12166308456?profile=originalFertility treatments can be done safely and effectively in couples where the man is infected with the AIDS virus and the women isn't, according to a new review of past studies.

Over the last 2 decades, researchers have improved methods of "washing" the semen of men infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Unwashed semen could pass HIV to the woman or their baby.

"I think the procedure is getting safer and safer," said Dr. Deborah Anderson, a scientist at the Boston University School of Medicine who studies HIV. She was not involved in the current research, but she told Reuters Health that washing the man's semen lowers the risk of transmission enough that "it's an acceptable ... procedure for couples that really want to have children."

In the new review, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, researchers from the Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil looked at 17 earlier studies involving a total of about 1,800 couples in which only the male partner had HIV.

In each of the studies, researchers performed one of two common types of fertility treatments after washing the semen. Then they recorded how often women became pregnant after the procedures. They also monitored the women and any babies they had as a result of the procedures, to see whether HIV had been passed on from the semen.

About a third of the women had a procedure in which a single sperm is injected into a single egg; then the fertilized egg is placed into the woman's womb. This kind of fertility treatment is assumed to be safer for couples in which the male partner has HIV because it is easier to ensure that the sperm being used does not have the HIV virus.The rest of the women had sperm injected directly into the womb, when their eggs were most likely to be there.

Ultimately, roughly half the women became pregnant, and about 80 to 85 percent of the pregnancies resulted in the birth of a baby.The success rates for pregnancy were comparable to what has been shown in other studies of fertility treatment in couples without HIV. If anything, couples in the current study may have been more likely to get pregnant using fertility treatments because many of them had no underlying fertility problems, the authors say.

None of the women in the study, or babies that were born after fertility treatments, tested positive for HIV. However, in a few of the studies in which researchers tested semen after it was washed, between two and eight of every 100 samples tested positive for HIV - indicating that it still may be possible, if unlikely, for the virus to be passed either to the woman or to the fetus.

However, the findings are "very reassuring," according to Dr. Elizabeth Ginsburg of the Brigham and Women's Hospital Center for Reproductive Medicine in Boston. Ginsburg, who was not involved in the study, said that even if some of the samples did test positive for HIV, the amount of the virus was probably so small that it wasn't likely to be passed to the mother or baby. In addition, she said, HIV transmission requires some sort of trauma to the woman's body because the virus is passed from semen to blood, and although there's a chance of that in intercourse, it's not likely in fertility treatment.

Despite mounting evidence of its safety, fertility procedures are not very common in couples in which the male partner has HIV. In part that's because the procedures aren't often covered by insurance, Ginsburg said. Although some fertility procedures may be as inexpensive as $1,000, others run many times higher. "One of the things that is a shame is that when couples can't afford fertility treatment, they're stuck with the other option, which is having timed intercourse, and that puts the woman at risk," Ginsburg said.

Anderson said a new option for these couples might become available in the future - medications that the woman can take to avoid getting the virus from her partner who has HIV. And, "if the mom doesn't get it, the baby's not going to get it," she said. "I think that's going to be the future of this field."

So far, only a couple of early studies have been done on the drugs' effectiveness at preventing transmission of the virus, and for now, Anderson said, fertility treatment is the safest possible option for these couples.


(Extracted from
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Death of pregnant woman shocks community

Residents of Otto-Ilogbo Community, in the Ebute Metta area of Lagos are alarmed by the murder of a pregnant woman in their area.

This follows the revelation by a 23-year-old lady, identified as Grace Orobo, that she connived with her boyfriend, one Okechukwu Eze, 28, to bury a pregnant woman in a swamp in the community. The victim, Glory Goodnews, from Oron in Akwa Ibom State, was living with her boyfriend, Mr Eze, a loader with one of the transportation companies at Ejigbo, a suburb of the city, for close to three years at Otto Ilogbo slum, when she suddenly disappeared in January. According to one of Ms Goodnew’s relatives, David Sambo Udoh, the victim confided in him that she was pregnant but her boyfriend, Mr Eze, told her to abort the pregnancy.

And the news came

According to residents, the victim disappeared from sight around January this year. News that she was allegedly murdered came out when Mr Eze’s new girlfriend, Ms Orobo, on Sunday, revealed to the victim’s relatives that she connived with Mr Eze to murder Ms Goodnews and later buried her in a swamp in the community, following her refusal to abort the pregnancy.

“Glory is from Akwa Ibom and I am from Akwa Ibom,” said Mr Udoh. “She comes from the same village my wife came from, Oron; so she is well known to us. She was living in an hotel at Orile, but Okechukwu brought her from the hotel to come and live with him at Otto Ilogbo. They have been living together for like three years now. Around January this year, Glory came to tell us that she was pregnant but her boyfriend, Okechukwu, said she will not use pregnancy to trap him to marry her because Okechukwu was also dating another girl called, Orobo. After a while, we did not see Glory again and I personally went to ask Okechukwu where Glory is, but he said he had sent her to his village in Anambra State to go and give birth there. Every time I see Okechukwu, I will ask him to give me Glory’s number so I can call her but he will give me fake numbers that will never reach her.

“When it was like nine months, and I knew she would have given birth, I asked Okechukwu again, but he told me that Glory gave birth to a boy and she will be coming to Lagos soon. But on Sunday, Orobo, Okechukwu’s other girlfriend came to our room and she was holding Glory’s picture. She told us that she want to reveal the secret; that Okechukwu has buried Glory with her pregnancy in the canal at Otto because Glory refused to abort the pregnancy. I went to meet Okechukwu but he was not around. Later in the night, around 10pm that Sunday, 28th of November, I saw Okechukwu coming back home and I held his shirt that he had killed Glory and buried her in the swamp. Okechukwu just keep saying ‘Please, I will tell you everything; I will tell you everything’. He said Glory was sick and she died in his hands so he did not want to alert anybody, that was why himself and his girlfriend, Orobo, went to bury Glory in the swamp at Otto Canal in the midnight. I was angry and I raised alarm and that was how the people in the community helped me to drag Okechukwu to the Denton Police Station.”...

Police take over case

The case was later transferred to the Iponri Police Division, where police officers have began investigation into the case. The Community Development Officer of Otto Ilogbo, Agbodemu Ishola Musbau, described the incident as unfortunate. “Glory is a very peace-loving person and she is very gentle,” he said. “I remember that I last saw her in January and later asked after her and they told me that she travelled to the east. Since then I have not heard anything from her until now that I got information that her boyfriend allegedly connived with a lady called Orobo to kill her and they threw her body into the swampy canal here in Otto. This community is peaceful and we will get to the root of the matter, and we will not condole murderers living with us and that is why we are raising the alarm about the death so that police can investigate it.”

“If Okechukwu is found guilty of the allegation then he will be made to face the penalty of his crime. His girlfriend, Orobo, who allegedly committed this crime with him, is at large but the police will arrest her and with our cooperation, she will be arrested soon. So that this will serve as a deterrent to criminally minded people not to take the laws into their hands.”

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The man who got a minor he allegedly impregnated, arrested and imprisoned for eight months, has been arrested by the police.

For over seven days, Nadum Nwitua, the man accused of impregnating Comfort Monday, the 17-year-old inmate, who had been incarcerated while pregnant at the Kirikiri Female Prison, Apapa, for eight months, over an alleged theft of N295,000, had evaded all attempts by federal and state government officials catching up with him.

Following the intervention of the Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola, through the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Social Development in effecting Ms Monday’s release, Mr Nwitua had gone underground. Witnesses said he only returns to his abode at 2 Owode Street, Abule Egba, at midnight and leaves before dawn. Subsequently, police officers attached to the governor’s office and Alausa police station, arrested him on August 20, at about 6am, as he made to leave his compound. He is accused of sexually abusing Ms Monday.

Denies the charge

Mr Nwitua denied ever having any sexual relations with Ms Monday. “I have never touched her,” he said. “I have being arrested for an offence I have no idea; when everyone knows she has a boyfriend, Kennedy, who must have impregnated her. Why has he not being arrested and brought here?.” He also denied being invited by any government agency to answer any of the allegations levied against him. But Lucas Koyejo, the Assistant Chief Legal Officer of the National Human Rights Commission, produced a letter of invitation addressed to Mr Nwitua, dated August 9, 2010, alleging assault, rape, trafficking, child labour and malicious prosecution of Ms Monday, which was signed and received by Mr Nwitua’s niece, Princess, on August 11. “In view of the seriousness of the above allegations, the commission hereby request for your response within seven days of your receipt of this letter in order to make a fair and just decision in this matter,” the letter read..

Different tune

At the Police State Criminal Investigation Department, Panti, Yaba, Mr Nwitua began to sang a different tune. He accused the Lagos State government of conspiring against him; and boasted that the charge of impregnating Ms Monday, if proven, would show he is a man. “Comfort was given to me by her father and brother for marriage,” he said. “I paid them about N25,000. Even if I impregnated her, am I not a man? So what crime have I done? All this allegations are just lies. Everybody that is a Yoruba is a liar. All you Yorubas are all liars.” Vure Kara, lawyer to Mr Nwitua, said his client was willing to undergo medical tests to confirm whether he is the father of the baby, adding if positive, he would have committed no crime since Ms Monday is above 16 years. “Our law is clear, once a person is within the age of 16 years, the issue of having intercourse with anybody is not a crime at all,” he said. “It is only if you have sexual intercourse with any person under 16 that it is a crime. So if that happens, it will be resolved. There is always a way about it..”

Not so easy

But indications are that Mr Nwitua, who has being detained over the weekend at Panti, will be charged to a family court. This would mean he will be tried under the Child Rights Law of Lagos State, thus ensuring a stiffer penalty. “It is a criminal matter and there are several allegations against him,” Mr Koyejo said. “First of all there is the allegation of rape because he forcefully had carnal knowledge of an underage under his care and the penalty for that under the Child Rights Act is life imprisonment.”

Ademola Adeniji-Adele, the Commissioner for Youth, Sports and Social Development, whose ministry took over Ms Monday’s welfare since August 17, said both mother and baby were doing fine. He said it would be left to the court to determine when a paternity test would be carried out. “The ministry’s obligation is to the girl and the child,” he said. “Everything other thing is being handled by the police and the court. Ours is to ensure abuse in any form in Lagos State is addressed. This is what we have done and the ministry is grateful to NEXT for bringing this girl’s case to the fore.”

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Seven-month-old pregnant NTA reporter jumps into a well to save her daughter
By Demola Akinyemi
Sunday, April 4, 2010

It was just like any other weekend at Zango, a suburb in Ilorin Kwara State, where Mrs Iyabode Olorunnisola, a renowned broadcaster at the NTA, Ilorin, lives.

Iyabo, as fondly called by her colleagues, is seven months pregnant and was just seeing off a church member- a friend and a nurse who visited her to the main road when it happened.

As Iyabo told Saturday Vanguard, the incident was an admixture of a miracle and reality. It sounds like James Bond films-touchy, gripping, patently emotional. The NTA reporter wants the story told so that mothers all over the world can learn to care for their children by giving them closer attention, “Nothing is too much for them because the children are our tomorrow”, she enthused

“I was inside the living room on the faithful day around 5pm or thereabout, with my nurse friend who had earlier called me that she was paying me a visit. We were actually discussing about my state, church matters and other related issues when I overheard my house maid, Aminat,” shouting at my four years old daughter to stay away from the well.

“Some minutes later, my guest left and I had to see her off to the main road, just a stone throw to our residence to board a taxi. She actually asked me to

PHOTO:Mother & Daughter before Incident

go back home because of my condition because I wanted to wait till she

boarded a taxi. To my dismay, when I got home, Aminat was just pointing at the well, shaking, and crying that my daughter, Bola had fallen into the well. I couldn’t believe it. I peeped into the well and I found my daughter gasping for breath inside the well.”

“Bola, since we gave birth to her, has been a very active baby .There was a day she went to visit my mother. While playing running around, she fell into a hot coal pot, and came out with burns all over her body. The scars are still there till today. She was said to be doing this ’’Boju-Boju’’, child play whereby children will cover their face and be running around, hide and seek games. Since her elderly ones were not at home, my daughter covered her face with a bucket running around the compound. I just wonder. she didn’t know the time she got to the brink of the well, and somersaulted inside. My brother, I couldn’t control myself seeing my daughter dying inside the well as she was gasping for breadth. Watching the pains she was going through was too much for me. Honestly, I didn’t know the time I jumped inside the well.”

“You could have died, not only with the baby but also with Bola you wanted to rescue,” she was told.

“May you never be in such situation. No mother would watch her child dying and would be thinking the way you are thinking. At that time, the fear of death didn’t come to my mind. All I wanted was to rescue my daughter with all my life. Any good mother will tell you this. So, I jumped into the well and with my seven months old pregnancy, I landed on Bola’s head inside the well, and together we went down, down at the bottom of the well.You know she summersaulted with the plastic bucket she was playing with, into the well.

That bucket, by divine arrangement, saved her skull from hitting the brick while she fell into the well. You know, as a journalist, you are supposed to know basic things about everything. So, in the process of my covering various assignments, I have heard a lot about one or two therapies about swimming. My brother, those things, I didn’t know when they came to my mind. I didn’t also know where the strength came from. Down, under the

water, I used my two legs already swollen up even before I jumped into the well, to bring Bola up to the water level, using my back and the two elbows to climb up the well. The clothes I had on was torn to shreds in the process, and there were bruises all over my back and elbow as a result of the injuries I sustained while bringing her up to the water level.

“While both of us were at the water level, I balanced myself with her on my two knees. Bola was already gone. So I started beating her, all over her body, slapping her mouth, and blowing air into her mouth, nose and ear. I did that intermittently with all the strength I had and slapped her severally. Honestly, I didn’t know where all those therapies came from but I must have learnt them from somewhere, sometimes.

“About 15 minutes later, my daughter started making sounds. So, I intensified the therapies. Eventually, she shouted aloud and it was then I knew where I was.At that point, I was now left with the problem of how two of us will get out of the well. I know there is God; that He exists. But this experience further strengthened my belief that there is God. If not God, the three of us would have possibly died inside the well because I didn’t mind. The agony was too much for me to bear.

“By now, people had already gathered at the mouth of the well. My friend who was waiting for taxi was called by my house girl, who in turn called two young boys walking away to come and rescue us from the well. They looked for ladder but the ladder couldn’t enter the well because of the position of two of us. By now, I didn’t have any strength in me again. So, I couldn’t climb up, talk less of coming up with my daughter. So, it was a big task, as frantic efforts were being made to bring us out of the well. Eventually, the ladder was suspended halfway and my daughter who by now had been terribly weak, struggled to climb out through the encouragements of the sympathizers.

“It was two hefty men that came into the well to bring me out. I thank God Almighty for his mercies! Immediately, I asked them to take us to our hospital. By now, it was going to around 6.30-7pm. All this while, my husband didn’t know anything. He was at work in his office. When he got home, he saw traces of slippers flung around, and everywhere looked much unkempt. He was actually scolding my house girl to tidy up the compound before my arrival.PHOTO:THE ILL FATED WELL

Could you believe that my house girl didn’t tell my husband what happened until I phoned him around 8pm that he should come and meet us at the hospital. We were there for two weeks. To the glory of the Almighty God, my pregnancy was certified okay, same with my health and that of my daughter. We later went to church for a thanksgiving.

“It’s a lesson to all mothers. We should give closer attention to our children, and be prayerful too. No matter what, I always have time for closer attention for my children. For instance, I always find time to take my children to and from school everyday, and when I know it’s not possible, I make good arrangement for them to stay with somebody who will look after them till I return.

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By Albert Akpor LAGOS — FOR six months now, a pregnant woman identified as Iyabo Ojo is being detained at the open cell of the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad, Fed SARS, Adeniji Adele, Lagos for allegedly being an in-law to a suspected armed robber. The woman who claimed to be 36 years was reportedly arrested by detectives attached to SARS since last August in Akure, Ondo State. Police sources said one Ibrahim (other names not known) who is an in-law had visited the woman and her children at their Oluwatoyin quarters in Akure some times ago during which he gave her N10,000.00 to buy things for herself and children. Sources hinted further that while Ibrahim was leaving, he equally collected Iyabo’s account number and GSM number with a promise to pay another N10, 000.00 to her account for her upkeep. Few weeks after, it was gathered that detectives attached to the SARS had encounter with a gang of suspected robbers which the said Ibrahim was a member. He was said to have received gunshot before he was arrested. Part of the items allegedly recovered from him was a GSM phone which contained Iyabo’s number. Acting on this, Vanguard was told that detectives promptly stormed Akure and put a call across to her, saying they had a message from Ibrahim for her. The unsuspecting pregnant woman was said to have raced to the waiting hands of the detectives who wasted no time in placing her under arrest, handcuffed her and whisked her to Lagos. She was later to be told her offence. Entreaties by the hapless woman that she did not know Ibrahim to be a criminal let alone being an accomplice fell on deaf ears as she was dumped in the cell. However, sources revealed that detectives are convinced that the mother of two may not know anything about the robbery after all, but are allegedly asking for a bail of N400,000.00 before she is left off the hook. Efforts to get the Commissioner of Police in-charge of the unit, Mr. Jubril Adeniji failed, but a source close to his office confirmed the detention and said the CP was aware of the matter and it was under investigation.
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How fine girl go put herself for this kind yawa because of money o !Britain's Foreign Office has said it was working to ensure lawyers have access to a pregnant Briton who faces death by firing squad in Laos. The Nigerian-born Samantha Orobator, 20, faces execution if she is found guilty at a 'hastily arranged' trial in Laos next week.She was arrested at Wattay Airport in Laos in August last year, allegedly in possession of 600g heroin after a holiday in Thailand and the Netherlands. Foreign Office Minister, Bill Rammell said: "We are also providing consular assistance to Samantha, in particular to help ensure that she has good legal representation. We are paying close attention to her welfare and are in regular contact with the Laotian authorities about her case."Rammell said British embassy officials have visited her six times since her arrest and Australian embassy officials have also visited her 10 times. There is no British embassy in Laos and the nearest is in Thailand. Mr Rammell said he will be raising the case with the Laotian Deputy Prime Minister when they meet in the UK on Thursday.But Reprieve director, Clive Stafford Smith, said "that's not much good. The trial will be over by then." He said her trial had been brought forward by a year in an apparent attempt to stop her seeing a lawyer. The decision to move the trial was announced after arrangements were made for Orobator to see a lawyer on Tuesday."It's pretty shocking that they would do that apparently to avoid her seeing a British lawyer before she has to go to trial," Smith saidHe called for the Government to immediately do everything in its power to have the trial put back. And he questioned how Orobator, who is due to give birth in September, could have become pregnant while in jail. She has been held since her arrest at the notorious Phonthong prison, where inmates have complained of being beaten and abused.Ronke Oseni, 21, a psychology student at Kingston University, said she only found out about her friend's situation on Wednesday.She said, "there is no one there to visit her, nobody to talk to, and she doesn't speak the language. I am really scared for her. I can't even imagine what she's going through. The punishment does not fit the crime. They want to shoot her but what about the baby?"She said her friend had planned to become a medical doctor and was a good student who was not involved in drugs. Miss Orobator, who was born in Nigeria but has lived in London since she was eight years old and is a British citizen, became pregnant in the prison in December.
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Thursday, March 26, 2009 at 10:00pm Thursday, 26 March 2009 00:00 Nigerian Compass •Court orders her release •Community cries out for help Lateef Ibrahim, Abuja WHAT could a woman be doing in her house with 42 pregnant teenagers? . This is the question operatives of the anti-human trafficking unit of the... Force Headquarters, Abuja, are trying to find an answer to, as they arrested the suspect (names withheld). The victims, aged between 13 and 18, were allegedly found in the woman’s house in Abia State. The suspect, the Nigerian Compass learnt, had earlier been arrested and paraded by the Abia State Police Command for allegedly trafficking in children, only to be released based on intervention from “high quarters”. It was gathered that her latest arrest followed a tip-off from the people of Umunkpeyi Nvosi village in Isiala-Ngwa South Local Government Area of Abia State, where she resides. It was further learnt that the policemen stormed the village and raided the home of the woman during which the 42 pregnant teenagers and some able- bodied men were reportedly arrested. The woman was alleged to have recruited the men for the purpose of kidnapping the teenagers and having immoral relationship with them, which resulted into the pregnancy. It was, however, not clear what she uses the babies from the pregnant girls for. “These young men were recruited to abduct the young girls, put them in family way and kidnap any member of the community who voices opposition to her nefarious activities”, the people of Umunkpeyi Nvosi community said in a letter signed on their behalf by Iheanyi Achoromadu and Pastor Charles Ukoh. The letter, a copy of which was obtained by the Nigerian Compass in Abuja, was addressed to the Chairman of the Civil Liberties Organisation. The community noted with regrets that the police in Abia State were very complacent on the issue. “It is quite regrettable that notwithstanding the gravity of the said atrocities, the police in Abia State are still very complacent on the issue”, the community declared in the letter. The people expressed happiness that the Force Headquarters have “renewed investigations on the subject-matter and in the process, arrested some pregnant girls from the said camp.” The community further implored the CLO to “come into the matter fully so that appropriate government agencies and all other parties that should be involved in this matter are made to live up to expectations to save us from this ugly situation”. The Nigerian Compass, however, gathered that before the suspect could be brought from Abia State to Abuja, a court injunction restraining the police from arresting her was already waiting, following which she was released. When contacted on his mobile phone yesterday, the Force Public Relations Officer, Mr. Emmanuel Ojukwu, who neither confirmed nor denied the story, merely said: “I don’t have the details now”.
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