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The Presidential Election Petition Tribunal has ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to provide to the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) the list of local contractors engaged by the commission to print ballot papers used in the presidential election.


The tribunal had, on Tuesday, granted the application of CPC seeking its order directing INEC to allow it unfettered access to ballot papers and other electoral materials in the custody of the electoral body used in the April presidential election.

Based on agreement reached by the principal counsels to the Presidential Election Petition at their meeting on Monday, and brought to the court on Tuesday, the electoral body was ordered to give the CPC and its agents unfettered access to the database and the election materials used for the April 16 presidential elections.

Ayo Salami, chairperson of the tribunal, on Tuesday, said CPC's application was granted in view of the agreement reached by all the parties in the matter.

The CPC filed a petition at the tribunal to challenge the result of the April presidential poll, alleging irregularities and non-complaince with the 2010 electoral act. The party is contesting the result of the election in about 20 states of the federation and are to call 151 witnesses to prove its case.

Joined as defendants in the suit are the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), 1st defendant; chairman of INEC, Attahiru Jega (2nd defendant); winner of the election and Nigerian president, Goodluck Jonathan (3rd defendant); his deputy, Namadi Sambo (4th defendant); the Peoples Democratic Party (5th defendant) and the Resident Electoral Commissioners for the 36 states, including the Federal Capital Territory, (6th-42nd respondent).

The tribunal granted an order yesterday "directing the 1st, 2nd, and 4th -42nd respondents to provide to the applicant for its use for its petition, the list of local contractors engaged by INEC to print ballot papers used in the Presidential Election and copies of contract papers used in Presidential Election and copies of contract papers executed by INEC evidencing the award of the contracts to them."

Following the agreement reached by the lead counsel, the tribunal also gave an order directing the 1st, 2nd and 6th to 42nd respondents to seal all the Direct Data Capturing Machines (DCC Machines), ballot papers, and ballot boxes used in the Presidential Election held on the 16th day of April, 2011 so as to preserve same for forensic test in the course of the petition to be filed shortly.

Provide results and data base

It also granted an order directing the 1st and 2nd respondents to produce for the inspection of the applicant and permitting the applicant to take copies of the documents/materials/ballot papers used in the conduct of the Presidential Election held on Saturday, the 16th day of April, 2011, as shown out in the schedule to this Motion.

Furthermore, it granted an order "directing the 1st and 2nd respondents to allow access to the petitioner, her solicitors, her agents and her biometric experts access to Biometric Data base of all registered voters in Nigeria in the presence of the respondents for the purpose of cross checking the finger prints on the face of the ballot papers cast in the states, local governments, wards, polling units in respect of complaints in this petition and to compare them with finger prints, entries in the Biometric Database already in the custody of 1st respondent, for the purpose of making analysis for use in evidence before the tribunal."

Mr Salami granted an order directing INEC to provide the CPC a list of accredited local and international observers for the purpose of monitoring the presidential elections. The tribunal further granted an order directing INEC to provide to CPC, for its use for its petition, un-coded EXCEL application templates used in computer summation of the result for the presidential election used across the nation on the 16th April, 2011.

It also directed INEC to provide to the CPC all the thumb printed ballot papers in all the polling units used across the nation in the presidential election of the 16th April, 2011.

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From the waterways to the highways, surviving the world's fastest growing megacity takes enterprise and drive, as this glimpse of the city shows
Filmmaker: Joe Loncraine

Lagos, Nigeria's financial capital, is one of the fastest growing megacities on earth. Every day thousands of people arrive in the biggest city in Africa to start a new life and forge a new, better future. Many come from outside Nigeria.

Jean and Christian, both teachers, are from Benin. They came to Lagos to seek their fortunes and live and work in one of the most famous slums in Africa, Makoko. Here they take us on a journey of their adopted city, showing us the spirit of enterprise and survival that its residents need to make a living.

A canoe or a motorbike can make a huge difference, while those with a generator or those scavaging the rubbish heaps all try to get by in this tough, vibrant city.

Street Life in Lagos can be seen from Tuesday, May 24, at the following times GMT: Tuesday: 2230; Wednesday: 0930; Thursday: 0330; Friday: 1630; Saturday: 2230; Sunday: 0930; Monday: 0330; Tuesday: 1630.


Watch Video here !

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300px-Bartolom%C3%A9_Esteban_Perez_Murillo_022.jpgThe Eliezer Test:

Eliezer devised a test in order to find the right wife for Isaac. As he stood at the central well in Abraham's birthplace with his men and ten camels laden with goods, he prayed to God:

"Let it be that the maiden to whom I shall say, 'Please tip over your jug so I may drink,' and who replies, 'Drink, and I will even water your camels,' her will You have designated for Your servant, for Isaac" (Genesis 24:14).

To his surprise, a young girl immediately came out and offered to draw water for him to drink, as well as water to fill the troughs for all his camels. Rebecca continued to draw water until all the camels were sated, proving her kind and generous nature and her suitability for entering Abraham's household.


The Lord God of heaven, which took me from my father's house, and from the land of my kindred, and which spake unto me, and that sware unto me, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land; he shall send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from thence. - Abraham speaking to his servant, Genesis 24:7
Text: Genesis 24:14, 34-67
Prop: a gold bracelet or a poster of camels
Summary: The story of how Rebekah became Isaac's wife. We learn to trust Jesus by trusting our parents when they make decisions for us.

Today I want to tell you the Bible story of Isaac and Rebekah. It is a love story of promises made and promises kept, a story of trust and patience, and a story of how Jesus works in your life in ways you may not realize. Sometimes your parents make decisions for you. If you go to buy clothes, they help you choose the right clothes to wear. If you need to be in bed at a certain time, they decide what time is best. You may not always agree with their decision, but they love you and try to do what is best for you. You show Jesus that you love him when you obey your parents. You learn to trust Jesus by trusting your parents when they make decisions for you. But what if your parents decided whom you would marry? Would you trust them for that? Today young men and women choose whom they will marry. A long time ago that was not how it was done. The parents would choose for them. That doesn't sound very romantic, does it?

A very long time ago, God made a promise to Abraham. God kept his promise by giving Abraham a son named Isaac. When Isaac was forty years old, Abraham decided it was time for Isaac to marry. Abraham kept Isaac at home and sent his oldest servant to find a wife for Isaac and bring her back. He wanted a wife for Isaac that knew the true God, that was from his own people. The servant left Hebron and traveled over 500 miles to Abraham's home city of Nahor. He took ten camels and everything he needed for the long journey. It probably took two months to get there. When he arrived it was late in the day. He stopped at a well just outside the city. He prayed and asked God to show him whom to choose. [Read Genesis 24:14.] 

Abraham's servant had not even finished praying when a beautiful young woman named Rebekah came to the well. Rebekah gave him water to drink after he asked. Then she offered to fill the trough with water for his camels. Whew! Rebekah was not only kind but also a hard worker because ten camels can drink a lot of water! God had prepared her heart for this day. She had no way of knowing that she was an answer to prayer. Then the servant gave her a gold nose ring and two gold arm bracelets for her kindness and asked for a place to stay the night. [Show children the gold bracelet. Explain that women wore nose rings instead of earrings and gold bands on their arms.] Rebekah ran home and got her brother Laban to come back with her to the well. Then they invited Abraham's servant home to meet her father Bethuel. They all sat down to eat and the servant told what happened and how God answered his prayer (see Genesis 24:34-49).

Rebekah listened as Abraham's servant explained he was on a mission to find a wife for his master's son, who was a wealthy man, blessed by God. He asked Rebekah's father and brother for permission for Isaac to marry Rebekah. By the way, Rebekah and Isaac had never even seen each other!* Bethuel and Laban said the thing proceedeth from the Lord and gave their approval. Then the servant gave Rebekah gold jewelry, silver jewelry, and expensive clothes; he also gave her brother and mother precious things. In those days it was a custom for the father of the groom to give presents to the bride's family. It took a lot of faith for both Rebekah and Isaac to trust their parents to make this decision. The next day Rebekah left to return with the servant and meet the man she would marry.

A few months later back in Hebron, Isaac was in the field at sunset spending some quiet time with God. He had waited patiently for nearly four months while the servant was gone. He must have been happy to see the caravan of camels coming home, hoping to meet his bride! Rebekah saw a man waiting across the field. She was so excited that she slid down off her camel. Somehow I think she knew it was Isaac even before she asked who it was. She covered her face with a veil so he would be surprised how pretty she was later on their wedding day. That is how God brought them together in an amazing way, even though they grew up miles apart. They fell in love and lived happily ever after.
This story has some similarities in how God works in our lives today. The descendant of Isaac was our Lord Jesus. God the Father sends the Holy Spirit, asking us to accept Jesus as Lord, and become the bride of Christ. When he finds us he asks us to leave behind our old life and come join him in a new life as a Christian. We have to decide if we will follow him or not. It is our choice.
Let's pray. Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me. Help me to trust my parents when they decide things for me. Help me to trust you more each day. Amen.
* Although Rebekah was a granddaughter of Nahor, Abraham's brother, she may have been close in age to Isaac because he was born when Abraham was 100 years old.


ok Folks If you need Eliezers Number or email address please inbox me lol  ! 

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jpeg&STREAMOID=JETEwoSgLp2rorLpLz_Nni6SYeqqxXXqBcOgKOfTXxQExQ01aa6bGBUNgv0o3LV4nW_PgxgftuECOcfJwS6Jtlp$r8Fy$6AAZ9zyPuHJ25T7a9GKDSxsGxtpmxP0VAUyHL6IDcZHtmM2t7xO$FHdJG95dFi6y2Uma3vSsvPpVyo-&width=234Low income earning families in Calabar, Cross River State now find it difficult to include bread in their menu following the rise in the price of the commodity.

Since November last year, the price of flour, sugar, salt, butter, vegetable oil, yeast, fire wood has remained on the rise with members of the Master Bakers and Caterers Association operating in the city saying they have found it difficult to break even.



"We decided to increase our prices a little owing to the high cost of bakery materials and other household items for bread production. Since the commencement of this year, price of flour has been increased three times. The worst part of it is that when manufacturers and distributors of these materials increase their prices, we master bakers are not consulted," chairman of the association in Calabar, John Madu said in an interview.

He revealed that between November and now, a bag of flour increased from N5,100to N5,500 and now N6,500. Sugar that sold for N6,000 per 50 kilogramme bag now goes for N12,000. He added that master bakers were wondering what they were going to do about this continuous increment in the price of materials for bread making.

Cost of production

According to him, last year, 400 pieces of fire wood cost N8,000; 200 pieces N4,000 but now the prices have doubled. "Because of this, the association met and agreed to review upward the prices of our products. While other state branches went on strike to protest the increment in price of materials, we in Cross River State decided to use the period to clean up our bakeries as directed by the Ministry of Health and NAFDAC," he added.

Besides, Mr Madu said bakery workers have been asking for increment in pay and better wages, a development that has caused production problems for bakers. Some bakeries have closed shops as a result. One of them is Superior Foods Ltd.

"Most bakers work with low income hence we buy flour and other materials from distributors at Etim Edem Motor Park. We cannot afford to buy 600 bags of flour from Dangote Flour and Flour Mills of Nigeria as fixed by them. Thus, we buy from distributors who patronise them," he said.

Bread consumers in Calabar said the increase in price has affected their consumption of bread.

"Everyday, I buy bread for my kids but since last week, I space the days I buy bread for them," a father, John Etim said and advised the state government to intervene before bread is removed from the dinning tables of low-income earners.




In Benin city prices of Bread soared last week and into this week .This was supposedly due to a strike by bakers in the Region . In Bauchi we earlier carried out a story just after the elections on the rise of prices of Bread in the region some adjudged it as apt after the callous way residents meted out Jungle Killings on corpers and christians owing to the failure of their candidate General Buhari at the just concluded Presidential Polls ..


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gladys%20bulinya.jpg35-year-old Gladys Bulinya lives in a one-roomed thatched hut in the village of Nzoia with 10 of her 12 children - six girls and four boys. Her situation is complicated even further by the fact that her people, the Bukusu, believe that twins carry a divine curse. The purported jinx alleges that if one of the twins does not die, one or both of their parents surely will. This belief caused her family to insist she give her first pair of twins up for adoption following their birth in 1993. Luckily, the two boys were adopted by her boyfriend’s father, who is from a different ethnic group. This incredible stretch of twin births has caused her to be abandoned by two husbands and to be disowned by her family. All this hardship motivated Gladys to undergo sterilization last year, despite the fact that it goes against her religion.
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jpeg&STREAMOID=DBsglR6yY4BxXHTqyQSk1S6SYeqqxXXqBcOgKOfTXxSczBltWRKAAPc0VBE9mUCDnW_PgxgftuECOcfJwS6Jtlp$r8Fy$6AAZ9zyPuHJ25T7a9GKDSxsGxtpmxP0VAUyHL6IDcZHtmM2t7xO$FHdJG95dFi6y2Uma3vSsvPpVyo-&width=234The National Assembly yesterday reversed its decision on the 2011 budget - criticised by the executive as high - and began considering amendments that will reduce total national budget by N600 billion and cut lawmakers’ allocation by more than 50 per cent.

The House of Representatives approved two swift readings on Tuesday while the Senate took one reading of a review sent by President Goodluck Jonathan the same day, proposing that federal spending be reduced from initially passed N4.97 trillion to N4.41 trillion.

If the final readings, expected today from chambers are given, the bulk of the budget slash will come from the National Assembly allocation, which the lawmakers arbitrarily moved during earlier appropriation from N112.24 billion to N232.74 billion - more than 100 per cent raise.

The sharp increment drew criticisms and the executive warned that the total budget, with about N1.9 trillion deficit, was not sustainable and needed a review.

In the proposed reduction, the National Assembly budget was reduced to N120 billion, a little above the original figure submitted by Mr Jonathan in November 2010.

Mr Jonathan’s amendment now comes as the legislature winds down its session, amid unresolved financial crisis rocking the House of Representatives over unpaid allowances and corruption charges against its leadership.

As of Tuesday, lawmakers speaking unofficially confirmed the House had not still sourced much-needed funds to clear members’ allowances owed after the released money was confiscated by a bank in lieu of unauthorised loan allegedly taken by the Speaker, Dimeji Bankole.

The loan, which makes it hard for the leadership of the House to pay the entitlements of members, is at the heart of restiveness among the lawmakers, some of whom have launched efforts to sanction Mr Bankole. The other leaders of the House have, however, rallied around the Speaker.

Eseme Oyibo, the spokesperson of the House, said this was done to ensure that the session ends without rancour.

With no bank willing to grant fresh loans, according to sources, one of the options remained for the House to speedily facilitate a compromise on the budget, from where the backlog could be cleared from subheads that received rolled-in allocation.

Final approval

Though obviously affected by the large reduction, the House read Mr Jonathan’s amendment twice on Tuesday and is expected to give a final approval today. The Senate took only the first reading, but is also expected to pass the amendment today for presidential assent before May 29.

“We will consider this tomorrow, 10am, after the committees looked into them,” Mr Bankole said after the second reading of the bill.

The new budget is expected to help deal with an overhanging deficit by trimming a perennially overbloated overhead and running cost. The oil benchmark, increased by the lawmakers from $65 per barrel to $75, is also to be reversed.

At several fora after the first budget was passed, the minister of finance, Olusegun Aganga, has warned that increasing the benchmark from $65 could hurt the economy should the oil price fall in the year, since the excess crude oil account was almost completely depleted.

In the new amendments, big budgetary heads like defence, police formation and commands, and the presidency, are to be reviewed downward, although with low margins compared to the National Assembly. Education received a reduction too from N311 billion to N304 billion.

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KADUNA – A 10-seater aircraft with number N364 UZ, owned by Shoreline International company, crashed on a farm at Barakallahu, close to the National Open University Kaduna, about 4km North of Kaduna Metropolis around 12 noon yesterday killing the crew of two.Two of the crew members, a Briton and a Nigerian, yet to be named, were burnt to death in the crashed after the plane burst into flames thirty minutes when it came down. It had taken off a few seconds ealier for test-running from the Kaduna old airport..Director-General, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA, Dr. Harold Demuren, who confirmed the crash, said the ill-fated aircraft was American-registered, adding that it was sold to the new owners by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, IITA, Ibadan.Rescue operations going on at the site of the plan crash Photo Olu AjayiHe said the twin-engine turboprop Beechcraft 350 aircraft was on a single pilot flight when the crash occurred.When newsmen rushed to the site of the accident, about an hour later, but about 20 minutes before Fire Fighters arrived the scene, the traumatised owner of the farm, Mohammed Musa, told newsmen, that, “ I was working on the farm with my son, when I saw and heard the noisy sound of a plane very low and approaching the ground. Then it crashed with a bang.“I ran to the plane, to see if I could rescue the occupants. I tried to break open the glass of the door with my hoe”, he said. “But it was a fruitless effort as the hoe bounced back, as if I was hitting a wall. Then a soldier, who was on patrol, ran to the scene. He used the boot of his gun on the door, but it was also a fruitless effort. Both of us made more effort, but the door would not break open. There were two people inside. We could see them through the glass windows. We kept on trying, with no success.“Then we notice that smoke was coming from the plane. We could see the two people in the plane waving frantically. The smoke was getting worse. We kept on hammering on the door. But the soldier said that we had to leave, that the plane would soon explode.“So we ran back. And from were we stood, we could see them waving the more. Then the plane burst into flames. It burnt for over an hour. They were long death before you people came. If enough help had arrived in say, 30 minutes, these people would have been alive,” he said.Another young man, who simply said he was Kevin, and a student of the Open University, told newsman what he saw.“I saw the aircraft wobbling in the air right above our school; I am surprise it did not crash there,” he said,Soon after the Fire Brigade arrived in two fire-fighting vehicles. The Fire men sprung into action and started one of the vehicles, with the other parked. But its prayed the burning plane with water for just a few seconds and the pumps failed. It took about five munities to get the pumps working again, to he anger of the huge crowd that had gathered to watch the tragedy.The men were cursed in the most vile words available by the thousands, but the Police secured them from getting attack by the irate crowd,After about 15 munities, the fire was put out. The plane burnt plane was cut open to get the burnt bodies out.The Public Relations Officer of DANA, Bashir Chedi, the maintainers of the aircraft, told journalist that the plane belonged to Shoreline International Oil Company that had come for maintenance, adding that after the maintenance, it was taken for a test-run when it crashed.He said he was not competent to give technical details.
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Photo:3 Top nollywood Actresses Mercy Ini & Oge !

Asked whether she will quit acting after her wedding, the sultry actress answered in the affirmative, declaring that “I’m going to quit acting.” She disclosed however that she is planning to go into television and also, to turn a movie producer. The actress is getting married in a four-day event this August. The court wedding on the 25th, the traditional on the 26th, the white wedding on the 27th, and the thanksgiving on the 28th.
If this report is to be believed, it means another talented actress is forsaking her blossoming career after getting married. Hopefully she's quitting because it's what she wants and not because she's being forced to. Will you be sad to see her leave Nollywood ?


From her answers it looks like she wont QUIT !

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NYSC won’t be scrapped, says Jonathan

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Bloodbath in Lagos: Soldiers kill 8 Policemen including DPO, DCO

pix201105215434962.jpg?width=123Hilda Dokubo Draws Closer to God SAYS :I’m still married

12166312088?profile=originalHumour: Spell Recharge Card ?


NYSC won’t be scrapped, says Jonathan ! We will still send Southerners to the North

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pix201105215434962.jpg?width=234The actress who is based in Port Harcourt is said to have gotten closer to God as she leads women who go from church to church, organization to organization to preach the word of God. Folks are saying she's hoping to become a full fledged evangelist soon.


SAYS :I’m still married –Hilda Dokubo-Mrakpor

Actress Hilda Dokubo-Mrakpor has said she is still married and not in any way bothered by the news going round that her husband, Karo, married another lady recently.

When Life&Beat sought her reaction to the story, Dokubo-Mrakpor said she wasn’t ready to comment on the issue.

“What have I done again? I’m not bothered by all the stories people write. I think when they realise they have nothing to write about, they will suddenly remember me,” she said on the telephone.

As far as she is concerned, her marital status still reads ‘married.’

“I’m not divorced. I don’t know what you are talking about and I’m not ready to comment on any issue. I’m a complete woman. I’m a preacher and a child of God. A lot of good things are happening to me. So my dear, I’m not ready to comment on things that are not necessary,” she said.

Though she has been off the movie scene for some time now, Dokubo-Mrakpor used to be a hot cake in the industry.

Married to movie director (Karo Mrakpor), it was reported sometime ago that the marriage had broken up, but the actress denied having issues with her hubby.

It was reported that Mrakpor got married a lady called Ibiware on April 30 in a traditional ceremony at her home town of Bonny Island, Rivers State.

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30 feared killed as herdsmen raid Benue communities

From Simeon Nwakaudu (Makurdi) and Abosede Musari (Abuja)






Tsiga seeks better security

AGAIN, insecurity in Benue State worsened yesterday as a band of armed herdsmen invaded villages around Udei and Yelwatta communities in Isherev areas of Guma Local Council, leaving about 30 persons dead, with more than 10,000 persons displaced.

30 feared killed as herdsmen raid Benue communities

Meanwhile, the Director-General of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Brig.-Gen. Muharazu Tsiga, has attributed the death of the 10 corps members in the recent post-elections violence in Bauchi State to national insecurity rather than a problem with the scheme.

Tsiga, who spoke in an interview with journalists in Abuja yesterday, explained that the major problem was with national security, which should be urgently addressed rather than call for the scrapping of the scheme or for regional posting of corps members.

Also in Makurdi, the police averted a riot when members of the opposition party almost lynched a young man suspected to be a thug.

He was accused of being one of the suspects who killed an ACN supporter, Ezekiel Yusuf, at the Angwan-Jukun area on Sunday evening.

An eye-witness, Terna Igbasue, who is taking refuge in Makurdi, told The Guardian that the herdsmen moved into the village at about 8.00 a.m. when most people had gone to farm.

He said that when they invaded villages in the area, they started setting homesteads ablaze and killing those who were at home, especially the aged and children.

According to him, other villagers on their farms were alerted that there had been an invasion of the villages around the area. He stated that at that point, the armed herdsmen were already shooting and marching towards the farms.

He said: "Many people escaped from the farms and headed for the federal road to avoid being killed by the herdsmen. Some persons who were not fast enough were killed on their farms."

Igbasue claimed that the herdsmen had sent earlier message to the communities in the area that they would invade them on a revenge mission over a misunderstanding that arose between farmers and the herdsmen.

When The Guardian drove along the Makurdi-Lafia, hundreds of displaced persons were trekking towards Daudu town, a major Tiv settlement on the route. Other displaced persons boarded pick-up vans and headed to Makurdi.

Also, when The Guardian called the State Police Commissioner, Ibrahim Mohammed, an aide who picked the phone said that he was in a security meeting.

On Monday morning at about 11.00 a.m., opposition youths accosted one young man suspected to have participated in the Sunday's killing of Yusuf. He was about being lynched when police patrol teams alerted by neighbours arrived the scene and arrested some suspects.

Despite the arrests, some youths held a peaceful demonstration in the area, denouncing Yusuf's killing.

Tsiga added: "Does it mean that if NYSC scheme is scrapped or if there is regional posting, that will be the end to insecurity, unemployment and distrust? The solution is to address the security challenge in this country. When I assumed office, I visited the 774 local councils in the country so that the traditional rulers and the police officers can form security committees to secure the corps members but we heard the news of the traditional ruler that raped a female corps member whom he should be protecting. Posting is not the issue, the issue is to address national security and get the people that should be protecting corps members to perform this obligation towards them."

He continued: "I'm appealing to Nigerians, particularly parents, to encourage the young ones to do their best. The youths are not the problem of Nigeria but we the elders, please encourage us", he said, adding that already, some of the corps members have started sending him text messages asking when they can go back to their places of primary assignment.

While he condoled with the families of the slain corps members, Tsiga said that the NYSC would pay insurance to the families of the slain corps members and was already working with INEC to compile the names of corps members who were affected or wounded or who lost their properties during the incident in order to compensate them. According to him, President Goodluck Jonathan views the incidence as a national calamity, which was the reason state burials were accorded the slain heroes and a token sum presented to their families.

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The President of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor said yesterday that 84 churches were burnt by Muslim extremists during the last post election violence in North

By Sam Eyoboka & Olayinka Latona
NATIONAL President of Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, for the first time yesterday attempted to respond to recent verbal attacks on his person by the CPC presidential candidate, Major-General Muhammadu Buhari, describing the attack as better ignored.

The CAN president congratulated President Goodluck Jonathan and elected persons at different levels for their success at the April 2011 elections, saying the president should write his name in gold by appointing credible and God-fearing persons into the next cabinet who will deliver the dividends of democracy to the masses of the country, adding: “Political or any other consideration should not play any role this time around because Nigerians have grown wiser and the nation is marching on to greater heights.”

According to him, the Government should focus on the power sector, healthcare, infrastucture, security, stating that insecurity in the country is a function of massive unemployment in the country.

Pastor Oritsejafor told reporters at the Lagos while responding to a question during a press conference on the state of the nation: “I will not respond to foolishness. Such persons should be left to their foolishness. Anybody who knows what I stand for. Some of you know what I have done over the years and know what I stand for.” So, people who for whatever reason, now want to defend things which are not defendable, should be ignored,” he added.

Earlier in his statement, Oritsejafor again condemned the post-election violence, describing it as “absolutely unnecessary, barbaric, primitive, crude and the most senseless thing to do at this period of the nation’s political history.” He maintained that Nigeria cannot continue to crave for unity at the expense of one segment of the country, pointing out that the only viable road to unity in the country is when every religious, political and traditional leader make deliberate efforts to speak the truth to their adherents always.

According to the CAN president, the only way the nation can arrest incessant ethno-religious crises in the North is to amend the nation’s laws with a view to making host governors where violence takes place accountable for any damage arising from the crises.

“As a nation, we cannot continue with this culture of impunity,” he said “I will suggest that governors of states where such violence occurs in the future, must be held accountable for the colossal loss of lives, property and business premises. The National Assembly should enact a constitutional provision making it mandatory for the Federal government to assess the extent of damage and deduct monetary compensation from the statutory allocations of such governments.”

In addition, Oritsejafpor said such governments must be made to rebuild torched worship centres, adding that as a remedial measure, President Goodluck Jonathan should immediately convene a meeting of all state governors and security chiefs where, he said governors should pledge to maintain peace and tranquility in their respective states.

Stating that socio-political progress of any nation depends, to a large extent, on the ability of every individual to stand in brotherhood despite all our religious, ethnic, tribe, political, economic, social and all other various differences.

On the debate over the continued relevance of the NYSC scheme, the CAN president argued that the Federal Government should do more to protect these innocent young people who are the hope of tomorrow or in the alternative ensure that members of the scheme should be made to serve in their respective geo-political zones.

Asked if the monetary compensation offered by the president was adequate, Pastor Oritsejafor argued that Nigerians should be contented with the government’s gesture, adding that “no amount of monetary reward would be sufficient for the life of the lost members.”

He then averred that it is important for the Federal and state governments concerned to also compensate all those families who lost dear relatives during what, he called ‘madness.’ Oritsejafor revealed that 84 churches were burnt down during the post-election violence, stressing that these churches including mosques, if any, should be rebuilt.

“If you do not that, then you are encouraging this sense of impunity that has taken over this country completely, where people just feel they can wake up and do whatever they like because they fell they will get away with it. So, compensation is very important and it should be huge so that both the Federal Government and the state government will feel it and think twice in the event of another crises.”
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WARRI - THE Joint Task Force, JTF, on the Niger Delta Monday, demanded to see the ‘corpse’ of militant leader , John Togo, for it to believe he was truly dead as reported by the media.

 Meanwhile, JTF, which said it doubted John Togo’s alleged death, has intensified its siege on some riverine communities and suspected hideouts of the Niger Delta Liberation Force, NDLF, Togo's militant group, which was allegedly disbanded, May 14, in line with his instruction to his aides on his death bed.
Meanwhile, Togo's nephew, residing in Benin City, Edo State, was allegedly arrested in the crack-down by the task force at Okwagbe on Monday. With the arrest, it was gathered that Togo's wife and children had gone into hiding.
Spokesman of the task force, Lt. Col. T.A. Antigha who was contacted by Vanguard on the latest development following an exclusive report by Sunday Vanguard on the demise of Togo, maintained that JTF was had to believe that the controversial militant leade had died.
He stressed that was not aware Togo's nephew’s arrest, adding that "JTF has heard several rumours surrounding Togo's death but to say that somebody is dead, one has to prove it".
It was reported that Togo's two legs were shattered in a bombardment by soldiers with jet fighters on his camp, May 12, and that he died at a riverine community in Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State, two days after he was rushed to the house of a traditional doctor for treatment.
He was reportedly buried at an unknown place on the outskirts of the town by his boys.
Antigha explained to Vanguard that JTF does not rely on hearsay and since Togo did not die in its custody, and it was not aware that he died in exchange of gunfire with the task force, the reasonable thing was to see the remains before making any conclusion.
According to him, JTF had made it clear before that John Togo and his managers could have possibly sold a dummy so that the search for him would be discontinued while he continued to live his life
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FG declares Monday public holiday

THE Federal Government has declared Monday, May 30, a public holiday to mark the Presidential inauguration ceremonies and the 2011 Democracy Day celebration.

The Minister of Labour and Supervising Minister of Interior, Chief Emeka Wogu, who made the declaration on behalf of President Goodluck Jonathan in Abuja on Monday, congratulated Nigerians for a successful general election, while wishing them a memorable and hitch-free inauguration and Democracy Day celebrations.

He said the day was declared a work-free day for all Nigerians in celebration of the two events.
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12166307679?profile=originalThe Kaduna State chapter of the Congress for Progressive Change on Monday claimed that it had secured bail for no fewer than 600 suspects arrested and charged to court by the police in connection with the April post presidential election violence in some northern states


The CPC also said efforts were still being made by the party to ensure the release of the others still in detention over the violence.

The party further stated that those suspects, whose release had been secured, were not all CPC members as several others were also saved by the party from further detention on compassionate grounds and in the spirit of oneness.

The Kaduna State CPC Chairman, Alhaji Ahmadu Yaro, who disclosed this in Kaduna, at a press conference, however, denied allegations that members of his party were responsible for the post-election violence in the northern states.

Rather, Yaro argued that the blame should be placed on the doorsteps of aspirants in the Peoples Democratic Party, who were aggrieved over their loss at the party's primaries.

Yaro claimed that the violence was erroneously being attributed to the loss of the CPC, adding that the police arrested people all over the state in connection with the violence and not because they had any connection with the party.

He said although most of those arrested shortly after the post-election violence were mainly CPC members, "their arrest was done in error while the allegations against them are false and baseless."

Yaro added, "It was PDP members who were fighting one another as a result of the fallout of the primaries. It was the crisis within PDP that caused the crisis; many of their members were not happy, that was why they started the crisis. It was not CPC.

"They want to blackmail CPC; that was why they said it was CPC that started the violent protest. They saw that CPC was about taking over the government and they didn't want the CPC to win. For instance, there has never been an election in Nigeria where Army or Police attacked people like the recent elections. So that's why they moved the military against the party because they didn't want CPC to win."

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Judge decries delay tactics in Akingbola's trial


GUARANTY Trust Bank Plc has asked a Federal High Court, Lagos, for an order declaring renowned businessman, Alhaji Abdul Azeez Arisekola-Alao bankrupt for his alleged inability to pay a N6.9 billion loan facility granted to his company.
The bank also wants the court to order that all assets, interests and holdings of Arisekola-Alao either held personally or through third parties and privies, be liquidated and the proceeds applied towards offsetting his debts.
It further urged the court to divest the alleged debtor of all shares, interests and holdings in all public and private companies and a perpetual injunction restraining his appointment as a director in any public or private company in Nigeria.
The bank said it has imperative for the court to make these orders because Arisekola-Alao is also indebted to many banks and that a large number of his assets have been pledged to these banks as security for the loans.
It noted that the alleged debtor was on the edge of insolvency having lost billions of naira in his businesses and was making efforts to dissipate assets as a result of massive debts owed it and other banks.
It also contended that he is currently selling and transferring his assets to third parties and that he has the intent to defeat or delay the claims by leaving the country or remaining out of public domain in order to be out of reach.
Meanwhile, Judge Habib Abiru of the Ikeja High Court has expressed dismay over the delay being exhibited in the trial instituted against former Managing Director, Intercontinental Bank Plc, Erastus Akingbola, by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).
Abiru expressed his dismay as the EFCC yesterday failed in its attempt to arraign Akingbola for the third time due to a fresh application by his counsel seeking an order of the court declining jurisdiction to entertain the case.
The application also sought an order restraining the EFCC from arraigning the accused persons in respect of the fresh charges.
"I want this matter to have a clear direction. I cannot grant such an ex-parte order for their release without hearing from the prosecution. It will be presumptuous of me to assume that they are in contempt as you have alleged without hearing from them", the judge said.
Fagbohungbe, in his submission following the attempt to arraign Akingbola before an Ikeja High Court on fresh theft charges, said the EFCC chief should resign because a court has already adjudged her and the Senior Advocates of the commission in contempt.
According to Fagbohungbe, rather than Waziri purge herself of the contemptuous act, she had allegedly resorted to abusing the judge by calling him names on the pages of the newspapers.
The counsel, who has already filed a motion challenging the jurisdiction of the court to try Akingbola and Bayo Dada, also urged Abiru to order for the release of his client, alleging that the EFCC was trying to intimidate the judiciary.
However, EFCC's lead counsel, Kola Awodein (SAN), asked the court to grant the prosecution a short date to respond in writing to the fresh application filed by Akingbola's lawyers.
Judge Abiru subsequently adjourned the case till May 31, 2011, to enable the prosecution respond in writing to the fresh application.

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LAGOS – BLOOD flowed freely Tuesday in Badagry, Lagos after a group of heavily armed soldiers from the 242 Recce Battalion, Iberepo Badagry took over strategic locations in the ancient town maiming and killing any police man on sight in an apparent reprisal of the killing Monday, of one of their colleagues. The Divisional Police Officer, Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Saliu Samson, his Divisional Crime Officer, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DPS) Samuel who were out in the ensuing fracas to appeal for calm were shot dead. Two police patrol vehicles belonging to the Rapid Response Squad (RRS) were set ablaze while their occupants were chased and shot dead. As at 2.30 pm yesterday, corpses of police officers littered the Iberepo roundabout while the rampaging soldiers were spotted with every imaginable dangerous weapons scouting for police men.


Sources said some police men and their families who lived in the Iberepo barracks were chased out and seriously wounded. According to sources, a soldier in mufti who was escorting goods from the Nigeria\Seme border was accosted by a police officer attached to RRS and Monday and demanded to search the vehicle. It was learnt that the late unidentified soldier had challenged the policeman and threatened to disarmed him if he does not allow the vehicle free way; prompting the trigger happy policeman to fire at him at close range.


The soldier reportedly slumped and died on the spot. Vanguard was told that the news of the killing of the soldier soon filtered into the Iberepo barracks and some soldiers mobilized as early as 9,00am yesterday and started attacking any policeman on sight contrary to a non violence order given to them by the commander of the barracks, Colonel Nabasa. Contacted, the Force public relation officer, DCP Olusola Amore said he was yet to get details of the clash saying, “Let me talk to the CP Lagos then I will be in a better position to react to the matter. But his counterpart in the army, Lieutenant Colonel Kayode Ogunsanya of the 81 Division said the situation had been brought under control stressing that it will be throughly investigated. “The situation is under control and I can assure you that the cause of the clash will be thoroughly investigated,” he assured.

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A 17-year-old student, Uyiosa Ehigiamusoe was among the 31 suspected members of violent gangs paraded yesterday by the Edo State Police Command. The suspected gangsters were believed to be behind recent gang-related killings across the state.

Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mohammadu Hurdi who paraded the suspects at a press briefing in Benin City yesterday, said they were arrested in their various hideouts in Uromi, Ekpoma and Benin City.

Others paraded include Ojo Nasiru, 20 and Joseph Ajayi, 20.

Mr Hurdi said no fewer than five persons were reported killed in clashes between rival gang groups across the state. He stated that the suspects would be charged to court as soon as investigations are completed on the matter.

Caught in cross fire

Among those killed was a middle-aged man who allegedly returned to Benin City from Abuja on Monday night. He was said to have visited his girlfriend on his way before getting home. He was, however, unlucky as he was caught in a shoot-out by suspected gang members before getting to his house.

“We call on the general public and the good people of Edo to give us relevant information to bring to an end this issue of cultism, because we have to preserve the sanctity of lives and nobody has the right to take another person’s life,” Mr Hurdi said. “We should do our best and join hands together to ensure that people in the state live happily.” There has been a upsurge in gang-related violence in Benin City in recent times, making life unsafe for the people.

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In his strongest weigh in so far on the burning issue, President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday emphatically declared that the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) will not be scrapped.

He made his stance known while speaking at an interactive session with a cross section of Nigerian youth as part of activities leading up to the presidential inauguration on May 29.

Mr Jonathan, who was speaking during an audience with a delegation of General Electric (GE), led by the company’s vice chairman, John Rice, at State House, Marina, Lagos, also reiterated his determination to hit the ground running after his inauguration. He disclosed that the new federal cabinet would, barring any unforeseen events, be ready two weeks after his swearing-in.

The time would have been shorter, the president explained, but for the fact that the new National Assembly which still has to approve his nominees, won’t be coming on stream until June 6.

At the meeting, the president, who said he would be “a leader and not a ruler”, responded to a question on the continued relevance of the NYSC, by saying: “It is a programme that is helpful to the Nigerian youth and has exposed them to different cultures.”

According to him, the federal government would continue to encourage the programme because of its unifying benefits.

He however noted that after more than three decades, it was time to review the scheme “and make it more functional, practical and profitable for Nigerian youth.”

Following the killing of youth corps members in the northern part of the country, parents and groups alike have called for the scrapping or review of the NYSC scheme.

The president, who dedicated his victory at the presidential poll to the Nigerian youth, declared that his election was made possible by the youth.

Noting that the presidential election demonstrated how “this country is one and belongs to all of us”, the president stressed that the broad mandate given him “is the beginning of unity and change in Nigeria.”

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He assured them that the federal government would work with them while restating his administration’s commitment to continue to encourage women to play significant roles in all sectors.

Representatives of various youth groups such as the Nigerian Youth Council (NYC), National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) and Nollywood congratulated President Jonathan on his electoral success while reaffirming their hope in his ability to change the fortunes of Nigeria’s youth.

Importance of power and rail

At the meeting with GE representatives, the president reiterated his determination to make his four-year mandate meaningful to all Nigerians.

“I want the next four years to be very beneficial to Nigerians and for effective delivery of democracy dividends and not for talking,” he said. “I promised myself to pick the few things I can do and say that these are what I have done.”

Mr Jonathan, who identified power and rail transportation as key to the transformation of the economy, noted that without railways “our roads will not last.” He said that the plan of his government was that “every where we have a major industry like cement factory located, we must plan to link it to the rail system in order to reduce the pressure on our roads.”

Mr Rice, who congratulated President Jonathan on his election, said GE was prepared to deepen and fast-track the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed with Nigeria since 2009 in oil and gas, rail, energy and healthcare sectors.

GE has been operating for 30 years in the oil and gas industry in Nigeria and has provided 25 locomotives for the Nigerian railways.

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12166312278?profile=originalAn aircraft owned by Shoreline International company, crash-landed and went up in flames shortly after in Barakallahu village in Kaduna Monday afternoon.The 10-seater aircraft with registration number N364 UZ, was on routine maintenance and had taken
off from the Kaduna Airport when it crashed opposite the National Open University Kaduna killing two crew members, a Nigerian and a Briton.



Director-General, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA, Dr. Harold Demuren, who confirmed the crash of the American-registered aircraft, said that it was sold to the new owners by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, IITA, Ibadan.


In his words, the twin-engine turboprop Beechcraft 350 aircraft was on a single pilot flight when the crash occurred.



Owner of the farm where the aircraft landed, Mohammed Musa said he was in the farm when the incident occurred.



He said: "I was working on the farm with my son, when I heard the heavy sound of a plane very low and approaching the ground. Then it crashed."



He said he tried to rescue those inside it but could not break open the glass of the door with the hoe with which he was working. " A soldier, who was on patrol, also ran to the scene. He used the boot of his gun on the door, but it could not open. Both of us made more effort, but the door would not break open.



"There were two people inside. We could see them through the glass windows waving at us for help. We kept on trying, with no success. Then we sighted smoke coming out from the plane.



"The smoke was getting worse. So we kept on hammering on the door. But the soldier said that we had to leave, that the plane would soon explode. We ran back. And from where we stood, we could see them waving the more.



"Then the plane burst into flames. It burnt for over an hour before the fire fighters arrived the scene. They were dead before you people came. If enough help had arrived in say, 30 minutes, these people would have been alive," he told newsmen at the scene of the incident.



The fire fighters who had a hectic time putting out the fire later cut the aircraft open and brought out the two occupants.



Speaking about the incident, Bashir Chedi, Public Relations Officer of DANA, which was maintaining the aircraft, , confirmed that the aircraft was being test-run when it crashed.


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