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Happy Mothers’ Day! Today, this column is dedicated to mothers who have sometimes found themselves so frustrated by the intricacies of child-rearing that they have occasionally paused at that task, turned their faces upwards and wondered aloud, ‘why was it again you created children? Today, we mothers who have done a good job deserve to put our feet up, pat ourselves on the back and begin to ask ourselves, what must we have done right? Those among us who think we have not done so well should still put up our feet, get a cup of coffee, and begin to ask ourselves, what must we do right? The reason is that I believe that there are children who can try their patron saints and guardian angels all together to a sorry point, just as there are parents who try the patience of God himself. Recently, I heard the story of how a student was hauled before the head of his tertiary institution. He had been invited to come and explain how he came to be associated with a cult. Right in the presence of his father, the young man was said to have owned up to being indeed in the group but hastened to add that he learnt it from his father. His father, he claimed, belonged to at least four such groups. The flabbergasted father threw up his hands. He had no idea his children watched him that closely. To say that children have seized power from their parents in Nigeria now is an understatement. For one thing, children now have their say and their way. In the past, the saying was that children were to be seen and not heard. In the present age though, children prefer their parents to be seen and not heard. Better if the parent is rich. ‘Who’s that?’, ask the young man’s friends, as they point at a decrepit looking thing sitting and ruminating over his mistakes, such as his children. ‘Oh, that’s my sponsor’, replies the unfilial son, before quickly guiding his friends past the offending figure of his disgraced parent. For the privilege of allowing parents to call their children their own, there are now some ground rules. The first rule of child owning goes thus: that parents are allowed to give their children food and shelter, when desired. This means of course that parents can no more expect that golden sense of gratitude from their children for bringing home the bacon. Man, it is a privilege to do that now o. Then, children can now dictate to their parents how much intrusion they are prepared to take from the said parents. No more all that nonsensical ‘every room in the house belongs to everybody’. Perhaps, reply their toddling lordships, only after they are through with their own room, such as when they go off to be married. The third rule is that parents should consider it their duty to put down a generous allowance for the purpose of affording a comfortable life for their children. And to do this, they must work hard to earn or steal. In an e-mail message being passed around currently, the story is told of another young man who went for a job interview. Asked what he would consider a good starting salary, he mentioned something in the region of 250, 000 Naira, a figure the interviewers might not themselves be earning. Intrigued, they asked him why. He stated that he could not very well settle for anything less than that amount, since he was then on a monthly allowance of 200, 000 Naira from his parents! Too many children are being brought up on stolen money obviously. And the fourth rule? There should not be, under any circumstance, any scolding from parents. Parents ought to know that their children come into the world complete with the manual of behavior written into their hearts. This manual becomes operational at the age of fifteen. Dear parents, in case you don’t know, this is why your child wakes up suddenly one morning in the middle of his/her teen years with the epiphanous revelation that he/she knows everything. And there you were, thinking it could not happen over-night. Well, it does. So, should your child misbehave, don’t fret or spank. The manual will open to the right page in, let’s say, twenty years and award the right punishment. This law is called regret and it never fails to arrive. Whatever you do, dear parent, don’t break this last rule, and that is that you should never complain about your children’s friends, they are perfect. It is actually your own friends that cause your children to cringe. When your children choose their friends, they appear to you not to have applied some criteria that include the fact that such friends should be human beings. But you are wrong. Your children and their friends are normal. You’re the one who is not. I meant to write about mothers’ day but got entangled in the very wonderful world of child/parent rearing. If your own child fits into any or all of the above, then it is time for you to wonder who is rearing whom. In Nigeria now, mothers do not mother anymore, and fathers in general are clueless about the home, because people are more interested in making money. Yet, throwing government monies around the home like confetti at a wedding, particularly in the general direction of the angelic ones, only turns them into little devils. Unfortunately, the devil has a way of turning on its own sponsor, eventually. Let’s think again, mums, can our children celebrate us?
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One of the cars currently being used by the wife of celebrated Pastor, Ifeanyi is a gift by motivational speaker and finance consultant, Mr Fela Durotoye.
Sources identified the automobile as a Range Rover Sport. The colour is listed as black.
Those who should know further confirmed that the car was actually meant for his wife, Tara- the reputable make up expert and owner of House of Tara.
Informed a source ‘the gentleman actually bought the car for his wife and had already told her of the development…she was yet to start using it when he later told her he felt like sowing a seed with it by giving to his Pastor’s wife’
The celebrated make up artiste was said to have agreed with her husband and the couple gave out the car as a gift to Pastor Adefarasin’s wife.
Fela Durotoye and his wife, Tara are worshippers at House On The Rock, the ministry with shepherd by Pastor Paul Adefarasin.
This happenstance reportedly transpired in the tail end of last year.
Sources further maintained that the car gift appears the favorite of Ifeanyi Adefarasin’s automobiles at present.
Though the value of the particular wonder on wheel is yet to be established, market sources disclosed the price of a Range Rover Sport as in the range of N13M- N15M
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Since the more ardent of Muhammadu Buhari's supporters (some of whom are close friends) have tried to convince me that his unique selling point is his incorruptibility, then it behooves me to carefully consider if that is indeed the case in an objective way.

In order to understand the gravity of Mohammed Abacha's running for governor of Kano State on the CPC platform and the damage it does to General Buhari's credibilty as a paragon of anti-corruption, we need to consider the evidence of history and see how General Buhari's (and CPC's) handling of Mohammed Abacha candidacy is at odds with Buhari's claim to incorruptibilty. Actions speak louder than words. The evidence against Mohammed Abacha has been in the public domain, so Buhari and CPC have no excuse to claim that they did not know what sort of man Mohammed Abacha is before accepting him in the party.

"In addition to freezing about USD 640 million, the Swiss judicial authorities handling the case have also indicted Mohammed Abacha and Atiku Bagudu under Swiss legislation concerning money-laundering, fraud and taking part in a criminal organisation"

[see page 2 of the following link:].

"In the context of those proceedings, the Federal Republic of Nigeria was able to demonstrate that Mohammed ABACHA had failed to disclose his assets in Switzerland and in Luxembourg, which exceeded 1.1 billion US$. This lack of disclosure had, however, no direct effect on the proceedings (although of course it dented Mohammed ABACHA’s credibility as a witness). In July 2001, separate proceedings were commenced before the High Court of Justice of London, relating to the embezzlement of 2 billion US$ from the Central Bank of Nigeria under false security pretences [see page 4 of the document at the following link:].

It is my opinion that this laxity with respect to Mohammed Abacha demonstrates a consistent pattern of behaviour on the part of General Buhari. It is my thesis that he may be perceived as not being personally corrupt but he often turns a blind eye to corruption of close associates. Witness the 53 suitcases allegation that still dogs him 27 years later. Witness his infamous declaration that "Sani Abacha was not corrupt". A statement that is given the lie by the evidence in various courts around the world. Does Muhammadu Buhari's definition of corruption exclude close associates? That the late Sani Abacha is a close associate is easily gleaned by the fact that he appointed him to head the Petroleum Trust Fund.   

The Guardian Newspaper of November 3, 2002 reports on the audit of the Petroleum Trust Fund: "It is a horrendous story of criminal negligence, cynical fraud, and unprecedented disregard for all civilised standards of prudence and transparency in the disbursement of public funds. In the end, the independent consultants concluded that of the N181 billion that accrued to PTF in the four and a half years of its existence between July 1994 and July 1999, as much as N25 billion was either stolen or improperly expended."

And: ". . .when Gen. Buhari was invited to comment on the findings of the committee's consultants regarding the conduct of the empire over which he presided, he coyly retorted that he was not aware that such massive fraud went on his watch, but that in any event, he could not have benefited personally from the hideous purloining of the treasury." Former president Shagari who he overthrew was not personally corrupt, but his ministers were and yet Buhari held him responsible for the failings of his government. But in Buhari's case he disavowed all personal responsibility. Is this not bare-faced hypocrisy given that he was the one that unilaterally appointed Afri-Projects Consortium as the intervention fund's sole consultant?

Is General Buhari now also exempt from responsibility for the corrupt acts of his appointees? But the question needs to be asked: Is corruption only defined by the perception that one has not dipped his hand into the public treasury? What about if your associates are known to have been indicted as corrupt? In the Daily Trust edition of 30, March 2011, we read: "Presidential candidate of the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) General Muhammadu Buhari was in Kano yesterday for the North-west state-by-state presidential campaign but refused to raise the hands of either the INEC-recognised Muhammad Abacha or the party’s recognised retired General Lawal Jafaru Isa as the party’s governorship candidate in the state."

What a weak and tepid response to serious corruption-related issues by a man who his more ardent mythomaniacs tell us is the solution to Nigeria's corruption. They hope their persistent hagiographization will deflect attention from the present. We live in the present and whatever decisions we make concerning General Buhari's candidacy in 2011 must take into account his actions in 2011. Mohammed Abacha has never hidden his ambition to become Kano State governor. He was once in the ANPP before migrating to CPC. Knowing this, they could easily have denied him the CPC platform.

There are serious questions that General Buhari (or supporters) should answer. Why did they accept Abacha as a member of the CPC with the weight of these indictments hanging on his neck? In responding to this question, CPC says this: "In a statement last weekend, the CPC said apart from the alleged inducement of delegates, the party was not also comfortable with Abacha’s candidature because of his numerous alleged indictments by the federal government and the United States of America, which it said he refused to disclose to the party." This as far as I am concerned is a very weak response that only the undiscerning will fall for. The Abacha case was widely publicized and the indictments were widely reported in local and foreign media [as attested by the SaharaReporters link at the end of the page]. This excuse is downright silly and is obviously a late attempt at damage control.

Having become convinced that he procured his nomination through corrupt "money politics", why did the CPC not expel him from the party? After all, one would expect that for a political party running on a supposed anticorruption platform, their party constitution would spell out punitive measures for corruption-related activities such as "money politics". In response to this, the general's supporters tell us that CPC has appealed the court judgment declaring Mohammed Abacha the CPC candidate and the general is waiting for the court's pronouncement. As far as I am concerned this is another "rule of law" ruse a la James Ibori. This situation could have been so easily prevented by denying Abacha membership of the party.

If Muhammadu Buhari's CPC (his personal vehicle for his 3rd attempt at the Presidency), where his word is revered, is acting in such a weak and permissive manner concerning Mohammed Abacha, a man indicted on charges pertaining to money-laundering, fraud and taking part in a criminal organisation; how does he expect me to take him serious with respect to his anti-corruption credentials? After all my friends have assured me that in the cut and thrust and wheeling and dealing of representative democracy, General Buhari is going to jail all corrupt governors, senators, etc.

It is my conclusion that General Buhari's present actions in the case of Mohammed Abacha are at variance with the picture presented by his supporters of a committed anti-corruption crusader.
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DJ Sose: Young, dynamic and creative

12166305674?profile=originalIt is true that apples do not fall far from the tree. So it was not a coincidence to find out that Sose's father had also been a deejay in his youth. "My dad was also a dj, butthe difference between us was that, while he worked for free, I get paid quite a lotfor doing mine". Competitive from an early age, Sose won his first dancing competition at the age of five,singing and rapping. He then went on to write his first song at the age of thirteen. Meeting and then interviewing Sose gave me the rare opportunity to have a glimpse at his life experiences. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that not only had he built up a solid career but he was also well rounded educationally. He began his high school education at the International School, Ibadan. His family moved to Lagos a year later where he transferred to the Lagos State Model College, Badore. Three years later he enrolled in Adrao International in Victoria Island where he graduated. Sose then moved to Budapestin in 1998 for his A'levels and to take a two year Hungarian language course. Not long after his arrival, he had the opportunity to co-star in ‘Corrupt' an independent film alongside famed rapper, producer and actor Ice T as well as Silk the Shocker. An experience which he unassumingly describes as fun yet educational. Sose was admitted into the University of Hertfordshire where he studied Business Information Systems.He worked in the Information Technology industry for about a year. Unfulfilled, he enrolled at Cavendish College to obtain a professional certificate in film and video production.Mind, the Final FrontierDJ Sose sees the creation of music through mixing and blending different beats and rhythms as a form of expression and release. "I love music, I can't do without it. Most people place value on their phones, clothes, perfumes, etc. For me, it is my music. If I don't have my music, then there's a problem. You can lock me up, throw me in a dungeon, take everything I own, but don't touch my music or my music making ability." His music collection, according to him is a staggering forty thousand tracks. Like he said, "music is a drug and I'm addicted". Sose is comfortable mixing all types of genres from dancehall, to jazz and everything in between. If he had not chosen to be a deejah he would have been something else in the entertainment field. "In the broad range of entertainment I may have been anything, either a singer or an actor. There is no limitation to the talent one has, it is all about putting your mind to it and working to achieve your goals''. Sose has also worked as a producer for many artists such as Twisted Minds,R2bs, WandeCoal and Badman Floss. He has also worked collaboratively with talented producers like, Zela Zells,Jiff the General and Icon.The iconoclastStarting his career as a deejah, Sose realised he had to make himself stand out from the crowd. He randomly stumbled upon the solution. He had been a model at a photo shoot where the makeup artist applied body paint on the models faces to resemble tattoos. At the completion of the shoot he left in a rush forgetting to wash his face and boarded the train during London's bustling rush hour. He was listening to his music on his headphones oblivious to his fellow passengers stunned faces. Some inched away nervously and some got up and walked away. And there was his light bulb moment. It could not have come at a better time. He then made his facial tattoo a permanent part of his identity and he has not looked back since.It may be easy for you to forget dj Sose as a name, but as an entertainer, almost impossible. When asked if he was comfortable walking around with a tattoo on his face, without skipping a beat he said "I'm comfortable with it because in the beginning, people could barely remembering my name though it is so easy to pronounce. Now everywhere, people say do you know that guy, Dj Sose, the tattoo faced dj?" If Music be the Food of Life, then Spin On.... A classical case of innovation meeting talent, dj Sose's rise to stardom is to say the least, is a result of his hardwork and dedication. He has had memorable performances all over the world including Budapest, Famagusta (Cyprus), the UK, Kuala Lumpur, Tutsing(Germany), Porto Novo, Lagos, Abuja, Benin and Calabar. The most memorable was a performance in Kuala Lumpur on December 31, 2010. The nervous promoters begged djSose to fill in for the MC who never showed up. Again, with out skipping a beat he said yes, grabbed the microphone and carried the celebrations to the next level which involved impromptu dance competitions with a crowd of hundreds. The Malaysian promoters were wowed and amazed at how diverse he was. Not everyone who can spin is a skilled connector just as not everyone who writes songs can carry a tune.Final Four

1. If you were a lawyer, would you be a prosecutor or defender"Interesting. I have never been asked that question before. I would probably be a defender because of the ability to be able to help people. I do not like to be offensive, I do not like attacking, that is not my nature. If a fight breaks out, I am usually the one jumping in the middle to separate the fighters''.2. What if anything is too serious for you to joke about? "I guess I would have to say my family. They play a strong role in my life. In fact my mother actually designs and sews most of my outfits and constantly encourages me to be the best at what I do."3. What regrets do you have in life? "Really and truly, I have no regrets about my life. What I have gone through has made me who I am. If one little thing was different, I would not be the same person sitting here in front of you." 4. What is your concept of security?"Knowing that there is love. There are people out there who know and love me for who I am and not for my social position. My siblings, parents and friends who I know will always be there to back me up. Money no doubt gives comfort and you can buy a lot but you can never have security with just that." élan

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In October, 2010 the Independent National Election Commission (INEC), headed by Professor Attahiru Jega, announced cancellation of its earlier released 2011 election timetable just about two weeks after its release. I responded in an article titled “INECshould stop this distraction.”  On April 2, 2011, the day National Assembly (NASS) election was scheduled by INEC to hold, Nigerians trooped out in their millions to cast their votes. For hours they waited for accreditation in the hot sun. By about 1.00 pm, Professor Jega announced postponement of the election and moved it to Monday, April 4, 2011. Those two events portray INEC as an incompetent organization that lacks foresight and sagacity in planning and execution.








1.    Professor Jega, at the news conference where he announced the postponement of the NASS election, gave the late arrival of voting materials from overseas as the reason. But when did Professor Jega realize that the voting materials would arrive late. According to him, by 5.00 pm on the eve of the election the materials were yet to be delivered by the vendor. Yet, he waited until about 1.00 pm on the Election Day to announce the postponement.





2.    President Jonathan also had no idea about the logistics problems INEC was facing. Political parties also had no idea of the problem of delivery of voting materials from abroad. INEC leadership did not find it necessary to consult with the political parties and other stakeholders before the press conference.





3.    Monday, April 4 is not a right day because we cannot afford to toy with our students’ future or sacrifice their examination (WAEC) on the altar of institutional failure. I understand that the West African Examination Council examination commences on that day. I would rather that both the presidential election and the postponed NASS election should hold on the same day (April 9, 2011).









1.    The credibility or reliability of INEC has seriously been impugned. There are already some conspiracy theories flying around:



i.              There are some people that want to create chaos in the country by frustrating the holding of the April elections. In other words, even subsequent elections may be frustrated in various forms.





ii.             A constitutional conference, being the demand of quite a number of progressives, may be forced by the failure of the election process. If it becomes very difficult to conduct rancour-free elections until May 29th, 2011, a sovereign national conference will be a fait accompli. INEC and undiscerning politicians may help willy-nilly to present Nigeria with a platform to come together at the table of brotherhood and discuss the basis of our union in order to avoid a cataclysm. The die is cast.



2.    Losers in the NASS election, whenever it holds, may have a ready excuse for their loss. This portends a highly charged political environment in the wake.



3.    Neither INEC nor the ruling party (president) have reasonable control of the election process.







1.    Ideally, Jega should have resigned after his postponement announcement. However, that would worsen the situation and create confusion and panic in the election process. Accordingly, Professor Jega may hang in until all elections are conducted before resigning. His capacity and efficiency at supervision of the election process have been called into question with the two incidents I have mentioned above. He may be a man of integrity, but his efficiency is highly in doubt.



2.    Jega and his commission should establish prompt communication channels with political parties. Daily briefings should be done until all the elections have been conducted. This is to remove doubts about the process that may be entertained by many stakeholders.



3.    Ballot papers and result sheets should be made available in all states at least 48 hours before elections are held. Accordingly, even if the papers are printed abroad, the materials must arrive in the country at least four days before scheduled elections.



We do not accept lame excuses from vendors or INEC. What connection has Japan natural disaster with Nigerian elections? INEC must work to wipe away our shame by yet giving Nigerians highly transparent elections whose acceptability will be a given among Nigerians.



I call on Nigerians to remain vigilant at polling booths, especially when INEC is implementing the modified open-secret ballot system. Those responsible for this national embarrassment should be identified, publicized, and adequately punished. We must not blame God as Professor Jega implied in his philosophical “Man proposes and God disposes” mantra. I am sure God is not the one that has been dispensing discredited elections in Nigeria. Our religious (or rather dis-religious) propensities have attained nationally embarrassing levels.



Finally, why must we print our election materials abroad? Ah, maybe the reason is why our big men prefer foreign hospitals to Nigerian ones; maybe that is why they prefer to send their children to study overseas. Our appetite for and patronage of foreign services and goods have been our bane. But will Nigerians do something to change this at the elections? The answer may just be few days away. Don’t give up on Nigeria, my dear compatriot. The weapon of change lies in your hand—your vote.



Leonard Karshima Shilgba is an Associate Professor of Mathematics with the American University of Nigeria and President of the Nigeria Rally Movement ( ).EMAIL:  
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The Action Congress of Nigeria, (ACN) has said the party is not ready to participate in the National Assembly elections, rescheduled to Monday, April 4th by INEC.A statement issued by Senator Lawal Shuaibu, National Secretary of ACN, and addressed to INEC chairman, reads:

“The Action Congress of Nigeria, (ACN) pursuant to our resolve as promoters of democratic norms and practices, received with shock, the news of the postponement of the National Assembly elections, after all the assurances that INEC was ready for the elections every inch of the way. We however wish to posit as follows”:

“Given the huge logistical challenges as observed by every Party, we commend Prof Attahiru Jega for the courage to postpone the elections, which if allowed to continue in the circumstances would have again exposed INEC’s unreadiness for the exercise effectively, added to this, his rare ability to apologise for such lapses”.

“Given the sheer lack of capacity exhibited by the Operations Directorate, we are convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that INEC cannot between now and Monday, 4th April, 2011, account for all ballot papers already utilised, retrieve all sensitive materials in circulation and in the hands of various electoral officials nationwide. Added to this, is the fact that the same Operations and IT departments have not been able to avail political parties who are critical stakeholders in this exercise, the updated register of voters”,

“Taking cognisance of the fact that it is impossible for especially opposition parties to re-finance their agents sent to remote parts of the country and other logistical requirements given the extremely short time frame”.

“Bearing in mind the huge losses suffered by every sector of the national economy and especially ordinary Nigerians who eke out their living by the day, owing to the shutting down of all businesses”.

“Seeking to avoid voter fatique and allow for proper management of the elections,
The ACN condemns in strong terms the neglect and calculated attempt by the internal bureaucracy in INEC but especially the Operations Directorate in subverting the process thereby causing the nation monumental losses and undermining the integrity of the entire exercise”.

“Sir, this is our position and we believe shifting each of the elections by one week is still within the confines of the electoral act. Please accept our kind prayer for God’s guidance in your responsibility”.

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James Ibori released !

on health grounds in Dubai....Wont return to Nigeria ...Still faces extradition to the UK


Ex Delta State Governor, James Ibori was, Saturday morning set free from detention by a court in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

But thefugitive is not expecd to return to Nigeria as the money laundering charge against him by heBrtish government i still pending.

We leant that he would be at home in Dubai while his appeal against the lower court whichordered his removal to theUnied Kingdom, continues.

Ibori, who is facing a deportation request from the London Metropolitan Police for trial in the United Kingdom to face corruption charges, was freed on health grounds. The health of the former governor is said to have deteriorated while in detention and he is said to be suffering from high blood pressure.

A senior government official confirmed the release of Ibori. He however stated that the decision was purely that of the Dubai justice official. The official, who expressed shock at the news, however said the judgement of the Dubai court ‘does not have anything to do with the charges Ibori is facing here.'

An aide to Ibori , Tony Eluemunor, who onfirmed his release to  declined to say if Ibori would return to Nigeria from Dubai. There has, however, been wild celebration in Oghara and parts of Delta State, where freedom parties are being arranged in honour of the former governor.

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The general elections for the National Assembly have been sensationally postponed across all the states in the Federation until Monday 4th April. In a statement by the Independent National Electoral Commission(INEC) chairman, Attahiru Jega, an "unprecedented late arrival of result sheets" was the reason for the postponement. Mr. Jega was quick to apologise to the millions of voters who had turned out as early as 6am and said he "deeply regrets" the shift in date. He blamed unspecified vendors for the late arrival of the material which only reached Abuja at 9am on Saturday. According to Mr. Jega, the vendors equally blamed the situation in Japan for compelling them to divert the supply of result sheets. The INEC chairman said that the lack of ballot papers was not really the issue but that it was the complete absence of results sheets in the 36 states that forced the postponement. He could not comment on whether Monday 4th April would now be a public holiday but said that he expected the authorities would make an announcement imminently. Mr. Jega expressed his confidence that there would be no further delays to the process because all electoral material had now arrived in the country. Poor start The elections had not started well as thousands of polling booths reported the late arrival of electoral material and INEC officials. In Plateau, the Resident Electoral Commissioner, Habu Hinna Zarma, revealed that almost 2 and a half million ballot papers failed to arrive in the state. In Gombe, an administrative error saw gubernatorial electoral material sent to the state instead of National Assembly ballot papers. Many polling booths in Abuja only received ballot papers for the House of Assemble and not for the Senate.
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odulele_100_87.pngDisgraced Nigerian, UK based pastor, Albert Odulele, who pleaded guilty to sexual molestation of young boys, has been sentenced to eight months in jail.According to the case progression personnel at Woolwich Crown Court, Dr

Albert Odulele was sentenced


to 8 months on the first count, and 6 months on the second.

The disgraced pastor will serve both sentences simultaneously, and will therefore spend a maximum of 8 months in prison.

Beside the jail time, Dr Albert Odulele will appear in the sex offenders register for five years.

The UK-based Nigerian pastor was earlier accused of sexually assaulting former members of his congregation at Glory House International, London.

He later admitted the charges at Bexley Magistrates Court, which included the assault of a 14 year-old boy, and a 21 year-old man.

However, his twin brother Ola-Vincent Odulele, (formerly Pastor Taiwo Odulele) has taken over the affairs of Glory House International.

Prior to his brother`s ordeal Pastor Vincent worked as an associate pastor and is next in line in the church’s hierarchy. 


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udohehe.png?width=290The premises of an Abuja high court was today, turned into a drama theater,  as a man granted bail by a Judge for lack of evidence, was rearrested by the complainants. Senator John James AkpanUdohehe who was arraigned on a four count of treason was
granted bail by the presiding judge, Justice Adamu Bello.According to ruling, “the police has no shred of evidence to link the politician with the alleged offence and that the plan to hold onto the accused, while the police go around to fish for evidence, has no place in our law”. checks reveals that as soon as Justice Bello gave his ruling, confusion erupted inside the court house, as forty armed police men were observed lurking around, to seize the politician. Aware of his fate, Senator Udohehe remained court room.

After waiting a while, the police entered the court and effected Mr. AkpanUdohehe`s arrest.  

However Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) in statement signed by Chief Aniekan Willie Akpan, chairman Akwa Ibom chapter, labeled Senator AkpanUdohehe`s re-arrest “very primitive and a brazen show of might”, which may prove to be very costly for democracy and Nigeria.

He urged President Goodluck Jonathan to stand up for the rule of law to which he subscribe, noting that failure to release Senator Udoedehe immediately is likely to set off reactions which can truncate democracy in the country. Hear him: 


“On Thursday, March 31, 2011, A Federal High Court in Abuja, presided over by Hon. Justice Bello in his wisdom, granted the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), Governorship Candidate in Akwa Ibom State, Senator John James Akpanudoedehe bail in the trumped up charges of treasonable felony against him”. 


“This news of the ruling by the learned Judge elicited joy and calmed the frayed nerves of the teeming supporters of the popular Candidate in Akwa Ibom State”. 


“However, in a very primitive and brazen show of might, Senator Udoedehe was re-arrested in the Court room by the Police and taken to an unknown destination. As a party, we condemn this open display of partisanship by the Federal Government and its agent, the Police”. 


“We have it on good an authority that the Akwa Ibom State Governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio, has conspired with the Speaker and Members of the State House of Assembly to pass an emergency obnoxious bill designed to detain our Candidate indefinitely aimed at stopping him from contesting the forth-coming general elections. This is against all known and acceptable democratic principles”. 


“The action of Governor Akpabio, in collusion with the Nigerian Police which is reputed as the most corrupt Institution in the world is totally unacceptable. It is sad that the Nigeria Police Force has sold its soul to the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Chief Godswill Akpabio”. 


“This is because, rather than act fairly and truthfully in the political crisis in Akwa Ibom State, the Police has chosen to favour Governor Akpabio who spares no amount of money in buying his way on any matter in Nigeria”. 


“It is on record that the Police has received several reports and representations concerning how the Godswill Akpabio led government in Akwa Ibom State has mobilized cultists, organised them into groups, armed them with sophisticated weapons which they have used to foist a regime of insecurity in Akwa Ibom State but they chose to turn a blind eye to Governor Akpabio and his aide’s security breaches”. 


“This latest provocation, the re-arrest of Distinguished Senator Udoedehe and the plan to put him away, may prove to be very costly for democracy and Nigeria and we urge President Goodluck Jonathan to  stand up for the rule of law to which he subscribes”. 


“It must be noted that failure to release Senator Udoedehe immediately is likely to set off reactions which can truncate democracy in the country”.        


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12166304888?profile=originalAs part of its commitment to ensure that all votes counted and provide adequate security for the polls, Hafiz Rigim, inspector general of police, yesterday reshuffled the commissioners of police in all the thirty six states of the federation. Aside from the

commissioners, the IGP also reorganized the deputy inspectors general of Police (DIG) to the six geo-political zones.


The restructuring learnt was against the wishes of state governors, who had coerced the IG weeks prior to the redeploment to jettison the idea of changing the commissioners, noting that it might disturb security strategies for the elections in their states. 

The new placements

CP Saliu Hashimu   - Oyo State

CP Suleiman Abba- Lagos State

CP Baba Adisa Bolanta- Delta State

CP Bala Nasarawa - Cross River State

CP Michael Zuokumor- Borno State

CP Olayinka Balogun- Ogun State

CP Haruna John- Kaduna State

CP Emmanuel Ayeni,-Plateau State

CP Samson Wudah- FCT

CP Mammam Tchafe - Kwara State.

CP Tambari Yaro- Imo State

CP Sabo Ringim - Ekiti State

CP Yakubu Alkali- Rivers State

CP Musa A Daura -Adamawa State

CP Orubebe Ebikome- Edo State

CP Aliyu Musa-Taraba State

CP Sani Magaji -Benue State

CP Ibrahim Mohammed - Katsina State

CP Obiakor Emmanuel- Nasarawa State

CP Abdurahman Akano -Jigawa State

CP David Omojola- Yobe State

CP Adenrele Chinaba- Bayesa State.

CP Felix Uyana- Akwa Ibom State

CP A. J. Abakasanga – Bauchi State

CP Peter Gana - Osun State

CP Bala Hassan - Niger State

CP Ibrahim Maishanu - Abia State

CP Muktar Ibrahim- Enugu State

CP Da’azumi Doma - Kano State

CP Adeola Adeniji - Ebonyi State

CP Adamu Hassan - Kebbi State

CP Fatai Adio Stittu - Kogi State

CP Olusegun Solomon - Sokoto State

CP Joseph Ibbi - Ondo State

CP Mohammed Indabawa -Anambra State

CP Mohammed J Abubakar - Zamfara State

CP Suleiman Lawal - Gombe State. 


DIGs & Their New Placements

DIG (Mrs.) Ivy Uche Okoronkwo - South East Zone,

DIG ‘A’ Azubuko Udah - North Central zone,

DIG ‘D’Ganiyu Daudu -South West zone

DIG ‘F’ Mohammed Yesufu - South-South;

DIG ‘C’ Saleh Abubakar - North East 

DIG ‘Training’ Yusuf Abubakar - North West zone 


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12166304082?profile=originalNews has just broken in the PDP camp that Presidential aspirant for the people's destruction party have signed up Nuhu Ribadu ...............................em em

this was today grought to our notice that ....




but then there were conflicting reports about the authenticity of this 12166304091?profile=original







story which was told to all and sundry at the yeye peoples market early 









you still dey read this thing !
























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Ghadaffi escapes to Nigeria

Gaddafi_0.jpg?1298327702&width=234Written by Edekyn Liofuan Friday, 01 April 2011

EMBATTLED Libyan leader, Muammar Ghadaffi, bowed to international pressure and escaped to Nigeria, on Thursday night, apparently to avert onslaught from North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) which took over operations in the country, on Thursday.

The defection of Libyan foreign minister, Musa Kusa –– one of his closest confidants to Britain –– on Wednesday night, possibly added to Ghadaffi’s misery, hence his resolve to flee.

Ghadaffi, who ruled his country for the past 42 years, was sighted at the border between Sokoto and Niger Republic at 8.47p.m., on Thursday night.

Reports said normads at the border drew the attention of Nigerian security operatives to the presence of “a group of people behaving strangely”.

Upon arrival at the scene, the security operatives not satisfied by the group’s answers to their questions, decided to search them.

It was in the process of the search that a man that was dressed like a beggar and with a walking stick appeared to be Ghadaffi.

The (former) strongman of Libya, whose glamorous lawyer daughter –– Aisha –- who once worked for deposed Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, joined the anti-rebels battle recently, disguised with the aid of fake beards, moustache and a wig on his head.

He wore a bullet proof under T-shirt and jeans jacket and a pair of jeans trousers. He wore a babaringa over the western wears.

Billions of dollars were recovered from the camels and horses that he and his entourage were riding on. They numbered about 56 in all.

Some weapons, including a plethora AK-47 rifles and bullets were also recovered from the world’s most wanted man after al-Qaeda kingpin, Osama bin Laden.

Security sources said Ghadaffi, who world leaders at the London conference on Libya, on Tuesday night, wanted to flee to Uganda. Though he looked pale, he was said to have pulled a pistol in his bid to escape but the vigilant Nigerian security operatives frustrated his effort.

He was shot in the leg in the process. Nine of his bodyguards were killed in the confrontation while three others were wounded.

You have just become one of our numerous April Fools! It is one of those things at this times of the year. Were you able to fool somebody today? If not, you could try again next year.
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National Examination Council, NECO, yesterday released its 2010 November/December Senior School Certificate Examination, SSCE, with only only 20.10 per cent of the candidates passing English Language while 34.18 per cent passed  Mathematics.

Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of NECO, Professor Promise Okpala, who told newsmen in Minna, yesterday, while giving the breakdown of the result, said 256,827 candidates of the 256,840 candidates who registered wrote the examination.

He said only 51,781 candidates of 235,933, representing 20.10 per cent, passed English Language while 34.18 per cent, which represents 87,508 candidates of 234,959 that sat for Mathematics recorded credit pass.

Okpala said 37.87 per cent recorded pass in Arabic while only 19,578 which represents 37.7 per cent passed Financial Accounting, adding that French candidates had the worst result as none of the 492 students that sat for the subject passed it.

He also said NECO spotted mass organised cheating among the candidates while marking the papers for the examination, pointing out that the mass cheating was responsible for the high number of cancelled results by the council.

According to him, Rivers State was the top in the cases of malpractices with 1,493 candidates of 7,634 candidates who sat for the examination were found wanting, adding that Enugu State was second in the malpractice cases with 1,301 candidates and Imo State was third with 531 candidates penalized for cheating.

Federal Capital Territory, FCT, recorded the least case of malpractice with 20 candidates involved in malpractice, while Sokoto and Kogi states followed with 83 and 119 candidates respectively.

Okpala said the country would have to wait for some years to get pass the incessant case of failure the examination body have been experiencing over the years and get positive results as the educational system has suffered years of decay despite the government effort to restore the system.

He said that: “Efforts to revamp the decadence in education system will take long time before it will manifest. Examination expo dated back to 1970, it will take time to correct the decay. The Federal Government has put in steps to remedy the situation, but it will take time before we will see the results of these efforts.”

The registrar then stated that candidates could access their results by using the scratch card they used when they registered for the examination on NECO website.
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An inquiry has been launched after a couple were caught apparently having sex on the rooftop of a USC building - allegedly in front of hundreds of people.

Officials at the university were outraged as photographs of the couple - many of which were too graphic to be shown here - quickly went viral. 

The images apparently show the man, who is a student at the university, and a woman cavorting in a variety of sexual positions on top of the school's 12-storey Waite Phillips Hall in Los Angeles on Saturday.

Greetings: An unidentified man and woman, believed to be USC students, appear at the top of the 12-storey Waite Phillips Hall

Greetings: An unidentified man and woman, believed to be USC students, appear at the top of the 12-storey Waite Phillips Hall


Oh my: The couple quickly engage in what appears to be sexual relations

Oh my: The couple quickly engage in what appears to be sexual relations

The woman has not been publicly identified but is not believed to be a student at the university, according to officials.

The building is the home of the university's School of Education, and is the second tallest on campus.

Their rendezvous took place in broad daylight - and, according to reports, as a 'philanthropy event' attended by 'hundreds' of other students took place in the quad below.

Instead of enjoying each other's company in the centre of the roof, where they arguably may not have been seen, the couple appear to have chosen to stay near the edge, ensuring they were in plain view.

Reports described their liaison as being of 'prolonged duration'.

Now, where could we be seen by the MOST people: The couple appear to pick out a spot nearest the roof's edge, in plain view of those below

Now, where could we be seen by the MOST people: The couple appear to pick out a spot nearest the roof's edge, in plain view of those below


The couple have not yet been publicly identified but USC's Kappa Sigma branch has admitted that the man in the photographs is a fraternity member. 

He has been suspended 'for conduct unbecoming of a Kappa Sigma and a gentleman', according to the school newspaper the Daily Trojan.

The fraternity's president, Zach Timm, was quoted as saying: 'While the actions that were taken did involve a member of our chapter we, in no way, support this kind of behaviour, nor do we promote any such actions.'

He said that inquiries have been launched. 

Lovers' tiff? The man appears to turn and walk away from the woman. The photographs seem to have been taken by someone who happened to be at roughly the same height as the couple, who were 12 storeys up

Lovers' tiff? The man appears to turn and walk away from the woman. The photographs seem to have been taken by someone who happened to be at roughly the same height as the couple, who were 12 storeys up

The identity of the woman remains a mystery. The Daily Trojan reported the photographs linked her to USC's Delta Gamma sorority because the philanthrophy event being held in the quad below.

However the sorority has denied the link, with a spokesman quoted as saying: 'There is absolutely no relationship between these circumstances and our women or our event, Anchor Splash, which benefits sight prevention and the visually impaired.'

A university official told the MailOnline that the woman is not believed to be a student at USC.

Enlarge     Romantic rendezvous: The 12-storey high Waite Phillips Hall, where the assignation took place

Romantic rendezvous: The 12-storey high Waite Phillips Hall, where the assignation took place

Meanwhile a top official at the board for fraternities at the California university has expressed his outrage.

The Daily Trojan quoted USC Interfraternity Council President Pat Lauer as saying he was 'appalled by the actions associated with the individuals in the pictures, and will work tirelessly to reverse the negative stereotypes such an action has perpetuated.

A spokesman for the council told the MailOnline: 'As an Interfraternity Council, we are appalled by the actions of the students involved in the incident, and we want to make it clear that we in no way condone the acts that occurred.

The Kappa Sigma fraternity house. The couple have not yet been publicly identified but the USC fraternity has admitted that the man in the photographs is a member

The Kappa Sigma fraternity house. The couple have not yet been publicly identified but the USC fraternity has admitted that the man in the photographs is a member

'It's also important to note that this action was taken by one solitary member of a fraternity at USC, not the Greek community as a whole, which accomplishes great things on a daily basis at USC.


Earlier this month, a member of USC's Kappa Sigma fraternity landed the house in hot water after he sent a wildly misogynistic email to fellow members in which women were described as 'targets'.

The author of the email asks his ''C***smen' to share with him and others 'elaborate renditions' of 'hook-ups' with women, adding: 'From my experience, when a female goes Ksig she typically repeats.'

The offensive email says that women 'aren't actual people like us men', and details a list of 'key terms' which refer to members of the opposite sex and various parts of their human anatomy.

A vivid rating system based on 'pure physical beauty' is also given.

The author, who claims to have slept with over 50 girls, asks recipients of the email to work out their 'filth rating' using their number of sexual partners and the attractiveness of each one.

The email ends with an order not to have sex with 'middle-eastern targets. Exhibit some patriotism and have some pride.'

'In turn, we are doing everything we can to continue to reverse untrue stereotypes the action has created.'

Leaders of the Interfraternity Council and the Panhellenic Council are set to meet this week with the presidents of all campus sororities and fraternities to discuss a course of action.

The student in question met with USC's student judicial affairs and community standards (SJACS) Monday about the issue, the MailOnline understands.

The university's decision as far as course of action has not yet been reached.

U.S. blog quoted campus gossip claiming that the man in the photographs had sent a sexist 'C***sman' email earlier in the month in which he described women as 'objects' and 'targets'.

It is not clear who took the photographs. LATaco claimed they were taken by an 'anonymous' person, but the Daily Trojan claimed the images had been posted to Facebook. 

The images appear to have been taken by someone who was at eye level with the couple.

Judging by a campus map, the most likely place the photographer could have been was at the top of the 167ft Von KleinSmid Center Tower, across the Bogardius Courtyard from Waite Phillips Hall.

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