twins (5)

After 16 years, couple is blessed with twins • I spent N10m to have a child – Man 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


When Chief Rems Uchendu (a.k.a Agunechemba 1 of Aba), set out to exit bachelorhood in 1992, he had in mind like any other man with strong Igbo blood in his veins to start having babies within the next nine months.
Uchendu, wife and babies

He was convinced that the parcel he picked was well loaded and among the best and, therefore, had no need to worry about.


But wishes, they say, are not horses. For 16 tortuous years, Uchedu lived with her wife, Judith, but without a single child to show for the marriage. Chief Uchendu did his traditional marriage on June 6, 1992 and church wedding on November 28 of the same year.


As the problem lingers, Uchendu who hails from Ibeme Ugiri in Mbano Local Government Area of Imo State set out in search for a solution.

This took the husband and wife from one place to another; from one medical prescription to another, yet there was no headway.


In a chat with Daily Sun, Uchendu said: “I did everything humanly possible for 16 years to see if I could get a child, but there was no way. I spent more than N10 million in the search for just a child, in fact, all the money I made within that period was all spent, and still there was no solution.”

But one thing that the couple had going for them was their absolute faith in what God can do.

“After sometime, we took a decision that we would not go to any where again in search of a child; if God would not give us one, we will accept His wish after all we’ve tried as human beings. After that decision, we stopped all medications towards this direction and hoped wholly on God”, Uchendu said.

Uchendu, a Christian of the Catholic fold, decided to put his faith in God in practice as he went into knighthood and was conferred with the Knight of Saint John International (KSJ).


Two spectacular things happened during the period that preceded his initiation into knighthood in September 2007.

First, his wife who although may have disagreed with him on some issues, but definitely not on the issue of child bearing, vehemently opposed his idea of going into knighthood.


Her reason, according to Uchendu, was that, “when one is initiated into knighthood, he would not marry two wives. She was afraid my family would accuse her of luring me into knighthood in order to stop me from marrying another woman who would bear me children. I told her to relax because all the while, she never knew there was no pressure from my family to marry another woman because we are a Christian family”.

The second and more spectacular thing which happened within the period was that as Uchendu was attending programmes preparatory to his knighthood initiation, his wife became pregnant and they never knew.


His words: “As I was attending programmes preceding my initiation into the knighthood, I never knew my wife had taken in. When it became evident, I asked her to go for scanning tests and the results showed he had only one child in her womb and we prepared for her delivery based on the result of the scanning.

“But God in His infinite way of doing things, my wife in February 2008, delivered twins (a boy and a girl). One came out at exactly 5.00p.m. on that fateful day and the second followed 30 minutes later,” he said.


As the twins, Prince Udochukwu and Princeness Adaeze were delivered, Uchendu said that at first he was confused, but later felt relieved.

He said everything around him changed as his house on School Road, Aba became a tourist site of sorts. People from far and near came to see for themselves if actually his wife given birth. Even some American doctors who attended to them in Nigeria when they were in search of the fruit of the womb, joined in the ecstasy of that moment. They went further to send gift items from America for the upkeep of the kids.

In the 16 years of waiting, wherever the couple went for medical tests, they were always said to be okay. But this never stopped people from cajoling them until it got to the point where they were in turn praised..


“Although within the 16 years of waiting, people said all sorts of things against us, but we were not bothered because we knew that one day, God will answer our prayers. After sometime, those who were cajoling and calling us all sorts of names, then turned around to praise and call us the best couple around,” he said.

Recently, the twins clocked two years and their father who had at their delivery presented a cow in fulfillment of the vow he made to God, treated them to a lavish birthday ceremony.

But like Oliver Twist, Chief Uchendu who asked for just a child, but God gave him two at once, is asking for more children, even as he said “at the same time, I will be contented with the twins if that’s all God has for me.”

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Black and white twins celebrate 4th birthday * Their mom is of English-Nigerian heritage

THEY look like friends who met at nursery school but Kaydon and Layton Richardson are in fact twin brothers with different-coloured skin.

Black aand white twins, Kaydon, (left), and Layton Richardson, recently celebrated their fourth birthday. Photo: North News & Pictures Ltd

The twins' mother, 32-year-old Kerry, is of English-Nigerian heritage.

The boys celebrated their fourth birthday in the same week Nigerian couple, Ben and Angela Ihegboro, revealed their white daughter Nmachi to the world.

The genetic quirks make the children "two-in-a-million" rarities that have fascinated doctors.

After hearing of the Ihegboro family's incredible baby news, Kaydon and Layton's mother, Kerry, said skin colour had been on her mind when giving birth to daughter Tiyannah recently.

"I thought it was crazy. As much as it happened to me, the twins' dad is white, so for it to happen to a black couple seems even stranger," she said.

"When I was carrying Tiyannah I was wondering what colour she was going to be.

"Before the twins I would have expected that any child of mine would have my colour in them.

"But after Layton I wasn't sure what she was going to look like.

"When she was born she looked as though she was going to go dark but at about two weeks old it was clear she was white.

"I was a little surprised as I thought Layton was a one-off..

"Doctors can tell you what sex your baby is going to be but they can't tell you what colour!'

Kerry also fears the twins will stand out when they start primary school in September.

She said: "It's never been an issue up to now but I know that Layton notices the difference in their colour.

"I've tried to explain it to them in the past but last year we were in an airport in America when Layton shouted, "Mum, am I white like my dad and Kaydon's black like you?".

'That was the first time he had said that but everyone thought it was very funny.

"I hope it's not going to be a problem when they start school but kids can be cruel."
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Hottest Nollywood Twins Chidi & Chidi

Chidinma and Chidiebere Aneke are identical twins who started out as
ordinary girls in the movie industry. The sexy, and industrious sisters
have proved their mettle through determination and diligence. Over the
years, they have proven that hardwork pays and not fraternizing with
producers and directors make stars. Today, they can stand tall among
their peers and colleagues in the industry.

With theircreativity, they have also joined the league of movie producers and
production managers. Based in Enugu, where they are spreading their
tentacles in movie production amidst financial constraints, the
graduates of Mass Communication and Business Administration respectively
are owners of Greenville production company. They set up the company to
make their dreams a reality and to effectively manage their
investments. They told us recently about their new movie, how their
father’s death shaped their lives and their marriage plans. Excerpts:.

Aboutour new film ‘Ujuaku, the tigress’
The movie is about a man whomarried two wives, and was maltreating one of them because she didn’t
give him a male child. The second wife is wicked and heartless as she
tries to disrupt the peace at home. She hated the first wife with a
passion and turned her children against her and her husband as well. The
movie is an eye opener on polygamy and its attendant effects, it will
educate women on how to handle marital crisis without involving their
children because it could be disastrous. The movie is also about the
test of love because the polygamous man tested his wives to know who
loved him more.

The story line
The inspiration for the moviestemmed from various experiences of married women when there is crisis
in the home. A woman we know recently left her husband with her
children, which will in the long run have psychological effects on them.
A lot of women are not happy in their marriages and some of them even
die in the process.

Lessons for viewers
We wish to instructindividuals on the dangers of polygamy and stick to one man, one wife
rule. In addition, we hope to teach families how to wade through the
crisis of life with relative ease. Women in particular have to learn to
stick to their husbands no matter how bad the situation at home is, no
condition is permanent. The virtue of patience and endurance comes to
fore in Ujuaku the tigress.

Making impact with the movie inNigeria
Yes. Nigerians believe in what they see than what they hear.The movie addresses salient issues affecting families and individuals
making wrong choices, thereby educating them on being responsible for
their actions.

The cost of producing Ujuaku the tigress

Itcosts a lot but we will not reveal the exact amount because we have
sponsors. The cost of producing a movie is not a child’s play. We are
sure that we will reap our financial rewards despite the rate of piracy
in Nigeria.

Venturing into movie production
This is not thefirst movie we produced. We have been doing that, but we want to make
noise with this one because of its message. W

e will also marketit ourselves under our company Greenville Productions, unlike our
previous movies which we sold the right to marketers to market them for
us. We hope to meet and discuss issues with different marketers on
quantities they wish to distribute as well areas they wish to market

Our Nollywood journey
We joined Nollywood in 2004.Since then, God has been faithful to us and we are doing well. We are
contented with the progress we have made so far, because a journey of a
thousand miles begins with a step. We may not be where we want to be,
but we will get there with God on our side. Life is a process and for
one to excel, that process has to be followed. We believe that patience,
hard work, tolerance, being yourself and having a friendly disposition
will help us get to the top.

Assessing Nollywood
It is acontinous journey in search of perfection. Nollywood is growing,
technically, and in terms of delivery by the actors and actresses.

MovingNollywood forward
Practitioners have to sit down and map outstrategies on how to improve the industry. The quality of movies have to
be more creative, original and impactful. There has to creative rivalry
which is healthy for the success of the industry. Seminars and
conferences where movie practitioners would be taught the rudiments of
film making as well as bringing in experts from developed countries to
rub minds with them on how to be the best movie makers in the world is
equally important.

Lack of moral values in youths
This can beattributed to the fall in the standard of family values. Parents have
failed in their duties to bring up their children properly thereby
giving rise to social vices and criminal tendencies. At times, parents
lie in the presence of their children and expect them to be truthful
always, it does not work that way. Children are taught by what they see
and not what they hear.

Parents no longer provide an atmosphereof dialogue or discussion with their kids, they are left on their own.
They have also failed in being role models for their children as they
are no longer the source of strength for them. Mothers especially are
guilty in discipliningtheir children whenever they go wrong, they wait
for their husbands to do that, it is wrong. Correct a child anytime it
is necessary and tell him or her why you are being strict.

Ourcareer dreams
There are many plans in the offing which will have tobe a secret for now so that it would remain original. When the time is
right, we will unveil them to Nigerians, we are just starting as movie
producers. We hope to achieve more in our acting and producing careers.
We have not arrived yet as this is a starting point for us.

Growing up, we were taught to be independent and that made usstrong and determined to take our destinies into our hands. We decided
not to look for white collar jobs, but work independently, that also
propelled us to go into acting. We studied Business Administration and
Mass Communications respectively so as to make a good team working
together as actresses and producers.

How we react to criticisms
Webelieve in constructive and not destructive criticisms. Our movies are
first criticized by our friends because we give room for improvement in
everything we do. We are always happy to be corrected but not in a
damaging way. We love criticisms.

Childhood memories
It wassweet and wonderful because our father loved us to bits. He would always
take us to the market to buy clothes and insists on getting the same
clothes and designs for us. If for any reason we don’t get the same
clothes, we leave the market and return another day.

We alsoplayed a lot of pranks with him because he couldn’t differentiate us
until he died. After his death, a lot happened that left us bankrupt .
We started afresh in life to the extent that we started hawking akara
and bread, pure water and mango. We were happy doing that because we
knew that it won’t last as no condition is permanent and because we know
that our future is bright.

On marriage
We want to getmarried same day. We would like to marry twin brothers but God
determines what is best for us because His ways are higher than our

Our love lives
We do not wish to discuss that but weare happy. We love life and what it offers but our love life remains

Future plans
We wish to have 2 sets of twins of twoboys and two girls. To have happy homes and live happily with our
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A really Strange Tale indeed Read On !

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Marriage is a common cultural institution. In Nigeria, it comes in variants, according to the culture group. But it is not known of any ethnic group where it is allowed that a woman would marry two husbands at the same time.

But that pattern of marriage would not have happened until some 16 years ago when a set of twins in Kogi State introduced a strange dimension to marriage by taking one wife and having children from her.

While brothers and close friends kill each other over a woman and for encroaching on each other’s territory, these strange ones scored a weird first in standing the culture of their people on the head. Because this was not acceptable in their world, their father fought the arrangement for as long as he lived. When his pestering became so unbearable, the first known woman to have married two husbands same time, same day and lived and had children for them had to dump the relationship.

Wags in the community have put their finger to the conviction that the strange twins eventually died after their peculiar marriage arrangement was forcefully severed. Yes, they accepted, to do their father’s bidding, but could not contract any other marriage as separate individuals, as demanded by family, until they both died mysteriously.

A peculiar world

The villagers of Ayetoro-Gbede and Ayekunle-Gbede, Ijumu Local Government Area of Kogi State witnessed the unusual two young men, who were born about 40 years ago and died the same year four years back. They carried on like they had their private world oblivious of what the tenets of culture taxed them to do. That defiance made them step outside defined lines to take one wife and had children from her.

They were simply known as Taiwo (Towo) and Kehinde (Koido), the general accolade for twins in Yoruba. But they called each other Oba, short for their surname - Obadero. Like an oba (king) even as they called each other, they carried like institutions to themselves and died as mysteriously as they lived.

Saturday Sun had to find out the truth in the story in Kogi State that the two were more than enigmatic. They had everything in common and did everything together. They said the same words, when speaking and joined their buttocks when defecating.

What was responsible for this unusual act was explained by their stepmother and aunt, Awawu Obadero and Racheal Ologe. “The reason for that unusual closeness and attachment was because they came with one placenta at birth and against our tradition of dividing it into two before burial, theirs was not divided. Thus, naturally, they began acting as an individual.”

Because the twins are late as well as their parents, the family home looked deserted when our reporter visited. But their stepmother, elder sister and son are the few inhabitants left. When asked to tell the story of the twins, the old woman, Awawu Obadero, excused herself and went to call the twins’ elder sister from a nearby market. They came back and the story began.

Reliable tale

“The twins’ mother had died when they were barely four years old”, their sister started. “Right from their infancy, they did things in common. They had left home to fend for themselves at about 10. Later, they settled in Ayetoro-Gbede doing bricklaying, farming and other odd jobs. It was there they met their wife, Toyin (not real name), who they shared, in defiance to everyone’s objection. She bore two children for my brothers - Kulu, a female and Ibrahim, a male. Kulu is now married, while Ibrahim stays here in the family house. It was at the time our father insisted that they got married separately that strange and tragic things began happening to them.”

Wife of two

Saturday Sun spoke to the twins’ wife, Toyin, who now lives in Ayetoro-Gbede. She pleaded that her picture should not be published because she has just moved on with another man after the double take.

She said: “I knew Taiwo and Kehinde (her late twin husbands) since adolescence. We met when we were laying bricks in Ayetoro. They were both strange and adorable to me because they did and had everything in common. Both had approached me the same time. They used to say the same word at the same time. Strange even to me, I did not accept or reject their advances. I soon became inseparable from them anywhere they went. I must have been carried away by the way they did everything in common. They felt hunger, urge to urinate and others, the same time. They even expressed love the same manner and time. They were very interesting lovers. So I could not resist them. Even the villagers used to say that only I understood their weird ways.”

The strange wife of two husbands had fondness for the two and possibly would have loved them dearly and equally as they did her. “I called one Iye-Oho, and the other Oba-Oho,” she revealed.

The special woman never held anything back about the affection she had for the duo. It would have been a sizzling double take for her as she revealed that her two late husbands had sexual urge the same time and expressed love, sex and romance the same way. You might be going too far to inquire if any of them was particularly better in bed than the other or if one of them gave her better deal.

Putting asunder

After giving birth to Ibrahim, the second child, father of the weird twins, Eleha Obadero, began putting pressure on them to marraige separate women, in line with customs and tradition. “They did not like that because they had grown so attached to me. I did not also like the idea and so I withdrew from them. It was then they relocated to Ayegunle-Gbede, their hometown. But they never married another woman. Though I was told they tried several women, it never worked out. I had to join them later, hoping things would be better, but their father gave no chance for this re-union till they died in strange circumstances. Then I left with my daughter, Kulu and returned here,” the woman of history narrated.

One child, two dads

Fourteen-year old Ibrahim, the only son of the twins, also confirmed that his granddad at a time pestered his late fathers to get married separately and it was not long after this that tragedy struck. He said: “It is true that my grandfather wanted my fathers to get married to different women. But it wasn’t long after this that strange things began to happen to them. He used to also say that Taiwo was more likely my father, as I behaved more like him.”

But the handsome teen knows, without any doubt, that he has peculiar identity, as, perhaps, the only young man in his world who could be excused to fill a form stating double paternity instead of one, like others. And as a young child growing up, he would not have lacked paternal care, not with two fathers ever present with him.

Strange deaths

Four years ago, after the twins had accepted to toe the line of custom and accept to marry the prescribed way, they died.

Their stepmother, Awawu Obadero said: “ Kehinde was smitten by snake in his farm one day and unusual of him, he did not reveal it until late in the night when it was too late to remove the venom. He died shortly after. After his death, Taiwo immediately became a shadow of his former self and was always saying he would join his brother. In less than a year later, he fell ill and died.

Okilo, the village ballad, told Saturday Sun: ‘If you asked one of them a question, the two will answer at once, saying the same word. They urinate on the same spot. They were very identical and so you cannot differentiate them. They had only one wife whom they were always going out with. They loved her so much. They reigned as strange twins in this village and died the same year.
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Nigerian police have arrested a couple after finding cocaine stuffed down the underwear of the mother and two six-year old twins as they tried to board a plane for London.

“Although the man was not found with any drugs, his wife and two children, who are twins aged six years, were found with cocaine hidden in their underwear,” an official of Nigeria’s drug law
enforcement agency said.

The woman was carrying more than three kilograms of cocaine while her children carried a total of around 700 grams, he said.

Narcotics agents detained the family as were was about to board a London-bound plane at Lagos’s Murtala Mohammed International airport on March 28.

“We have released the twins to other family members because they are minors and innocent while their parents will soon be taken to court for drug trafficking,” said the official..

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