PRESIDENT Goodluck Jonathan has vowed to provide good governance being an obligation he owes Nigerians to atone for the loss of lives and property in the post election crisis which followed his overwhelming victory in the April presidential election.

He made the solemn pledge during the thanksgiving service at the National Christian Centre Abuja organised as part of activities for his inauguration today for a fresh term in office urging religious leaders to continue to pray for his success.

He also urged Nigerians to pray for him.

He observed that “We and the government I would lead owe Nigerians good governance based on the fear of God. That is the only thing we can do to atone for the great loss this country witnessed. I therefore appeal to our religious leaders to continue to pray for us because no matter how committed you are as an individual if God does not touch all of us who are to run the affairs of the country then we cannot go anywhere.”

He said his election was in answer to the prayers some of which were said at the venue of the thanksgiving before the election.

According to him, “We were here in this centre last year September to place our supplication before the almighty God. Most of you here today were there that day. I thank God we are here today to thank God for answering our prayers.”

President Jonathan noted that the elections had solidified democracy in the country, hopeful that the country was already on its way to transformation.

According to the president, “That everything is working is a clear indication that transformation has started. Let us use this opportunity to ask ourselves what we should do as individuals, as Nigerians for this transformation to be consolidated.

“I plead with you to pray for me as I said before, pray for all of us who the Lord has given the privilege to run the affairs of the country both at the executive, legislature and judiciary because I on my own cannot manage the affairs of this country, only God can make it possible.”

He thanked the Church of God and religious leaders for praying for the country and Nigerians for their support and sacrifice especially during the last elections.

Also speaking, the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Pastor Ayo Oristejafor, chastised politicians for resorting to diabolical power in their bid to capture political positions saying that the end of such politicians was near.

The religious leader, who noted that the cost of running the country was too high, appealed to members of the National Assembly to do something about it even as he observed that the controversy over N18, 000 minimum was unnecessary as the amount was meagre.

He urged President Jonathan not to depend on human beings but God in his assignment of providing leadership for the country saying that God would be with him.

“Some leaders depend on men others depend on God. That is the difference between leaders. Any God fearing leader at any level, God is with you.

When you face challenges, the Lord is with you. When you are surrounded by evil men, the Lord is with you. When your friends become your enemy, the Lord is with you,” he declared.

Among those present at the church service were Vice President of Kenya Stephen Musyoka representing his country’s President, Senate President David Mark, former Nigerian leaders General Yakubu Gowon, Olusegun Obasanjo, Ernest Shonekan, and former Vice President Alex Ekwueme.

Meanwhile, all is now set for the inauguration the president with security beefed up in the Federal Capital with the deployment of military and paramilitary personnel to strategic parts of the city in apparent bid to ensure that no ugly incident occurred in today’s event.

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