cockroaches (1)

For some strange reason the average Nigerian Kitchen is often the most unhygienic section of the home.Most illnesses can be gotten from the kitchen if proper care and hygiene are not taken into consideration.

Chief of all illnesses that can be gotten from an unclean kitchen is Staphylococcus.Most people think that Staph is limited to sexual transmission.It is not so.It's just one of the ways of contacting the infection. Cockroaches carry the staph bacteria among other bacteria and parasites.Ever wondered why your staph treatment never seems to work? It's dangerous to have insects and rodents in your kitchen.They are carriers of disease.They can crawl over your food,pots and utensils,infecting them and making you very sick-sometimes to the point of death.So get rid of the pests.

Leaving food to rot and decay in your refrigerator can be a major source of food poisoning.They can contaminate other contents in the refrigerator and give you major health problems.Be sure to get rid of fresh foods before they start decaying and clean your refrigerator regularly with Milton or Jik bleach.

Never leave your food open and unattended to.Flies that perch on your food may not be as harmless as they look.Flies often perch on decayed material or faeces before finally perching on your food.You don't want to eat food spiced with faeces do you? Needless to say what that can lead to.
One issue that is often overlooked is the condition of the water outlets.Broken taps or pipes are often left unrepaired.This can be another source of infection as algae and dirt can gather around the broken area and pests like flies and cockroaches can gain entry.This could poison your water and give you health problems.

It's often the practice to leave frying oil in the frying pan uncovered overnight for future use.You may just as well have built a swimming pool for pests and rodents.Need I say more?
Another attribute of the average Nigerian kitchen is the thick black cobwebs that often hang over the stove like a Christmas decoration.They harbour dust and possibly other contaminants that might fall into the food while cooking.All it takes is a long broom or vacuum cleaner and you wont have to wonder if witches from your village are attacking your family.

[b]For drug-free nutritional supplements that fight infection and boost immunity call 08060778274,08023467737 or visit:[/b]

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