bombers (4)

Preliminary analysis have shown that the explosives used in October 1 twin bombings in Abuja are similar to those that exploded in the Niger Delta, while the one that exploded at the Abacha Barracks in Abuja yesterday is similar to the ones that exploded in Jos, President Goodluck Jonathan said yesterday in Abuja. Though investigations are still going on, the president noted that the Abuja bombing had the characteristics of the ones that exploded in Jos last week. "The preliminary analysis of the explosives so far used in Nigeria,the one used in the 1st October explosion has the same characteristics with the ones that happened in Port Harcourt, Warri and some parts of the Niger Delta, it has been classified. The one that happened yesterday, from preliminary analysis, is identical with the ones that happened in Jos. So there are two routes, so as long as the security operatives know where the two routes are, we will get to where these things are coming from," Mr Jonathan said. Speaking at the New Year service of the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA), Mr. Jonathan said Nigerians must learn to move their country forward rather than destroy or stagnate it through terrorism. He noted that there are two things which have become very important and noticeable around the world today, technology and terrorism. He said countries that are succeeding do not have their citizens indulging in terrorism. "In terrorism, the instruments they use is that of technology butinstead of using their scientific knowledge to climb, some people use it to drag their nations backward. If you look at nations that are developing, you talk of Brazil, those that were close to us during independence - India, Singapore, Malaysia, China, those that are developed United States, their citizens are not involved in terrorists attacks. "They are moving their nations forward. But the demons who do not like good things, if a country wants to move forward and they look for a way to push you backwards and that is what we as a nation are experiencing," he said.. He further urged Nigerians to be calm and see this as a challenge that will be conquered. "If you look at the journey of the Isrealites to go to the promised land, it was tortuous, a number of them even died along the way. We must have challenges. It was Bongos Ikwe who sang that 'nothing good come easy, this I know'. "So nothing good will come so easily to us. For us to get where we want to go as a nation, we will have our obstacles. These explosives and explosions are part of the road bumps that are being placed but God will see us through. They will never stop Nigeria from where we are going to. We must work and produce a country for our children, a country where there will be no space for terrorists, a country where there will no bombers and people with explosives to deter us," Mr. Jonathan said. "I urge Christians to continue to pray that some of these people will even confess to Nigerians that at the appropriate time they will tell us that they are behind this. But for now, the security people are on it and they will get to the root of this matter. We will get to the root of the car bombs that started in Niger Delta and crept into Abuja and this one too that started in Jos and crept into Abuja." Sons of demons Condemning Mogadishu Barracks bombings, Mr. Jonathan said he wondered what kind of a person will plant bombs that will kill children. "I saw on television, because I am yet to visit the victims, images of a very young child. I'm sure most of you must have seen it. As I came into the church and saw some of the young children, I wondered how somebody will plant an explosive that will kill any of these children under 10. What kind of person do you think that person is? "Some people say they are politicians, some say they are religious fanatics, but to me they are pure criminals. They are ones demons are using these days not only in Nigeria. For those of you who have time to listen to world news on Aljazeera or CNN, you will see that terrorism is criss-crossing the whole world."
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Abuja Bomb Blast: Ben Jessy (wanted) can disclose that barely 72

hours after Abuja bomb explosions, the NigeriaPolice has confirmed the arrest of a suspect.But the identity of the arrested suspect was not disclosed for security reasons.

The police also declared two others, Chima Orlu and Ben Jessy, wanted over the bomb blasts.

The Force Public Relations Officer, ACP Emmanuel Ojukwu who made the disclosure in a statement in Abuja said forensic experts had already commenced analysis of over 100 vehicles trapped during the incidents.

He said 10 people were killed and 36 injured including 11 policemen.

He also claimed that the blasts completely destroyed six cars and damaged 18 others.Ojukwu said: “As you are already aware, two cars exploded before noon of 1stOctober, 2010, while the President, Commander-in-Chief was reviewing a colourful ceremony marking Nigeria ’s 50th Independence Anniversary.

“Both explosions occurred near a bridge adjacent to the Millennium Park , within a kilometre, East end of the Eagle Square .


“The ugly incident resulted in the death of 10 (ten) persons, while 36 (thirty-six) others, including 11 policemen were seriously injured. The blasts completely destroyed 6 (six) cars, damaged 18 (eighteen) others, and shattered the glasses of a hotel nearby. “The Nigeria Police deeply regrets the loss of innocent lives and the harm and damage done to the well being and property of fellow citizens. It is clear that the intention of the perpetrators of the evil act was to truncate Nigeria ’s celebration of half a century of her political freedom.

“Their motive was to cut short the joy of men and women of goodwill and to pour shame and contempt on our President and indeed the entire nation, in the very presence of dignitaries and eminent persons from around the world. “Certainly, these operators of an evil enterprise had targeted to commit mass murder of innocent children, young and old men and women, and members of the international community who had gathered to partake in our nation’s glorious moment.


Abuja Bomb Blast: Chima Orlu (Wanted)

“To the glory of God, their act of wickedness was frustrated by the tight security put in place at the Eagle Square .

Police investigation has commenced in earnest. Forensic experts are already checking about a hundred vehicles trapped in the vicinity of the blasts to ascertain the make, composition and origin of the explosives. As soon as the forensic examination is over, the vehicles will be released to their owners and the roads re-opened to normal traffic.

“The Nigeria Police regrets the inconveniences caused owners of those trapped vehicles and the users of those roads.

“Also, an arrest has been made by the Police in connection with the incident. Police detectives are currently hunting for another two Nigerian citizens suspected to be the masterminds of the evil plot. Their names are: 1. CHIMA ORLU, (MALE) and 2. BEN JESSY (MALE) And I have attached their photographs for easier identification.

By this release, they are declared wanted by the Nigeria Police, and are hereby requested to come forward and clear their names. Any person who sees them or knows their whereabouts is requested to kindly report to the nearest Police Station anywhere in the Federation of Nigeria, or abroad, or call or send SMS to the following telephone numbers:1. 08033225-349; 2. 0806-2700-000 ; and 3. 0803-8305-707

“Finally, I wish to call on all citizens that the thought and act of bombing any part of this country amounts to a declaration of war against Nigeria . It is our collective duty to stop criminals from destroying our fatherland.

“All citizens are reminded that they are obliged by the constitution to assist law enforcement agencies in the maintenance of law and order. And it is indeed a punishable offence to conceal or hide the identity or whereabouts of a wanted person.”
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Two female suicide bombers known as “black widows” blew themselves up in Moscow’s busy metro during morning rush hour killing at least 35 people, according to the Russian authorities.

wounding 38, the city's mayor and other officials said. Emergency Ministry spokeswoman Svetlana Chumikova said 23 people were killed in an explosion shortly before 8 a.m. at the Lubyanka station in central Moscow. The station is underneath the building that houses the main offices of the Federal Security Service, or FSB, the KGB's main successor agency. A second explosion hit the Park Kultury station about 45 minutes later. Chumikova said at least 12 were dead there. The ministry later said 38 people were injured. Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov said both explosions were believed to have been set off on the trains. "The first data that the FSB has given us is that there were two female suicide bombers," Luzhkov told reporters at the Park Kultury site..

The blasts practically paralyzed movement in the city center as emergency vehicles sped to the stations. In the Park Kultury blast, the bomber was wearing a belt packed with plastic explosive and set it off as the train's doors opened, said Vladimir Markin, a spokesman for Russia's top investigative body. The woman has not been identified, he told reporters. The last confirmed terrorist attack in Moscow was in August 2004, when a suicide bomber blew herself up outside a city subway station, killing 10 people. Responsibility for that blast was claimed by Chechen rebels and suspicion in Monday's explosions is likely to focus on them and other separatist groups in the restive North Caucasus region. In February, Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov warned in an interview on a rebel-affiliated Website that "the zone of military operations will be extended to the territory of Russia ... the war is coming to their cities." Umarov also claimed his fighters were responsible for the November bombing of the Nevsky Express passenger train that killed 26 people en route from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The Moscow subway system is one of the world's busiest, carrying around 7 million passengers on an average workday, and is a key element in running the sprawling and traffic-choked city. Helicopters hovered over the Park Kultury station area, which is near the renowned Gorky Park. Passengers, many of them in tears, streamed out of the station, one man exclaiming over and over "This is how we live!" ___ Associated Press Writers Jim Heintz and Mansur Mirovalev in Moscow contributed to this report.

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There are 20 more al-Qaeda-trained bombers like me, Abdulmutallab confesses - Releases more information on accomplices to security agents - Judge postpones trial indefinitely By Seyi Gesinde with Agency Reports Saturday, January 9, 2010 After his arraignment on Friday, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a 23-year-old Nigerian, charged with trying to blow up a United States (US) airliner, has confessed to security agents that 20 others were being trained to carry out similar attacks. Advertisement ! advertisement here call or twitter:systemini linkedin:systemini tel +234-0806 495 0565,234-07083793511,234-07058888394 44-7894214683, According to CBS reports, British intelligence officials said while being interrogated, Abdulmutallab had “boasted that close to 20 other young Muslim men were being prepared in Yemen to use the same technique to blow up airliners.” During his first public appearance at a US court sitting in Detroit on Friday, none of Abdulmutallab’s family members showed up, but “in the front rows sat a delegation from the Nigerian embassy in Washington,” BBC reported. He pleaded not guilty to the six-count federal charges filed against him, arising from his botched Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit. Officials from the two US top security agencies, the CIA and FBI, leading the investigation, said Abdulmutallab has since offered useful information which will help in his trial. In one of the charges, Abdulmutallab allegedly stitched two highly explosive substances into his clothes, and tried to detonate them as the plane carrying 290 people approached Detroit. But the device failed, and instead, Abdulmutallab was arrested after being overpowered by passengers and crew. Five minutes before the case was due to start, BBC reported that Abdulmutallab had hobbled into the court, “perhaps because of the injuries sustained or the leg irons he was wearing. “Considering the violence of the attempted crime, Room 100 of the US district court in Detroit was surprisingly calm, just an hour ahead of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s first appearance. “Seating was limited to those who had queued outside on the frosty pavement for a pass several hours earlier.” Abdulmutallab reportedly wore leg shackles and walked slowly into the court room, after which he sat in a chair and for several moments, listened and nodded to his lawyers. “He looked up slowly, his eyes staring with a slightly vacant look at the court. His shoulders were hunched,” BBC reported. The court appearance lasted less than three minutes, after which the presiding judge said there would be further proceedings at a later date, BBC reported. The six-count federal charges: *Attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction *Attempted murder within the special aircraft jurisdiction of the US *Wilful attempt to destroy and wreck an aircraft *Wilfully placing a destructive device in or near an aircraft which was likely to endanger the safety of the aircraft *Two counts of possession of a firearm, that is, the bomb, in furtherance of violent crime. During court session Abdulmutallab declined to enter a plea during his first court appearance to all the charges filed against him after which the judge entered him for a “not guilty” plea. “He confirmed his name and its spelling, as well as his age in a soft voice, prompting the judge to ask him to speak up. “Asked if he had had time to read the indictment, he answered “yes.” He also confirmed he understood the charges. “Asked if he had taken any drugs in the previous 24 hours, he said he had taken some pain killers,” BBC reported. Abdulmutallab was treated for burns after his arrest at Detroit Airport. Penalty If found guilty, AbdulMutallab faces life imprisonment. Little emotion “Abdulmutallab stayed standing, neither aggressive, nor cowed. “It was hard to read his thoughts, hard to tell what he has been thinking in the 14 days since the attempted bombing. “His lawyer told the court he would not be applying for bail. “The judge said there would be further proceedings at a later date, and after a little more procedure, that was it. Less than three minutes in all. “As the court rose, and the judge left the chamber, Abdulmutallab turned to his left to walk out of the court. “Then - in the first display of any real interest on his part - he craned his neck to take a look at the front row of the public gallery. “It was hard to read any emotion on his face as he looked for anyone he knew, a family member perhaps. “And then he walked slowly out.” BBC reported
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