12166230665?profile=originalOMOTOLA EKEINDE PRESS RELEASE

Photo Omotola & hubby Capt Ekeinde
Our attention has been drawn to one big fat lie published on the verynotorious and credibility-deficient website, nigeriafilms about our client, Mrs. Omotola Jalade Ekeinde, a highly respectableNollywood actress.
In the said damaging report that is being examined by our lawyer, thewebsite claimed Mrs. Ekeinde is having a sizzling and immoralrelationship with Dr. Taiwo Afolabi, CEO of Sifax based on the factthat nigeriafilms.com sights her regularly at the Apapa office ofDr. Afolabi.
ISSUESIt is a big fat lie that Mrs. Ekeinde frequents the office of Dr.Afolabi, the major reason given for the said romance. She has NEVERbeing to the said office at all.
Secondly, the Ekeindes and the Afolabis are family friends. Members ofthe families do exchange visits. Members of the Afolabi family dovisit the Iba home of the Ekeinde often while the Ekeindes do thesame. Captain Matthew Ekeinde and Dr. Afolabi are particularly fond ofeach other and do discuss at length when occasion permits. The lasttime Mrs. Ekeinde was at the Afolabi’s house was when she had ameeting with MRS. AFOLABI on participating in the highly publicized,Gaga4Fashion organized by the Afolabi’s children. It is an openknowledge that the families of Ekeinde and Afolabi have a longstanding relationship and Capt. Ekeinde is particularly close to Dr.Afolabi.
This report is a hatchet job by Nigeriafilms and we have detailed ourlegal team to start legal proceedings against the website that hasnotoriety for plagiarism and is known not to have a single reporterbased in Nigeria, the major country it covers.
Nigeriafilms claimed it could not reach Omotola to confirm the story.Our firm, Bigsam Media and the website have a long standingrelationship and open channel of communication; no representative ofthe website tried to contact us via phone or email. It is worrisome tonote that a top executive of the website still spoke to our CEO onMonday concerning an advert deal we have with the website. No issue ofOmotola was raised there or afterwards.
For Nigeriafilms, we are not surprised at this brazen disregard forethics of the noble profession, journalism and total disrespect fordecency. The website has never been known for anything decent. It is aknown fact that the website copy and pastes stories from otherrespectable websites without giving credit.
It is this same website that published a false story on an actorcontracting HIV only for it to publish a rejoinder weeks after saying‘sorry’ for the misinformation.
This same website published several apologies concerning a story onanother top actress for alleging she was involved in lesbianism. Thecompany’s former reporter left the organization due to the fact thatthe website only wants false and negative stories on Nigerian celebs.We are not saying online journals should not do its job of reportingbut we should endeavor to do our job within the line of decency andrespect for the noble profession, journalism.
Nigeriafilms should learn from other respectable online journals thathave been able to earn respect due to the professional way theyconduct business.
This website thrives on the fact that it is not based in Nigeria so ithas perceptual immunity to damage reputation and still escapes thearms of the law. This time around, we are ready for them. They havebitten more than they can chew.
Thanks for your understanding and please note that our lines are openfor enquiries.
SignedBigsam MediaLagos | NigeriaMay 20, 2011

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