"Innocent Eyes"!!


"Innocent Eyes!


Have you ever looked into the eyes of a little child and saw the innocence, the purity, the need for guidance and the need for love...I have. But it is a very distressing and hurting thing to see so many small children being treated as though they were disposable trash, or personal property to do with as the owner pleases, rather than being seen as gifts from God to be held and loved and treated with the utmost care.

It is not an easy task to raise kids nowadays, especially if you are a single parent. It gets frustrating at times, and sometimes you want to just pack up and leave...but don't do that because that little one is depending on you. No they don't understand your frustration when you have just finished cleaning and they pour milk out of their cup onto the floor. They don't understand when you are trying to cook as fast as you can, and they are screaming and crying at the top of their lungs because they are hungry. No, they don't understand when you come home from a hard days work, and all you want to do is spend a few minutes alone in a quiet place, but they want to play or need you to help them with schoolwork. They don't understand...no, they just don't understand!

But remember this, in your times of frustration, before you over-react, look at that little one, or little ones and put your arms around them and tell them that you love them. Don't scream, yell or curse at them; that does no good except to keep tension in the home and it wounds their little spirits. They are innocent, it was not their choice or decision to come here...you made that one, along with the person that you were with. The word of God says that :"Lo, Children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward" (Psalms 127:3). So when you curse at a child or abuse them in any way, you are offending God! And you will stand before him to give account for it!

No child is an accident, life comes from God and is precious to him, and it is our responsibility as parents to teach them right from wrong. We have to conduct ourselves in ways that will not reflect negative towards them. What they see and hear us do...they will do. You have a great responsibility Dads and Moms; you owe it to them to give them the best life possible...I am not talking about material things; but emotionally and physically, they deserve the best that you can offer them.



If you have anger issues, or if you need help with your kids, ask for help! First turn to your Family, then to your local Church, if you are a member or not. Seek out trustworthy Men to be a Mentor to your young boys, and Women likewise to help with your young girls. If that fails, I am sure that your State or City offers many programs to assist you in becoming a better Parent. Don't be ashamed, ask for help!!


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