What shall I render to the Lord ?

Who is like the Lord who really is like him glorious in Holiness FEARFUL in praise doing wonders ! Alleleuia !
My God is good ! wow ! he is a God of mercy and love ! knowing him has been my greatest pleasure, being with him forever will be much more amazing than the amazing spiderman !(excuse my comparison I was and still am a comic book freak)photo:an actor's depiction of what Christ could have looked like
I have not seen on this earth neither in the heavens have I found such absolute perfection that makes the imperfections of this world laughable. Greater Love can no man have than the Love that the saviour of our souls has for us. I GIVE HIM THANKS for who he is that not only is he The God but he is a GOOD God (Good God ! )
Many Lovers and gods have we had but NO Love can compare with that of his highness the King of kings and the Lord of Lords. For this I give him thanks for his majesty within my words within the deepest emptiness of my soul that only he can FILL. Jehovah,EL ELyon the most high and perfect and only God ...
Frankly, Frank loves you Lord.
As the season of Joy and giving comes with all its presents etc .There are so many thanks that I want to give to this special person in my Life that if I never breathe any words, from this moment (which is impossible, but we writers just like to type anyway ! ) and if I never even know how to say I love you to anyone again for ever and ever(another writers jibe) .
One way I want to express my thanks is to say .”Jesus I THANK you Lord “
“I will sing onto the Lord for he has triumphed gloriously The Horse and its Rider have been thrown in! to the SEA ! “
Is it possible to not know how wonderful you or someone else is ? O yes ! just take look around you and you will understand what the Bible means about “how the WHOLE of creation groaneth and travailleth in pains Rom 8:19-20
9 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
KJV The truth about our breath is manifested in this single word “PRAISE & WORSHIP” that is what we were made fearfully and wonderfully for to show forth the praises of him who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous LIGHT !
When Moslems call or mention the name of Mohammed they always accompany it with some kind of arabic epitaph akin to extreme reverence or like in the Harry Potter books when they talk about lord voldermorth and say “you know who “ and God who lives for ever and ever, he who upholds everything by the power of his word we hold his name in contempt with damnable heresies like “God damn ! ” how I cringe when I remember all the times I have used the name of God in vain, when all my lips should do continually is to give him thanksgiving always!
I have written many articles in my short life and I daresay I will write even more.I have seen the excellence of confusion within my own horizons and yet been allowed to see the Final solution for all of mankind , I have been graced with his special breath and saved with special blood.
The blood of Christ that cleanses of all sin and the baptism into priesthood and Spiritual enlightment into the holy of holies , able to stand up in his presence and SHOUT his name DADDY ! like any four year old without fear or favour . immersion into the holy Ghost not born of the flesh but born of God ! my o my.
This article has been written with God and the words Thanksgiving as the sole inspiration What has Mohammed done for me ? Nothing I am not a Moslem.
What has Buddha done for me ? Nothing. I am not a Buddhist.
What has Krishna done or me ? Nothing. I am unconscious of this .
What has Christian Science or psychics or New or old agers or dead or living people done for me lately ?
Janet Jackson sings it “What have you done for me lately ?”
The bible says neither death nor life nor principalities nor powers ,nor things present nor things to come CAN separate us from the Love of God which is resident in Christ within our crib (body)
But what has God done for me lately that I should give him thanks.
Down in the dumps of denial , denial of whom my source for ALL ! is, whom makes my heart to give its beat , Who loves me and gave himself for me and then and then and then …. I knew I had to write this article of Thanksgiving.
Giving thanks shows appreciation, shows understanding, shows revererence and confirms humility. Humility out of strength and this then yields JOY .Joy unspeakable !
Let us give thanks to God our maker and lover ,our Father and mother our brother and sister our ALL in ALL.
Let us give him thanks, let us thank him for his special gift his son Jesus Christ the first born amongst many sons of whom I am proud and happy to say I am one of his brothers
For I have declared his name within the congregation and the gates of hell shall never prevail. He who has called us and now still hollers out ! and calls us into a special relationship of thanksgiving with him for he has finished his works since the beginning of creation and has been resting for ever more .The Alpha and the Omega, The beginning the middle and the End .
He signifies his Lordship by giving us the ability to say “thanks O Lord Thank you mighty and glorious one for thine works are great and marvelous in our sight.You have redeemed us from our failure with what the enemy thought was failure. For if he had known what he was doing he would not have allowed the people to crucify your precious son.
This same enemy if he had known that what he was putting us through was a kinda Xzibit pimp my ride show to show forth your praises from his “afflictions” which have proved forth to be a blessing and an honour as the blessed dude Paul said “of whose chains I am glad to be in !
“I therefor! e say these words to the enemy .Thanks for deceiving Eve, thanks for all your deceits , Thanks for your diseases, for all the broken marriages/relationships, For the murders,drugs,Alcohol,Pornography, envyings, tears, fornications, adultery ,idols, lies, Wars, genocide, witchcrafts, etecetera and a very special Thanks for being God’s Devil !
Because if it had not been for your wickedness O evil one Satan ! I might not have known the Love of God that passess my understanding !
So go on being the devil because that is your purpose, it is to let us have a very clear reminder for all eternity of whom we should never ever not be amen.
So I thank the Lord God of Heaven and Earth for his understanding and his complete wisdom .I will end with this song
“Thanks, Thanks, I give you thanks for all you have done ,You are so blessed because my soul has found rest. OGod, I give you thanks ! Amen”
Happy belatedThanksgiving
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