It melts my heart seeing people working 2 to 3 jobs just to provide for their family. Something wrong with the picture if we are working 8-14 hours a day to provide for our family. While at the same time home based business owners only work about 5 to 15 minutes a day to provide for their family.Who is losing out, we the employed or the business owners. We are working so many hours just to pay the bills while the business owners are working so little hours just to play with their kids. Which one sounds better to you? Apparently the business owners understand the power of leverage. If I paid you $1000 for every 1000 trash cans you moved back into peoples yard what would you do? I would pay 10 people $50 for every 100 trash cans they move while I went home and went to sleep with $500 dollars in my pocket. This is the power of leveraging time and money. It would take you all day to try to move 1000 trash cans by yourself but this is what we do every day on our JOB, just over broke.J Paul Getty stated I would rather have 1 percent coming out of the efforts of 99 people than have 100 percent of the effort coming out of myself. This is why a home business will make you rich and give your time freedom back. How much is your time worth to you? Think about this if you make $15 an hour, then an hour of your time is worth 15 dollars. Well if you make a million dollars in a year then your time is worth about $1380 an hour. What does this mean some of us cant even afford to spend one hour with a millionaire.Now adays it is easier and easier to become wealthy. You don't even need allot lots of money to get started. Some people are so afraid of taking risk they will not even try to get involved in a business. What is the risk if their is no risk. You have to start somewhere to get anywhere. Of course you will not get rich over night, but one day you will have about 5000 people in your downline then you will understand the power of leverage. How would it feel to be able to make enough money to say I quit to your boss one day.If you want to do something today to change tomorrow go to following links in the resources tab and get started.
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