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Here you will find 10 sayings of Jesus that I have collected together. Finding quotable passages from Jesus was not that easy, as most of what is recorded of what he said (in the gospel books: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are either metaphorical stories, or Jesus responding to particular questions that had been put to him. Neither work very well when taken out of context.

Of the more direct teachings of Jesus, most of them are contained in what is known as the sermon on the mount, which is a veritable goldmine of counter-cultural wisdom.

1. Love Your Enemies!

OK, you have to admit this is a pretty radical concept...

“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? (Matthew 5:43-47 )

2. Don't Worry About The Future

Sometimes insightful sayings seem obvious once you hear them - I think that is the case here. Live in the moment you're in!

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. (Matthew 6:34)

3. How To Treat Others

“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. (Matthew 7:12)

4. The Most Important Commandment

“Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?”
Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”(Matthew 22:36-40)

5. Spiritual Greatness

In the topsy-turvy world of the Kingdom of God it seems the usual understanding of things is reversed. Here is yet another example:

“You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:42-45)

6. Gaining The World, Losing Your Soul

Here Jesus highlights that the eternal and spiritual dimension is more important than the temporal physical one. Those who choose to follow His teaching will make physical sacrifices for spiritual rewards.

Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? If anyone is ashamed of me and my message in these adulterous and sinful days, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” (Mark 8:34-38)

7. The Kingdom Of God Is Not Physical

Christian faith should not be militant, things like the crusades were not in line with what Jesus taught, or even the concept of christendom. He also taught that theKingdom of God was in the hearts of men.

The statement below was said in response to questioning in his trial before the roman govenor.

“My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36)

8. God Loves Everyone

This very well known passage is actually a quote from Jesus.

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.(John 3:16-17)

9. Ask, Seek, Knock

“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. (Luke 11:9-10)

10. His Claim To Be God

While it seems Jesus didn't make a point of telling everyone that he was God, he did make it clear on a few recorded occasions. This quote is taken from Jesus' court trial, from which the resulting conviction of 'blasphemy' led to his crucifixion.

I include this quote, not because it's a great teaching, but because it affects how one perceives his teaching. It's hard to think of Jesus as [just] a good moral teacher when you know that he thought himself to be God. Either he is a weirdo, or he is God!

Then the high priest said to him, “I demand in the name of the living God—tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.”
Jesus replied, “You have said it. And in the future you will see the Son of Man seated in the place of power at God’s right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven.” (Matthew 26:63-64)


Bible passages are quoted from the New Living Translation copyright 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust

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Obama's father forced out at Harvard

The university was concerned about his personal life and finances, records reveal. | AP Photo Close

BOSTON — President Barack Obama’s father was forced to leave Harvard University before completing his Ph.D. in economics because the school was concerned about his personal life and finances, according to newly public immigration records.

Harvard had asked the Immigration and Naturalization Service to delay a request by Barack Hussein Obama Sr. to extend his stay in the U.S., “until they decided what action they could take in order to get rid of him,” immigration official M.F. McKeon wrote in a June 1964 memo.


Harvard administrators, the memo stated, “were having difficulty with his financial arrangements and couldn’t seem to figure out how many wives he had.”

An earlier INS memo from McKeon said that while the elder Obama had passed his exams and was entitled on academic grounds to stay and complete his thesis, the school was going to try and “cook something up to ease him out.”

“They are planning on telling him that they will not give him any money, and that he had better return to Kenya and prepare his thesis at home,” the memo stated.

In May 1964, David D. Henry, director of Harvard’s international office, wrote to Obama to say that, while he had completed his formal course work, the economics department and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences didn’t have the money to support him.

“We have, therefore, come to the conclusion that you should terminate your stay in the United States and return to Kenya to carry on your research and the writing of your thesis,” Henry’s letter stated.

Obama’s request for an extended stay was denied by the INS. He left Harvard and - divorced from president’s mother - returned to his native Kenya in July 1964. He did not complete his Ph.D.

The immigration memos, contained in the elder Obama’s Immigration and Naturalization file, were given to a Boston Globe reporter in 2009 through a Freedom of Information request. The papers were first made public Wednesday by The Arizona Independent, a weekly newspaper. The Associated Press obtained copies of them on Friday.

Harvard issued a statement Friday saying that it could not find in its own records anything to support the accounts given in the INS memos.

“While we cannot verify accounts of conversations that occurred nearly 50 years ago, a review of our existing files did not find any support for either the language or the implied intent described by the U.S. government official in the government documents,” the statement read.

When Obama was attending Harvard, the school faced serious constraints in financing research by international graduate students, the university also said.

Department of Homeland Security spokesman Matt Chandler declined to comment Friday, saying the department does not comment on specific immigration cases.

Concerns about Obama’s personal life while he had been studying in the U.S. had been raised previously, according to the INS documents.

In 1961, while he was an undergraduate student at the University of Hawaii, the school’s foreign student adviser called an immigration official and said Obama had recently married StanleyAnn Dunham - the president’s mother - despite already having a wife in Kenya.

According to a memo written by an INS official in Honolulu, the adviser said Obama had been “running around with several girls since he first arrived here and last summer she cautioned him about his playboy ways.”

Obama told the adviser that he had divorced his wife in Kenya.

He told the president’s mother the same thing, though she would later learn it was a lie.

Obama worked for an oil company and as a government economist after returning to Africa, but his personal and professional life would later deteriorate. He died in a car crash in 1982, when the future president was 21 and a student at Columbia University.

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Prince William And Kate's Kiss (PHOTOS)

Prince William and his wife Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in London,Friday April 29, 2011, following their wedding at Westminster Abbey. (AP Photo/John Stillwell, Pool) (John Stillwell/AP)

When Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, gave Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, her first public kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, it was so fleeting the crowd began to chant “kiss her again!”

Which he did, followed by a giggle from the bride, and a spreading blush on the groom.

As for the little bridesmaids closest to the kiss, they didn’t look too pleased about the whole affair. See photos below:

The bridesmaids look disgusted by the kiss between Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge on the balcony at Buckingham Palace on April 29, 2011 in London, England. (Christopher Furlong - GETTY IMAGES)

The perspective of an onlooker as Prince William leans to kiss his wife Kate, Duchess of Cambridge. (PIERRE-PHILIPPE MARCOU - AFP/GETTY IMAGES)
Royal fans in white hats watch Britain's Prince William and his wife Kate kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, at a viewing party at the Ritz Carlton hotel ballroom in Washington DC, on April 29, 2011. Over 250 guests dressed up in their formal best in the early morning for a viewing party for the royal wedding. (ALEX OGLE - AFP/GETTY IMAGES)
The rest of the wedding party watches as Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge kiss on the balcony at Buckingham Palace. There were 1900 guests in attendance. (Peter Macdiarmid - GETTY IMAGES)



It has been a most eventful day for Prince William and Kate Middleton, who were married this morning at Westminster Abbey.

The newly ennobled Duke and Duchess of Cambridge appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace at 1:25pm to share their first kiss as a married couple as millions looked on, either in person or via the internet/television.

In honor of the Royal wedding, Queen Elizabeth hosted a post-wedding breakfast of champagne and canapés at Buckingham Palace for 600 guests.

And tonight at 7pm, Prince Charles will throw a dinner dance for around 300 guests at one of the Palace’s elegant state rooms.

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There is palpable tension in the capital city of Owerri following Tuesday’s stalemate and what may eventually become the outcome of the governorship election in the state.A number of incidents raised suspicion and set the stage for the prevalent tension in the  state.All through the election, the suspicion of electoral fraud against the ruling PDP was rife but got substance during collation when the returning officer for Mbaitoli council area who had earlier at the local government level issued results to party agents suddenly turned around in apparent compromise to declare to the State Returning officer that there was no result for the area. To the utter shock of observers, newsmen and party agents, an agent of the ACN brandished an INEC result duly signed by the same returning officer, Franklin Matthias in which APGA was declared winner.


When queried, the returning officer, who is a Non Academic Staff of Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) affirmed that he signed the result but could not explain why he suddenly said there was no result for Mbaitoli. He was immediately arrested.


Secondly, the Chief of Staff to the Speaker of the Imo state House of Assembly and Rep-elect for the Ahiazu/Ezinihitte federal constituency, Raphael Nnanna Igbokwe was Wednesday arrested by a combined team of soldiers and the police Anti-Terrorism Squad as he was making his way into the INEC office Owerri. He was arrested for being in possession of electoral material of which youths in area alleged were election results he was smuggling in to sway victory in favour of the incumbent governor.


With all these attempted manipulation, it was not entirely susprising when yesterday morning youths besieged the INEC headquarters demanding the release of the governorship result before it was tampered with by the ruling party.  Shielded by stern looking soldiers, the youths insisted on staying around the premises to be sure nothing went wrong.


Trouble however broke out when the angry youths suspected some vehicles trying to enter into the INEC headquarters and accused the occupants of trying to smuggle some electoral results into the commission’s office.


As a result of the misunderstanding that ensued, four vehicles were totally vandalized by the angry youths. It was when soldiers intervened that it was discovered that the occupant of one of the cars, a Toyota Corolla 1.8 capacity was Mrs. Joan Nzeribe, Oguta council chairman and wife of maverick Senator Francis Arthur Nzeribe whom the crowd accused of being behind the electoral conflict in the Oguta and Ohaji Egbema council areas where elections were declared inconclusive. The youth apparently got more enraged when they learnt she was Nzeribe's wife and one of the lead vehicles was from the fleet of the Speaker of Imo state, Mr Goodluck Opiah who had earlier been accused of ballot box snatching in the local governments under dispute.


Desperate efforts to douse the suspicion of malpractice against the government by top official have even yielded more embarrassment as over 20 supposed domestic election observers shepherded into the Multi Purpose Hall of the government house and openly briefed by the Special Adviser to the governor on Electoral Matters, Mr. Steve Asimobi to address press men hit the wall when the observer walked out complaining that government was yet to fulfil their obligations to them.


Also, government officials and appointees have abandoned their official cars for the fear of being harassed or intimidated by angry youths who may view them as part of the plot to subvert their will.
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quote:"To Forgive is Divine To Forget Foolish. Forgive your enemies but dont Fall Victim twice,thrice.."

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Ini Edo begins United Nations work



Rigged or NOT We Present The 23 Governors Elect…..2011-2015

12166309676?profile=originalAre these Underage voters on a line waiting patiently to exercise their constitutional duty in Katsina ?

Arrest "BUHARI" Now or We Attack HAUSAS ! Niger Delta Militants. Are they Militant police now ?; background-position: -288px 0px; padding: 0px;">»

12166309454?profile=original12166309098?profile=originalThis Could have been your brother who went to serve his Fatherland.
Burnt remains of murdered youth corper, Ukeoma Aik: Forgive Dont FORGET it may save your life or that ofa friend PHOTO ADVISORY photos of burnt survivors too.
SNN2717HEAD-380_1299132a.jpg?width=123MUSLIM actress poses naked for Playboy. Islamic world Outraged !Sila Sahin has been branded a "w.hor.e" and a "western slut" after appearing
topless on the cover
photo advisory
Cossy Orjiakor new music video me and you or as we call it my boobs and you

12166308891?profile=originalShuga Band Breaks Up .Akin Tofowomo founder says they were hired hands. float rival groups."Disabled" but very able Tofowomo an A lister in the music industry says the show must go on

Fela! producers donate N407,000 to Yeni Kuti

Benue youths protest governorship poll result

Nig.erian kills Spanish man in Lagos. I killed him because he raped me .in grisly murder

Nige.rian man makes Prince Williams wedding list and it is not who you think !

Obama slams birthplace claims as 'silliness' releases birth certificate born in Hawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii obama birth cert

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Pot demanding to know why kettle is black and asking for kettle to be killed for being black. Who made them Militant Police ? 


Niger-Delta Militants call on President Goodluck Jonathan to arrest Generals Muhammadu Buhari, Ibrahim Babangida , Aliyu Gusau, Mallam Adamu Ciroma and Abubakar Atiku. Failing which, the millitants shall mobilize for "vengance and anger on all Hausa and Fulani people we can find inside and outside our region."
Vengeance is absolutely not the way will only cause more chaos and anarchy. Dear Lord, help this nation.The press release by the joint revolutionary council (JRC) of Niger Delta when you continue...

Now that elections are over
“We suspended our armed campaign for the independence of the Niger Delta when we discovered that General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida and his co-travellers in the Northern Political Leaders Forum (NPLF) were attempting to fund hoodlums in our region to engage in terrorist activities aimed at painting a picture that the Niger Delta freedom fighters are against the Presidential ambition of President Goodluck Jonathan. We saw that the activities of criminal groups funded by the NPLF to oppose the Nigerian President would taint our genuine struggle for the independence of Niger Delta. However, we do not have anything against the Presidential ambition of President Goodluck Jonathan who happens to be from our region that has been politically marginalized under the heavy burden of internal colonialism.
Nevertheless, elections have come and gone. It is unfortunate that those who submitted themselves to the process refused to adhere to the layed down laws, rules and regulation enshrined in the Nigerian Electoral Act. Instead they resorted to violence in Northern Nigeria.
The violence has led to the indescribable massacre of 10,000 innocent civillians of Southern Nigerian origin by miscreats and supporters of General Muhammadu Buhari and his Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) which lost in the April 16, 2011 Presidential Election. Also, thousands of homes, shops and places of religious worship of people from the south of Nigeria living in the north were burnt and bombed.
It is sad that nothing concrete has been done to bring the masterminds and perpetrators of these dastardly acts to justice. We all know that the northern quartet of Mallam Adamu Ciroma, Alhaji Abubakar Atiku,General Aliyu Gusau and General Ibrahim Babangida promised that hell will let loose if ruling party (PDP) refused to zone the presidency of Nigeria to the north, thereby setting the tone for a return to a north/south political rivalry. As part of their plans to achieve that, they sponsored terrorist bomb attacks in different part of Nigeria, including an attempt on the life of President Goodluck Jonathan on October 1, 2010. Their attempt to intimidate him out of the Presidential Primaries of PDP failed and he won.
Furthermore, the northern quartet rallied round and joined forces with General Muhammadu Buhari and his northern-based CPC in a bid to promote their Northern Regional bias. General Muhammadu Buhari triedto absolve himself of the massacre and mayhem in the north, but there are evidence to proove that he and the northern quartet were the mastermind. Before the beginning of the electoral process he said severally that Nigeria would become another Somalia. He also promised an uprising if the PDP prevents him from winning. The biggest of them all was when he alleged that the ruling party flew millions of ballot papers to several parts of the country in the previous night before the election day. In that reckless remark, he rejected the possibleoutcome of the election and vowed that he would never challenge the result of election in court neither will he contest in any election after 2011. With this comment, he set the tone for the sporadic violence and massacre of the lives of 10,000 innocent civillians of southern extraction in the north.
It is sad that when statesmen were patriotically calling for the arrest and trial of General Muhammadu Buhari, he and his supporters dared the Nigerian government to arrest him and see the consequence.This act of arrogance and impunity should not be encouraged. Post election violence in Kenya that took this form of tribal violence and massacre led to the investigation of the International Criminal Court(ICC) and today, people are being tried for 'crimes against humanity'.
Unless this is done in Nigeria, this matter will not be put to rest. This has been a recurring decimal in our checkered political history and the Nigerian Civil War was a fallout of the first ethnic cleansing in Nigeria in 1966 orchestrated by elements from the same Northern Nigeria who believe that they were born to rule. They are not even considering the repercussion that would befall Nigeria if we choose toreact violently.
It is on the basis of this, that we make a minimum demand of the arrest and trial of Generals Muhammadu Buhari, Ibrahim Babangida and Aliyu Gusau. This should also include, Mallam Adamu Ciroma and AlhajiAbubakar Atiku. Failing which, we shall mobilize our people to visit vengance and anger on all Hausa and Fulani people we can find inside and outside our region. We deliberately waited for the end ofelections to make this well-thought-out declaration as we did not want to be dragged into the murky water of Nigeria politics.
Ignore this declaration at your own peril!The Niger Delta Struggle Continues!!Long Live the Niger Delta!!!Bakabio WalterSpokesman, Joint Revolutionary Council (JRC) of Niger Delta “

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The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has released a list of twenty three  governors elects in the April 26th, gubernatorial polls. The list which was published on INEC website shows that ruling party`s (PDP) candidates won in sixteen states. They are followed by ACN and ANPP, whose candidates won in three states. The CPC won only in one state.




Winning Party

















































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12166309454?profile=originalHe went to serve his fatherland and got killed in the most gruesome manner. Beaten, butchered and set on fire. The horrific pic of his charred remains when you continue...12166309098?profile=original
At this point, I have to say... *Warning* .. Graphic photo...
Forgive dont Forget !

Ukeoma Aik's burnt body. So who do we hold responsible for his death? These guys can't die in vain...
And no, I'm not going to take this picture down. I hope it hunts us all enough to do something about the way these young men died..

It is time that we all see what is happening in our dear country, this is not Christian Vs Muslim, this is a fight were Christians and Muslims have to work together and fight these Extremist and bring them to justice, all these people can't die in vain LETS DO SOMETHING. 














Reminder Again Forgive Dont Forget !Forgive Dont Forget



Reminder Again Forgive Dont Forget !











These are photos of thoe who survived the ordeal



Forgive Dont Forget


Forgive dont forget

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Ini Edo begins UN work

IMG_0066%255B1%255D.JPGIni Edo begins UN work in earnest 
April 23 will always be ever green in the mind of actress and UN Habitat Youth Envoy, Ini Edo and those who accompany her to Dustbin Estate in Ajegunle Area of Lagos.

Her visit to LOTS Foundation at Dustbin Estate coincided with her birthday hence the gifts packs, t-shirts, food and gift items to the community leaders.  But according to her publicist, Platform PR, theessence of the visit is not just birthday. ‘Ini was appointed alongside two others (one Nollywood actor and one Bollywood actor) as ambassadors of the United Nation.
Her responsibilities according to are to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all in Nigeria and Africa as awhole.


 Speaking on this new role Ini said ‘being named a Special Youth Envoy for UN is one of the most interesting moments of my life, I know this ambassadorial role is not going to be an easy task, but it is a call to responsibility. Beyond acting and making people happy on the screen

we need to learn to stretch our hands and touch people’s lives.

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12166309889?profile=originalDid you make the Royal Wedding12166310458?profile=original Guest list? Perhaps not


Buckingham Palace released on Saturday an edited guest list for Prince William's marriage to Kate Middleton. Ok... perhaps you did not make this list.  Many like the fact that this royal wedding is no Oscars red carpet although there will be a few famous names ... and that many ordinary people we do not recognise will be there. Still, perhaps you should not hold your breath for an invitation if you do not have one now.

For example Nigerians had never heard of Seyi Obakin, the only Nigerian on the Prince William’s Royal Wedding official guest list released at the weekend by St James’s Palace. Obakin, a chartered accountant and Chief Executive, Centrepoint, a charity organisation in London was listed alongside David Bekham, Sir Elton John, among others on the merit section of the guest list. He is one of the three Africans invited for the wedding and the only non African monarch after the Crown Prince of Morocco and King of Swazi in the list. The royal wedding cake will also be donated to Obakin’s Centrepoint.
I am however more concerned about another Royal Wedding and this post is a third part in a series on lessons for the Church as we observe preparations of royalty for marriages. You may want to read  Part I; Royal Weddings in the Bible. The Good, almost Bad and the Ugly and Part II; Royal Wedding Gifts, Charities and about sending Donations to Rob Bell.


LAGOS — Seyi Obakin  the only Nigerian on the Prince William’s Royal Wedding official guest list released at the weekend by St James’s Palace will receive the Royal Wedding Cake on behalf of Centrepoint.

Obakin, a chartered accountant and Chief Executive, Centrepoint, a charity organisation in London was listed alongside David Bekham, Sir Elton John, among others on the merit section of the guest list. He is one of the three Africans invited for the wedding and the only non African monarch after the Crown Prince of Morocco and King of Swazi in the list.
Prince William is a patron of Obakin’s Centrepoint and has met many of the young people supported by Centrepoint over the years
Obakin joined Centrepoint as Finance Director in 2003 and was promoted to Chief Operating Officer in 2006. He became Acting Chief Executive in May 2008 and was appointed to that role permanently in January 2009. The royal wedding cake will be donated to Obakin’s Centrepoint

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SNN2717HEAD-380_1299132a.jpg?width=123MUSLIM actress poses naked for Playboy. Islamic world Outraged ! photo advisory
Cossy Orjiakor new music video me and you or as we call it my boobs and you see for yourself

12166308891?profile=originalShuga Band Breaks Up .Akin Tofowomo founder says they were hired hands. float rival groups.Disabled but very able Tofowomo an A lister in the music industry says the show must go on

Fela! producers donate N407,000 to Yeni Kuti
Benue youths protest governorship poll result

Nig.erian kills Spanish man in Lagos. I killed him because he raped me .in grisly murder

Nige.rian man makes Prince Williams wedding list and it is not who you think !
Obama slams birthplace claims as 'silliness' releases birth certificate born in Hawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; background-position: -288px 0px; padding: 0px;">»

Gubernatoral Election Results: Live Updates

NDLEA saves two from death penalty in Malaysia

Obama ignores Easter most holy Christian holiday; AFA calls act intentional.

Nig.erian girls have turned themselves into two-minute noodles - Aregbe Idris, Sisi Oge anchor

Alex-Filipino%5B1%5D.gif?width=123Filipino impregnates 13-year- old Nig.erian girl • Wants friends to beg her family





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Lagos State Dealoftheday:Get 20percent or more off on Paintings by 9gerian Top Artists Duke Asidere & Olu Ajayi call 08064950565. click shop .Send your deal of the day

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A MUSLIM actress has caused a storm by posing naked for Playboy.

Sila Sahin has been branded a "whore" and a "western slut" after appearing
topless on the cover of the German edition of the men's magazine.


Soap beauty ... Sila Sahin


And Islamic fanatics have posted threatening internet messages.

Sila, raised in Germany by conservative Turkish parents, says she fears being
"spat at" and "shamed".

Her parents are said to have reacted with "horror" at the 12-page coverage,
and her mother has apparently cut off all contact.

Sila, 25 - star of German soap Good Times, Bad Times - claimed the shoot was a
reaction to the "slavery" of her youth.

She added: "What I want to say with these photos is, 'Girls, we don't have to
live according to the rules imposed upon us'.

"For years I subordinated myself to various societal constraints. The Playboy
photo shoot was a total act of liberation."


But Islamic internet sites are being monitored by the BND - the German
intelligence agency - after threats were posted about her "shaming Muslim
womanhood" and "prostituting herself for money".

One poster on the Jihad Watch website wrote: "She needs to be very careful..."
Another simply said: "She must pay."

A kebab shop owner, asked on German TV what he would do if Sila were his
daughter, replied: "I would kill her. I really mean that. That doesn't fit
with my culture."

The Islamic Community of Germany has called for a boycott of Sila.

About three million Muslim immigrants live in Germany, which has seen numerous
honour killings in recent years by fanatical husbands, fathers and brothers.

In 2009, an asylum seeker was sentenced to life after killing his "too
independent" German wife.

One police intelligence officer said of Sila: "I think what she did was either
very brave, or very stupid.She will be double-locking her door at night for
a long time to come."

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This bitch of a life
By Carlos Moore
Cassava Republic Press

The year 2010, the 13th anniversary of the death of ‘Abami Eda’, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, was undoubtedly an epiphany. It was a year like no other since his demise. Broadway, the home of theatre in the United States, staged a musical that took the world by storm in a manner the Abami Eda himself did. In the same year, as part of ‘Felabration’--the annual event set aside by his scions to mark his anniversary--the book ‘Fela: This Bitch of a Life’ by Carlos Moore was published in Nigeria, 28 years after it was published to world acclaim abroad.

A rebellious heritage

The release of this book, which marked the first time it was published in Africa, has added more value to the discourse of Fela the man, his music, life and philosophy. Written primarily in the first-person narrative, Fela tells his story candidly, starting from his long-awaited birth and the kind of child his parents expected. In his words, his parents expected “the meek, quiet type ... [a] well-mannered” child but gave birth to him instead. In Yoruba cosmology, it is believed that if a troublesome child is not allowed to breathe life, it will disturb its mother throughout hers. In other words, Fela was a child that had to be born in order for his parents, and especially his mother, to have peace.

The biography traces Fela’s lineage in a way that demonstrates he inherited his rebellious streak from the Kuti family. His father, a priest, once refused to remove his cap while passing by a military barracks where the colonial British flag was flying. He refused to back down when challenged by a military guard and the forceful removal of his cap with a bayonet led to serious uproar in the city. This eventually led to the relocation of the army barracks from within the city of Abeokuta to its outskirts. The book also captures the essence of the mother who was instrumental to the women’s protest against the Alake of Abeokuta for imposing a tax on women.

In writing ‘This Bitch of a Life’, Moore was able to have unrestricted access to Fela. This is perhaps what others who have written books about the legend never had. Fela was at once a man of the people and at the same time a very hard man to get in the kind of close interaction that would have resulted in writing a book as intimate as the one Moore eventually wrote.

Another strong point that Moore had over all other authorised biographers of the Abami Eda was that he was able to give voices to all 27 band girls whom he (the late Fela) affectionately referred to as queens. He married them in one day. In justifying this rather bizarre marriage to 27 girls all at once, he was trying to let the world know that the band girls, who were being rejected or scorned, were all worthy to be married.

The queens

For the first time readers are able to get a firsthand peep into the minds of the wives and what they think of their man. Leading the pack is the numero uno, Remi, mother of the clan. It must have been a tough task for Moore to get her to talk about the man she loved. Many journalists would attest to the fact that she was a most reserved woman, who hardly ever spoke to the press. She was content with living her life in the background. She was also a no-nonsense woman who was not bothered by her husband’s ways with women.

She says, “The only thing that bothered me was if any woman should come and try to act big over me. I wouldn’t take that. It really didn’t bother me because he had, you know, girlfriends outside. He never brought any woman to my house.” (p183) Answering a question about why she stuck to him for over two decades despite the tumult she says, “Most likely because I know he’s honest and he’s really doing what he believes.” (p185) Remi confesses that Fela taught her humanity and how to forgive. This is something very positive and revealing as many perhaps would have thought of him as a man who loves trouble. About the things that irked or rubbed her wrong way about her man she admits, “His generosity is the first. This was in the past and sometimes now. And I think sometimes his humanity is misguided. I can be pretty hard with people. You hurt me; I can’t accept anything else from you. He’s made me change a bit and I don’t like that change, ‘cause if somebody does something to me I don’t want to talk to them again. But through Fela I’ve learnt to subdue that feeling.” (p185)

Many great and hard men are known to calm down where their loved one is concerned. Could Fela, with his public persona, be afraid of anyone? A man who took on systems and one brutal military government after another? The woman who should know him more than us all reveals, “I sometimes feel Fela’s a little bit afraid of me. I really do. He may never show it or admit it, but I feel it.” (p187) But that demonstrates that he was human after all.

There are so many more revelations about the lives of the women in Kalakuta Republic and many reasons as to why they married him. One of such was Kikelemo, who was asked what her ambition in life was, to which she replied, “I don’t know.” When asked, “What do you want to do in life?” she said, “I just like to be Fela’s wife.” (p228) He was such a captivating phenomenon.

Treasure trove

‘This Bitch of a Life’ is no doubt a well-written and researched documentation of the life of Fela. The long wait for its publication in Nigeria and Africa has been well worth it. The publishers, Cassava Republic, have really done well. If marketed well, this book will be one of their bestsellers. The publishers have turned out to be an outfit to look out for, as Cassava has become home to great books, such as Lola Shoneyin’s ‘The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives’, long listed for the prestigious Orange Prize, and Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani’s ‘I Do Not Come to You By Chance’, which won the Commonwealth regional prize.

However, there are some few typos that they need to correct in subsequent reprints. These include Calabaris instead of Kalabari (38), Buckner for Bucknor (p65), Zill Oniya for Zeal Onyia (p82), Urobho for Urhobo (p221), Ejor for Ijaw (p229), Beni for Bini (p234), and Shosanyu for Shosanyan (p237). Despite these little glitches, the book is a wonderful treasure trove that must be explored. Time spent reading through it is amply rewarded with a wealth of information and insights on one of Africa’s greatest exports and gifts to the world.

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12166308891?profile=originalPopular Music Provider, Shuga Band Breaks ex-members float rival groups.
Key members of popular music provider at A-list shindigs, Shuga Band have broken away from the group.Sources maintain that they have formed a rival band tagged Top Band.

The splinter crew is led by singer Tope Makoko.
Before he led the pull out of Shuga Band, Makoko was tagged ‘the right hand man’ of his former employer and leader of Shuga Band Akinloye Tofowomo.
Surface investigation conducted  attribute the setting up of Top Band by Makoko and other ex Shuga band members to ‘the need to do their own thing’
Other factors that resulted in this decision are yet to be unearthed.
Before he joined and left Shuga Band to float Top Band, Makoko is said to have had a long time stint with highly respected one man band- Segun Bucknor.
Those close to the new group tagged the members as ‘the nucleus of Shuga Band’s operation’
Further findings however revealed that Shuga Band leader appeared unfazed by this development.
He is said to be carrying on with his engagements like never before.According to a source ‘ Shuga Band is already an established group with it traditional clientele. And more so Makoko and the said crew were not really full time members of Shuga Band but contract staffers!’
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jpeg&STREAMOID=M8QRqZhmBx6fMRbRIh8bYS6SYeqqxXXqBcOgKOfTXxQlGuUyMOFwGYfbZ6STJRbqnW_PgxgftuECOcfJwS6Jtlp$r8Fy$6AAZ9zyPuHJ25T7a9GKDSxsGxtpmxP0VAUyHL6IDcZHtmM2t7xO$FHdJG95dFi6y2Uma3vSsvPpVyo-Producers of the Broadway musical, ‘Fela!’, donated N407,000 to Yeni Kuti after the last show of ‘Fela! In Lagos’, which took place on April 26, 2011. A representative of the producers announced, after the cast of the musical came out to take a bow, that the donation to Yeni Kuti was made “to show appreciation for her support and motherly role all through their stay in Nigeria.” An obviously emotional YK Power, as Kuti is fondly called, was on stage to receive the donation but couldn’t go through with her acceptance speech as she broke down in tears. As she was led away from the stage, her half-brother, Seun Kuti, held her in a warm embrace, wiping tears off her cheeks.

The final show of ‘Fela! In Lagos’ was attended by the Ghanaian vice president, John Dramani Mahama. He revealed that he grew up listening to the afrobeat legend, Fela, and hopes the producers of the Broadway musical will take it to Accra, too.

Cowell wants Paula Abdul, Cheryl Cole for ‘X Factor’

Simon Cowell wants his former ‘American Idol’ sparring partner Paula Abdul and British singer Cheryl Cole join him on the U.S. version of his TV talent contest ‘The X Factor’. But, the music impresario told entertainment industry website Deadline Hollywood, no deals have yet been signed to complete the lineup for the show, which is due to start airing on Fox television in September.

So far only the acid-tongued Briton himself and record executive Antonio “L.A.” Reid have been confirmed as judges on ‘X Factor’, which is offering a $5 million prize to the winner and a recording contract.

“I’ve always wanted Paula,” Cowell told Deadline Hollywood in an interview released on Sunday.

“I’ve never found anyone better than her. I think there’s a good chance it will be her. We’ve agreed we would meet with as many people as possible, and now [that] we’re reaching the deadline we’ve got to make the decision soon. But I think she’s got a really good shot,” he said.


eLDee denies plans to start new music association

Ace music producer and performing artist eLDee has denied any intention of forming a new musical association to rival the Performing Musicians Employers Association of Nigeria (PMAN). Speaking in an exclusive conversation with X2, the former Trybesmen member revealed that, contrary to speculations that younger musicians want to form a new union — since their visit to a PMAN meeting in Osogbo earlier this year was perceived as an intrusion — they will only act as a pressure group.

“We have no intention of forming a new musicians’ association,” the Trybes Records boss said. “We went to Osogbo asking to be involved in PMAN’s activities, but they said we were being used by Tony Okoroji to come and collect the money the federal government promised to pump into the entertainment industry. Can you see the type of mentality they have?” eLDee said disappointedly.

“Since they don’t want us involved, we will continue to act as a pressure group and continue to pursue our right to copyright protection and payment of royalties as a pressure group.” eLDee, who made 2009 hit song ‘Big Boy’, also denies the accusation that the trip to Oshogbo was sponsored by Tony Okoroji for personal gains. “Am I a kid that someone will be using?” eLDee asked dismissingly.

Earlier this year, mainstream acts including eLDee, Chocolate City rapper M.I, and Empire Mate Entertainment boss Banky W, visited the venue of a PMAN convention in Oshogbo and it was reported that the current executives of the association did not welcome their presence. Earlier this month, eLDee launched the ‘Top Talent’ initiative to help develop young music hopefuls.

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thumbnail.php?file=DDDDDariye_OK_564800238.jpg&size=article_medium&width=234There was a protest in Makurdi, the Benue State capital yesterday by youths rejecting the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) results of the governorship election.

People’s Democratic Party’s candidate, Governor Gabriel Suswam leads, according to the returns from 18 of the 23 local government areas.
But the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) rejected the result.
Senator George Akume of the ACN polled 261,726 to beat Hon. Terngu Tsegba of the PDP who garnered 143,354 votes. He retains his seat.
Senatorial returning officer, Dr. Adehola Sotimehim, announced the result.
In the House of Assembly elections, Speaker Terseer Tsumba and Majority Leader, David Mwar lost their seats.
In Plateau State, former Governor, Chief Joshua Dariye won the election in the Plateau Central Senatorial District. Former House of Representatives member, Victor Lar won the seat for Plateau South Senatorial District.
In a statement, Benue State chairman of the ACN Abba Yaro alleged that results were cooked and doctored by the PDP in Logo, Ukum, Katsina Ala, Konshisha, Guma, Gwer-Gwer West local government areas, and the entire of Zone C.
The party said there were glaring cases where elections did not hold, but results returned in favour of the PDP. It also alleged that fake corps members and soldiers were used to intimidate ACN supporters.
The party said it would challenge the result of the election at the tribunal.
Speaker Tsumba of the PDP who recorded 18,692 votes, lost his seat to ACN candidate Aduku Gbileve who polled 44,487 votes in Buruku constituency.
Majority Leader Mwar of the PDP was also defeated by ACN candidate, Mato in Kyan constituency.
The protesting youths, numbering over 200 took to major streets of Makurdi, over the outcome of the election in which Governor Suswan was coasting to victory.
Police dispersed and arrested some of them
Dariye, popularly known as head boy of politics in the zone, defeated the younger brother to former Head of State Yakubu Gowon, Mr. Dauda Gowon.

Lar polled 132, 768 votes to defeat incumbent Senator John Shagaya of the Labour Party (LP) who got 72, 534 votes and former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory Minister (FCT), Jeremiah Useni, who polled 97,846 votes.
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The police in Lagos have arrested a 21-year-old man, Mmaduabuchi Ikechukwu, for allegedly killing a Spaniard named Anthony Gavaro. 

According to Ikechukwu, they met on a beach in Ghana early this year while he was on a business trip. He said during a conversation, Gavaro told him that he was a widely travelled doctor that wished to travel to Nigeria for research and he would need a work permit when he arrived. 
Ikechukwu narrated how close their relationship grew after they had parted. A few months later, the suspect said Gavaro, 52, arrived in Nigeria and told him that he had lodged in a hotel. 
He, however, said Gavaro checked out of the hotel because he claimed his belongings were being stolen by some employees and Ikechukwu then lodged him in another hotel named Galton Gate. 
On a certain day, Ikechukwu said Gavaro told him that he felt very lonely and thus needed company. Ikechukwu, who claimed that he had hitherto believed the relationship was platonic, went to visit Gavaro. 
According to him, Gavaro gave him a glass of drink, which had been spiked. 
He said the drink made him to fall into a deep sleep and when he woke up, his anus was very sore. He added that when he pulled the bed covers, he noticed that Gavaro was naked. 
The Lagos State Commissioner for Police, CP, Suleiman Abah said, "Homicide detectives from the state CID and FESTAC Division visited the scene, found the deceased with a slit throat; a blood-stained broken bottle, victim and suspect's cell-phones and other items were recovered in the room."
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WASHINGTON—In a surreal moment in US political history, President Barack Obama Wednesday released his birth certificate and slammed rumors that he was not American born as distracting "silliness."

Obama tried to quash conspiracy theories that have raged since he was a little-known candidate, which are gaining traction again, fanned by figures like billionaire mogul Donald Trump as the 2012 White House race begins.

In a moment when the modern media culture of online rumor and reality shows clashed with the somber pageantry of the presidency, Obama appeared behind a podium in the White House briefing room to address Americans.

"I'm speaking to the vast majority of the American people, as well as to the press," Obama said, branding the row as a distraction from serious issues.

"We do not have time for this kind of silliness. We've got better stuff to do. I've got better stuff to do," Obama said as television networks broke into regular programming to cover the statement live.

The US Constitution specifies that presidents and vice presidents must be "natural born" citizens of the United States and conservative pundits have fanned the controversy to raise questions about Obama's political legitimacy.

The rumors have morphed from the right-wing political fringe into the center of the US political debate: a recent CBS/New York Times poll found a quarter of Americans incorrectly thought Obama was not US-born.

But the president, who confessed he was bemused and puzzled by the controversy, said that America faced "monumental" choices on reviving the economy and hot-button issues like rising gas prices squeezing consumers.

"We're not going to be able to do it if we are distracted. We're not going to be able to do it if we spend time vilifying each other," he said, in an apparent attempt to elevate America's bruising political debate.

"We're not going to be able to do it if we just make stuff up and pretend that facts are not facts.”

Later, on an appearance on Oprah Winfrey's talk show, Obama warned Americans must not be "distracted by sideshows" – and in an apparent reference to Trump – slammed "carnival barkers who are going around trying to get attention instead of actually solving the problems."

The White House released an official long-form copy of Obama's birth certificate, which his legal counsel had traveled to his native state of Hawaii to collect, after Obama applied for an official waiver for it to be released.

The document, kept for years in Hawaii's official records, showed that "Barack Hussein Obama II" was born on August 4, 1961 at 7.24 pm in Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological hospital in Honolulu on the island of Oahu.

It listed his parents as Stanley Ann Dunham, 18, from Wichita, Kansas and Barack Hussein Obama, 25, from Kenya.

Previously, the 2008 Obama presidential campaign had released a short-form computerized abstract of the kind issued to any Hawaiian when they ask for a copy of their birth certificate.

Trump, the property mogul and reality television star mulling a Republican presidential run has in recent weeks raised questions about Obama's birthplace, in an apparent bid to court the party's radical conservative base.

"I've accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish," Trump said in the political bellwether state of New Hampshire, which will host an early 2012 Republican party nominating contest.

"I was just informed while on the helicopter that our president has finally released a birth certificate. I want to look at it, but I hope it's true."

"I am really honored frankly to have played such a big role in getting rid of this issue," said Trump, who is famed for telling losing contestants "You're Fired" on his television reality show "The Celebrity Apprentice."

Rush Limbaugh, the high priest of conservative talk radio said on his show Wednesday that Obama's decision to release his birth certificate was driven by his declining opinion poll ratings.

"What it really shows, and this is going to irritate a lot of people, (it) shows Trump's ability to connect with average voters in a way that no one else has been able to connect on this.

"We have a reality star that has forced Obama's hand on the birth certificate."

Republicans, despite the fact that sections of their membership have been challenging Obama on the issue, said that the president had been wrong to raise it.

"As I've repeatedly stated, this issue is a distraction," said Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee.

"Unfortunately (the president's) campaign politics and talk about birth certificates is distracting him from our number one priority – our economy."

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin weighed in on Twitter: "Media: admit it, Trump forced the issue," she said.

Likely 2012 Republican hopeful Mitt Romney also turned to Twitter, declaring: "What President Obama should really be releasing is a jobs plan."

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