Sugar cravings are a real problem for many of us. They can cause much frustration as well as feelings of low self-worth as we give in to those cravings. One of the reasons we crave sugar (or caffeine) is because of low adrenal function.

The adrenals are hormone glands that sit above the kidneys. Amongst other things, one of their jobs is to secrete epinephrine (better known to some as adrenaline) which provides us with energy. They also secrete cortisone when there is inflammation present in the body. Thirdly, they replace the function of the ovaries in the production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone when women get close to their menopausal years. When everything is functioning well and everything is being nourished properly, there is no problem. This hormonal transition takes place smoothly.

What can interfere with this? Stress, first and foremost. Of any kind. When we're stressed the adrenals secrete adrenaline as if we were preparing to fight tigers in the jungle. They don't know the difference between the stress of facing a tiger and the stress of facing an irate boss, a bouncing checkbook or rush-hour traffic. They just jump into gear and adrenaline flows.

Inflammation can be caused by many well-known factors such as injury and diseases like arthritis etc. What is less known is that food allergies can also cause inflammation. If the allergen is something that is eaten frequently such as wheat, we can have consistent low-grade inflammation going on almost all the time. (Dairy is another common food allergen). The adrenals are consistently under pressure to produce cortisone to keep the inflammation under control as much as possible.

These two factors are enough to deplete the body's energy reserves. Add to them the requirement of now manufacturing estrogen and progesterone and you can see that this gland could very well get into trouble.

What happens?
-Lack of energy most definitely
-Need to take afternoon naps
-Cravings for sugar or caffeine to force the adrenals to give the energy that is lacking
-Menopausal symptoms can also kick in if the adrenals are not up to par


What I often do when someone comes to me with these symptoms is to put them on adrenal supplements. I recommend a higher dosage to start with, which we reduce as the energy returns. I often start them on one to two, or even three of the sugar craving formula as well. Apart from this, I make no dietary recommendations at this time. It is just too hard to ask a person to cut out the sugar when in reality it is like a drug for them. It gives them the energy to get through day and to feel like a human being. It helps the brain to work. I give them a formula for their adrenal glands for a week and when they come back in to see me their energy has improved, their mood is better, and they often have a different, more positive outlook. They now have more willpower in which to make some changes.

I tell people when they are reaching for the chocolate or the cookies, to eat a packet first. Wait 10 minutes and if you still want the chocolate, eat it. If you do this consistently, not only will you cut down on the number of "bad" snacks you eat, but after a while you will find that you are craving fruits or vegetables instead.

The next step is to begin replacing the high sugar drinks in the diet with low-carb drinks. And we start with the most detrimental, i.e. drinks with sugar substitutes and all their side effects as well as caffeinated drinks. Many people drink sodas or juices consistently throughout the day. For that I recommend a particular lemon tea formula which helps to give energy by flushing fat. Controlling the blood sugar levels can be very effective in stabilizing mood swings as well.

After 3 to 4 weeks, dietary changes should be happening quite naturally. For the purposes of sugar cravings the general rule is that the more refined carbohydrates you eat, the more you crave. And the easiest way not to crave is to not eat ANY sweets or refined carbohydrates (including white flour etc.) Increasing protein intake can be very helpful too. For some people simply adding more protein to their diets cuts down their sugar cravings tremendously. This is especially true for vegetarians.

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