Once you get into this sort of work, looking at your life and deciding what you want to be doing differently, it can sometimes feel like a lonely journey.
That sense of quiet sadness, overwhelming responsibility - I've felt that at times.
It's one of my biggest lessons, and one that I'm still (slowly, slowly) learning, is that the way to a life of fun, inspiration and action lies in inviting in other to your inner circle. It involves letting go of the affliction
many of us bear, the Superman Syndrome, where we feel we have to do it all
Who's in your army/ Who's on your side? Who's got your back?
So what can you do about it?
There are two steps to this.
#1 Identify
There are three types of people you might consider inviting in to play with you.
1. People who love you. There are some people who'll stand by you no matter what. People who are happy to pick up the YOU banner and wave it with all their might.
2. People with skills to help you. In this ultra-connected world, there are extraordinary people with skills and talents and insights who can help you. Six degrees of separation? These days
it's closer to two or three degrees, You have a global reach now.
3. People with power. People who have resources, connections and influence. People who can help get stuff done.
#2 Invite.
Knowing these people is nothing if you don't connect with them, invite them in to play.
It will be no surprise to hear that no one particularly loves a stranger showing up and demanding something.
So try this. Contact people. spend time with them. Ask them, "How can I help you?" Build a relationship, not a transaction. And see what grows.
So, who's on your side?
peeps here's to your life of fun, inspiration & action.