mum's (1)

Imagine for one second what 9gerians and other Illegal immigrants go through because of the "fear of Immigration is the beginning of Wisdom mentality" Worried Daulat Irani kept her mum’s body hidden in a freezer for 20 years because she was scared of an immigration inquiry. Neighbour believe Mrs Irani, now 83, feared the authorities would discover her elderly mum had been living here illegally if she made her death public. So instead of having a funeral, the body was wrapped up in a black bin bag and then put in a chest freezer in the garage. Alex Bennett, 24, yesterday said he had been a neighbour of Mrs Irani’s ever since he was a baby – and had never seen her mother. Trainee chef Alex added: “She’s a lovely old lady and always sends a Christmas card to us. “She used to look after a white-haired gentleman known as ‘the doctor’ when he became poorly. But I think he passed away a couple of years ago. I’ve lived here all my life and I never saw her mum.” Another neighbour added: “She’s a very private person. I normally see her taking out her rubbish or going shopping by minicab. “She’s very clean and tidy and keeps her garden in good condition. Obviously it was shocking when the police came and told me what had happened. “They said they believed the body had been in the freezer for more than 20 years. I think it was an immigration thing because her mum was illegal and they didn’t want anyone to know. “You just wouldn’t expect it on such a quiet suburban road.” Ray Dyson, 77, a retired warehouse worker who also lives near Mrs Irani in Sidcup, South East London, said: “She’s a nice old lady who goes about her own business quietly. We always nod and say hello. This has all come as a bit of a shock. Your 9jabook Advertisement Here - article continues below » “The first we knew was when two police cars and an officer in a full forensic bodysuit turned up. “They taped-off the garage and have now put a padlock on it. It was obviously more serious than a burglary so I asked if she was OK and the police said she was fine.” It is believed that Mrs Irani confided her secret to a horrified friend, who then alerted police. A neighbour said: “I think she just needed to tell someone and whoever she spoke to passed it on to the police. “I saw her after the police visited and she told me they questioned her for hours. I told her it wasn’t surprising considering what they’d found. She said the police were going to contact her again soon.” Officers questioned Mrs Irani under caution but yesterday said they are not treating the death as suspicious. A source said: “She said the body had been in the freezer for at least 20 years. We are awaiting the postmortem results for confirmation of this.” Mrs Irani answered the door of her smart semi last night but refused to comment. Her green garage door was secured with a police padlock. A Metropolitan police spokeswoman said: “We can confirm we went to a residential address in Sidcup. “Officers found the body of a woman. We believe we know the identity but await formal identification. The death is being treated as unexplained. An 83-year-old woman has been interviewed under caution but there have been no arrests.”
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