Wande Coal in nude picture scandal

On Thursday, Mo Hits star, Wande Coal, real name, Ojosipe Wande, became the hottest trending topic on social networking site, Twitter, when pictures alleged to be his nude shots, surfaced on the Internet.

Though this has attracted various comments from fans and the public alike, some of his colleagues have risen to his defence.

Mo Hits producer, Don Jazzy, tweeted “Kaiiiiiiii my boy is trending sha. Oya make somebody photoshop my own too o. Maybe I go trend too. Lol.”

Dele Momodu, Ovation publisher and 2011 presidential aspirant, also tweeted “@delemomodu2011: As the enemies tried to pull down great son of Nigeria @wande coal today. I urge all my good friends to pls tweet something great about Wande.”

Similarly, a few months back, a picture alleged to be that of fellow Mo Hit artiste DBanj and Wande Coal smoking marijuana in a bus surfaced on the Internet..

However, in a reaction to the issue, Mo Hits publicists, Big Sam Media, have risen in defence of Wande Coal. In a statement titled, Somebody is After Wande Coal, the artiste’s publicists say, “It has come to our notice that a purported nude picture of Wande Coal is being circulated on social networking site, Twitter, and that made him a trending topic yesterday and early hours of today.

“Wande is very grateful to those who have shown him love and as well to those who were constructive in their criticisms. He is saying a massive thank you.

Nothing to be ashamed of

“We also want to state categorically that there is nothing wrong or to be ashamed (of) about being naked but the pictures in question are not those of Wande Coal, the multiple Hip Hop World Award winner. That is not him and that can never be him.”

Big Sam media claimed that Wande Coal has been a target of “orchestrated attacks in past months”, citing a report that claimed that the artiste was being treated in psychiatric home.

“We have reason to believe that the person behind these nude pictures is the same person behind earlier negative and false stories. Therefore, we are no longer taking the matter lightly. Appropriate security agencies have been briefed and investigations are on-going so as to ascertain (the) true identity of the culprit and bring him or her to book.

Wande Coal started out as a soundtrack artiste for Mainframe Production. He was also a onetime dancer for Angelica, Boulevard, and Asa. He, however, got his big break after a chance meeting with the Mo Hits Family after a performance at the University of Lagos in 2006. He was signed on by Mo Hits records almost immediately, and released his debut album, Mushin to Mo' Hits.

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