kingdom most of the time. But I don't need to call the police for anything because I don't know their number. As an educated person, you cannot have an issue with your wife and a third person invites the police and they deport you. The guy in question came to Nigeria to promote his music album. I rendered some help to him. I learnt they said he left his pregnant wife. But the wife has been delivered of the baby since and I was even the first person he called to tell me that his wife had put to bed. It is very annoying. Gossip is gossip. Most of the things written in gossip columns are never true.
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