Sick (2)

After months of hide and seek, sick President Umaru Yar’Adua’s mother, Hajia Dada Yar’Adua was allowed access to him on Friday by the restrictive cabal led by Her daughter-in-law, Turai and Chief Security Officer (CSO), Yusuf Tilde. our source in Abuja revealed that few minutes after setting eyes on her son, shocked Hajia Dada broke down and wept like a baby, repeatedly calling him “Babangida, Babangida” her choice name for President Yar’Adua. The President never responded to his mother as he sat and looked at her in a manner that suggested he may have lost memories of her, according to a source. “Hajia was so shocked at his state of his health and the most painful was that even while she called him Babangida, the name she gave him from birth by which family members know Mr. President, he did not respond, he was just there looking at her like he doesn’t know who she is,” the source told us. For months Turai and her co-travelers restricted access to the sick President. They did not even allow his immediate family including his mother to see how he is doing. It was against this background that Hajia Dada called on the PDP, General Ibrahim Babangida, and Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo to prevail on Turai to allow her access. According to our source, on setting her eyes on her son, she repeatedly called out her favorite name she calls him. She named him Babangida after his paternal grand father. Our source said she kept calling “ Babangida, Babangida” , but her son just starred at her and could not utter a word. advertisement our source said after several minutes of trying to establish communication with her gravely ill son, with stone-faced Turai watching, Hajia Dada was taken away by security operatives. It was leant that the President’s mother returned to Katsina later Friday night, with the possibility of not seeing her son again, at the back of her mind. Our source also hinted that several times Hajia Dada had asked that her son be brought back to Katsina, where is expects marabouts to perform a miracle. Sources say shortly before Yar’Adua was evacuated to Saudi Arabia, the sick President had requested audience with his mother at the Presidential Villa. But Hajia Dada spent two days with the President and did not know why other brothers and sisters of President Yar’Adua never came around to see her. According to sources, Turai, wife of the President had instructed security operatives in the villa not to allow any of the President’s siblings around. An operative who is said to be very close to the Yar’adua’s had hinted the President’s mother. The President’s mother, it was gathered had told the president and for the first time, President Yar’Adua, according to a source “tongue lashed his wife and immediately ordered than his family members be granted unrestricted access anytime they want to see him.”
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Some quotes from this controversial book which are often cited in discussions about Khomeini's work:

  • "A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man’s four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl’s sister.” - Ayatollah Khomeini, “Tahrir- ol-vasyleh”, Volume 4, Darol Elm, Qom, Iran, 1990, p. 221.

  • "If one commits an act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed." - Ayatollah Khomeini, "Tozih-ol-Masael".

  • "During sexual intercourse, if the penis enters a woman's vagina or a man's anus, fully or only as far as the circumcision ring, both partners become impure, even if they have not reached puberty; they must consequently perform their ablutions." - Ayatollah Khomeini, "Tozih-ol-Masael".

  • “A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.” - Ayatollah Khomeini, “Tahrir- ol-vasyleh”, Volume 4, Darol Elm, Qom, Iran, 1990.
Brief Profile :

Grand Ayatollah Sayyed[citation needed] Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini (Persian: روح الله موسوی خمینی, pronounced [ruːhollɑːhe muːsæviːje xomejniː] ( listen)[add stress]; 24 September 1902[1][2] – 3 June 1989) was an Iranian religious leader and politician, and leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution which saw the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran. Following the revolution and a national referendum, Khomeini became the country's Supreme Leader—a position created in the constitution as the highest ranking political and religious authority of the nation—until his death.

Khomeini was a marja or marja al-taqlid ("source of emulation", also known as a Grand Ayatollah) in Twelver Shi'a Islam, but is most famous for his political role. In his writings and preachings he expanded the Shi'a Usuli theory of velayat-e faqih, the "guardianship of the jurisconsult (clerical authority)" to include theocratic political rule by Islamic jurists.

Beloved by millions of Iranians [3] he was "the Imam, an ascetic spiritual leader whose teachings are unquestioned."[4] Both his return from exile and his funeral were occasions of great emotional outpouring for millions.

In the non-Muslim world abroad he was described as the "virtual face of Islam in Western popular culture," [5] known for his support of the hostage takers during the Iranian hostage crisis [6] and his fatwa calling for the death of British citizen Salman Rushdie.[7] TIME magazine described him as "a fanatic whose judgments are harsh, reasoning bizarre and conclusions surreal,"[4] and Iranian American scholar Vali Nasr as one who inculcated "fear and distrust towards Islam.[5]

Named Man of the Year in 1979 by American newsmagazine TIME[4], Khomeini has been referred to as a "charismatic leader of immense popularity," [8] considered a "champion of Islamic revival" by both Shia and Sunni scholars.[5]

Khomeini is usually known as Imam Khomeini inside Iran[9] and amongst his followers internationally, and Ayatollah Khomeini outside of the country.[10]

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