What Time is It?

What  Time is It?


Well; it is later than we think; and the King of kings is soon to return!

The reason that I say that it is later than we think is because, most Christians, Preachers, or Teachers very rarely read and teach from the book of Revelation. They think that the things that are written in it are too complicated and confusing. And that those things are not going to happen until some time in the far distant future! Well let me update you, did you know that five of the seven Trumpets spoken of in Revelation have already sounded? That's right, and that means that there are only two Trumpets left to sound!


Let's back up a minute, in the 5th and 6th Chapters of Revelation, we see John weeping because there was no one found worthy to open the book and to loose the seven seals contained in the book. But an Angel told him to stop crying, because the Lion of the Tribe of Juda, has arisen and that He is the only one worthy to take the book and to loose or break open its seals!


Do we understand that Jesus Christ is the one that has set events in motion, and that He has already warned those with ears to hear as to what is going on in the earth today! There is a need for a clearer understanding of the word of God among His people, because some are trying to rebuke and bind satan, concerning things that are happening, instead of realizing and understanding the order of things. The scriptures says in Ephesians 5:15-17, that we are made wise by knowing or understanding what the will of the Lord is.


Now there are; the Seal judgments, the Trumpet Judgments and the Vial Judgments. The Seals and Trumpets speak of the same things, but in greater or lesser detail. For instance, just as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all contain the history of Jesus' earthly ministry…some  give more detail than do the others. So the Seals are the short story and the Trumpets are the longer story. The Vial Judgments happen after, or during the great tribulation.


So why do I say that it is later than we think? As I stated, five of the seven Trumpets have sounded. Let me briefly brake them down for you; the first Trumpet was WW1, the second Trumpet was WW2, the third Trumpet was the nuclear explosion that happen in Russia in the 80's known as Chernobyl. The forth Trumpet was the shortening of time which begin in the early 90's. Haven't you said yourself; "It feels like time is going faster".  The fifth Trumpet was the Gulf War beginning with George Bush Sr. and leading up to the removal of power of Saddam Hussein under George Bush Jr. Those Trumpets have already sounded, no one is preaching this, not many Pastors, Prophets, Apostles are telling the people of God these things…mostly what is being taught is the Prosperity, live, eat, drink and be merry gospel.


The next Trumpet to sound is what is called the Sixth Trumpet War. This war will be a most horrible war unlike any that this world has ever experienced; more than 2 billion people will be killed! Not only internationally, but here on American soil the horror will be felt. We are told in the word where this war will originate….in the Euphrates river region, that is for the most part in Iran. As you know, Iran is trying to enrich uranium for the purpose of arming a missile with a nuclear war head to destroy Israel and even the U.S.! We are told that this war has a scheduled time, day, month and year! Just as the tragedy of 9-11 happened, unexpectantly on a beautiful day...so will this coming war happen. Go to the book of Revelation 9:13 and read it for yourself. 


I beg you brothers and sisters renew your minds, don't be taken with all of the glitz and glammer of the Church, because there is an Apostate Church on the rise. Gird up the loins of your mind, begin to seek the face of the Lord as never before, reach your unsaved co-workers, family members with the gospel of Jesus Christ….it is high time, now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed.


B-blessed everyone!

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