A friend of mine was so obsessed with Dora Akunyili in her days as the Director-General of NAFDAC such that whenever she was shown on television, we used to tease him, 'come and see your girlfriend o'. He would leave whatever he was doing to come and have a look at her. My friend would always tell us that he admired her courage in combating importers and manufacturers of fake drugs- in saving lives. But all that changed in April 2009 during the gubernatorial rerun in Ekiti State. Today, the same man that had, practically, made Dora his heroine doesn't want to see her face on television again. Yes, the amount of hatred is always equal to the amount of love when love goes sour.

During the Ekiti rerun, it was obvious that Dora Akunyili covertly supported the blatant electoral robbery in Ekiti, which is presently a subject of litigation before the Ekiti Election Petitions Tribunal. When Ekiti Electoral Commissioner, Mrs. Adebayo Ayoka, resigned her appointment, Akunyili announced it was embarrassing to the Federal Government and hence, unacceptable. When Dora and her cohorts in the presidency intimidated Mrs. Ayoka Adebayo to go back and complete her job, we all knew what would happen. The result of Ido-Osi, which was earlier rejected, was accepted by the same woman who stated in her letter of resignation that her Christian conscience would not allow her to do such. To add insult to injury, Dora admonished the people of Ekiti to accept the result and cooperate with the administration of Mr. Segun Oni in order to move the state forward, thus giving herself away as part of a grand conspiracy to impose an unwanted governor on Ekiti people. Her popularity nosedived. This is the point where Dora lost most of her fans who had come to realize she had been bitten by the bug of the PDP. It was so bad that my friend, who was her erstwhile admirer, asked rhetorically, 'so this woman is like this'?

Against the above background, the current rebranding venture of Dora is an exercise in futility and she knows it. Nigerians are good people, no doubt, and they want to be led by a government they elect, not impostors. The reason we are having this image problem is not because of the Nigerian people but our do-or-die leaders who have completely undermined the electoral process. She should not pretend that she doesn't know that she is scorned anywhere she goes and she should just stop dissipating her energy, time and public resources on a worthless venture. She must concentrate on the PDP, INEC, electoral reform and NEPA.

When she came to Ondo State for her so-called rebranding project, not a few people in her audience whispered that she should start her rebranding in Ekiti if she wanted to succeed. If she is sincere with herself, rebranding must start with INEC and the PDP. She must openly appeal to INEC to allow free and fair elections and stop colluding with her ruling PDP to doctor figures in favour of their candidates. She should be in the forefront of the campaign to remove Iwu as the INEC Chairman. The golden opportunity for her to rebrand Nigeria slipped during Ekiti rerun when she ought to have insisted that Mrs. Adebayo be allowed to do her job conscientiously by announcing the actual winner of that election. If that had been done, she would not have been dissipating her energy on a worthless venture called rebranding when nobody is taking her serious.

Akunyili's attitude tend to confirm the allegation of late Chief Lamidi Adedibu that Dora descended on his supporters by locking their shops because he refused her plea to help her lobby the then President Obasanjo to make her a minister. Her role in the Ekiti debacle is a pointer to the fact that she didn't want to rock the boat.

Last week, when Akunyili went on a condolence visit to the family of Chief Gani Fawehinmi, many listeners were taken aback because she repeatedly called Fayemi instead of Fawehinmi. People now wonder if the name Fayemi is etched on her subconscious as those of her PDP brass hats.

The only way her rebranding can succeed is for her to tender an unreserved apology to Ekiti people for her inglorious role in the gubernatorial re-run election, which is a lost opportunity to redeem the country's image before the international community.

Dora Akunyili Is A Confused Pretender

During a condolence visit to Gani Fawehinmi she repeatedly repeatedly called the great man Fayemi !!!! Obviously she was such a major player in the blatant election rigging in Ekiti to the extent that she cannot get the name Fayemi out of her head !!! Kayode Fayemi is the AC gubernatorial candidate cheated out of his mandate in the recently concluded Ekiti 'heist' !!!! She is shameless and no different to all the undemocratic thieves destroying Nigeria. This woman insulted Gani Fawehinmi and all her supporters should bow their head in shame at this unforgivable gaffe that exposes how shallow and lacking in substance Akunyili really is. She is a deceitful empty barrel.

"Madam NAFDAC is now selling a fake product: "Nigeria".
I cannot knock that quote. Period

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