Ball (2)

Naija Etuhu,England coach Fabio Capello calls jabulani ball fake

The "former hand of God" or "la mano de Dios." Diego Maradona made stinging comments

about fellow soccer greats Pele and Michel Platini on Wednesday after thepair criticized Maradona's performance as Argentina coach.

Maradona said he was not surprised by their comments and that "Pele has to goback to the museum."

As for Platini, "I always had a very distant relationship with him -- hello and goodbye. Weknow how the French are and Platini is French and he thinks of himselfas being more than the rest of the world. I've never paid him anyattention and I won't do it now."

Earlier, Maradona had criticized Pele, who led Brazil to three World Cup titles, for doubting Africa'sability to organize a World Cup.

Asked about Brazil, Maradona said Argentina's fierce South American rival was not tested by North Koreain the 2-1 win on Tuesday.

"Brazil played a relaxed game, too relaxed," Maradona said. "Korea never challenged them. For [goalkeeper] Julio Cesar,it would have been the same to shower or not after the game.

"Brazil is Brazil ... and Dunga has done a good job. When more will be demandedof them, they will play better for sure."

Maradona said the general lack of scoring so far at the World Cup could be blamed partlyon the teams' initial cautiousness.

"I'm not worried about the lack of goals. The goals will come and there are players here to makethat happen," Maradona said. "Of course, in the first matches one ismore careful than maybe one should be. The teams are studying theiropponents, which is why there are fewer goals."

Maradona also assigned some of the blame to the much-maligned 2010 World Cup ball,saying the Jabulani was having "a large influence" on the low scores. Healso asked the sport's authorities to pay more attention to the qualityof the ball.

One fact about pele:

In 1967, the two factions involved in the Nigerian Civil War agreed to a 48-hour ceasefire so they could watch Pelé play an exhibition game inLagos.[22]

Some Facts & Legends of El Diego

Ever since 1986, it is common for Argentines abroad to hear Maradona's name as a token of recognition, even in remote places.[8] The Tartan Army sing a version of the Hokey Cokey in honour of the Hand of God goal against England.[58] In Argentina, Maradona is often talked about in terms reserved for legends. In the Argentine film El Hijo de la Novia ("Son of the Bride"), somebody who impersonates a Catholic priest says to a bar patron: "they idolized him and then crucified him". When a friend scolds him for taking the prank too far, the fake priest retorts: "But I was talking about Maradona".

Maradona was included in many cameos in the Argentine comic book El Cazador de Aventuras. After the closing of it, the authors started a new short-lived comic book titled "El Die", using Maradona as the main character.

In Rosario, Argentina, fans organized the "Church of Maradona." Maradona's 43rd birthday in 2003 marked the start of the Year 43 D.D. - "Después de Diego" or After Diego - for its founding 200 members. Tens of thousands more[59] have become members via the church's official web site.

A television commercial[60] for Brazilian soft drink Guaraná Antarctica portrayed Maradona as a member of the Brazilian national football team, including wearing the yellow jersey and singing the Brazilian national anthem with Brazilian caps Kaká and Ronaldo. Later on in the commercial he wakes up realizing it was nightmare after having drunk too much of the Brazilian soft drink. This generated some controversy in the Argentine media after its release (although the commercial was not supposed to air on the Argentine market, fans could see it via internet). Maradona replied that he has no problem in wearing the Brazilian national squad jersey, but that he would refuse to wear the shirt of River Plate, Boca Juniors' traditional rival.[61]

Pele Vs Maradona vs Zidane vs Kaka vs Messi vs both Ronaldo who is the greatest

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Inter Milan defender Maicon spectacularly broke a 0-0 deadlock in the 75th minute of Friday's Derby d'Italia against Juventus with a
superb display of juggling that he turned into a perfect volley out of .
the reach of Juve goalkeeper Gigi Buffon. A man up following Momo
Sissoko's red card in the 37th minute, Inter sealed the victory that put
them back atop Serie A with a second goal from Samuel Eto'o in stoppage
time, sending Juventus fans already demanding a refund on their season tickets into a
slightly deeper depression.

After the match, Eto'o was quick to echo the immediate praise for his teammate's display, saying, "I think
Maicon scored the best goal of the season so far." And it's easy to

Whether it wins that arbitrary superlative or not, it was certainly enough to conjure comparisons to Maicon's fellow Brazilian and
Milan rival Ronaldinho and remind us all ahead of the World Cup why the
Samba Kings are so dangerous. Even their defenders can do that.

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