Itohan: The Cossy Orjiakor Dog Sex Video Clips

Itohan The cossy Orjiakor Dog Sex MovieWhen the news of Nollywood Diva (Cossy Orjiakor) and the Dog made the waves, Some of our ardent readers did not believe the gist. In fact, our own Mahaborne-The Grand Master in one of the threads, (Itohan movie producers deny Cossy Orjiakor) emphatically requested the NFC to post the pictures of Cossy and the Dog for all to see.Consequently, NFC swung into action and thus we are proud to share with you, a clip from the movie (Itohan Part 3) as posted on youtube. Enjoy!Caution: The clip below you're about to see may shock you! (18+)1:25min-5:25min
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