Male (6)

Causes Of Female InfertilityWomen with a previous history of the following are often unable to conceive:Pelvic inflammatory diseasePregnancy outside the uterusAbdominal surgeryIntrauterine device (IUD) complicationsFibroids.Women develop an incompatibility with or allergy to the partner's sperm, which are destroyed as a result of immune system malfunction.Other causes of infertility in womenFailure to ovulateEndometriosisPituitary gland failureOvarian failureLong-term effects of the birth control pillHypothyroidism or other hormonal imbalancesAge (female fertility declines fast after 35)Abnormal womb shapeHistory of pelvic infectionsBeing underweightHostile cervical mucusRecurrent miscarriagesNutritional deficienciesThyroid malfunctionDiabetesFallopian Tube Problems – blockages, scarring, etc.Congenital abnormalitiesPelvic inflammatory diseaseEctopic pregnancyRuptured appendixLower abdominal surgeryEndometriosisPrevious surgical closure (tubal ligation)Causes Of Male InfertilityDeficient sperm productionSpecifically, inadequate sperm production by the testes or poor sperm motility. This may be due toEnvironmental toxins such as chemicalsRadiationDrugsHeavy metal exposureCigarette smokingStreet drug usePollutionFrequent sexProlonged exposure to heat from hot tubs or saunasWearing underwear or pants that are too tightStressPoor dietLifestyle habitsCauses Of Temporary Low Sperm CountIncreased scrotal temperatureInfections, the common cold, the flu, etc.Increased stressLack of sleepOveruse of alcohol, tobacco, or marijuanaMany prescription drugsExposure to radiationExposure to solvents, pesticides, and other toxinsOther causes of male infertilityVaricose condition of the scrotumPrevious GU infection, or infection with mumpsCertain prescription drugs, such as co-trimoxazole, testerone, anti- ulcer drug cimetidine (Tagamet), nitrofurantoin (Furadantin, Macrodantin) used in the treatment of urinary tract infectionsUndescended testesDiabetesInfectious disease and glandular diseases affecting the hypothalamus, pituitary and the testes. Nutrient deficiencies also have a role to play.Ductal obstruction - An obstruction of the seminal tract will decrease or stop the passage of sperm from the testes to the urethra for ejaculation. This may result fromCongenital defectsInfection of the epidydimis, testes, seminal vesicles, urethra, prostate or vasUrethral strictureCystic fibrosisVasectomyEjaculatory dysfunctionPremature ejaculationRetrograde ejaculationDisorders of accessory glandsInfectionInflammationAntisperm antibodiesCoital disordersDefects in techniquePremature withdrawalErectile dysfunctionArticle extracted from : Natural remedies that deal with the health conditions listed above visit:
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Cause of male baldness discovered, experts say

t is not simply a lack of hair, but rather a problem with the new hair that is made.A manufacturing defect means the hair produced is so small it appears invisible to the naked eye, giving the classic bald spot or receding hairline.The US team told the Journal of Clinical Investigation the fault lies with the stem cells that make new hair.It may be possible to 'cure' male baldness by restoring the normal function of these cells, the experts hope.Ultimately, they hope to be able to develop a cream that could be applied to the scalp to help the stem cells grow normal hair.Using men undergoing hair transplants as guinea pigs, the University of Pennsylvania team compared hair follicles in bald patches and hairy areas of the scalp.Although bald areas had the same number of hair-making stem cells as normal scalp, there were fewer of a more mature type, called the progenitor cell.This difference means that hair follicles in bald patches shrink rather than disappear and the new hairs made are microscopic compared to normal hair.Dr George Cotsarelis who led the research said: "This implies that there is a problem in the activation of stem cells converting progenitor cells in bald scalp."The fact that there are normal numbers of stem cells in bald scalp gives us hope for reactivating those stem cells."Until now it has been unclear what the exact cause of male pattern baldness is, but experts believe the male hormone testosterone is involved and baldness also tends to run in families....
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I hope not because of papers

To former vicar Colin Coward, it is nothing short of a marriage made in heaven. But the 65-year-old is expected to raise a few traditional eyebrows when he walks down the aisle with the man in his life – a 25-year-old Nigerian model called Bobby.

Mr Coward and his African partner are due to hold a civil partnership later this year, followed by a service at the vicar’s church, St John the Baptist church in Devizes, Wiltshire.

The couple met at a Christian conference three years ago, and are planning to make their relationship official in a few weeks’ time.

Reverend Colin Coward fell in love with Nigerian model Bobby Egbele after they met at a Christian conference in Togo in 2007. The pair plan to tie the knot in October

Reverend Colin Coward fell in love with Nigerian model Bobby Egbele after they met at a Christian conference in Togo in 2007. The pair plan to tie the knot in October

Bobby Ikekhuame Egbele, a fashion designer and model, grew up in Nigeria and runs an online clothes shop. Currently in the UK on a holiday visa, he and his ‘husband-to-be’ are waiting for the green light from the Borders Agency, which has requested details of their relationship and residency.

This is expected to be a formality but the ‘marriage’ cannot go ahead until permission is granted. Mr Egbele, who will then become a British citizen, said yesterday: ‘I’m excited about the wedding and that people are interested in it.

More...‘We want it to be a public thing to inspire other people, but a marriage is also private so that feels a bit strange.’

Mr Coward, who is no longer employed by the Church but still has permission to preach, added that he hopes their public commitment will set an example to other gay people within the Anglican community.

Rev Coward plans to refuse the request that he remain celibate

Rev Coward plans to refuse the request that he remain celibate

Mr Coward, who lives with Mr Egbele in the Wiltshire village of Marston, said: ‘My goal is for everyone within the Church to feel comfortable with the situation because at the moment the majority of gay Christians marry secretly.

‘It is a taboo subject but the Church is now under huge pressure to change its stance and that pressure will only increase in the future. '

‘Clearly the blessing is going to be quite a sensitive issue. I know that many people will see it and view it with horror. But we are both deeply committed Christians so it would be unthinkable for me not to do it in church and not to do it with the congregation and with all of our friends.‘

'I hope my wedding will inspire others and set a visible example to the church that we are not afraid.’

The pair describe themselves as 'deeply committed Christians' and say they are determined to have the church service

The pair describe themselves as 'deeply committed Christians' and say they are determined to have the church service

Mr Coward, a former architect and now a gay campaigner, met Mr Egbele in 2007 at a Christian conference in Togo, West Africa, and the pair got engaged earlier this year.

The men are due to ‘marry’ on October 9 at the Register Office in Devizes before having a service at St John the Baptist church.

However, the service will not be a blessing, which is forbidden by the Anglican hierarchy for homosexual couples. But Stephen Green, director of campaign group Christian Voice, yesterday described Mr Coward’s marriage ‘an abomination before God’.

Mr Green added: ‘Mr Coward is just an emotionally disturbed man trying to inflict his predilections on the rest of the Church I fail to recognise him as a Christian because he doesn’t keep the commandments of Lord Jesus.’ A spokesman for the Diocese of Salisbury confirmed it has permitted the service to go ahead but described it as ‘separate’ from the civil ceremony.

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Women now invite male hairstylists for home service

• But other services are also on the card
Hairdressing was once a profession exclusively for the women. But that has changed, as it is now moving fast away from them into the dominance of the men. Today that world has been invaded and taken over by the male folk. They have not only harnessed it but also elevated it to a different dimension, with a touch of creativity. Home service has become the latest rave in the business.

Saturday Sun finding showed that home service has become the lucrative aspect of the profession, whereby super-rich women invite male hairdressers to the comfort of their homes for a special treat. Apart from the extra fee involved, the male hairdressers also enjoy the generosity of these super-rich women.
However, many of these young boys have fallen into the antics of these ladies, who deceptively lured them into their homes and only to end up in other engagements, after promises of heaven and earth. With their financial power, coupled with the economic crunch of the society, the boys’ spirit of resistance is subdued. These ladies’ desperation is induced by the sweet feelings they experience during hair treatment. In the process, they dangle car keys, accommodation, cash and other kinds of attractive gifts, just to have their way. The major gist is that majority of these affluent ladies are married with kids.

Saturday Sun checked out these wonder fingers, who deliver home services in areas, like Ajao Estate, Ikeja, Surulere and the up-class Island areas. Some of them, who own a cossy hair salon around Asa Afariogun Street, in Ajao Estate, confided that many of them in the art have made money and deployed the proceeds to travel abroad where hairdressing is oil block.

Incidentally, home services for women are carried out without the knowledge of the client’s spouse, who is away fighting to oil the wheel of fortunes of the family. With this antics, it is only a man who is really principled that can just do the hair and stop at that, a male hairdresser, who has been in the home service front for five years revealed.

Speaking to Saturday Sun, Austin (surname withheld), who has been in hairdressing for 10 years confirmed the story that some women actually tempt male hairdressers, who are involved in home service.

“Majority of the boys operating salon business today are involved in such acts because it fetches faster money. That is the source of the big cars some of them ride,” he said. But he lamented that such wealth and accidental fame might not last because it is a taboo in African culture to engage a married woman in a romanntic relationship. He explained that no amount of money or any kind of inducement could influence him to fall prey to such act because of his faith and fear of God.

Austin, in his sanctimony, added that it is abomination in the area where he comes from. Relating his experience with a certain woman years back, he said: “On this fateful day, I was invited to a hotel room by a certain woman who asked me to come and fix her hair. She just came back from abroad. Honestly, I was very happy because of the extra fee I would realize from it. I packed all the things I needed for the service and reported at the hotel. She willingly accepted my charges and I settled down to work. To my dismay, she turned the service to massaging. ‘I want you to massage my back,’ she said. ‘No, it is not there. Oh yes, it is there,’ she would say.

That was how she was screaming until I became apprehensive. Not quite long, she opened up and needed to be fixed under. I declined vehemently. She dangled car key, cash gifts and with a promise to take me abroad. I stood my ground because I knew the devil was at work. I quickly packed my things and disappeared from the room. That encounter taught me a great lesson. That is why today, anytime I have a home service, one of my boys must accompany me to avoiding a repeat.”

On why hairdressing has suddenly become a male affair, the hairstylist, who operates Bistel’s Hair and Skin Clinic at No. 5, Olutosin Street, Ajao Estate, Lagos, asserted that it is because of its lucrativeness in the developed world. He stressed that majority of the boys into the profession do not want to practice in Nigeria. He disclosed that many of the boys he trained are presently in Spain, Italy, Germany and other countries practicing the trade, adding that all of them have become big boys.

He said: “One of my boys even left three weeks ago. He is in Spain. That boy stabbed me in the back because it was the opportunity I had to travel that he hijacked. He had deceived the woman who came to pick me from abroad. He told her that I was no longer in the trade and he was in charge. He pleaded with the woman to take take him in my place and eventually he succeeded and traveled. When the woman later met me and realised that she had been fooled, it was too late. The whole thing really made me sad, but there was nothing I could do. So, I am now hoping in God that one day it will get to my turn.”

Mr. Nwanodo said he doesn’t want to ply his trade in Nigeria any longer just to train hairstylists, else he becomes a teacher who must beg before seeing food to eat. According to him, while many of his boys are cruising in expensive cars and have houses, he has remained in the same shop they had known him with before they left. He added that his plan is to join the league abroad and also make fortunes.

Asked how he became a hairstylist, the school certificate holder, who hails from Delta State, explained that his friend, Henry, also a hairstylist, brought him into the business.

His initial dream was to be a footballer or an athlete. But when his aspiration fell through, he said he had to pitch tent with hairdressing.

“That was how I started training under Henry, my friend. I was with him for six months before he traveled abroad. It was then I knew that with element of luck, this profession could take me far in life. I also know that when you are in a trade where women constitute the market, you are bound to make it because they are always conscious of beauty. They always want to look good. Such business cannot run dry of patronage. I have no regret going into it,” he said.

According to Nwanodo, who parades a heavy clientele of top society ladies, his major challenge in the business remains the persistent power failure. He lamented that the constant use of generator in his shop grossly drains him financially.
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IT is one place in Kaduna where people of all ages visit to while away the time and catch some fun. adv.ertisem.ent click for NollyWood videos on utube4naija They call it Obalende, perhaps after the ever- bustling area in a Lagos suburb known for women, wine and other illicit acts which men commit under the darkness of the night. Kaduna’s Obalende is located in the heart of Kaduna North, along the ever- busy Bonny Road and Maiduguri Road. It is a place that, in recent times, carved a niche for itself as the last point standing in an area that once craved to be a religious enclave. To most city dwellers in the old crocodile city (Kaduna means Crocodiles), it is no longer news that Obalende is a place where fun seeking men could get women of easy virtue, beer or other alcoholic drink to buy and sneak into a nearby hotel for a short fling or a full length sexual adventure. Obalende has now turned into an area where, perhaps due to the global economic downturn and high unemployment rate, boys neatly dressed could be seen parading the area in anticipation of lady toasters who normally drive in big cars to pick such boys to hidden destinations after agreeing on fee. Hard as Sunday Tribune tried to talk to one Kusa who claimed to be in his early 20s, about his being a male prostitute in an area where even female prostitution is frowned at, the discussion could not last long because he demanded for beer and a roasted chicken before the discussion could continue. To him, it is an exciting adventure where apart from the economic benefit, “rich and healthy women from all religions and social strata patronise us under strict confidentiality.” He however explained further that it is an exciting experience to be involved in the oldest trade as a man, because even if one is not going to be paid, the frills and thrills are enough to provide one with all the joy and excitement one would need to convert loneliness and forget about being neglected in a world dominated by a lucky few. Big women with bulging handbags, some of them easily mistaken to be married, besiege the area at night to pick the young Turks on patrol for subsequent sexual adventure. Although Kusa tried to avoid questions since what he requested for were not forthcoming, he however expressed delight that he was able to save up to N37,000 in recent times from an exciting encounter with two able women who were,presumably sex starved by their spouses. “All we do is to get dressed at night, stay in a nearby corner and the women come in big, tinted-glass cars talking to us. They always pretend to get lost while driving and would cajole one of us to offer a helping hand. As soon as you get into their cars, negotiation proper begins and they offer as much as N2,000 for an erotic encounter.”adv.ertisem.ent click for NollyWood videos on utube4naija Kusa said they used to enjoy great patronage at the NAF Club area before they were forced to leave, adding that nothing could be so sweet than to be in the bosom of an healthy lady who dishes out cash to her young Romeo in appreciation of a sexual encounter. The NAF Club area, he remembered with nostalgia, was more lucrative because of its strategic nature and high brow status. Even young girls, he said, oftentime negotiate to them although they don’t pay as much. Corroborating what Kusa said, a manager of one of the hotels near the NAF Club area, who craved for anonymity, said male prostitution flourishes in the area. In spite of the constant harassment, such boys continue to find their ways into the area to try their luck especially when there are visiting artists who normally attract a large audience comprising of mainly ladies. The manager referred Sunday Tribune to a lady, Kristie who he said, would tell more on how the racket operates because some of the “gigolos” were her friends but the lady could not say much as she ran away to a nearby shop laughing. One good thing about Obalende is that business is always a 24-hour thing in the area. It houses several popular hotels and brothels where ladies from all parts of the country could be found. Interestingly, they always insist on condoms unless if the client is ready to pay extra charge before they zero their mind on what they call “suicide.”Some of the commercial sex workers, who flood the area, also agree on “petrol or gas.” Petrol, they say, means the normal pussy and dick game while gas is anal sex which in recent times, appears to be gaining much ground among those in the expensive enterprise. Petrol at its best, fetches nothing more than N2,000 per night but gas would attract from N20,000 to N30,000,according to investigation.Business, the ladies say, was good during the recent Kada games because the area is close to the Ahmadu Bello Stadium. Sex workers operating in the area could be full time or short time depending on the economic strength of the client, but the police in recent times have made sure that short flings in cars are not easily possible. Luckily for them, cheap hotels abound where one could pay a token of between N200 to N500 for an hour or two with his Juliet. According to an insider, those on short-time are the girls occupying the brothels who dress in skimpy clothes to attract customers by dancing to sweet pop and high life tunes to catch the attention of men. Business is however, not as usual as the police patrol the area regularly to make sure that it is not a hideout for men of the underworld.adv.ertisem.ent click for NollyWood videos on utube4naija
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News Flash ! Male movie star day and more

A message to all members of Hi 9jabook Family, We have decided that not only are we all members but we are also a family of Nigerians,Africans and Children of this world, ready to make a difference. This week is movie star week. Monday and Tuesday was Female Movie Star Week Wednesday and Thursday is for the guys ! We have for the guys Jim Iyke Ramsey Noah Segun Arinze Babes Omotola Jalade Ekeinde Stella Damascus Aboderin Genevieve Nnaji Just goto click on groups. We have created groups for the hottest movies stars if your star is not there be the first to create a group for them ! No double groups please, one star one group ! If you consider yourself an up and coming star then create a group ,if your group has less than five members by the next week Sorry o ! We go delete am ! No vex ! The up and coming star with the most members automatically gets a place in 9jabook bigbroda ! 9jabook says Congrats to princess Anyamele she is Miss 9jabook and the first Webmate on 9jabookbigbroda, the first Nigerian big broda on the web ! nominations for bigbroda 9jabook continues send to Also Mr 9jabook is coming soon Guys get ready to rumble. We have partnered with as our sole news provider.huhuonline is an investigative news service covering Nigeria. we also now have online games to knock you out ! In two weeks our Full scale Web University will take off online at ! Dont forget to invite your 5 unique friends or more to get the complimentary shares option and dont forget the 9jabook promise. "Making your social network really yours" Have fun ! Gongo Aso Weboga aka JB !
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