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Sunday Sermon:DON'T BE A USER

50093_594750933_2799179_n.jpgby Deborah Ese Ekperigin


A few weeks ago a friend of mine posted something on his face book status it read " Why do Christians cheat God?, after putting some thought into that question, my conclusion was that
we do not cheat God, but ourselves although in the process we hurt God.
Truth be told most Christians are users. Users are selfish, they only
look out for themselves, do things because of selfish gain, they are
pretenders, liars, back stabbers, hypocrites etc. Unfortunately some of
us may know a couple of users, they worm their way into your hearts and
then dump you when they have what they want before you can even say Jack


Is it possible to use God? Well the difference between man and God is that God see's your inner
thoughts but most times man cannot, so when you think you are been smart
with God he knows, you can fool man but definitely cannot fool God Jeremiah
17:9-10 says " The human heart is the most deceitful of all things and
desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I the Lord
search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their
due rewards, according to what their actions deserve”
. I used to be a user myself, so I can relate to this..


The numbers do not add up: When asked this question " How long have you been a born again?" some
people are so proud to give the number especially when they are double
digits , well of course it is something to be proud of being a follower
of Jesus Christ, but let’s be honest there are times the numbers do not
add up, as I mentioned earlier I was a user myself, am sure I have gone
for more than 8 altar calls in my life and I can tell you that 99% of
those times were for my own selfish reasons ( making promises to God
that I would give my life totally to him if he answered that prayer,
which was probably the only prayer i had said in a month or two), they
were times i went for an altar call because the person next to me was
going, sad eeeeeh, but i bet I  was not the only one. I tell you it’s
better to say you have been a born again for a month, than say 10 yrs of
which 99% of the time you have lived in sin or are not even conscious
of what you are doing. When one decides to give their life to Christ I
know it does not all happen in one day, but you will yearn to please Him
and you will definitely not take the grace of God for granted.


What do the users do?


The users only pray when they need something from God a new job/wife/husband/car/house/contract etc

The users only read the Word of God (bible) on Sundays

The users only fast when they are told they are been attacked by the devil or their distant relatives back home

The users only praise and worship God on Sundays


Is it possible to be in a relationship with someone with no form of
communication? No, so why do we then think it is possible to have this
kind of relationship with our creator. It's not my place to judge
anyone, it’s not like am perfect, but the truth still has to be said.


God is not a prostitute: Some Christians have even seen God as a prostitute were they splash
money for tithes or offering and are not bothered about the condition of
their hearts or their relationship with him. They give their tithes and
offerings and think that’s the only thing God is interested in, it's
only prostitutes that can be lured/deceived with money since that’s the
only thing they are interested in, God is interested in your salvation
amongst other things. He is not a prostitute. Even the bible says in Matthew
5:23-24 " So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the
Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you,
leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that
person. The come and offer your sacrifice to God" 
This tells you that God prefers a clean heart.


Please let's consider our intention/motives today, so we won't be USERS.


Have a lovely week, I wish you a prosperous 2011


Ese signing out!!!!!

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