The Pursuit of HaPPyness

I have never pursued happyness, I dimly recall going after love not happyness, I became aware unknowingly that happyness was a figment of my mind state and I rarely pursued it . I went after love because it made more sense .but I went after the wrong kind of love and it almost killed me . I learnt about love from one source first .The love of a creation .It took me a while to realise that this love was not my one true love , when I found this out i decided to go after the love of truth , the truth of completion the holy grail of my existence . Good things they say come to those who wait but waiting was not in my dictionary . A virtue is a big thing to ask for especially when that virtue is patience . I write to explain to myself my existence I write because I think I might be good at it .a writers life can be a sorry life .Iit is a life that is usually mixed with sorrows and lows and at the same time joys and highs .The original book the Bible is interspersed with such because the fruits of writing are always hidden in the way it is birthed. As a creation it sounds really weird to create stuff because if you are a writer after completion then the truth you seek has to be an image of yourself .Hence the Cats and kittens theory not the Dogs and kittens relationships, we experience daily. Relationships , wow ! what a word, it lives within the essence of our lives, no man is an island but in birth we are like small atolls congregated in the same idea , the idea of birth and in death we return within these atolls as separate islands . Our relationships will hence transpire into the singularity our ourselves. Naked I came naked I return .Alone I came alone I shall return. The body makes it easier for us to appreciate our existence it is the graphical interface for the operating system called life and there is no open source solution and microsoft nor google can explain our purpose nor our lack of it . The truth is certain , many have run away from it , sometimes it is a blessing not to be aware of it but like a sure constant, it exists and will for all time . To pursue happiness within this GUI (pronounced G.U.I not Gooey, ew ! ) is like pouring butter into a hot plate and expecting it to freeze .it will never happen. The bible calls it the flesh, and using my old church mind the word flesh sounds weird, It sounds so spiritual so carnal like as if it is some strange distasteful lifeform .An absence of life means that the body exists in vitro but the life has gone into the ether .To pursue happiness inside this body is ignoring the obvious, they do not mix. When they mix something eternal obstructs their satisfaction and this belies the truth of completion .The body must therefore be the paradox. What if we did not have bodies ? this is not a sad piece, it is a revelation of the limits this body has strung us from time. It shows our limitations and our absolute helplessness as long as we are within its shell. The famous writer paul sighed out once �who will deliver me from this death.� like new born babies that know nothing else but �waa waa ! feed me! �The body also screams its own selfishness. Clothe me house me ,marry me .. It is the quintessential nuisance as its existence limits the joys of a Happy pursuit. The new Will Smith movie showed a will smith I have never known, a sad, sorry, unlucky man that the possession of two extra bodies in his wife and his son was a reason why happyness should become something we must pursue. He is not only one of the funniest �arrogantest� movie man I know but he is also a very gifted actor to boot. Another rendition of that movie could be the pursuit of God . Just as someone coined Godchasers which I am certain ( I hope ) is a dire misnomer by man as God can not be chased except he wants to nor can he be seen except we are certain we can recognize, you can only recognize someone you have met Before. It is he who lives in us and vice versa and in him we have our being . The Rat race used to be a depiction of the poverty of recycled hours , the happiness pursuit race is the one that should have hope or is it ? To get out of �bof of yers� we have to die in the sense of real death which is the death of self and this will lead us into the truth of happiness which we pursue fervently and which whilst we are resident pursuers we will never get. I wish for a body that will lead me to the truth of happiness , that will explain clearly what exactly it means to be happy .I found that in the bible . Encryptions and decrying words like Davinci codes as if it is even any ones business if Jesus had a wife ! Does it suffice that the bible insinuates he had a mommy ? Folks actually think that the preservation of the bible was an effort of human will . Yikes tothat .It is no wonder that God allowed our downgrade to just three score and ten years and also introduced a myriad of languages else we would do even worse than even old evilness, the Devil himself ! I aint joking. Our bodies define a lot about us , they contain the clearest devices that enable us to search for happiness ,even animals respect these laws as their constitiution enables them to pursue happiness from their own perspectives.The joy of a full stomach. They have no understanding of sin except maybe my dogs who have this uncanny ability to pull a guilty face when I tell them what bad dogs they are. Their abilty to survive is based mainly on their ability to use their bodies just as well as we do. I am a star, I am a genius, a being of gifts , my existence has been blessed by my gifts .If I use them I will become a star. If I don�t well �.. what is the opposite of a star ? Happiness means you are part of the crowd , the rich crowd that is , exemption from this means I have not utilised my gifts which are inherent within me .Why ? I have a brain . The brain is the citadel of the body it operates on the premise that it is a controller a cpu , a vast memory bank that rules the body . What if we did no have brains ?
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