Once you go white you can't go broke or heart break !
Photo:Black & White couple, Oluchi, popular model, with her white husband. More Nigerian girls want to marry white men.
While some of these girls are undergraduates in various higher institutions of learning in the country, others are just trying to make ends meet.
Some of these white men are in Nigeria for greener pastures while others are called upon by companies operating in the country to take up jobs because of their technical know-how.

The girls often meet these men, a term used to describe Europeans, White Americans and Asians, in places like night clubs, bars, shopping malls and parties.

One of the girls, Osagie Ruth, confirmed that Nigerian girls prefer white men because they spend money without thinking twice. He also said they were more romantic.

Citing an instance, Ruth, who is excited about having white men as lovers, said she has vowed never to date any black man until when she is ready for marriage.

According to her, this vow became necessary after experiencing several heartbreaks with Nigerian men.

“Can you believe that the last one I dated was a married man with three kids? He never told me he was married until I almost got lynched by his wife who saw us while we were in the heat of passion in his supposed house.

“I would have been dead by now. The worst part of it was that he hardly gave me money for my upkeep and he monitored my daily activities as if I was in prison custody, yet I stayed in the relationship as I needed a man desperately,” she explained.

She said she was introduced into the “business” by a friend and since then she has “been living in the sweetest world.

“I now have a Honda car and a well furnished apartment.”

Another girl, who maintained anonymity said she prefers dating white men because “they are more understanding and they give us freedom to do a lot of things compared to their Nigerian counterparts.”

She said she could date other men and engage in other ventures that would fetch her money without the prying eyes of her white guys. But that is not the case with the Nigerian men, who she described as greedy and crooked in their love life.

“They prefer hiding you somewhere and doing it only in secret places with you for fear of being recognised by other people.

“But the white men are always proud to move around with you openly. They are proud of what they have even if we are only with them for money.”

Asked why she loves dating only white men, Philomena Okeke, an undergraduate, retorted: “Why I no go date them? Even if they look like albinos, it is a matter of closing my eyes when we are having fun. I begin to think of black people when it is happening.

“Though I hate them, I need their money. I have also had many heartbreaks from Nigerian men and I decided to give the whites a try. I have no regrets so far.”

P.M.NEWS also gathered from the girls that not all the white men are nice. The ones from Asian countries, India and Lebanon do not like to spend. According to some of the girls, men from these areas prefer paying peanuts after satisfying themselves.

“When dealing with people from these areas, we collect our money first. I am not an animashaun (meaning free giver in Yoruba)” one of the girls, who was seen hanging out with a white man in an eatery told P.M. NEWS.

However, some of the white men are said to be so happy with the ladies that they could go as far as buying houses and cars for them and sending them on vacation abroad.

Ijeoma, a 28-year old lady, who now has two kids for a white man residing in the country, agreed that the reasons for the preference varied.

According to her, “one thing that a black girl sees in a white guy is money in this part of the world because of poverty.

“For others, they want to be seen that they are powerful girls that can trap a white guy. Others want to have a white baby, get married and have security.

“Sometimes, a white guy in Africa might be having a hard time and the next thing on his mind is to go out and bang just any girl. You will find such guys mostly around bars, clubs, etc.

“Now, the girl in return wants a guy to sell her body too and get some few change and they talk, arrange to meet and he takes her to his place and they have sex. He pays her off and other times, there is a huge argument, the girl wants more money probably because she knows she will never see him again and instead of taking N5,000 she will demand for N50,000.

“These white guys also get better pay and remember, they are expatriates, and while their families are abroad, they need to have fun and they discovered that there are loads of loose girls here.

“The second type of girls that go for white guys want to be perceived as powerful, big girls. They travel with the white men, live high class life and have a good sex life. You see these girls driving powerful cars and living in high brow areas of the city.”
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Black and white twins celebrate 4th birthday * Their mom is of English-Nigerian heritage

THEY look like friends who met at nursery school but Kaydon and Layton Richardson are in fact twin brothers with different-coloured skin.

Black aand white twins, Kaydon, (left), and Layton Richardson, recently celebrated their fourth birthday. Photo: North News & Pictures Ltd

The twins' mother, 32-year-old Kerry, is of English-Nigerian heritage.

The boys celebrated their fourth birthday in the same week Nigerian couple, Ben and Angela Ihegboro, revealed their white daughter Nmachi to the world.

The genetic quirks make the children "two-in-a-million" rarities that have fascinated doctors.

After hearing of the Ihegboro family's incredible baby news, Kaydon and Layton's mother, Kerry, said skin colour had been on her mind when giving birth to daughter Tiyannah recently.

"I thought it was crazy. As much as it happened to me, the twins' dad is white, so for it to happen to a black couple seems even stranger," she said.

"When I was carrying Tiyannah I was wondering what colour she was going to be.

"Before the twins I would have expected that any child of mine would have my colour in them.

"But after Layton I wasn't sure what she was going to look like.

"When she was born she looked as though she was going to go dark but at about two weeks old it was clear she was white.

"I was a little surprised as I thought Layton was a one-off..

"Doctors can tell you what sex your baby is going to be but they can't tell you what colour!'

Kerry also fears the twins will stand out when they start primary school in September.

She said: "It's never been an issue up to now but I know that Layton notices the difference in their colour.

"I've tried to explain it to them in the past but last year we were in an airport in America when Layton shouted, "Mum, am I white like my dad and Kaydon's black like you?".

'That was the first time he had said that but everyone thought it was very funny.

"I hope it's not going to be a problem when they start school but kids can be cruel."
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A BLACK couple with their new baby yesterday - a white, blue-eyed BLONDE.

British Nmachi Ihegboro has amazed genetics experts who say the little girl is NOT an albino.

Dad Ben, 44, a customer services adviser, admitted: "We both just sat there after the birth staring at her."

Mum Angela, 35, of Woolwich, South London, beamed as she said: "She's beautiful - a miracle baby."
Ben told yesterday how he was so shocked when Nmachi was born, he even joked: "Is she MINE?"
He added: "Actually, the first thing I did was look at her and say, 'What the flip?'"
But as the baby's older brother and sister - both black - crowded round the "little miracle" at their home in South London, Ben declared: "Of course she's mine."
Blue-eyed blonde Nmachi, whose name means "Beauty of God" in the Nigerian couple's homeland, has baffled genetics experts because neither Ben nor wife Angela have ANY mixed-race family history.
Pale genes skipping generations before cropping up again could have explained the baby's appearance.
Ben also stressed: "My wife is true to me. Even if she hadn't been, the baby still wouldn't look like that.
"We both just sat there after the birth staring at her for ages - not saying anything."
Doctors at Queen Mary's Hospital in Sidcup - where Angela, from nearby Woolwich, gave birth - have told the parents Nmachi is definitely no albino.
Ben, who came to Britain with his wife five years ago and works for South Eastern Trains, said: "She doesn't look like an albino child anyway - not like the ones I've seen back in Nigeria or in books. She just looks like a healthy white baby."..
He went on: "My mum is a black Nigerian although she has a bit fairer skin than mine.
"But we don't know of any white ancestry. We wondered if it was a genetic twist.
"But even then, what is with the long curly blonde hair?"
Professor Bryan Sykes, head of Human Genetics at Oxford University and Britain's leading expert, yesterday called the birth "extraordinary".
He said: "In mixed race humans, the lighter variant of skin tone may come out in a child - and this can sometimes be startlingly different to the skin of the parents.
"This might be the case where there is a lot of genetic mixing, as in Afro-Caribbean populations. But in Nigeria there is little mixing."
Prof Sykes said BOTH parents would have needed "some form of white ancestry" for a pale version of their genes to be passed on.
But he added: "The hair is extremely unusual. Even many blonde children don't have blonde hair like this at birth."

The expert said some unknown mutation was the most likely explanation.
He admitted: "The rules of genetics are complex and we still don't understand what happens in many cases."
The amazing birth comes five years after Kylie Hodgson became mum to twin daughters - one white and the other black - in Nottingham.
Kylie, now 23, and her partner Remi Horder, now 21, are both mixed race.
Even so the odds were estimated at a million to one.
The Sun told in 2002 how a white couple had Asian twins after a sperm mix-up by a fertility clinic.
Yesterday three-day-old Nmachi's churchgoing mum Angela admitted that she was "speechless" at first seeing her baby girl, who was delivered in a caesarean op.
She said: "I thought, 'What is this little doll?'
"She's beautiful and I love her. Her colour doesn't matter. She's a miracle baby.
"But still, what on earth happened here?"
Her husband told how their son Chisom, four, was even more confused than them by his new sister.
Ben said: "Our other daughter Dumebi is only two so she's too young to understand.
"But our boy keeps coming to look at his sister and then sits down looking puzzled.
"We're a black family. Suddenly he has a white sister."
Ben continued: "Of course, we are baffled too and want to know what's happened. But we understand life is very strange.
"All that matters is that she's healthy and that we love her.She's a proud British Nigerian."
Queen Mary's Hospital said: "Congratulations to Angela and her family on the birth of their daughter."

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