9jabook enters it's x'th day of existence
I GAURANTEE you will not regret this gesture. register NOW http://www.9jabook.com
Hi Guys,
99 seconds .This is how long on the average you can take to do this .Read ON
Thanks for the huge response to this group on facebook.As we all know it is a very very impossible
statement ,I do not intend to become the president of Nigeria. I am certain some poor sod
out there will jump at it .
What i intend is that one of us from the number that teem social networks like facebook will
one day do us all that huge favour .
I and a few friends believe that it is only from forming strong coalitions that Nigeria can
move forward .This is why I am requesting that a lot of us join www.9jabook.com
My reasons :
1.All facebook/myspace/hi5.com Advert revenues remain with facebook .
2.Even if it trickles out it wont leave America .
3.Obama will become president but will it change the plight of the black man especially
Nigerians ?
4.The Oil Revenues in Nigeria have an end of life and my people it is soon, very
soon.America is investing trillions in Biofuels.Even a country like Brazil is almost
becoming crude oil non dependence compliant .
5.Places like Dubai, Qatar etc are taking very important steps to stave iff Crude
depletion.please google this
Before i bore you guys, my question is what are we going to leave for our children .Not
can do an Andrew and check out like i did 4years ago.
Then what:
It is a simple business solution.Me and my friends are offering you a stake in
www.9jabook.com a huge stake (ALL of IT !).
what "we" ( and this we, is YOU) want from you is simple ,
Just your passion to save a fallen Giant that never was.
The chance that there really is an Audacity of hope where everyman can stand in this world
and hold their head high, be it Me ,you,them or MR Barrack Hussein Obama.
A situation where Nigerians can look around them and proudly say God bless Nigeria the way
the americans do it . A time when we can proudly declare not only are we black but we are
also Nigerians.
Register NOW http://www.9jabook.com
I leave with one statistic i calculated my own self based on the number of people i know
one out of three young Nigerians between the age of 15-28 will get into the 419 business in
their lifetime. I personally do not blame Nigerians for scamming (Poetic Justice, Reparation
Balancing as far as i am concerned ) what i blame us for is that.
nigerians should wake up and really invest in the Thing we have so much in
abundance.We the Nigerians.
There is more gist but let us register a this social money making Network Site and DECIDE. I
have had
enough of making money for the big guys when we the little guys just sit and look.When i was
growing up i knew how the little guy felt because i was a little guy, most of my pals from
secondary school can testify to this bit, now i is grown up and yep getting old.I have never
heard of anyone who will say dem no go like some extra pounds for their retirement .
This na all i can say for now
I know you yourself will appreciate this gesture.
Thanks and God bless Nigeria
I GAURANTEE you will not regret these next 99seconds of your life . register NOW
I know there are many questions but then life would be worth less living if there were never
you can still stay on facebook but stay for the right reasons .YOUR POCKET
Abiodun John Balogun
Senior Analyst Founder
new home of The Nigerian projeKT
formerly www.tokumbo.com and www.mynaija.net
Frank Adeche
Senior Analyst programmer
Noelene Joshua
Business Development and Accounting
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