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12166306695?profile=originalThis is the little boy whose headless and limbless body was found floating in the Thames ten years ago, it was claimed last night.

The five-year-old’s identity has remained a mystery after he was smuggled into Britain and murdered in a voodoo-style ritual killing.

He was drugged with a ‘black-magic’ potion and sacrificed before being thrown into the Thames, where his torso washed up next to the Globe Theatre in September 2001.

Detectives used pioneering scientific techniques to trace radioactive isotopes in his bones to his native Nigeria.

They even enlisted Nelson Mandela to appeal for information about the murder.

But they always struggled to formally identify the boy, who they called Adam, despite travelling to the West African state to try to trace his family.

Now Nigerian Joyce Osiagede, the only person to be arrested in Britain as part of the inquiry, has claimed that the boy in this picture is Adam. She said his real name is Ikpomwosa.

In an interview with ITV’s London Tonight, Mrs Osiagede said she looked after the boy in Germany for a year before travelling to Britain without him in 2001.

She claimed she handed the boy over to a man known as Bawa who later told her that he was dead and threatened to kill her unless she kept silent.


London Tonight correspondent Ronke Phillips talking to Joyce Osiagede (right). Osiagede has claimed that the boy in this picture is Adam. She said his real name is Ikpomwosa


Grim: The headless, limbless body of a boy aged between five and six was found floating in the river near Tower Bridge and the Globe theatre in 2001


Dismembered: Detectives used pioneering scientific techniques to trace radioactive isotopes in the boy's bones to his native Nigeria

Asked directly during an interview at her home in Nigeria if the boy in the photograph is Adam, Mrs Osiagede replied: ‘Yes.’ 

Saying she is now willing to talk to police, she added: ‘Ikpomwosa. Baby Adam, his native name was Ikpomwosa.’ 

The identification is a potentially huge breakthrough for Scotland Yard detectives.

Retired Detective Chief Inspector Will O’Reilly, who led the investigation, said: ‘Without a name murders are very hard to solve. So this is a crucial starting point for us and it should lead us to who killed him.’ 


Clue: The only clothing on his body was this pair of orange shorts, exclusively sold in Woolworths in Germany and Austria


Sinister: Extracts of carabar bean would have left the child paralysed but conscious when his throat was cut

Police have passed numerous files on the case to the Crown Prosecution Service but it has never gone to court.

A second suspect, a Nigerian man, was arrested in Dublin in 2003 but was never charged.

Mrs Osiagede was first questioned by police after they found clothing similar to that worn by ‘Adam’ in her Glasgow tower-block flat in 2002.

The only clothing on his body was a pair of orange shorts, exclusively sold in Woolworths in Germany and Austria.

Dressed in a traditional gold and green dress, Mrs Osiagede denied any involvement with the death of the young boy. Asked who killed him, she said a ‘group of people’. 

She added: ‘They used him for a ritual in the water.’

Claiming the boy was six years old, she said: ‘He was a lively boy. A very nice boy, he was also intelligent.’ 

Detailed analysis of a substance in the boy’s stomach was identified as a ‘black magic’ potion.

It included tiny clay pellets containing small particles of pure gold, an indication that Adam was the victim of a Muti ritual killing.

Muti murders, common in sub-Saharan Africa, are carried out in the belief that the body parts of children are sacred. Bodies are often disposed of in flowing water.

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fake MTN staff in promo scam

A two-man gang under the guise of being staff members of MTN Nigeria responsible for a fake promo tagged, “2011 Recharge Anniversary” are currently defrauding innocent members of the public, NEXT investigation reveals.

The modus operandi of the fraudsters is to send text messages to unsuspecting subscribers on the MTN network, with false information that such subscriber’s number has won a 25KVA generator set and N35,000 worth of airtime.

As a way of convincing and luring their targets to the bait, the fraudsters release a number to be contacted for further discussions to pave way for the ‘promo winners’ to collect the ghost gifts, while the fake N35,000 airtime would be sent to their phones.

The fraudulent message reads, “Yello, your number has won you a 25KVA generator set and N35,000 airtime. For details call 08035816653.” They thereafter promise their supposed victims delivery of the “won generator set” to their door steps.

However, NEXT attempted to play along with the fraudsters, and uncovered their identities and other mode of operations as fake. In the course of investigations two men were found to be carrying out the illegality.

The arrowhead of the scam is a self-acclaimed Promotion Manager of MTN, who identified himself as Olusegun Williams with telephone number 08035816653 based in Abuja, while his cohort in the shady deal identified himself as John Doherty with telephone number 0803133538 and who claimed to be residing in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

Suspecting possible danger ahead for them following further NEXT enquiries, the fraudsters promised to reach back, but hours after and as at the time of this report, they had ceased to respond.

A resident of Abeokuta who narrowly escaped the plot, Femi Shodunke, confirmed in an interview that the scammers attempted to defraud him, but was equally up to the task, as he made effort to get them arrested by the police.

“I call on the police to be alive to their responsibilities by tracking them down and punish them appropriately, as some Nigerians, though the greedy ones, might have fallen into their trap. Too bad that our youths could engage in this type of ungodly act, even if there are no jobs. But they can think of something better for their lives,” Mr. Shodunke said.

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Itis my pleasure to announce to you my birthday bonanza going on nowtill on the 15th of April 2011. I have looked and found out that manyare in need of websites but keep on procrastinating when they aregetting it because of the amount they where charged at enquiries.

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tiny pony quote: ‎"Everyone wants to get to the very Top .The smart folk take a parachute or two ! "

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ps we are still pursuing the wizkid interview, out soon .

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why we love Gen !

Genevieve on CNN: “What I don’t like about Nigeria ?…I never diss my own country” – on CNN International’s 12166304693?profile=original
  1. Women in Politics Rejoinder:64 yr old Senator Florence Ita Giwa Partying hard Last year At a Night club Pictures
  2. Inquisitiveness is Discovery: What Bill Gates Could Learn from Chris Rock
  3. Iranian Video Says Mahdi is 'Near' Islamic Messiah sighted as Arabian perestroika "subsides"
  4. BBC Hard Talk with Lamido Sanusi says Bankers 'should 12166305694?profile=originalhave remorse' and be accountable in financial
  5. Donald Trump: I've got my birth certificate, where President Barack Obama's?: Donald Trump now sees himself as s...
  6. Fire causes panic at Jonathan, Islamic leaders meeting
  7. Akwa Ibom Child Witchcraft panel shifts sitting to London
  8. yesterday tweets:
  9. Brazilian Investor Offers $100bn For Nigeria's 23 Power Plants
  10. Enugu : Married but yet a Prostitute: 'My husband is aware I'm a prostitute in Otigba, but he'll go hungry if he...
  11. Life Alert ! Five days to go: In search of violence-free poll




tp quote: "Social Critics are as important as every great Police force and equally unashamedly as bad as any corruption infested peace keeping force"


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Role 12166237257?profile=original


party but I doubt if they should party hard.

This is the stock and Mentality of Women in politics in Nigeria .

The EFCC Boss Farida Waziri should

be given social empowerment to curb excesses of .... Except she is guilty too ! We are just joking ..

or are we ? Women have clamored for more Opportunities within the leadership structure of this country in this 2011 polls.


The PDP has been reported to have promised a 35percent stake in its new government with top shots like Mrs Josephine Anenih and Bianca Onoh Ojukwu joining the entourage of Goodluck Jonathan . With the recent umblerra brouhaha by the first Lady and these recent pictures of a 64 year old  "matyr" widow .

Women are not looking too good as the saviours of our democracy. Others like Reps Member Uche Ekwunife whom was allegedly displayed in a notorious sex tape . We watch with bated breath what is next amongst "Role models" within our female populace . Okonjo Iweala,Mrs Anenih inspite of her husbands notoriety and Aunty dora have held up their heads so far and we commend them as women of Nigeria .

Noelene Joshua

Senoir Female Editor




Florence Ita Giwa (born 19 February 1946) was elected Senator for the Cross River South constituency of Cross River State, Nigeria at the start of the Nigerian Fourth Republic, running on the All People's Party (APP) platform. She held office from May 1999 to May 2003.[1]

Ita-Giwa was born on 19 February 1946 in Atabong, Bakassi LGA, Cross River State, and attended the Kilburn Polytechnic in London, United Kingdom.[2] She became a nurse, then a representative for the Beecham pharmaceutical, and then moved to Standall Pharmaceutical where she represented Lagos State.[3] She married Dele Giwa, the founding editor of Newswatch magazine.[2] Her husband was killed in late 1986 with a parcel bomb.[4]

Ita-Giwa joined politics and emerged as NRC chairman for Delta State. Thereafter, she was elected a member of the federal House of Representatives 1992-93[5], and was a member of the committee on devolution of power constituent assembly 1994-95.[2] She became involved in Bakassi affairs, and earned the nickname "Mama Bakassi".[3] Ita-Giwa was elected Senator for the Cross River South constituency in April 1999 and was appointed to committees on Rules and Procedures, Environment, Foreign Affairs, Women, Niger Delta and Drug & Narcotics.[6]

After leaving the senate in 2003, she joined the People's Democratic Party PDP, and became President Olusegun Obasanjo's Special Adviser on National Assembly Matters.[4] In May 2010 there were rumors that funds were missing from the account of the Bakassi Resettlement Committee, chaired by Ita-Giwa, who asked the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission to investigate the matter.[7]


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chris-rock.jpg?width=234The following guest post is by bestselling author and former venture capitalist Peter Sims.  His next book is Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries. He can be found on Twitter @petersims.

In his recent article on TechCrunch, “Engineering vs. Liberal Arts: Who’s Right—Bill or Steve?,” Vivek Wadhwa sparked a national debate about education that raises important questions for us all.

If you haven’t read the article yet, Wadhwa, a professor at Berkeley and Duke University, surveyed 652 chief executive officers and heads of product engineering at 502 U.S. technology companies and found that only 37% held engineering or computer technology degrees, and just 2% held mathematics degrees.  The rest had a wide range of degrees, from business to the humanities.

Yet in industry and education circles, STEM – teaching science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – has gained cult-like status as the primary solution to our national innovation challenges. Earlier this year, President Obama announced a $250 million public-private initiative to recruit and train 10,000 more STEM teachers.  Bill Gates is one of the leading proponents of STEM while, as Wadhwa notes, implying that other educational investments, such as the liberal arts, should be curtailed.

But while investment in STEM is critical, it alone neglects the development of the types of skills that actually lead to discovery, creativity, and innovation.

So, for instance, when comedian Chris Rock performs on HBO, the work is widely considered brilliantly creative, yet his routines, as with all stand-up comedians, are the output of what he has learned from thousands of little bets in small clubs, nearly all of which initially fail.  (As Stanford Professor Bob Sutton notes, writers for The Onion, known for its hilarious headlines, propose roughly six hundred possibilities for eighteen headlines each week, a 3 percent success rate.)  Rock must persistently tinker using an iterative approach to discover and develop fresh material.  And the cycle repeats, day in, day out.

Similarly, as I described in my last TC guest post, despite the myths, most successful entrepreneurs don’t begin with brilliant ideas, they discover them.

It’s an approach that can be learned and taught, but rarely is in today’s schools.

That’s because our educational system emphasizes spoon-feeding us knowledge, such as scientific tables or historical information, and then testing us in order to measure how much we’ve retained about that body of knowledge, rather than teaching us how to create knowledge.

Utilizing existing knowledge works perfectly well for many situations, but not when doing something new, creative, or original.

We are given very little opportunity, for instance, to perform our own original experiments, and there is also little or no margin for failure or mistakes.  We are judged primarily on getting answers right.  There is much less emphasis on developing our creative thinking abilities, our abilities to let our minds run imaginatively and to discover things on our own.

This must change.

In an extensive, six-year study about the way creative business executives think, Professors Jeffrey Dyer of Brigham Young University and Hal Gregersen of INSEAD, surveyed over three thousand executives and interviewed five hundred people who had either started innovative companies or invented new products, including the likes of Steve Jobs, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, and VMware’s Diane Greene.

They found several “discovery skills” that distinguished the innovators from the non-innovators, including experimenting, observing, questioning, and networking with people from diverse backgrounds. As Gregersen summed up their findings: “You might summarize all of the skills we’ve noted in one word: ‘inquisitiveness.’”

When Barbara Walters interviewed Larry Page and Sergei Brin, rather than crediting their computer science degrees as the driving factor behind their success, they pointed to their early Montessori education.  (The Montessori learning method, founded by Maria Montessori, emphasizes self-directed learning, tinkering, and discovery, particularly for young children.)  “We both went to Montessori school,” Page said, “And I think it was part of that training of not following rules and orders, and being self-motivated, questioning what’s going on in the world, doing things a little bit differently.”

These findings raise critical questions for us all. Specifically, what is the purpose of education?  Is it to convey knowledge, as the current system is weighted, or it to inspire and nurture the ability to constantly learn?

Even though it’s too late for most of us to attend Montessori, we can change the way we’ve been trained to think.  That begins in small, achievable ways, with increased experimentation and inquisitiveness.  Those who work with Jeff Bezos, for example, find his ability to ask “why not?” or “what if?” as much as “why?” to be one of his most advantageous qualities.  That’s why, borrowing a phrase from Ryan Jacoby, an associate partner atIDEO: questions are the new answers.
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New evidence has emerged that the Iranian government sees the current unrest in the Middle East as a signal that the Mahdi--or Islamic messiah--is about to appear.

CBN News has obtained a never-before-seen video produced by the Iranian regime that says all the signs are moving into place -- and that Iran will soon help usher in the end times.

While the revolutionary movements gripping the Middle East have created uncertainty throughout the region, the video shows that the Iranian regime believes the chaos is divine proof that their ultimate victory is at hand.

'The Coming is Near'

The propaganda footage has reportedly been approved at the highest levels of the Iranian government.

It's called The Coming is Near and it describes current events in the Middle East as a prelude to the arrival of the mythical tweflth Imam or Mahdi -- the messiah figure who Islamic scriptures say will lead the armies of Islam to victory over all non-Muslims in the last days.

"This video has been produced by a group called the Conductors of the Coming, in connection with the Basiji -- the Iranian paramilitary force, and in collaboration with the Iranian president's office," said Reza Kahlil, a former member of Iran's Revolutionary Guards who shared the video with CBN News.

Kahlili, author of the book, A Time to Betray, worked as a double agent for the CIA inside the Iranian regime.

"Just a few weeks ago, Ahmadenijad's office screened this movie with much excitement for the clerics," Kahlili told CBN News. "The target audience is Muslims in the Middle East and around the world."

To watch the video in its entirety, visit Kahlili's website.

The video claims that Iran is destined to rise as a great power in the last days to help defeat America and Israel and usher in the return of the Mahdi. And it makes clear the Iranians believe that time is fast approaching.

"The Hadith have clearly described the events and the various transformations of countries in the Middle East and also that of Iran in the age of the coming," said a narrator, who went on to say that America's invasion of Iraq was foretold by Islamic scripture--and that the Mahdi will one day soon rule the world from Iraq.

Other 'Prophetic' Signs

The ongoing upheavals in other Middle Eastern countries like Yemen and Egypt--including the rise of the Muslim Brotherood -- are also analyzed as prophetic signs that the Mahdi is near -- so is the current poor health of the king of Saudi Arabia, an Iranian rival.

"Isn't the presence of Abdullah, his illness, and his uncertain condition, great news for those anxious for the coming?" asks the narrator.

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khameini, and Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Iran's terrorist proxy Hezbollah, are hailed as pivotal end times players, whose rise was predicted in Islamic scriptures.

The same goes for Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadenijad, who the video says will conquer Jerusalem prior to the Mahdi's coming.

"I think it's a very grave development," Mideast expert Joel Rosenberg, author of The Twelfth Imam, told CBN News, "because it gives you a window into the thinking of the Iranian leadership: that they believe the time for war with Israel may be even sooner than others had imagined."

Kahlili says The Coming is Near will soon be distributed by the Iranian regime throughout the Middle East.  He explained that their goal is to instigate further uprisings in Arab countries.

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12166305694?profile=originalShould Opec oil producers increase production to help stabilise oil prices and help prevent another global recession? And should the world take lessons in banking reform from West Africa?

Lamido Sanusi, the governor of Nigeria's Central Bank, has been challenging vested interests in Nigeria so fiercely that his personal security has been stepped up.

He sacked the managers of Nigeria's top private banks and put many of them in court. Carrie Gracie asked him if thinks he can win against the system.

Unfortunately we are not yet able to provide transcripts of this story .



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110318_trump_gold_ap_328.jpg?width=234Donald Trump now sees himself as something of a patron saint for the birthers – and he's even released his own birth certificate as he steps up criticism of the president.
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Seeking to pump more energy into the birther movement and quirky chase for the White House, Trump on Monday provided a copy of his birth certificate to the conservative website Newsmax – which has played a leading role in trumpeting birther mythology.

And in an interview on Fox News, Trump cast himself as something akin to the rebel leader of the birther movement.

“Now, this guy either has a birth certificate or he doesn’t,” Trump said. “And I didn't think this was such a big deal, but I will tell you, it’s turning out to be a very big deal because people now are calling me from all over saying, please don't give up on this issue."

Trump’s insistence that he’s being encouraged to continue on his birther crusade has led to what he says is the startling revelation that, “all of a sudden, a lot of facts are emerging and I’m starting to wonder myself whether or not [Obama] was born in this country."

Trump also called for Hawaii Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie to be investigated for stating that he – as a friend of the president’s parents – remembers Obama’s birth.

"I think this guy should be investigated," Trump said. "I doubt it. He remembers when Obama was born? Give me a break! He's just trying to do something for his party."
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Sources close to 9ice tell us the singer -who’s separated from his wife Toni Payne – has been a regular visitor to Abuja, since Bukky – a fair-complexioned older woman – took in last year.

The relationship has never been public, even though those close to the singer are well aware they’re seriously dating.

We cannot tell for now, if the pair is planning to get married; especially as 9ice and Payne are still legally married.


she’s a fair-complexioned lady with multiple piercings. Multiple sources tell us this lady is the reason the singer has been a regular visitor to Abuja; and that his ex Toni Payne is – unhappily- aware of the relationship. ‘In fact almost all the ladies close to him know of her. She herself even went out of her way to contact them‘, our source offers.

Sources say Bukky’s baby, a girl, was delivered on Monday March 21. The baby is 9ice’s second. His first son named Zion was delivered on Thursday December 4,  2008, at Presbytarian Hospital, Southern California, United States of America.

‘I can tell you for sure that 9ice has gotten the girl pregnant, and she has put to bed. Toni knows. But even her is keeping quiet but it’ll be a source of embarrassment for her‘, one of 9ice’s close friends tells us. He does not want to be named.

‘I can’t tell if he’ll marry her or not. But she’s very close to him and I believe they’re serious‘. He disclosed.

9ice’s manager Dehinde Fajana through a telephone conversation claimed that he is ignorant of the situation and questioned the existence of his boss’ Abuja partner.

‘Is there any partner there? Does 9ice have any partner in Abuja? I’m sorry, I don’t know’ Fajana responded.

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A fire incident inside the main hall of the secretariat of the Jama’atul Nasr Islam venue of the meeting between President Goodluck Jonathan and Islamic leaders in Kaduna on Sunday caused panic among Northern religious and traditional rulers awaiting the arrival of the president.

At about 3.03pm, some JNI leaders and members of the police band scampered out of the hall carrying their musical instruments while the JNI Secretary General, Dr. Khalid Abubakar, dashed to the main entrance shouting “fire in the hall! Call the fire service.”

The fire alarm caused pandemonium as the traditional rulers and security agents inside the hall ran to avoid being trapped.

The bodyguards of the various emirs, popularly called Dogari, who had earlier been restricted from entering the hall with their principal, on hearing the fire alarm forced their way through the barrier formed by security agents at the entrance to the hall.

A source said that the Dogaris made frantic moves to rescue the traditional rulers through the backdoor before the fire was eventually put out.

The JNI secretary-general however later attributed the fire incident to an electrical fault due to a power surge from the generating set, which was being used at the time to forestall sudden outage during the meeting with the president.

Northern traditional rulers already seated in the hall when the fire incident occurred included the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III, the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero, the Emir of Zazzau, Dr. Shehu Idris and the Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Dr. Lateef Adegbite.

The fire was eventually put out by 3.25pm and the members of the police band who had earlier fled the hall returned and took their position.

The president said he was at the JNI secretariat to solicit the cooperation of the Islamic religious and traditional leaders and request for their support in the April general elections.

Jonathan, who apologised to the Islamic leaders for not meeting them first before proceeding on his nationwide campaign tour, stated that Nigeria had become the cynosure of all eyes across the world because of the forthcoming poll.”

He said it had therefore become imperative that Nigeria conducted free and fair elections next month, warning that if the elections failed, the country would lose as investors would avoid the country.

“Religious leaders play a key role in the corporate existence of the nation. We listen more to religious leaders than political leaders. All of us believe in your leadership.

“Some members of the political class may be very desperate to win the elections by all means. They will create a lot of problems and the only people who can counsel us are religious leaders and our traditional rulers.

“He condemned the recent burning of about 500 vehicles and a secondary school in Akwa Ibom State, saying that the incident had gone beyond the bounds of politics.

“The Sultan also stated that the Muslim leaders were concerned about post-election stability in the country.”

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The Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the Witchcraft Accusations and Child Abuses, set up by the Akwa Ibom State Government, has shifted its sitting to London. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the Panel is scheduled to sit at the Nigeria High Commission in the United Kingdom on Tuesday. It was gathered that Stepping Stones Nigeria, a charity organisation based in the UK, which was accused by the Akwa Ibom State Government of exaggerating the child witch syndrome in the state, would testify during the sitting. Governor Godswill Akpabio had ordered the arrest of the officials of SSN and Child Rights and Rehabilitation Network in September 2010 while reacting to Cable News Network report. He accused the NGO of exaggerating the child witch syndrome in the state for monetary gains.
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12166304693?profile=originalAfrican Voices meets Nigerian movie star Genevieve Nnaji, one of Africa’s most successful actresses. Dressed in a Jewel by Lisa piece, Genevieve was interviewed by CNN’s Pedro Pinto. This is one of the most comprehensive interviews given by the actress, she discussed her love for Nigeria, her acting career, Nollywood and lots more. The show will air this weekend 26th to 28th March 2011 – Watch the show at the following times on CNN International: •Saturdays: 0830, 1430 •Sundays: 0800, 2100 •Mondays: 1030, 1730 (all times GMT)


Transcript – Excerpt
Nigeria is just like any other place
GN – Everything, every aspect of you know, human nature is in every Nigerian. The good, the bad, the ugly, it’s just like another New York. You know, Nigeria is fun to be honest. But we’re not the worst people. All we have people talking about when it comes to Nigeria is crime and fraud, and that’s just a very, very, minute number of people. Nigerians as a whole are very confident people, I believe we’re confident, I believe we’re very resourceful and we are very hospitable when it comes to visitors in the country.

PP – When you look at you’re country, what are some of the things you love about it, what are some of the things that you would like to change?

GN – I like that as Nigerians as we are, we have some sort of neighbourly love that we don’t understand, we have a way of coming to the rescue of complete strangers, we do have that bond and I think it has to do with our background and how we are raised and how Nigerians in a whole have been made to be morally. It’s like you have a moral duty to your society, to yourself, to your family so it’s like everybody’s business is everybody’s business. It’s a bad thing sometimes, but it does have its good sides. You know, so that is something that we are. We probably don’t know as a people and if we don’t know we should know it now, it’s a good thing. What I don’t like about Nigeria…man, I never diss my own country, man! You know, what ever negativity is in a country is in every other country; it’s in every other part of the world. So, the thing is everyone needs to be treated as individuals and not a collective nation. You don’t judge one person or judge one person by another persons faults. So, I just take every Nigerian the way I see them. I would never live anywhere else to be honest, no.

PP – Really?

GN – No, I grew up in Lagos, I was born, bred there. I don’t see myself leaving that town anytime soon. I can work anywhere else, but in terms of living, I’m used to Lagos, I’m sorry!

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As 331 local and foreign companies submit Expressions of Interest (EoIs) to the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) to acquire majority stakes in Nigeria’s electricity infrastructure, a Brazilian investor has proposed $100 billion to take over majority stakes in the entire 23 power plants slated for privatisation under the ongoing reform of the power sector.

On the transmission side, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) said it would submit a revised offer for the management of Nigeria’s electricity grid to be constructed at a cost of $3.5 billion.

THISDAY gathered that this special offer by the Brazilian firm, PROINFRA, was not part of the interest expressed to the BPE by the other 331 companies.

Under the BPE exercise, Essar, an Indian conglomerate; Tata Group, also of India; and ContourGlobal of the United States were among the 331 companies jostling to have the majority stakes in the power generating companies.

BPE had revealed that 174 applications were received from investors interested in acquiring the four thermal stations and the two hydro stations, while 157 prospective applicants expressed their interests in acquiring the 11 distribution companies.

Essar was said to have expressed interest to invest over $2 billion for a generating capacity of at least 2,000 megawatts, an equivalent of two-thirds of the country’s current average electricity output.

But outside the BPE arrangement, the Brazilian investor has proposed a $100 billion special offer to acquire the majority stakes in the entire plants.

Minister of State for Power, Mr. Nuhu Wya, told THISDAY Sunday that the special offer was a demonstration of the success of the ongoing power reform and the confidence of foreign investors in the reform agenda.

Wya stated that at the various investors’ fora held in London and other cities in the world to showcase the numerous opportunities in Nigeria’s power sector, the foreign investors demonstrated an unprecedented level of enthusiasm in the reform.

“A company in Brazil offerred $100 billion to take over 23 power stations across the country and this is outside BPE bid,” he said.

Wya, who urged electricity workers and their various unions to support the privatisation process, also reminded them that they would be the greatest beneficiary of a reformed power sector.

He assured the workers that the new investors would look out for the best among them to run the plants, instead of bringing workers from outside the sector.

“Nobody, no wise business man, will do that; no wise business man will like to let off anybody. Nobody will come and say that he wants to sack anybody. I, for one, will not do that and I believe that I am a successful business man. I will not do that because without human resources, whatever machines you put in place will be in vain,” he said.

The minister also stated that discussions were still ongoing over the successor companies of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), adding that no final decisions had been taken to hand over the plants to the core investors.

“We want to be as transparent as possible. We don’t have any hidden agenda. This is one thing with this administration. What we want is to ensure that we improve power supply in this country for the benefit of all Nigerians,” he added.

BPE had between December 13 and 20, 2010, published advertorials in local and foreign media inviting prospective core investors to express interest in the 11 distribution companies unbundled from PHCN.

It also invited prospective core investors to express interest in the four thermal power stations and as concessionaires for the two hydro power stations. The initial deadline for receipt of the EoIs, which was Friday, February 18, this year, was extended to Friday, March 4, 2011, following representations by prospective investors, who attended the five-city Electric Power Investors’ Forum that attracted world class investors willing to participate in the privatisation exercise.

Meanwhile, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) has said it will submit a revised offer for the management of Nigeria’s electricity grid.

The Indian state-run power giant was among the three companies shortlisted by the BPE during a 2007 bidding round for the management of the Transimis-sion Company of Nigeria (TCN).

The other two were Canada's Manitoba Hydro and Electricity Supply Board of Ireland.

Under the power roadmap, electricity generation and distribution would be privatised, while the Federal Government will continue to own the national grid but its management will be privatised.

PowerGrid said in a report on its website yesterday that the Nigerian government had called for revised offers for the management of the national grid, after enhancing the scope of the project.

A senior executive of the company was quoted in the report as saying the deal would be finalised in the next two to three months.

“We expect to bag the deal in next two to three months,” said the unnamed company executive.

Top executives of the company last month met with Wya to restate the company’s interest in the management of the TCN.

Indian High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mahesh Sachdev, who led the delegation of representatives from PGCIL and India's National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) to Wya’s office in Abuja, said the delegation had come to restate its commitment to work for the improvement of Nigeria’s transmission system for faster economic transformation.

He said: "India and Nigeria could be economic talking points of the globe in the next decade if they work together and appropriately deploy their surplus natural and human gifts.”

PGCIL had said on its website recently that it was the lowest bidder amongst the three parties that submitted offers for management of Nigeria's transmission company.

"We had been short-listed two to three years back, but there had been delays and now we have been named the lowest bidder," PGCIL Chairman S K Chaturvedi said.

PowerGrid Corp. had in 2007 won a three-year contract to manage Nigeria's electricity transmission network. The arrangement then, would see Nigeria pay the company $5.1 million in fees to manage the ailing network, which had suffered from decades of neglect. Ireland's state-run ESB International was the runner-up bidder, at $7.6 million, while Canadian Manitoba Hydro entered the highest bid at $8.5 million.

However, the Indian utility company was declared the preferred bidder as sources said, government was interested in seeing the ailing company managed by foreign experts with technical competence.

"PowerGrid Corporation of India is hereby declared the preferred bidder," said a member of the NCP, Mohammed Hayatudeen, at an official bid opening ceremony conducted in 2007.

The deal, which was subject to approval by the NCP, had been delayed due to the non-implementation of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Act, which was passed in 2005.

The Act set up a sector regulator, stripped the PHCN of its monopoly and unbundled its grid into six generation companies and 11 distribution firms.

To revive the power sector, President Goodluck Jonathan, in August last year, launched the power roadmap. The PHCN’s generating plants as well as 11 distribution companies were slated for sale to private investors.

In a related development, the BPE has issued the requirement for the next stage of the privatisation process. The BPE boss, Ms. Bolanle Onagoruwa, said on receipt of Information Memorandum and Request for Proposal, pre-qualified bidders would be given access to physical and e-data room; would be able to carry out physical due diligence; would be issued with draft copies of the Multi-Year Tariff Order (MYTO); would be encouraged to submit comments on MYTO; and Bidder comments on MYTO would be subject of conference to be organised by sector regulator, Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission.

She pointed out that the objectives of the electric power sector reform were to increase electrification; ensure cost reflective tariffs; attract private sector investments into the sector; create competitive electricity market; induce investments in new power generation facilities; rehabilitate existing power generation facilities; improve efficiency by increasing collections; reduce costs and technical and non-technical losses; and improve customer service. The BPE said the firms would be shortlisted and the requests for proposal sent to the successful ones.

The core investor sales to be carried out through international competitive bidding will cover the 11 electricity distribution companies in the country.

They are Abuja Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Benin Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Enugu Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Eko Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company Plc; and Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company Plc.

Others are Jos Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Kano Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company Plc; and Yola Electricity Distribution Company Plc.

The Federal Government had stated that the national electricity grid would be jointly financed with the private sector and development agencies. The BPE said once the bid was finalised, the management of the new super grid, expected to boost electricity generating capacity to over 14,000 megawatts (MW) by the end of 2013, would be handed over to the successful firm by the end of the year.
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Is Paul The Antichrist?

Is Paul The Antichrist?Written by MikhayahSaturday, 24 December 2005Throughout the ages there has been great discord between the three great Abrahamicfaiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islaam. The latter, of course, having beencommonly referred to derogatorily in the West for centuries (up until moderntimes), as "Muhammadism". This has been due to the fact that the Qur'aanic term"Islaam" itself is a more religiously purist of a term than what the latter dayfollowers of the customs (which they ascribed to the term), themselves have oftenbeen fulfilling.While much of this discord can be reconciled by religious purism - getting back tothe "roots" if you will - there is one major sticking point of contention in thearea of theological seamlessness of these faiths. That is, of course, the theologywhich sprung forth from the epistles of Paul, and the accounts of his disciplessuch as Luke (the presumed author of the Gospel account by the same name and ofthe Book of Acts). Both from the theological standpoint of traditional Judaism,and the Qur'aanic dissention of Islaam maintains a more or less unanimity onissues such as the Oneness of God, the illogicality of notions of "Trinity" andDivine Incarnation. When it comes to reconciling both pre and post "Christ"positions on this, we are rarely pointed to the words of Jesus Christ, or YashuahHa'Mashiach, himself, but are instead directed to the Epistles or Letters of theindividual Christian tradition has historically referred to as the "Apostle Paul."From the outset, before his departure from the public light, Jesus warns hisfollowers to: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing butinwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapesgathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? So, every sound tree bears goodfruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, norcan a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cutdown and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits." Matthew7:15-20An important question that his followers, his TRUE followers, must ask themselvesis "Who were these false prophets which he spoke of?" Did this not occur? Did suchfalse prophets not emerge? Were they of little or no consequence in the grandscheme of things? If so, why would such a wise man have made it such a point towarn against them? Furthermore, Yashuah said clearly: "Then if any man tells you,'Behold, here is the Messiah,' or, 'There,' don't believe it. For there will arisefalse messiahs, and false prophets, and they will show great signs and wonders, soas to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones." Matthew 24:23-24Thus, it is clear that Jesus was warning of "Antichrists" or "Imposter" Messiahs,not merely people parading themselves around on the prophet auction block ofpublic opinion. So the question arises, who could Jesus have been warning against,and if this was a legitimate and serious threat - in the same sort of crafty waythat Christianity views the "coming Antichrist" - then is it not possible thatthis was not some low level sorcerer, or petty delusional man that Jesus waswarning against on so many occasions as being a false prophet and an ImposterMessiah?To get a small glimpse into the sort of subtle Messianic claims to which Jesus mayhave been referring, one need look no further than the Epistles of Paul, or"Sha'ul" (consonantally identical with the name of the Underworld "Sheol" found inthe Tanakh), who said: "For in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through theGospel. Therefore I beseech you, be imitators of me." 1 Corinthians 4:15-16Here Paul claims that HE, not "Christ" had "begotten you." He "beseeches you" tobe HIS followers, HIS imitators. The impostor claims are not made out rightly soas to astonish, but to subtly influence and brainwash the masses over a long term,strategic ministry of indoctrination (one which continued well on past 65 C.E.).Thus, when Jesus said in Matthew 24:5: "Many will come in my name, saying, 'I amthe Messiah' and they will lead many astray," this was not merely saying thatthere would be a man who would stand up a few short years later claiming to be theMessiah. Rather, this was saying that there would be an underlying Messianic claimas well as claims to Prophethood, Apostleship and Divine Authority in general. Andyet what did Paul himself claim? "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live;yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh Ilive by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me."Galatians 2:20Paul says it is not really "him" that you see, the "he" was crucified, and it is"not I but Christ" living in his body. He is claiming that he is essentiallyChrist, and for this reason he is superior to all of Christ's Disciples whoopposed him at every turn. Christianity remarkably has no problem hypothesizingabout a super-human leader rising to brainwash and lead the entire world, but formost it has become impossible to suspect that this leader could have been soclever to have not openly advertised his indoctrination right from the start.Thus, one of the greatest failings of Christianity is that they have left theirtheological door open to "strangers" because they naively have not believed that astranger would enter unannounced under the guise of someone feigning nobleintentions.Yet Paul's claims make it clear what he is saying. Since "Christ" supposedly livedin Paul, this "christ" was calling the shots. The direction that "the church"would go in was now up the dictation of a man who only even claimed to have metJesus once, and then only to be rebuked for being an oppressor (who sanctioned themurder), of the Disciples.Jesus' Brother Yaqov or "James" is almost entirely written out of the picture, andis referred to in a butchered historical account of Acts (an account which isretold in original, more precise terms in the Dead Sea Scrolls), by a descriptivenoun "Stephen" (`Atarah, or the "Crown"), rather than by his true name. However,neither the censored Gospel accounts - relegated to the "Apocryphal works" thatdidn't make the Council of Niceas "cut" in 325 C.E. - nor the "early Churchfathers" were silent in regards to James and this outright war on Paul. Once wehear what they have to say about James, then his works in the so-called "NewTestament" become clear as a direct attack on Paul, and not mere vaguegeneralizations that aren't in any way inapplicable to Paul.For instance, Paul said: "Yet knowing that a man is not justified by the works ofthe Torah but through the faith of Jesus Christ, even we believed in Jesus Christ,that we might be justified by faith in Christ, and not by the works of the Torah,because no flesh will be justified by the works of the Torah." Galatians 2:16Yaqov poignantly rebuked this statement, saying: "What does it profit, mybrothers, if a man says he has faith, and doesn't have works? Can faith save him?If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one of you saysto them, 'Go in peace, be warmed and filled, without giving them the things neededfor the body, what does it profit? So faith by itself, if it doesn't have works,is dead." James 2:14-17In 2 Corinthians 12:16, Paul makes a perplexing, yet revealing, statement: "But beit so, I did not burden you: being crafty, I took you in by deceit."Does Christianity accept "taking in by deceit" as a means of "ministering," andpropagandizing?The Torah, the "Law," which Paul mocked and considered a "yoke" and "bondage,"says: "Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another." Leviticus 19:11Does Sefer Ha'Berasheet (Genesis) 3:1 not refer to the Nachash or "Serpent" whowalked upright as "more crafty more subtle than any beast of the field?" Sha'ulhimself boasts proudly about sharing this trait with the Serpent. Like theSerpent, Paul too is "subtle" and "crafty" in approach; not trying to deceive youwith something appearing as a lie. To convince you he mixes a small portion oftruth with a predominance of pagan lies. The crucifixion, resurrection, Eucharistand the like are all found in pagan mystery religions often thousands of yearsolder than Jesus himself!"What then will we say that Abraham, our forefather, has found according to theflesh? For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, butnot toward God. For what does the Scripture say? 'Abraham believed God, and it wasaccounted to him for righteousness.' Now to him who works, the reward is notcounted as grace, but as debt. But to him who doesn't work, but believes in himwho justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness. Even as Davidalso pronounces blessing on the man to whom God counts righteousness apart fromworks." Romans 4:1-6Paul got it all wrong again, when he emphasized only Faith. James rebuked Paul,showing the balance of Faith with actual works manifested from one's SpiritualPractice, or "Deen." This is the literal meaning of "Religion" in both Hebrew and`Arabic. Both Judaism and Islaam - from Adam, to Abraham, to Moses, to Jesus, toMuhammad - has always maintained that both "Faith" ("Emunah" in Hebrew and Emaanin `Arabic), as well as "Works" or "Spiritual Practice" ("Deen" in both Hebrew and`Arabic alike), are necessary."Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he offered his son Isaac uponthe altar? You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith wascompleted by works, and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, 'Abraham believedGod, and it was reckoned to him as Righteousness;' and he was called the friend ofGod." James 2:21-23A person may believe that they are a great gymnast, but unless they put in thetime and work, they will never be great. One may also believe they are good at anysport or at a martial art, but without time and work, their belief means nothing.If someone would claim belief without works, then as James said, their faith isdead. Such an individual is delusional in thinking that they have salvationwithout works, just as much as an athlete would be delusional to "run a race"without practice."We maintain therefore that a man is justified by faith apart from the works ofthe Torah." Romans 3:28In reply to this James the Brother of Jesus said: "Even so faith, if it has notworks, is dead, being alone. Yes, a man may say, you have faith, and I have works:show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.You believe that there is one God; you do well: the devils also believe, andtremble. But will you know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? Was notAbraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon thealtar?" James 2:17-21According the Bible Paul never met Jesus in person. He only claimed to have beentold by Jesus' spirit to stop persecuting Jesus who Paul and his propagandistsclaim was actually in Heaven at that time.In short, the case against Paul doesn't look too good. Aside from being named outrightly in the Habakkuk Pesher of the Qumran "Dead Sea Scrolls" and foundconsonantally named in the Book of Habakkuk (which, recall, didn't havediacritical vowel marking ascribed to it until absolutely no earlier than the 6thcentury C.E., and possibly not until the 10th or 11th century), Paul was alsoblind in the right eye, fitting the Book of Zechariah's prophecy of the Antichristcalled "the Worthless Shepherd" (Zechariah 11:17), and also the many Islaamic"Ahadeeth" (oral traditions) speaking of the "Antichrist" (Maseehu-d-Dajjaal), asbeing blind in the right eye.Beyond that, Paul was an admitted murderer who never stood trial for his crimes.He merely claimed that the "blood of Jesus" had absolved him from his sins. Whatcivilized person would accept such a defense from admitted murderers wishing toescape justice today or 2,000 years ago?Moreover, Paul said that "Christ" spoke his very words, that "Christ" lived withinhim and that this same "Christ" was his god. While this may seem quite innocentenough to the modern day Christian who was reared on Christian theology, Paul wasin effect claiming to be speaking for his god, claimed to be essentially possessedby his god and accordingly claimed to be the flesh within which his god wasclothed. This is a very dangerous position for one defining theology to be placingthemselves in. For if "Christ" lives within you and "Christ" is the same God whoCreated the Universe, who you pray to, and the like, and at that same time you areclaiming that your lips are moving but it is this "God" speaking the words, thenyou are essentially claiming to BE "God" for all PRACTICAL purposes.Interestingly, Paul himself never once admits that he was from Tarsus, Greekmythology's entrance to "Hades" or "Sheol" in Hebrew (consonantally the samespelling as Paul's Hebrew name "Sha'ul"). This fact is written in his biography,the book of Acts, after his mysterious disappearance and presumed death in 65 C.E.Why does Paul himself keep his Roman origins from us if not for the fact that Jewshas long known from oral tradition that the Antichrist or "Armilus" was to be a"Roman Jew?"Though Paul spoke of his preaching of "the Gospel" he himself tells us little tonothing of the historical "Yashua Ha'Mashiach" or "Jesus Christ." Whatbiographical information could an individual who had never been around the Messiahpossibly tell us about him? The "Gospel" or "Good News" that Paul was preachingwas not the "Good News" of the Messiah and his Torah-based teachings, it wasinstead the "Good News" that the pagan Roman Imperialists could continue to eatthe flesh of swine, eat flesh sacrificed to satanic idols, disregard the Torahthat Jesus told us would never pass away (Matthew 5:17-20) and still attain"salvation" through "faith," alone. This was the very notion that James theBrother of Jesus vehemently attacked in the canonical Book of James.Finally, 500 years after these events, the `Arab prophet Muhammad - who wasforetold throughout the Torah and also by Jesus himself - claimed that the"Antichrist" was a bowlegged individual, blind in the right eye, who had for sometime been held captive in chains beneath a monastery on an island in theMediterranean Sea. Barring the seemingly strange accounts of his long life-spanand subterranean imprisonment, this description fits that of Sha'ul, down to everylast detail and is admitted by Christian historians and in the non-Canonicalaccounts of Paul and Thekla."Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by his good conduct thathis deeds are done in gentleness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy andselfish ambition in your heart, don't boast and don't lie against the truth."James 3:13-14What James was talking about follows in the boastings of Paul: "Are they Hebrews?so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? So am I. Arethey ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool) I am more; in labors more abundant,in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths often." 2Corinthians 11:22-23"As the truth of Christ is in me, no one will stop me from this boasting in theregions of Achaia. Why? Because I don't love you? God knows." 2 Corinthians 11:10-11"I say again, Let no man think me a fool; if otherwise, yet as a fool receive me,that I may boast myself a little." 2 Corinthians 11:16Line for line, the debate matches up; point by point through the admonitions ofJames regarding the wickedness of Paul. Yet still there are so many who will neverchose to see that their master Paul was a murderer, deceiver and imposter from thebeginning, and still to this very day nothing has changed.As well, Paul admitted to theft and swindling churches. These are his own words:"I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service." 2 Corinthians11:8Paul's defensiveness over being called "the Liar" in the Dead Sea Scrolls is quiteclear. In his "Epistles" he says:"The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for evermore, knowthat I do not lie." 2 Corinthians 11:31"I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness inthe Holy Ghost." Romans 9:1"Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ,and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity." 1 Timothy 2:7"Now the things which I write unto you, behold, before God, I lie not." Galatians1:20Were this anyone besides Paul, all would accuse him of lying, if for no otherreason than for the fact that he was so redundant about claiming that he is not"The Liar" of the Dead Sea Scrolls of Yochanan (John the Baptist/Immerser), Jesusand James' Community?One must never imagine that someone is an "Apostle" simply because they claim tobe. For Jesus Christ warned us numerously of such "wolves in sheep's clothing." Tothis day history leaves us no record of Paul having answered his critics. To thisday he has not explained why he said one thing and Jesus said another. He has notexplained why there is no positive prophecy mentioning him anywhere in the Bible,if he was in fact intended by God to be such a central, or even extant figure."Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law (Torah) or the Prophets(Nevi'im); I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you thetruth, until Heaven and Earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the leaststroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law; until everything isaccomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these Commandments (Mitzvot)and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of Heaven,but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in thekingdom of Heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that ofthe Pharisees and the teachers of the Law, you will certainly not enter theKingdom of Heaven." Matthew 5:17-20However, in utter contradiction to Jesus Christ's affirmation of the eternalvalidity of the Torah, as long as Heaven and Earth are extant, Paul blasphemouslyclaims that the Messiah came to "destroy the barrier... by abolishing in his fleshthe Torah." This alone is proof that Paul is an outright Imposter and Liar, theGreat Pretender."But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near throughthe blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and hasdestroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his fleshthe Law with its commandments and regulations." Ephesians 2:13-15So who is right? Is Jesus correct when he says "I have not come to abolish theLaw" or is Paul right when he says that Jesus "destroyed the barrier... byabolishing in his flesh the Law with its commandments and regulations?" Was JesusChrist right when he said that Heaven and Earth would sooner pass away than "oneletter of the Law," or should we instead follow Paul who said the anti-thesis ofMessiah's words: "But now the Law has come to an end with Christ and everyone whohas faith may be justified." Romans 10:4Again i ask you, did Jesus Christ, Yashuah Ha'Mashiach, not say himself that aslave cannot serve two masters?"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, butonly the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me on thatday, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons inyour name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?' Then I will declare to themsolemnly, 'I never knew you. Depart from me, you workers of LAWLESSNESS(anomian).'" Matthew 7:21-23
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Enugu : Married but yet a Prostitute

'My husband is aware I'm a prostitute in Otigba, but he'll go hungry if he stops me'

Ozioma Ubabukoh, Enugu


Otigba Street in Enugu is a known red-light district where students and non-students ply their trades at sunset. OZIOMA UBABUKOH explores the area and reports Night fall in Otigba, Enugu, is like summer season when visitors pour into the streets, ready for pleasurable moments. The hosts, with inviting cleavages and heavy backsides, dart for the best of their willing guests. Who are these guests? Joy, a mother of one, responds, "They are guys who are willing and can pay to have us all night."


Better, she says, "If he can't muster the strength, or he is not financially buoyant to keep us till the next morning, then we can do short time. It all depends on the person's pocket." 'Short time' for commercial sex workers can mean quick sex, or sharp-sharp in Pidgin.

As gathered from Joy, if it is a short time deal, it could be done quickly in the client's hotel room or apartment, or in a dark corner on one of the streets off Ogui Road or Ebeano Housing Estate, which are both linked with Otigba Roundabout.

Short time, she says, can go for between N500 and N1,000 in the dark spot, and between N1,500 and N2,000 in the client's hotel room or residence.

"Sometimes we are usually scared going with the person to his house so that we don't get raped, kidnapped or used for rituals, which is why we always insist on hotels, especially when it has to be an all-night exercise.

"But when we see the prospective customer as responsible or he is known to us, we won't hesitate following him to the house," she quips.

In impeccable English, she notes, "A till-dawn deal could go for as low as N3,000 and as high as N8,000, or higher, depending on the class of the girl to the client, or her bargaining power."

Joy, a secondary school drop-out, showed our correspondent the hang-outs. "Our hang-out points are Ogui Junction and the adjoining streets around it. When you move down, you will see some us standing by the road up to Nwodo Lane, which is opposite the Fire Service. Then you get to Otigba Roundabout which is central and our meeting point," she explains.

"You can also find some of us at the other end, which are the streets that take you either into Ebeano Estate or Bisala Road on Independence Layout.

"Above all, Eight Hours, a bar at the heart of Otigba, where you cand find the majority of us, while some others tilt towards the other bars and supermarkets beside it."

Ironically, Eight Hours is situated in front of the British Council building with a message on the wall - 'Stay away from unprotected sex. AIDS no dey show for face.'

This message, however, does not seem to perturb these ladies. Virtually all of them carry a condom pack and ensure that the client uses it to protect them from HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, or pregnancy.

But why would a 25-year-old mother be involved in trading her body for money? Joy answers, "I don't have any means of livelihood and I can't go to steal, so I do this to survive."

Worse, her friend, Chinonye, who is married with two children and trades her body for money, says that Joy isn't her real name but Ezinne Ohakwe whom, she adds, is currently living with the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus, presumably acquired from the father of her child whose whereabouts is not known.

"Her child is with her mother in Mgbidi, Imo State. She had him in 2005 as a result of an affair with her boyfriend who after five years agreed to marry her. But then, the marriage did not happen as medical tests showed her to be HIV positive. The man took off when he heard it and has refused to show up for a test. Till date, nobody knows his whereabouts," Chinonye says.

She adds, "With a feeling of dejection and no means of livelihood, she started coming out to Otigba early this year (2010) and from the proceeds, she enrolled at a catering school in Achara Layout, close to Uwani, where she resides. She hopes to stop the Otigba runs when she rounds off her programme at the catering school, then get a job or start a catering business."

For Chinonye, her "evening must start at Otigba Roundabout" because her husband cannot afford to cater for her and the children.

She says, "I have been married for five years now and we live in Abakpa. If I don't do this, my children will die of hunger."

SATURDAY PUNCH traced her to where she lives on Mabia Street in Abakpa, a suburb in Enugu.The testimonies of her neighbours were shocking: her husband is aware of her activities at Otigba, but dare not question her or he will go hungry.

The Enugu State correspondent of a national daily, who lives in her neighbourhood, states, "The money she makes from the trade is what the family feeds on. Her dear husband dares not question her. Moreover, he is already a frustrated man.

"We began to monitor her activities when we noticed a change in her lifestyle. Sometime last year, we noticed that during the day, she was always at home but once night sets in, she cleans up, gets dressed and leaves the house.

"When some of her contemporaries tried to question her nocturnal activities, she simply told them she got a hotel job, which required her leaving the house in the evening. She even feigned being unhappy with the work schedule but said she had no option until she gets something better.

With her excuse, she probably succeeded in working on their minds, at least to get them to stop nosing around her. But her trick wouldn't last for long as she was given out by another neighbour, Samuel.

"I am not married and I have to keep body and soul together since I am not a wood. So once in a while, after a hard day's job as a driver of one of the Sullivan taxis, I stop by Eight Hours, the joint where most of these girls hang out while waiting for calls from men who have come to drink and unwind," Samuel says.

"Over time, I noticed that so many ladies, mostly mistaken for responsible people in Enugu, are in this business. Some even dress religiously to Eight Hours and about 11 pm, the peak time, they go into the inner bar and change into shorts, spaghetti wear, or mini and handless tops.

"So you could see a girl you know and probably think she's there for a harmless outing. You would only know her true intention if she came in company of someone, or doesn't go to stand on the road, or remains in that same dress till she leaves.

"On that fateful day, I had passed through the inner bar to urinate when I saw a girl changing from and a revealing top. I, however, became more interested when I noticed that what she wore was as good as being naked.

"I religiously tiptoed behind her, studying her moves, with the intention of having her for the night. But then I was in for surprise when she crossed to the other side of the road. She waved at potential patrons. "From the glittering street lights, I saw her face clearly and that ended my night for that day."

However, single mothers and married women alone, like Joy and Chinonye, do not form the bulk of Otigba night girls. The common culprits are students and jobless young ladies.

"It boils down to the fact that Enugu is a haven for vacation seekers and tourists. Since there are more than five higher institutions in Enugu, whenever male tourists or vacation seekers come to the city, they aim for the opposite sex to keep them company.

"When they can't easily come by any, they are directed from where they are lodged to head towards Otigba," Gift divulges.

Mincing no words, she says, "People like us who have not been to school will definitely claim studentship of one school or the order so that we don't lose out.

"I can't come all the way from PortHarcourt, and then go back empty-handed. Ordinarily, I could stay in PH and do my thing but the class there is too high; I can't fit in. Enugu is best, anyone can fit in here.

"Besides that, Enugu is best for us due to its centrality, serenity and cosmopolitan nature. People want to visit here. It is a London of its own. The noise that there is no money in Enugu is a farce because more hotels keep springing up by the day and they keep making profit.

Apart from the students of tertiary institutions in Enugu State, some of these commercial sex workers are bona fide students of Imo State University; Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Imo State; Alvan Ikoku College of Education, Owerri, Imo State; Anambra State University; Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka; and Ebonyi State University.

A report exclusively released to SATURDAY PUNCH by the Enugu State Police Command indicated that tertiary institutions in Enugu State which female students are prone to the increasing rate of student prostitution are Enugu State University of Science and Technology; Institute of Management and Technology; and Federal College of Education (Technical).

The report, according to the Police Public Relations Officer, Enugu Command, Mr. Ebere Amaraizu "was as a result of arrests made at Otigba recently on the orders of the state government."

Amaraizu says, "The 19 girls arrested were convicted by a magistrate court and jailed for wandering and constituting nuisance to the public."

This action, according to the programme officer of Women Information Network, Miss Ijeoma Ogbonna, "has not changed anything." For Ogbonna, "It has only stopped them from standing on the road. They now crowd themselves in other bars and supermarkets."

Nneka, a part two accounting undergraduate in ESUT says "I don't enjoy doing this, but who will give me money to pay my school fees and accommodation? No one will just open his eyes and say take this money to feed or buy dresses. "I live in Ajegunle, Lagos. If not for my boyfriend who bought the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board form for me and ensured I was enrolled in a preparatory class, I wonder where I would have been.

"Most of us are from very poor homes. The very day we told our parents that we gained admission into the university, they simply told us that we were on our own. "It is a bad case for those of us who are Igbo. Our relatives, even when they have so much of money to give out, will not look your way. "It is bad to find your relatives, cousins and friends going to school while you idle away. So we have vowed that we must complete our education then say bye to this.

"Gradually, those of us who are students are leaving Otigba in droves. We now run a home service whereby our clients call us on our mobile phones whenever they want our services. We also give royalties to the boys at the front desks of the big hotels in Enugu, so that they can call on us when a customer needs our services.

"The Enugu State government cannot stop us. Some government officials are even our best patrons. I think the only problem Governor Sullivan Chime had with us was that we were standing on the road.

"But since the ambush by the police, home service or hotel service is now the in-thing for us. The less educated ones among us stay at bars on the pretence of drinking while they source for clients."
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Luke Poulin met Sandra Lewis on an Internet dating site. Recently, Lewis was to join Poulin in the United States of America as his wife but she did not show up. Poulin then got a mail that Lewis had been kidnapped. TOYOSI OGUNSEYE writes that this may be another Internet scam.

Sandra Lewis
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Luke Poulin was eager to see the lady he had dated for over seven months. Even though he met Sandra Lewis on an Internet dating site, he had no doubt in his mind that she was his wife. He had showered her with gifts worth $80,000 throughout the period they dated and couldn't wait to be united with her.

Lewis was expected to arrive in the United States of America on March 2, 2011. That day, Poulin could not hide his excitement as he went to the airport with his mother. They got there hours before Lewis's flight was to arrive and stood there with flowers and a ring for Lewis.

After waiting for several hours and there was no sight of Lewis, the Poulins went home worried. What happened to her? Did she miss her flight? Did she fall ill? Those were some of the questions on their mind.

A few days after, Poulin who just got over a bad marriage received an electronic mail that Lewis had been kidnapped on her way to the airport in Kano. He was confused because Lewis had earlier told him that she was residing at 2BE hotel and suites, room 206, in Lagos and she was expected to depart Nigeria from the Lagos airport. What was she doing in Kano? Poulin asked himself.

In the mail, the abductors told him that they tortured Lewis and forced her to give them Poulin's e-mail address. The mail read, "Well sorry this is coming rather late. The reason is that we have a long list of people in our custody and your acclaimed wife, Sandra, has been proving stubborn but after sweet torture, she finally gave us your contact and we want to tell you that she is safe with us."

Lewis's kidnappers then went ahead to demand a ransom, "Listen we are not demanding much but we demand the ransom of just $7000. It is not compulsory you get us the money because it is not mandatory that she lives. But get this straight, if we don't have the money we won't ever release her alive. We advice (sic) you in your own interest not to talk to anyone about this, we have seen posters of her being declared missing. I want you to know that the police who you think will help you are also part of us so you can be sure it will not help if you still believe they are the ones to help you get her.

"I will advise you not to contact anybody after reading this mail; rather get to work and know how you will get the money to us. We opened this mail so we can contact you, we could have called you but we know is possible for you to trace the call. We will be waiting to read from you here on this mail. Be warned don't contact anyone again to look for her. If our reliable sources tell us you're still trying to get the kidnapper then you can be sure we will kill her and send you the photos for confirmation."

They added that they were open to negotiations. "We are very nice persons so we will welcome your negotiation. The choice is yours. Whatever you decide, mail it to us, until then we will let your wife rest well but if we don't get good response from you then I think you had better start looking for another wife because we will eliminate your Sandra."

Poulin who was terrified at this point told the kidnappers that he would be glad to pay them on the condition that they sent Lewis's pictures to him as evidence that she was alive and well in their custody.

When they sent the pictures to him, Lewis did not look like someone that was kidnapped. She was relaxed in a pool and even wore some make-up. Poulin then asked the abductors to send him the pictures of Lewis holding her passport and a current newspaper.

To that, they replied thus, "Well, we just gave you the chance to save your woman. That was the reason why we took our time to contact you to know if you are willing to save her. You can't order us around. She is not the only white hostage we have and by the time we have sorted them all out, we will just drop her off in the ocean. We could have got you what you asked but we are far from where we can get it done. This may be the last mail you will get from us; since you have proven not to be cooperative, the choice is yours. Good bye."

Poulin however stood his ground that he would only send the money if they met his conditions. While all this was going on, he got a call from one John Suton, who claimed to work with Assertion Security Services, Lagos that he could help in tracing Lewis.

Poulin's mother who monitored the exchange between her son and the kidnappers however smelt a rat. While her son was working the phones and trying to trace his lover in Nigeria, his mother wore a rueful smile suspecting that her son was a victim of a scam. She suspects that Lewis never existed and that her son has fallen victim to Internet fraudsters who pretended to be Lewis.

She says, "He told me he met her on a dating site in the summer and that he had only talked to Lewis on the Internet. She claimed to be born in England and was brought up in Halifax, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. He sent about $80,000 to her and I know he has $50,000 owed on his credit card because of this. I'm so mad at people like this. How could they break someone's heart like that? To use people at their weakest points in their life....I know my son was trying to get over a bad marriage when he got into this. He was so happy his life was turning around only to be let down again. I just don't know what else to say."

Meanwhile, Poulin, an American, was admitted in a US hospital after the incident.

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YOur Life is imoortant be careful and vigilant wherever you go to exercise your civic responsibility.People are going to die from Election violence . You shall not be one of them .



MUDIAGA AFFE writes that though Nig.e.rians, more than before, are committed to free and fair elections, security still remains a source of concern for them.





With barely five days to the long-awaited April general elections, security challenges from various groups, including the Boko Haram and the Movement of the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, still remain major obstacles to the peaceful conduct of the 2011 poll.

In the last count, about 100 persons might have lost their lives and so many others injured as a result of either bomb explosions, politically influenced killings or even stampede like the case of Port Harcourt, all in the build up to the conduct of the April elections.

Prior to the October 1, 2010 bomb blast at the Eagles Square in Abuja, for which MEND claimed responsibility, the killings in Jos , Maiduguri and other parts of the North by the Boko Haram had shown that the police and other security agencies had a lot of challenges to ensure that the Aril poll was peaceful.

Following the last threat by MEND warning Nigerians to steer clear of political gatherings in Lagos, Abuja and Niger Delta, officials of the State Security Service had noted that there were three major danger signs on the road to successful general elections next month.

Specifically, the SSS narrowed the threats to include the leader of MEND, Mr. Henry Okah, who is facing trial in South Africa over the October 1, 2010 bomb blasts in Abuja; extremist Islamic sects, like the Boko Haram; illegal and importation of arms.

Just as the SSS raised some issues over security threat, the Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Hafiz Ringim, also called on Nigerians to be more vigilant in their daily activities.

The Force Public Relations Officer, Mr. Olusola Amore, said though Nigerians should not buy the threat, they should be more security conscious in their day-to-day activities.

The threat, he said, could cause panic among the populace, adding that security agencies were already collaborating in order to make sure that Nigerians were safe wherever they were.

But the SSS Director-General, Mr. Ita Ekpenyong, has said illegal arms shipments into the country also posed great threats to the success of the polls.

Ekpenyong, who spoke who at a National Summit on Free and Fair Elections in Abuja last week, however, noted that despite the flawed nature of past elections, Nigerians had high expectations for the coming elections and want it to be free, fair and credible.

He said the SSS had a clear and compelling duty to ensure that the elections were held in a peaceful and secure environment not only in the interest of the nation, but that of the service since, credible elections and democracy ultimately result in good security outcomes.

The SSS boss identified ethnicity, the media, religion, political parties and political violence as some factors militating against free, fair and credible elections.

Speaking on other worrisome developments Ekpenyong said, "Other trends in the polity with potentials to adversely impact on the hitchfree conduct of the April 2011 general elections include: Threat posed by extremist Islamic sects, particularly the Boko Haram, which has resumed hostilities and is poised to disrupt the April polls.

"Threat by militant groups, particularly the one led by Henry Okah, mastermind of the October 1, 2010 bomb blasts in Abuja, who has declared intentions to make the country ungovernable; and

"Illegal arms shipment and smuggling, especially the recent shipment from Iran, the foregoing developments coming just before the April poll, call for security concern with practical steps taken or measures emplaced to forestall, contain and neutralise anticipated, emerging and prevailing threats to the electoral process."

Assessing public perception towards the ongoing electoral process, the SSS boss said, "A gauge of the political environment in the build-up to the 2011 general elections reveals as follows: That Nigerians hold steady in their commitment to democratic system, though they are quite discouraged about the performances of democracy, particularly since 1999.

"That most Nigerians view the past elections of 1999, 2003 and 2007 as seriously flawed, but they hold higher expectations for the 2011 general elections; and that the conduct and credibility of the 2011 elections will have a significant impact on popular views of the Nigerian political system, especially citizens' willingness to look at elections as a vehicle of policy change."

Ekpenyong went further, "In light of the foregoing, it is clear that elections and democracy remain the core of nation building. Nations are stable, secure and successful only to the extent of the depth and vitality of their democratic institutions and practice, which is evidenced in the regular conduct of credible elections.

"Notwithstanding Nigeria's famous electoral past, current indicators are positive. Aside the across board acceptance of the new Chairman of INEC, Prof. Attahiru Jega, there is an overwhelming national consensus on the imperative of conducting credible elections in 2011.

"If this critical national goal is achieved, then it is assessed that the new set of elected leaders will be connected with the electorate and are thus envisaged to be more accountable and responsive to the needs and aspirations of the people."

However, the Coordinator of the Ijaw Media Forum, Mr. Asu Beks, disagreed; saying the Police, SSS and other security agencies had not worked together as one to address the security challenges in the country.

He also said what is referred to as MEND today might be the handiwork of some politicians in order to create the impression that President Goodluck Jonathan is not capable of addressing the security challenges in the country.

He said, "The MEND that we all know which has been part of the struggle in the Niger Delta will not be talking about causing disaffection by frightening the electorate a few days to the conduct of the April elections when the first ever President from the Niger Delta is contesting. This definitely is not MEND because I have a feeling that some politicians from a particular section of the country are using the name of the group to create the impression that President Goodluck Jonathan cannot be in charge and is not in charge.

"However, we cannot dismiss the threat as security agencies are advised to be on top of it to make sure that people will be free to exercise their civic rights.

"Again, we will still need to restructure the country because there is so much injustice in the system. This is so because some people from a particular part of the country believe that it is their birth-right to produce the President of Nigeria and to them, if the President is not from their part of the country, there will be no peace. That is why you see some groups being used under the name of MEND. There has not really been MEND since the amnesty deal was embraced.

"Unfortunately too, we have security agencies who have not worked in synergy. The SSS, Police and Directorate of Military Intelligence want to take individual credit for whatever breakthrough they have. So, when they attend their normal National Security meeting with the National Security Adviser, they do not put on the table all the information that they have because they want to take credit individually.

"It is also bad that we do not invest in information management which is a vibrant panacea for security management. The police and all other agencies should development new ways of gathering information and processing it to achieve what they want. They are not proactive. "

Also reacting to the latest threat, the Congress for Progressive Change said it was a shame that an organisation like MEND would take Nigeria up and tear it to shreds, declaring that the threat would not in any way stop its candidates from continuing with the ongoing electioneering in the country.

Speaking through its National Publicity Secretary, Mr. Yinka Fashakin, the party said, "We will continue with our campaigns, and security will be the number one item on our agenda. The Peoples Democratic Party has failed the nation. It has made us prostrate and a laughing stock among nations of the world."

The party alleged that while the Department of State Security Service was hounding innocent politicians in pursuit of the agenda of the Peoples Democratic Party, MEND had carried on with impunity.

It said, "In Suleja, after the explosions, one of our candidates has been held by the SSS, but they cannot stop MEND. It shows the level of incompetence of the SSS. We don't even know if our candidate is alive or dead. The whole game plan is to keep him from circulation so that he will not reach out to the people to campaign."

The CPC said the SSS had not been able to penetrate and disband MEND that gave warnings about its attacks, but it went after ordinary Nigerians.

The National Publicity Secretary of the Action Congress of Nigeria, Mr. Lai Mohammed, said the Federal Government had adopted a wrong approach in dealing with MEND.

Mohammed said the threat had made everyone in the country a 'sitting duck,' adding that even though MEND should not be glorified; the Federal Government should be more proactive about the issue.

The ANPP spokesman, Mr. Emma Enukwu, expressed fears that MEND if not checked could scuttle the April elections.

He explained, "What can ANPP do if PDP that is running the government cannot stop MEND? It shows that the government cannot guarantee safe elections. If they can blow up pipelines, nothing is impossible. I, however, appeal that MEND should shun violence. What the members of the group need to do is vote in credible leaders that will solve all the challenges we have."

Much as stakeholders have expressed concerns over the conduct of the April poll, the ability of the security agencies to be proactive would help ameliorate the panic that already exists in the polity.
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The death of Pope John Paul II (1920-2005)

April 3rd, 2005

       Please understand that I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners. My salvation solely rests in Christ's righteousness, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins. My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to contend for the Christian faith. According to the Bible, Pope John Paul II went to burn in Hell on April 2nd, 2005, because he trusted in the Catholic Church to save him. Jesus clearly stated in John 3:3...

"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

The Pope NEVER spoke of being "born-again." The Pope NEVER made any public profession of faith ALONE in Jesus Christ. On the contrary, Pope John Paul II placed his faith in the traditions and manmade doctrines of the Catholic religion. There is NOTHING in the King James Bible (or the Catholic Bible) about keeping the Seven Sacraments to get to heaven... nothing! There is NOTHING in the Word of God about the Immaculate Conception of Mary. There is NOTHING in the Bible about the Rosary or praying to God through Mary. There is nothing in the Bible about priests being celibate. Matthew 23:9 outright forbids calling any priest "Father." So why do Catholics do it?... because they are being taught the commandments of men...

"He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." —Mark 7:6-9)

Pope John Paul II was a minister of Satan, a false prophet...

"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.  And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." —2nd Corinthians 11:13-15

Pope John Paul II will be held responsible at the Great White Throne of Judgment someday for misleading hundreds-of-millions of people with damnable heresies, causing them to burn in hell.  I say this with great sorrow because God does not want anyone to perish in hell...

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." —2nd Peter 3:9

No one goes to hell unless he or she chooses to go there ("And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life" -John 5:40).  All you have to do to go to hell is "nothing."  If you don't get born-again, you are automatically going to hell ("He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." -John 3:18).  The Pope made the deadly mistake that so many foolish people make, he ADDED good works to his faith in Christ ("For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast" -Ephesians 2:8,9).  Salvation is a gift of God ("For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" -Romans 6:23).  Salvation is free, you CANNOT add works to it; otherwise it is not a gift anymore.  Please read my article, Are You Really A Christian.  Also please read, Good Works Verses Grace.

FOX News and CNN have been covering the death of the Pope round the clock.  I've heard nothing but lies, heresy and ridiculous comments by many famous people. 

President George W. Bush: Pope was a “hero for the ages.”

President George W. Bush: “A good and faithful servant of God has been called home.

When George W. Bush was running for the office of governor in Texas, he said publicly that a person must accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior to go to heaven.  George Bush has claimed publicly to be a Christian.  I can say with confidence that George W. Bush is NO Christian!  No true Christian would ever praise the Pope as “a good and faithful servant of God” (not to mention the fact that George W. Bush is also member of the eerie occult groups, Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove).  see

It's disgusting to hear professed "Christians" like Billy Graham and Robert Schuller praising the Pope.  It's hard to believe that Billy Graham was actually once a board member of the Sword of the Lord in Tennessee.  Billy Graham is a sell-out and the pioneer of the ecumenical movement.

Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Bill Clinton, Jimmy carter, Nancy Reagan...all praising Pope John Paul II...does anyone believe the Bible anymore?  Does anyone care about the TRUTH?  Evidently not in The White House.

To be expected, priests from across the world are praising the Pope as the Vicar" of Jesus Christ.  Can you show me that in the Bible?  No you cannot!  No one in the Bible was ever reverenced as "God upon the earth," other than our Lord Jesus Christ (Who in every respect was God Almighty upon the earth, 1st Timothy 3:16).  The Pope was a heathen sinner just like anyone else, and he surely was not God's Vicar.  The Pope was the Vicar of hell.  I say this not to be unkind, but to try to wake you up concerning the TRUTH. 

The Catholic religion is also guilty of worshipping the dead.  There is NOTHING in the Bible leading us to bow unto a statue of Mary.  On the contrary, Exodus 20:4,5 commands us NOT to make unto ourselves ANY graven images, nor to BOW to them.  The Catholic religion leads people into idolatry and vain worship, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men (Mark 7:6-9).  Catholics worldwide bow in worship to statues of saints, such as Saint Anthony.  Now they're talking about making Pope John Paul II a saint.  Well, if you want to worship the Pope, then you'll have to look down to the ground because he's burning in hell fire and brimstone according the the bible.

I just heard a Catholic man from Rome say, " The Pope brought us the gospel of Christian hope."  The gospel of Christian hope?  You've got to be kidding?  The Bible declares the gospel of Christ in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 (The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ).  So what's with the Seven Sacraments?  Why does the Catholic church claim that they ARE Christ, and that baptism is the door into the Catholic church?  These erroneous teachings are manmade doctrines which are nowhere found in the Scriptures. 

Pope John Paul the second was the first Pope to ever visit The White House.  President George W. Bush was the first president to ever visit the Vatican in Rome.  He was the most traveled Pope.  Pope John Paul II was also the first non-Italian Pope in 455 years of Pontiff history (he was Polish).  Sadly, of the estimated one million Polish people living in Chicago, 98% are said to be Catholic.  According to the Bible, 98% of the Catholic people in Chicago are going to hell when they die.  Don't get mad at me, get mad at God because He wrote the Bible.  You can get mad at me all you want beliefs are based upon the Bible, not the TRADITIONS of some false religion.  Show me anywhere in the Bible where you're supposed to go into a confessional booth to confess your most innermost immoral secrets and sins to a priest (just another dirty, rotten sinner).  The Bible teaches no such nonsense!  We are supposed to confess our sins to Jesus Christ alone (1st John 1:9).

Cardinal Egan of Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York said that Pope John Paul II was "just like Jesus."  Egan said that the Pope cared about people, "Just as Jesus did."  Egan said that the Pope loved others, "Just like Jesus did"...and on and on.  Nothing could be further from the truth, the Pope was nothing like Jesus.  Jesus was a very controversial figure in His day, offending people everywhere He went.  Why do you think they crucified Him?  Jesus was against the hypocritical religious leaders of His day (those who led the masses astray in false religion).  Don't you see it?  The Pope and the priests are the religious hypocrites (the Pharisees) of our day!  Jesus would have roasted them with His preaching, just as He did the phonies back in His day...

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness." —Matthew 23:27

The Pope and cardinals in the Catholic religion adorn themselves in the most expensive of garments, they drink from cups made of pure gold and silver, they assemble in magnificent palaces...while the poor rot in the streets, millions die of starvation, and little children suffer at the hands of their merciless predators.  Listen to the words of Jesus...

"But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.  But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.  And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.  Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ." —Matthew 23:5-10

The Catholic religion is of the devil, and it's leaders are the sinister ministers of Satan.  The Pope was nothing like my Saviour Jesus Christ...Jesus spoke the TRUTH and made no apologies for it.  The Pope never warned anyone about hell-fire.  Jesus spoke of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth in hell.  Jesus didn't just visit the poor and needy...he actually helped them.  How much money has the Vatican given to world's poorest?  Nearly 3,000,000,000 people live on less than $2 a day.  The Pope toured all around the world, but what did he do to actually help those people?  Nothing!  Why is it that the Vatican in Rome is so filthy rich, while the poor stay poor?

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation." —Matthew 23:14

The Catholic religion is a fraud.  The Pope is a phony.  Pope John Paul II is sadly burning in hell.  The doctrines of Vatican II are nothing more than TRADITIONS and MANMADE doctrines.  Even the novice Bible student will find this to be true.  I am not happy about this, but greatly saddened every day that passes.  I wish it were not so.  The fact that the Catholic religion is one of the most popular religions on the earth should be a grave warning sign to us.  The world is unanimously praising Pope John Paul II (now they're even talking about making him a saint).  But what did Jesus say...

"Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets." —Luke 6:26

The next Pope may very well be the False Prophet who will accompany the Antichrist to rule the New World Order.  Earlier today I heard former Secretary of State, Madelyn Albright, say that the Pope had given people the sense that "those who believe in God are united a certain particular way."  In other words, "it doesn't matter what you believe."  Talk about one-world religion!  The Devil desires to consolidate everything to prepare the stage for the coming Antichrist.  We are witnessing the formation of the New World Order—which will be composed of a one-world government (a confederate), a one-world religion (ecumenicalism), a one-world economy and money system, to form a global police-state.  Surely, the return of the Lord Jesus cannot be far away. Even so, come Lord Jesus!

"It is without question that John Paul II, former head of the Roman Catholic Church, spoke strongly to many of the moral issues of our day, from protecting unborn children and marriage to voicing opposition to stem cell research and human cloning. However, he was a fallible man, like the popes before him, who rejected the authority of Scripture in favor of a religious system based on the doctrines and traditions of men. Christians must not be led into pledging allegiance to the deceased pontiff, but should pray for the Catholic and Protestant people who are far from biblical teachings, and are now leading the effort to embrace ecumenicism."

—Michael Marcavage, director of Repent America

How to go to Heaven

"And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition ... Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition..." —Mark 7:9,13

False Religions

Accepting Other Religions

Why Criticize Religion?

Catholicism is a lie of the Devil. If I didn't sincerely care about people, then I wouldn't take the time to WARN you. The Catholic religion is all a bunch of Satanic lies based upon manmade traditions. I plead with you as a friend, obey the Bible by turning to the Lord Jesus Christ in faith. Salvation is NOT found in any religion; but in a Person—the Lord Jesus Christ! You need Christianity friend, NOT churchianity.

The Roman Catholic Teaching on Salvation and Justification

How to go to Heaven from the Bible

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tiny pony quote: ‎"when a crocodile cries, check well it might have just come out of the water."

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