The Simplicity of Decision

A good day to you all I pray that this email meets you in good health and proseprity amen.

The Simplicity of Decision.

Our lives are classified as decisons based on time intervals , whether you are awake ,asleep, at work .Your Life is a continous array of decisions.

I became humbled recently, not because I was not humble but becasue I was unaware that I was humble.Within this ignorant humility I made "decisions" I was not proud of.

In other words you might say, I became humbled because I failed to see the humility of my ways and God in his everlasting kindness who resists the proud but gives grace to the humble showed me that the knowledge of my humility was absent since i did not know that I had It.

As I realised this "lack of humility about my humility" It became clear to me that ignorance is no justification for unrighteosness.

Ignorance exists because we do not search for its corolary which is knowledge,wisdom and understanding.

I recently must confess I was evidently ignorant of the Catholic church and Its strong influence on the Church of Christ until the Pope died.

Perceptions based on my ignorance to seek truth on this matter only came to light when the Pope of the Catholic Church died.

My theories of Mary the Mother of Jesus as being unacceptable have all gone in smoke !

Pentecostal & Evangelistical leaders in droves appeared on CNN and other news media to praise and approve of the Pope's contribution to christendom.My humilty therefore has increased because of my lack of knowledge of something I decided long ago as not negotiable !

All that remains is the fact that Who am I to Judge ? A friend of mine told me recently that she felt that God would in the end of the age forgive everyone and in my foolish humility I said " Impossible ! "

but hold on, who am I to judge again?

Am I the creator ? I am a mere creation created on to good works,saved completely by grace lest i should boast and therefore judge .

To his master everyone stands ! for this same reason Christ died not for the righteous but for sinners, therefore I am to work out my own Salvation with the God of "Love" and "Fear" with fear and trembling !

Is he unfair if he says "I will have mercy on whom I will ? " but a broken and contrite heart he will not reject !

If I spent a fraction of the time I spend on my pleasures and just generally amusing myself ignorant of the pleasures of God's purpose then should i be blamed if I perish for lack of knowledge ?

This is the fact that we miss, the point that we fail to note, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God but God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whomsoever believeth in him may not perish but have eternal life."

I am not presenting this topic based on this fact that happened to me but I want to relate it so that know it or not , seek it or not ,like it or not ,God's purpose is inevitable,Jesus is Lord and he is coming soon.

If I am humble without knowing it then I have no knowledge and then no wisdom and then no understanding ?

If I have Faith that can move mountains and I dont know it, What good is it to me ?

Ok If I know in part and I prophesy in part and have faith in part ? How will it profit me ? .

Love claims to be perfect ,It claims this becasue God is love.

The decision process is saddled within the Corporate world as a predictive and analytical process, of a magnitude beyond the early civilizations of man.

Yet we see no differences in the basic Civic and Social Responsibilities of man to man.

No improvements towards the enveloping chaos that threatens to engulf man as we are today.

Will it ever stop ?

The greatest thing that God gave us as commandments boiled down to ,

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy might with all thy mind and with all thy strength and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" .

Someone asked Jesus this question , who is my neighbour and Jesus answered .... we know the story of the Good samaritan.

Is it possible for me to love God with the ALL that I can muster and still be able to love my neighbour as myself ? Where can that kind of love come from ?

According to the commander it is possible .

I reason that this is only possible because God postures that to say we love God that we have not seen, means that we must love the person we have seen .

I can not debate on who these persons are but honestly, It is intrinsincally not people we like or we know but people that others reject and spite because of who they are.

In our daily decisions , we act like the top management of the corporate world . We base our decisions on what we have seen ,heard, percieved etc

how often do we base our decision on LOVE.?

Love as It is is not the starry eyed approach by Romeo and Juliet but the kind like Ist Corrinthians 13th chapter (one of the "luckiest" verses of the bible).

God is love and as we are trying to attain this love, a suitable practice would be to try to attain the characteristics of his love.

1 Cor 13:4-7

Love is patient,

love is kind.

It does not envy,

It does not boast,

It is not proud.

It is not rude,

It is not self-seeking,

It is not easily angered,

It keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.


The simplicity of commandments is in their obedience, To obey is better than sacrifice .He who commands wants his commandment achieved .

He will not give you anything to carry that is beyond your ability or his.

The simplicity of Decision Theory is in putting love in your relationships.Even physicists have come to the realisation that the only true law of the Universe is the Relationship theory against even the Relativity theory.

Relationships are the bedrock of existence,finding,sustaining and keeping them are based on chance,work and Choices.

Choice, decsions and purpose.Man proposes choices God does the dispensation.

If you have a decision to make today,if it is hard ,easy difficult or just plain confusing all you have to do is to Do it in Love ..

I gaurantee you that it is the simplest and the best decision you can make.

God bless you


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