Thank you Nigeria. We did it! I knew we could but seeing it come to fruition brings back the pleasant memory I had as a child listening on the radio as the Union Jack was lowered and the Green and White Flag raised on October 1st, 1960, our Independence Day. My dear brothers and sisters, today it is independence day for Nigeria yet again. Together we have said yes to one Nigeria. Together we have agreed to be our brother's keeper. Together we have spoken with one voice to say no to dichotomy. Together we have chosen a rebirth and as a Nigerian musical Icon once said Together we shall win forever!


I have however received with great sadness the news of sporadic unrest in some parts of the country which are not unconnected with last Saturday’s elections.


I appeal to those involved to stop this unnecessary and avoidable conduct, more so at this point in time when a lot of sacrifice has been made by all the citizens of this great country in ensuring the conduct of free and fair elections.

It is with the deepest sense of responsibility that I call on all our political leaders especially the contestants to appeal to their supporters to stop further violence in the interest of stability, peace and well being of this great country.


As I said during the campaigns and now say again, I have no enemies to fight. Even at this hour, one of the finest hours of Nigeria, I want to pay tribute to Major Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (Rtd), a man I consider as a patriot per excellence and a man who I respect and never looked at as an opponent or a rival but as a partner in progress. To Major Gen. Buhari (Rtd) and all his supporters, I open up my arms wide in embrace and remind them that "this generation of Nigerians and indeed future generations have no other country than Nigeria. We shall remain here and salvage it TOGETHER".


I also salute Malam Nuhu Ribadu and recognize him today as a child of independence who has justified the act of independence and has proved by his gallant conduct as a Presidential candidate that the youth of Nigeria "have come of age". I am not surprised at Malam Ribadu's ability to inspire the youth. In fact, I desired his invigorating presence for Nigeria which was why I used every power at my disposal as President of Nigeria to bring equity to him causing him to feel secure enough to return to the land he loves so much and make him know that I, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, and the Nigeria nation appreciates him. I look forward to a future of synergistic collaboration between the two of us.


I also salute Malam Ibrahim Shekarau and all those who participated with me in this process. As General Yakubu Gowon once said, in a contest amongst brothers "there is no victor nor vanquished". We are all Nigerians and today all Nigerians are winners because we now know that North, South, East or West, Nigeria is best! GEJ

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