deport (1)

1, triple the cost of tuition fees (no more free ride)
2, they capped the number of immigrants to just 22 thousand a year
3, you dont own your council flats forever like people used to. now its on a 2 year contract basis and once your situation improves they throw you out
4, deporting anything moving (10,000 nigerians about to be deported )
5, cracking down on all sham marriages

is this a step in the right direction by the conservatives ?

THE UK has agreed to tighten its cap on migration from outside the UK, but committed not to limit intra-company transfer of qualified employees...

From 2011 onwards the number of skilled and highly skilled workers from outside the European Economic Area allowed to move to the UK will be capped at 21,700 – that is 22.5% fewer than the equivalent figure in 2009.

However, in a victory to multinational companies who had been lobbying hard against limits on their ability to transfer staff between global offices, there will be no limit on intra-company transfer of staff earning £40,000/y or more.

The limit is the highest of a range of options recommended to the government by independent migration advisors. Advisors had recommended curbing immigration at 43,700. That is 6300 less than the 50,000 skilled immigrants from outside the EU who arrived in the UK in 2009. However, the 50,000 arrivals also included 22,000 who were transferred between company offices, hence these 22,000 were subtracted from the maximum.

Tuition fees to triple in the UK

Following David Cameron’s pledge to dramatically reduce immigration the number of foreign student visas will be cut to 120,000.

Home Secretary, Theresa May, unveiled plans yesterday to limit that number of skilled non-European workers allowed to enter Britain to 21,700. Staff with transfer jobs under the same employer in England will be excluded. This allows for a total of between 35,000 and 40,000 skilled workers to enter Britain.

Foreign students make up 60 per cent of migrants to Britain. Therefore, May stated that in the future only those applying for degree courses will be issued a visa...
No place for people enroling into fake schools to run away and hussle

May explained to Parliament that a quarter of those issued visas to study below degree level were unaccounted for. She believes students at these lower levels of education have been abandoning school in favor of living and working. May stated that this must be stopped.
At last measures being taken to stop the fake applications

It is estimated that 40 per cent of the 300,000 current student visas are for education below the degree level. May announced that under this new scheme visas would only be issued for universities, further education colleges and a few specially selected institutions.

Also student fees will rise which will make paying difficult.
Universities in England will be able to charge tuition fees of up to £9,000 per year from 2012, as the government transfers much of the cost of courses from the state to students.

Fees will rise to £6,000, with an upper tier of £9,000 That is N2,139,890

Fees should be payed up front for full tuition which is not refundable to prevent husslers leaving after first term to work.

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