According to Adewumi Adeyemi Fabarebo of Magic Wand publishers, A Heart To Mend has come Nigeria and has been circulated across the country.
“I am happy to announce that the book is now available in major book stores across the country. You can now go to the book stores and grab your copy,” he announced.
“I am happy to announce that the book is now available in major book stores across the country. You can now go to the book stores and grab your copy,” he announced.

At the presentation held at the Down Syndrome Association of Nigeria centre at Surulere, the organization that takes care of people living with Down Syndrome of which the author is a partner, journalists were availed a copy of the book and interacted with the representatives of the author who is based in the United States of America (USA) and was not present. One of the many questions that came up was if Myne Whitman is a Nigerian. Adewumi explained that the author is a full blooded Nigeria.
“The author's real names are Nkem Akinsoto, she is also known as Myne Whitman. She is a Nigerian writer. Myne Whitman is a name she coined herself while still in secondary school and is a play on the transliterated words of her maiden name, Nkem Okotcha . She grew up in the academic city of Enugu and studied Biological Sciences at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, in Anambra State before going to do her post graduate studies in the United Kingdom. undergraduate level in Nigeria, then went She presently lives with the husband in the US,” he informed.
A Heart To Mend narrates the relationship between Gladys and Edward and offers a unique reading experience. Direct and action packed, the masterful use of emotion and suspense will keep readers totally engrossed and guessing till the end.
Sheltered Gladys Eborah has spent most of her life in a suburb of Enugu brought up in a deprived single parent household after losing her father as a young girl. After finishing her education, she moves to Lagos to seek a job and moves in with an estranged aunt who now wants to be forgiven for all perceived wrongs. Gladys suspects Aunt Isioma abandoned them out of disdain for their poverty, and has the uneasy role of the bridge between both families.
Her new friendships and career achievements gradually transition Gladys into an independent young woman. Soon, she begins to fall for wealthy Edward Bestman who, though physically attracted to her, is emotionally unavailable. Edward is very wealthy, but he is haunted by the past of his illegitimate birth and other secrets he will not share.
