Booty (1)

Susan Boyle joins Lads from Lagos

Nigeria's Got Talent offers £1m booty

It's a hearty round of applause today for the Lads from Lagos for an anarchic, highly-entertaining return to our email inboxes.

We're obliged to reader Danny Caldwell for forwarding a missive suggestively entitled "Good News kindly download the Attachment from yahoo awards center", complete with a 419 first – a lovingly-crafted Word document.

It's fair to say that our scamming chums put plenty of thought and effort into their presentation, which kicks off by suggesting that an unholy alliance of Windows Live and Yahoo! has decided to hand out £6m to a half dozen lucky punters (click on the pic for a bigger version)...

The first page of the 419 document

Well, the random email addy award is an old trick, but the ne'er-do-wells have enlisted some heavyweight support to lend credibility to their likely tale of unexpected riches...


The second page, featuring Susan Boyle

Yes indeed, our very own SuBo is keeping a close eye on the juicy "Award Winning Fund", ably assisted by engineer John Fletcher. The latter is evidently taking time out from his job at BBC Research & Development, although we're not sure quite what Mr Paul Williams does when he's not dispensing cash to lucky winners...

We were going to ring him to ask, but then decided it probably wasn't a good idea. ®

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