Sleep (4)

12166312067?profile=originalHere is an article from Natural News about research on electronics and sleep deprivation.
We have known this for years and I have been suggesting to people that they NOT have a TV in their bedroom and not play on the computer just before bed. Personally, I also use full spectrum lighting before bed and sleep on a Nikken magnetic mattress to reset my body’s natural rhythm during sleep. See my website st for information on these products

(NaturalNews) Do you use your computer, watch television, or mess around on your cell phone within the hour before you go to bed at night? If so, you might be altering your sleep cycle and preventing quality rest, according to a new study conducted as part of a National Sleep Foundation poll. Researchers say that staring at light-emitting screens during the hour before going to sleep inhibits the proper release of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the body’s natural sleep cycles.

Roughly 95 percent of poll respondents indicated that they typically play video games, watch television, use the computer, or access their smart phones within the hour before they go to sleep. And 43 percent of respondents between the ages of 13 and 64 said they rarely ever get a good night’s sleep during an average work week.

“This study reveals that light-emitting screens are in heavy use within the pivotal hour before sleep,” said Charles Czeisler from Harvard Medical School, in a Breitbart piece. “Invasion of such alerting technologies into the bedroom may contribute to the high proportion of respondents who report that they routinely get less sleep than they need.”

While respondents in older generations tended more towards passively watching television before bed, younger respondents indicated participation in more active and brain-engaging activities like playing video games and using smart phones, which experts say may be even worse for sleep and overall health.

“Over the last 50 years, we’ve seen how television viewing has grown to be a near constant before bed, and now we are seeing new information technologies such as laptops, cell phones, video games and music devices rapidly gaining the same status,” said Lauren Hale of Stony Brook University Medical Center. “The higher use of these potentially more sleep-disruptive technologies among younger generations may have serious consequences for physical health, cognitive development, and other measures of well-being.”

Keeping mobile phones and other radiation-emitting devices away from your bed at night will also help improve sleep quality by limiting exposure to the “electro-smog” they emit that can disrupt restful sleep. Long-term exposure to even low levels of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) may cause serious health problems, so it is always a smart idea to limit their use and keep them away from your body whenever possible (…).

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General recommendations for prevention of insomnia include the following:

  • Work to improve your sleep habits.
    • Learn to relax. Self-hypnosis, biofeedback and relaxation breathing are often helpful.
    • Control your environment. Avoid light, noise, and excessive temperatures. Use the bed only to sleep and avoid using it for reading and watching TV.Sexual activity is an exception.
    • Establish a bedtime routine. Fix wake time.

  • Avoid large meals, excessive fluid intake, and strenuous exercise before bedtime and reduce the use of stimulantsincluding caffeine and nicotine.
  • If you do not fall asleep within 20 to 30 minutes, try a relaxing activity such as listening to soothing music or reading.
  • Limit daytime naps to less than 15 minutes unless directed by your doctor.
    • It is generally preferable to avoid naps whenever possible to help consolidate your night's sleep.
    • There are certain sleep disorders, however, that will benefit from naps. Discuss this issue with your doctor.

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Scientists unravel secrets of sound sleep

Ever wonder how some people can sleep through thunderstorms and traffic noise, while others wake up at the slightest sound? Differences in people's brain rhythms during sleep may hold the answer, scientists say.

While treatments based on the findings remain a long ways off, "by knowing this information, we will better understand what can be done to enhance natural sleep," said study senior author Dr. Jeffrey Ellenbogen, chief of the division of sleep medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and assistant professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School.

Reporting in the Aug. 10 issue of Current Biology, Ellenbogen and his colleagues studied how sensitivity to noise during sleep is associated with a type of brain activity called sleep "spindles" - bursts of fast brain rhythms that punctuate the otherwise slow-wave patterns characteristic of sleep.

These spindle rhythms are generated by a structure in the brain called the thalamus, which is responsible for relaying sensory information from the outside world to other parts of the brain. It's thought that the thalamus might generate these sleep spindles as a way to prevent sensory input (such as loud noise) from reaching the sleeping brain.

To see if spindles might shield the brain from sound in the environment, the researchers first measured spindle production in the brains of 12 healthy adult volunteers during a quiet night of sleep. On the next two nights, they evaluated the volunteers' sleep behavior in the presence of noises like road and air traffic or a ringing telephone.

The researchers found that people with higher rates of spindle rhythms were consistently less likely to awake in response to these noises.

"Spindles have previously been associated with suppression of incoming stimuli during sleep, so the results are logical," said one expert, Torbjorn Akerstedt, director of the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University in Sweden.

It's not completely clear if sleep spindles are directly interfering with sound transmission to the brain, although that's the current hypothesis, Ellenbogen said. "If a spindle occurs at the same time as a sound, then the sound is likely blocked from perception, keeping the person asleep. More spindles makes it more likely that noises will collide with this sleep-protecting rhythm," he said. Alternatively, it's possible that the spindle is simply a sign of an as-yet-unknown brain process that controls noise sensitivity.

Each person's spindle rate was similar across all three nights, suggesting that it's a stable trait for an individual across time, although "little is known about what makes one person produce more spindles than another," Ellenbogen said.
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now and then, tales that Cossy Orjiakor acted in pornography alongside a dog make the rounds. But when the stories emerged again recently, the young woman with the inflatable chest was not only shattered but members of her family were greatly disturbed and distorted. Cossy's name no doubt rings a bell in the social, entertainment and corporate world for different reasons. This is not because of her wealth or talent, or lack of it, but because of the way she let her massive breasts hang out without a care in the world. She is, however, quick to justify her often risqu» appearance: "People should understand that I'm an actress and I am meant to be dedicated to my career just like a doctor or lawyer. I would keep playing roles that might require me to be sexy or reveal some parts of my body. I am simply an entertainer and that is what I do for a living. "I used to be a dancer but few people know that. I was one of the dancers in Shan George's music video and I also sing. Aside that, I am someone with an open and free mind. If I'm called to do any scene that might look somehow, I would take up the role because it's simply make-believe and that's what many people still don't want to accept. "Unlike what many have decided to believe about me, I am a good person. Most people don't know me and all they do is just choose to believe and judge me because of my profession and what they get to hear about me. But those that are close to me know that I'm a different person. I'm only an entertainer doing what I know and enjoy doing. "I don't sleep around like many people believe and I'm not any of those things which people paint me to be." Naturally, we sought her reaction to reports that she was paid $10,000 for a sex scene with a dog in a movie. She obviously expected the question. "I am still stunned myself and I'm still going to sue the writer of the false story because I never slept with a dog neither did I pose nude with a dog on a set," was her immediate answer. She continued: "I sincerely don't know where this is coming from because I have started tracing it and I believe I would definitely get to the root of this. "What I can specifically say about the whole thing is that I acted in a film entitled Itohan sometime between 2001 and 2002 with director Chico Ejiro while the producer of the film is Lucky Ewa. The film is about a prostitute who eventually regretted her trade but died of AIDS. She even slept with a dog in the film. I played the role of the lady, but only acted like a prostitute with clothes on. That was it. "Shots were taken during the shooting, and I guess that is where they got the pictures that are being circulated. I have called the producers of the flick and they denied giving out the pictures." She also have words about the producers of the film: "I learnt that Chico Ejiro is saying he can't remember shooting the flick with me in it. It was on the set of that film that his wife just hated my sight and I didn't know why but there was nothing I could do because I was only doing my job and I was a greenhorn then. "I was later told at the location that she doesn't like my sight because Chico Ejiro loves ladies with big boobs. "I don't know why they are all making lies out of what is not, it was just a scene playing with a dog and nothing like having sex with a dog or posing nude with the dog. I only acted for one year before I was banned in 2002 when people stopped giving me roles. "For the records, I don't mess around with people I work with and neither do I just jump into people's bed like it is believed by many. I have never dated any film producer or journalist and I don't know why someone is just out to malign me for no just cause." When contacted, Chico Ejiro simply said: "I was hired to work on the set of Itohan just like Cossy was hired. I didn't hire her, I 'm not the producer of the movie, the producer is a man called Lucky Ewa and he was the one that hired us for our services. Rachael Oniga, Saheed Balogun, Bukky Wright, Shan George were all on the same set and she should just direct her complaints to the man that hired us both and not me or whosoever is in possession of her pictures. Cossy should just understand this and stop calling my name or attracting undue attention to me." Confident of her showbiz talent among other things, the young with the squeaky voice, whose whose main acting credential is her breasts, believes that she is just being persecuted for reasons unknown to her. "I don't know why I am the target of everybody. Before now, I used to think that some of the female folks might not like me or get envious of me because of my boobs, but over time I have come to believe that no one has any reason to dislike me because of my body part. "Envious ladies don't need to hate me any more because they can also get themselves large boobs or buy them as it is now being made easy. But why some men would now decided to use the fact that my boobs are big and I act to tarnish my image is something I don't just understand," she said. Cossy still insists that she is a complete entertainer who dances, sings and acts. "I'm a complete entertainer unlike what many believe. I sing, act and also dance but people would continue to say that I'm not a good actress. All I tell them is that if I'm not a good actress, why are things going well for me? "If I'm not as good like they claim, why are people talking and going nuts about something I did seven years ago? Why is it that everyone wants to write about me even when some of these things are false? "My music career would soon become another thing people would talk about because my album is ready. It was delayed as a result of this incident. It's been ready for months and I just decided to keep it low for now, but very soon, I would start promotions because I already have a video for one of the songs." She told our reporter "I live in my house in Lekki with my family, I also have landed property in Abuja and Aba, so why would I stoop so low to want to have sex with a dog in a film for a paltry sum of $10,000?" Cossy asked. Counting her earthly treasures, Cossy posted the message to the Internet during the week: "I have landed property of N20million, a house in Lekki, Lagos, 1.2 hecter of land in Kuje, Abuja, a plot in Maraba and a special plate number jeep. So why would I sleep with dog for an equivalent of N1.8million?" The Anambra-born tease, who claims she prefers shopping to sex, told Klieglights, "my mum and my siblings are so worried because the thing is really getting at the entire family. "My mother was in the church when the priest was talking about it and everybody was looking at her but she didn't understand until I told her about it and it made her feel so bad leaving the family disturbed and stressed." We are she has offered to give N10,000 to anybody who can give her original copies of the pictures making the round. "To be candid, I sincerely wish to see the naked pictures with the dog if truly it would be provided because I know that this is all false," she told our reporter. Where could this come from if she sincerely feels it's some set of people who are after her? "I don't know. Like I said, I don't know who the enemy is and who is friend. I have my suspicions and I just want to do my findings before I conclude on what step to take next. But this is just taking it far. Those behind it have taken it too far this time around," Cossy concluded.
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