What Does October Effect Mean?
The theory that stocks tend to decline during the month of October. TheOctober effect is considered mainly to be a psychological expectationrather than an actual phenomenon. Most statistics go against the theory.
The theory that stocks tend to decline during the month of October. TheOctober effect is considered mainly to be a psychological expectationrather than an actual phenomenon. Most statistics go against the theory.
Investopedia explains October Effect
Some investors may be nervous during October because the dates of some largehistorical market crashes occurred during this month. Black Monday,Tuesday and Thursday all occurred in October 1929, after which came theGreat Depression. In addition, the great crash of 1987 occurred onOctober 19, and saw the Dow plummet 22.6% in a single day. .
Some investors may be nervous during October because the dates of some largehistorical market crashes occurred during this month. Black Monday,Tuesday and Thursday all occurred in October 1929, after which came theGreat Depression. In addition, the great crash of 1987 occurred onOctober 19, and saw the Dow plummet 22.6% in a single day. .