This is for the bobos who might have dated a babe that had it going on as in well loaded and beautiful and she blew his mind. She is a winner and he knew it. He dated her for a while and then suddenly her phone calls slowed down, visits started to slow up as well. Finally, she disappeared as if she were a wet dream that never happened. Here are 5 reasons why you were not hubby material and she had to hammer at you with a six inch nail. Sure we might let you take us out a time or two but we will never, and I repeat never be a couple. Think of it in the same way that men do. When they deal with a woman they decide how far they want the relationship to go. They may feel that she is not of wifey caliber. Sure he might still have sex with her but he will never take her seriously.

The disappointing aspect is that many of these guys do have some kind of potential. They really do. But it would take a life time and a lot of blood sweat and tears to dig it out of them. Who the hell has time for that? Not a woman with a good head on her shoulders and much more to offer than her fat ass. “Well , why even deal with him at all then?” Well there a lot of reasons why women deal with men who they would never date seriously. They could just want male companionship, he could be yummy eye candy, or the sex could be ridiculously, orgasmically good. Yep. It is that kind of party. Finally, finding compatibility, love and dating is a dirty game. It is never a clear and easy path for either sexes. That is only for the movies. Grab hold of my hand precious. S**t is about to get real people…...

1. You Have No Life Plan

A chick with a good head on her shoulder does not need and damn sure shouldn’t want a man with no plans for the future, no visions and thinks life is but a dream or even worse. A party. You might slow up her grind. That is something that she cannot risk. So sure, we might hang here and there, but you will never be daddy. TGIF is your life plan

2. You Lack Maturity

This is for the guys who you might deal with here and there and every time you talk to them, they are STILL on the same crap that they were on when you talked to them a year ago. There are no new developments in his personal life, business-wise or internally. The problem with him is that he is not necessarily a bad guy but he still walks around like its 1999 and he is still 18 years old. He lacks maturity and refuses to grow. What a bore.


3. I think you are a Dog

I know that the rules differ for men and that most men are more experienced than their girl but if I get the sense that you are an all out slut basket and would bone my Mom if she threw it at you, then I will never let you put your penis inside me. Meanwhile, you can still take me out to dinner a few times. Yeah I know it sounds mean but hell, a sista gotta eat.

4. I think You Are Dumb

So sad. A lot of attractive guys are not that smart. The issue is that they focus too much time on their outer appearance and not enough time on their inner growth. Sure they may stimulate me physically but beyond that, there is not even a fizzle. I hate being on a date with a guy and having to dumb it down as Lupe Fiasco would say. Why? For the sake of you and I communicating? If I speak too educated, or talk about topics other than rap, or basic hood living then it will go over your head. Dumbing yourself down for the sake of a man is exhausting! I have tried! Frankly, no one’s love is worth you not being you. My advice is that if you have to deal with a dumb guy because he is just too tasty not to, know that he is as dumb as a box of rocks and go in with the intention that things will not go farther than a few dates. Beauty is temporary but dumb is forever. A lot of what makes an already physically attractive man even more attractive is his conversation. Challenge me mentally.

5. All You Have To Offer Is Sex

The sex might be fun for a while for the both of us, but when I am ready to settle down, and find my hubby and or future husband you will not be in my choices. It is already clear to me that your biggest asset is between your legs. Although that might have a chick head sprung for a short time, it will not be enough to keep her.

8 Dating Turn Offs That Men Do Dating Your Friends Ex tell us what you think
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