9jabooker (1)

Beloved,Welcome to 2010. As we begin another year, it is important that we understand the importance of 'The beginning'. We thank God for bringing us to a new and favourable year.In the beginning, God created........ The first thing God did was to CREATE. After God created man, He blessed and gave man the 5-fold blessings (ministry) namely: Fruitfulness, Multiplicity, Replenishment, Subduing, and Domination.(1) This year, you shall be fruitful and shall produce something useful with positive results and benefits not only to yourself, to your family, the society and the nation.(2) This year, you shall multiply and increase in amount so much that the generations yet unborn can benefit from your creativity just as we are beneficiaries of other people's creativity.(3) This year, you shall replenish the earth and shall nourish and fill a particular need in your environment.(4) This year, you shall subdue the earth and have positive control in the minds and lives of people as a result of your creativity.(5) Finally, this year, you shall dominate and have a reasonable sphere of influence that can only be known to you so that when your name is being mentioned, it will be pinned to the positive changes you have created.Note, the journey from fruitfulness to domination, might take some days or weeks, just like it takes 90 days for a maize seed to mature. Nevertheless, you shall fight with the aim of success and achievement. It took Nelson Mandela several oppositions to regain freedom, become President and a world-acclaimed personality. It took Martin Luther King (Jnr) several humiliations, deprivations, stigmatization and discrimination. As you run the race, be confident that joy is set ahead of you. It was the same joy that made Jesus Christ to endure the cross.Strive to CREATE something of positive and lasting influence on people around you and most importantly, you must shine your LIGHTS so that the people around you will see it and glorify the Father and Giver of Light.Remain blessed.JOHN AKUKWE08034041279
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