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Fg charge Sowore for treason

A lot awaits the president of Nigeria in the United States as he heads to the United Nations next week. Outside of normal diplomatic business,  protesters are also planning to give the Nigerian president an earful of their grievances. The complaints include not only the xenophobic attacks against Nigerians and other africans in South Africa which have resulted in several lives being lost. He will also be hearing from protesters who see the detention of Omoyele Sowore as illegal. Mr. Sowore is a journalist and human rights activist famously known for his Sahara reporters media house.

As the adage goes "it is clapping that leads to dancing". It is shocking to gather that the NIgerian federal government has levied treason charges against another activist. The optics are not looking so good, given the past record of the NIgerian government in sentencing to death activists like Ken Saro Wiwa. Despite global appeal the Nigerian government hung Mr Wiwa among other innocent activists in what some say was a job done on behalf of SHELL Petroleum. The Ogoni 9 as they were called then were not given due process before been murdered by the state. The indamix vortex is hereby urging the NIgerian government not to enter this dance, The current global temperature is not conducive for any government displaying oppressive tendencies. Understandably government must not be seen to be weak, but to protest does not equal treason and in that vein, Mr Sowore should be released immediately. His rights protected under the constitution should not be trampled on. The president must use his good office to intervene in this matter and do the needful. In lieu of the recent Khashoggi embassy incident, It is incumbent on the 4th estate to not relent in calling for the release of Mr. Sowore.


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